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And that other little piggy stayed home.
Marketing today is all about helping your customer.
When I think of that, I'm reminded of the Uncle Sam poster: We want YOU. That's why when I talk about marketing I focus on "who is your you", or said differently, what is your YOUsefullness.
Let's take a little trip down "Market" Street and look at why Cheap Ugg Boots some businesses are successful at attracting customers and others struggle. While many business owners grapple with how to get traffic, the path to generating traffic starts long before reaching the customer.

More customers means more profit. But, if I were to ask you what the formula for profit was, what would you say?
One business owner I talked with said, "That's simple. Make more than you spend." And while the theory is correct, busy business owners like you know it's all that "stuff" in between that gives us the headaches.

The complete formula is:
Leads x Conversion Rate = Customers x Number of Transactions x Average Dollar UGG Boots Sale Price = Total Revenue x Margins = PROFIT.
Profit also has to do with the law of attraction. There are many ways to attract customers. Most business owners focus on advertising. Ironically, that's the last place one wants to start, but let's look at what to pursue if that is the direction you have chosen.

One place to begin is with a Press Release. Press Releases are powerful promotional tools.
Benefits to you:
* A press release is free publicity
* People rely on the media to keep them informed
YOUsefullness factor:
* You've chosen an "angle" that hooks your primary audience (Reasons for creating a Press Release might include: Celebration, Fear, Family Appeal, Heart-wrenching story, "WOW" factor...)

* As a result of seeing press about you or your company, your target audience wants to know more about you, your product or service and as a result looks for more information about you.
Direct Mail: You must factor costs into your marketing budget and set goals in terms of your expected return rate.
Benefits to you:
* A carefully thought out campaign can pull your team together, reminding them of your mission and vision.

* Because there is a cost, many businesses have pulled back on Direct Mail giving more weight to your piece. People are more likely to read it!
YOUsefullness factor:
* Your Direct Mail answers a concern your potential customers are having.
* Your personalized P.S. lets them know there's a person on the other end of the connection and makes it harder for them to just toss the correspondence.

Of course, other marketing tools include brochures and fliers, and sometimes even promotional attention-grabbers to draw them to your product or service. If you do opt for putting Cheap Ugg Boots your marketing efforts into marketing, compelling advertising is essential.

The 3 key reasons why some companies are more successful than others are:

* They understand the power of effective headlines and effective copy.
* They spend the time and energy on putting effective systems in place
* They understand their customers well enough to know how to help them.
Read those again and log them UGG Boots Sale to memory.
Money, of course, can get you a lot of advertising, including T.V. time, radio, print ads, etc. etc. but pouring money into a poorly developed campaign can not only be a drain on your business, it can result in a drain on your time, team, family--in other words, your life.

So, I propose something you may not have considered: Business Coaching. With a mentor guiding you, you can focus your attention on the areas that might be holding you back. Once effective systems and processes are in place, you'll truly have something to "wow" your customers with, and finally your attention can be on http://www.riversidemediagroup.com/uggboots.asp working on your business rather than in it.

There are some business owners who pride themselves in spending so much time micro-managing and "doing everything" in their businesses, but the truly effective business owners are not employees of their own companies. Rather, they are forerunners, leading their team.
Business coaching allows for growth in your business, and growth will provide you with room to create, and that's when your advertising and marketing can truly pay off. Your marketing team will be motivated and will feel comfortable about pitching new ideas, and you'll finally have the means to support them.

Marketing has become exciting. Billboards are helping to turn the atmosphere into drinkable water, magazines are capable of supporting chargers for cell phones, and a company can predict when you're going to catch a cold, and http://www.riversidemediagroup.com/uggboots.asp therefore lets you know how much tissue you should purchase...

These are exciting times. So, how about you? What vision do you have for how your product or service will help or even save your customers? Go ahead! Dream! Then get a business coach and get the necessary systems in place that can help that little piggy get to the market!