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In [[mathematics]], specifically in [[symplectic topology]] and [[algebraic geometry]], one can construct the [[moduli space]] of '''stable maps''', satisfying specified conditions, from [[Riemann surface]]s into a given [[symplectic manifold]]. This moduli space is the essence of the [[Gromov–Witten invariant]]s, which find application in [[enumerative geometry]] and [[type IIA string theory|type IIA]] [[string theory]]. At about 1992 the idea of stable map was proposed by [[Maxim Kontsevich]] and published in {{harvtxt|Kontsevich|1995}}.
The writer is known by the title of Numbers Lint. The factor she adores most is physique building and now she is attempting to make cash with it. Bookkeeping is her working day job now. California is exactly where I've usually been living and I adore each day living here.<br><br>Here is my website - []
Because the construction is lengthy and difficult, it is carried out here rather than in the Gromov–Witten invariants article itself.
==The moduli space of smooth pseudoholomorphic curves==
Fix a [[closed manifold|closed]] symplectic manifold <math>X</math> with [[symplectic form]] <math>\omega</math>. Let <math>g</math> and <math>n</math> be [[natural number]]s (including zero) and <math>A</math> a two-dimensional [[Homology (mathematics)|homology]] class in <math>X</math>. Then one may consider the set of [[pseudoholomorphic curve]]s
:<math>((C, j), f, (x_1, \ldots, x_n))\,</math>
where <math>(C, j)</math> is a smooth, closed [[Riemann surface]] of genus <math>g</math> with <math>n</math> marked points <math>x_1, \ldots, x_n</math>, and
:<math>f : C \to X\,</math>
is a function satisfying, for some choice of <math>\omega</math>-tame [[almost complex manifold|almost complex structure]] <math>J</math> and inhomogeneous term <math>\nu</math>, the perturbed [[Cauchy–Riemann equations|Cauchy–Riemann equation]]
:<math>\bar \partial_{j, J} f := \frac{1}{2}(df + J \circ df \circ j) = \nu.</math>
Typically one admits only those <math>g</math> and <math>n</math> that make the punctured [[Euler characteristic]] <math>2 - 2g - n</math> of <math>C</math> negative; then the domain is '''stable''', meaning that there are only finitely many holomorphic automorphisms of <math>C</math> that preserve the marked points.
The operator <math>\bar \partial_{j, J}</math> is [[elliptic operator|elliptic]] and thus [[Fredholm operator|Fredholm]]. After significant analytical argument (completing in a suitable [[Sobolev space|Sobolev norm]], applying the [[implicit function theorem]] and [[Sard's theorem]] for [[Banach space|Banach]] [[manifold]]s, and using [[elliptic regularity]] to recover smoothness) one can show that, for a generic choice of <math>\omega</math>-tame <math>J</math> and perturbation <math>\nu</math>, the set of <math>(j, J, \nu)</math>-holomorphic curves of genus <math>g</math> with <math>n</math> marked points that represent the class <math>A</math> forms a smooth, oriented [[orbifold]]
:<math>M_{g, n}^{J, \nu}(X, A)</math>
of dimension given by the [[Atiyah-Singer index theorem]],
:<math>d := \dim_{\mathbb{R}} M_{g, n}(X, A) = 2 c_1^X(A) + (\dim_{\mathbb{R}} X - 6)(1 - g) + 2 n.</math>
==The stable map compactification==
This [[moduli space]] of maps is not [[compact space|compact]], because a sequence of curves can degenerate to a singular curve, which is not in the moduli space as we've defined it. This happens, for example, when the '''energy''' of <math>f</math> (meaning the [[Lp space|''L''<sup>2</sup>-norm]] of the derivative) concentrates at some point on the domain. One can capture the energy by rescaling the map around the concentration point. The effect is to attach a sphere, called a '''bubble''', to the original domain at the concentration point and to extend the map across the sphere. The rescaled map may still have energy concentrating at one or more points, so one must rescale iteratively, eventually attaching an entire '''bubble tree''' onto the original domain, with the map well-behaved on each smooth component of the new domain.
In order to make this precise, define a '''stable map''' to be a pseudoholomorphic map from a Riemann surface with at worst nodal singularities, such that there are only finitely many automorphisms of the map. Concretely, this means the following. A smooth component of a nodal Riemann surface is said to be '''stable''' if there are at most finitely many automorphisms preserving its marked and nodal points. Then a stable map is a pseudoholomorphic map with at least one stable domain component, such that for each of the other domain components
*the map is nonconstant on that component, or
*that component is stable.
It is significant that the domain of a stable map need not be a stable curve. However, one can contract its unstable components (iteratively) to produce a stable curve, called the '''stabilization''' <math>\mathrm{st}(C)</math> of the domain <math>C</math>.
The set of all stable maps from Riemann surfaces of genus <math>g</math> with <math>n</math> marked points forms a moduli space
:<math>\bar M_{g, n}^{J, \nu}(X, A).</math>
The topology is defined by declaring that a sequence of stable maps converges if and only if
*their (stabilized) domains converge in the [[Deligne–Mumford moduli space of curves]] <math>\bar M_{g, n}</math>,
*they converge uniformly in all derivatives on compact subsets away from the nodes, and
*the energy concentrating at any point equals the energy in the bubble tree attached at that point in the limit map.
The moduli space of stable maps is compact; that is, any sequence of stable maps converges to a stable map. To show this, one iteratively rescales the sequence of maps. At each iteration there is a new limit domain, possibly singular, with less energy concentration than in the previous iteration. At this step the symplectic form <math>\omega</math> enters in a crucial way. The energy of any smooth map representing the homology class <math>B</math> is bounded below by the '''symplectic area''' <math>\omega(B)</math>,
:<math>\omega(B) \leq \frac{1}{2} \int |df|^2,</math>
with equality if and only if the map is pseudoholomorphic. This bounds the energy captured in each iteration of the rescaling and thus implies that only finitely many rescalings are needed to capture all of the energy. In the end, the limit map on the new limit domain is stable.
The compactified space is again a smooth, oriented orbifold. Maps with nontrivial automorphisms correspond to points with isotropy in the orbifold.
==The Gromov–Witten pseudocycle==
To construct Gromov–Witten invariants, one pushes the moduli space of stable maps forward under the '''evaluation map'''
:<math>M_{g, n}^{J, \nu}(X, A) \to \bar M_{g, n} \times X^n,</math>
:<math>((C, j), f, (x_1, \ldots, x_n)) \mapsto (\mathrm{st}(C, j), f(x_1), \ldots, f(x_n))</math>
to obtain, under suitable conditions, a [[rational number|rational]] homology class
:<math>GW_{g, n}^{X, A} \in H_d(\bar M_{g, n} \times X^n, \mathbb{Q}).</math>
Rational coefficients are necessary because the moduli space is an orbifold. The homology class defined by the evaluation map is independent of the choice of generic <math>\omega</math>-tame <math>J</math> and perturbation <math>\nu</math>. It is called the '''Gromov–Witten (GW) invariant''' of <math>X</math> for the given data <math>g</math>, <math>n</math>, and <math>A</math>. A cobordism argument can be used to show that this homology class is independent of the choice of <math>\omega</math>, up to isotopy. Thus Gromov–Witten invariants are invariants of symplectic isotopy classes of symplectic manifolds.
The "suitable conditions" are rather subtle, primarily because multiply covered maps (maps that factor through a [[branched covering]] of the domain) can form moduli spaces of larger dimension than expected.
The simplest way to handle this is to assume that the target manifold <math>X</math> is ''semipositive'' or ''[[Fano variety|Fano]]'' in a certain sense. This assumption is chosen exactly so that the moduli space of multiply covered maps has codimension at least two in the space of non-multiply-covered maps. Then the image of the evaluation map forms a [[pseudocycle]], which induces a well-defined homology class of the expected dimension.
Defining Gromov–Witten invariants without assuming some kind of semipositivity requires a difficult, technical construction known as the '''virtual moduli cycle'''.
* Dusa McDuff and Dietmar Salamon, ''J-Holomorphic Curves and Symplectic Topology'', American Mathematical Society colloquium publications, 2004. ISBN 0-8218-3485-1.
*{{Cite journal |first1=Maxim |last1=Kontsevich | title=Enumeration of rational curves via torus actions | year=1995 | journal=Progr. Math. 129, Birkhauser, Boston (1995) ¨
335–368 MR1363062 |ref=harv }}
[[Category:Symplectic topology]]
[[Category:Complex manifolds]]
[[Category:Moduli theory]]
[[Category:String theory]]

Revision as of 13:48, 13 February 2014

The writer is known by the title of Numbers Lint. The factor she adores most is physique building and now she is attempting to make cash with it. Bookkeeping is her working day job now. California is exactly where I've usually been living and I adore each day living here.

Here is my website -