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== 「どこにメインコンセプトMingはため息をついた ==
In [[mathematics]],  the '''Heisenberg group''', named after [[Werner Heisenberg]], is the [[group (mathematics)|group]] of 3×3 [[triangular matrix|upper triangular matrices]] of the form

不滅の皇帝は、本当に素晴らしいです、と私は皇帝に対する中央セントは不死を残していることを知っていたら、中央セントに対して天皇は、、私はあなたの先輩ショットの「寺」を請願しました。 「どこにメインコンセプトMingはため息をついた。<br><br>グリーンゆうのすべてが中央のセント天皇ムーディに対して、オリジナルの石と衝撃のひどい精神的な要素でなく、またこのすべてのために動悸を感じる仙、この話を聞いて [ クリスチャンルブタン 東京]。<br>これは、東ティモールが楽園を言って、非常に安全である、中央セントという、絶対にひどいですHYDRAT住んでいることを選択した他の専門家が、実際にそれが楽園である、それは天皇の半分は間違っている半不滅であることを示唆し、不死を入力<br>死は、人は、死んでは全く生存の少しでも希望を入力する [ クリスチャンルブタン 東京]。<br><br>「やれやれ! [ クリスチャンルブタン メンズ] '<br><br>風、大ホールは、すべてのマスターがドアに向かって検索され、私は玄関ホールに細い髪がなびくの上に立って白い男を見た [ クリスチャンルブタン メンズ 通販]。<br><br>'マジック自由Shishu [ クリスチャンルブタン 価格]。'<br>道路や他の仮想マスタ<br>ドライドライ文字生成ショックを受けた方法です、彼らは余暇Shishuのマジックマスターの概念を知ることができますが、Qingxudong内側 '寺上の最も重要な場所、そうでない場合は、
1 & a & c\\
  0 & 1 & b\\
0 & 0 & 1\\

== 'この子'秦ゆう時間は言うことを知らなかった ==
or its generalizations under the operation of matrix multiplication. Elements ''a, b'' and ''c'', can be taken from some ([[wiktionary:arbitrary|arbitrary]]) [[commutative ring]] with identity, often taken to be the ring of [[real number]]s or the ring of [[integer]]s.

唐元は秦ゆうとおなじみの紫のMoヤンの美しさを見るために、このシーンを見て、唐元の美しい紫色の心は、おそらくこれが理解されると思いになる、と考える、すぐに右の魯迅風水は言った: [ クリスチャンルブタン 銀座] 'ではない運命を行い、どのように彼女を台無しに。 '<br><br>魯迅風水は深呼吸を取り、静かにささやいスチュアート血、見て:」清蘭は、私は私が彼女に恋をしてると思う」と魯迅風水、これは非常に小さい音を考えて、他の人は確かに聞こえます [ クリスチャンルブタン 店舗]。しかし、彼はほとんど薄れていなかった<br><br>秦Yuは突然魯迅風水を見て驚いた、振り向いた [ クリスチャンルブタン 店舗 東京]。そしてスチュアート血も魯迅風水、彼の顔も非常に奇妙である時間を狙っている [ クリスチャンルブタン 直営店]。<br><br>'この子'秦ゆう時間は言うことを知らなかった [ クリスチャンルブタン スニーカー]。<br><br>スチュアート血、それは紫ヤンフェル最初のモンスター、空の供物早期補修秦ゆうとスチュアート血がそれらを戦っていることをマジック、ああ、、だけでなく、ほぼ同じなので、魔法のトップ選手が、今普通の子供だ<br><br>「Lengtou清」笑顔で秦ゆう口。<br><br>魯迅風水秦ゆうとスチュアートは彼を見て一種の血を見て、彼は助教授だった
The real Heisenberg group arises in the description of one-dimensional [[quantum mechanical]] systems. More generally, one can consider groups associated to n-dimensional systems, and most generally, to any [[symplectic vector space]].

== 」と江はすぐにバチカンを語った ==
==The three-dimensional case==
In the three-dimensional case, the product of two Heisenberg matrices is given by:
1 & a & c\\
0 & 1 & b\\
0 & 0 & 1\\
1 & a' & c'\\
0 & 1 & b'\\
0 & 0 & 1\\
1 & a+a' & c+c'+ab'\\
0 & 1 & b+b'\\
0 & 0 & 1\\
\end{pmatrix}\, .</math>
There are several prominent examples of the three-dimensional case.

恥雨が点灯のタッチで彼の目を見てなって、「あなたは、チップ秦ゆう上の子よりもさらに高いヨーロッパで精製業の強さであると言った? '<br><br>'は、陛下グランドです。「雨の戦争敬意。<br><br>「高速あなたが個人的にPiaoyunハウス......ええと、ライブ、彼が住んでするために配置され、手配し、楽しませるために人々をもたらす!右、Piaoyunハウス!」と江はすぐにバチカンを語った。<br><br>Piaoyunハウス [ クリスチャンルブタン 銀座]。北極市の雪だった [ クリスチャンルブタン 靴 メンズ]。サイト比較的北極雪の街によく知られていることはない精錬マスター、生姜がなく、時には神々のためにブラフマーは心配するものです。<br>精錬マスターを作るhuan​​hangrn、それを行うのは非常に重要です [ クリスチャンルブタン 店舗]。<br><br>」はそれと秦ゆうの訪問というニュースで陛下、ゲートに来た。結婚する王女に出席するためだった!「雨の恥を再び添加。<br><br>江バチカン全体の人少し驚いて [ クリスチャンルブタン 直営店]<br><br>「結婚? '現時点では江バチカンがdumbfoundingです。<br>彼の心は喜びと心配でもあるhuan​​hangrn。喜びはあっても精錬マスター秦ゆうもアップ結婚に至っている。迷惑が一日結婚することです [ クリスチャンルブタン ブーツ]......
===Continuous Heisenberg group===
If {{math|''a, b, c''}}, are [[real number]]s (in the ring '''R''') then one has the '''continuous Heisenberg group''' H<sub>3</sub>('''R''').
It is a  [[nilpotent group|nilpotent]] [[Lie group]]. 
In addition to the representation as real 3x3 matrices, the continuous Heisenberg group also has several different [[group representation|representations]] in terms of [[function space]]s. By [[Stone–von Neumann theorem]], there is a unique irreducible unitary representation of H in which its [[center of a group|centre]] acts by a given nontrivial character. This representation has several important realizations, or models. In the ''Schrödinger model'', the Heisenberg group acts on the space of [[square integrable]] functions. In the [[theta representation]], it acts on the space of [[holomorphic function]]s on the [[upper half-plane]]; it is so named for its connection with the [[theta function]]s.
===Discrete Heisenberg group===
[[Image:HeisenbergCayleyGraph.png|thumb|350px|right|right|A portion of the [[Cayley graph]] of the discrete Heisenberg group, with generators ''x,y,z'' as in the text. (The coloring is only for visual aid.)]]
If {{math|''a, b, c''}},  are integers (in the ring '''Z''') then one has the '''discrete Heisenberg group''' H<sub>3</sub>('''Z'''). It is a [[nonabelian group|non-abelian]] [[nilpotent group]]. It has two generators,
1 & 1 & 0\\
0 & 1 & 0\\
0 & 0 & 1\\
\end{pmatrix},\ \ y=\begin{pmatrix}
1 & 0 & 0\\
0 & 1 & 1\\
0 & 0 & 1\\
and relations
:<math> z^{}_{}=xyx^{-1}y^{-1},\  xz=zx,\  yz=zy </math>,
1 & 0 & 1\\
0 & 1 & 0\\
0 & 0 & 1\\
is the generator of the [[center of a group|center]] of H<sub>3</sub>. (Note that the inverses of ''x'', ''y'', and ''z'' replace the 1 above the diagonal with −1.)
By [[Bass's theorem]], it has a polynomial [[Growth rate (group theory)|growth rate]] of order 4.
One can generate any element through
1 & a & c\\
0 & 1 & b\\
0 & 0 & 1\\
\end{pmatrix}=y^bz^cx^a\, .</math>
===Heisenberg group modulo an odd prime ''p''===
If one takes ''a, b, c'' in '''Z'''/''p'' '''Z''' for an odd prime ''p'', then one has the '''Heisenberg group modulo''' '''''p'''''. It is a group of [[order (group theory)|order]] ''p''<sup>3</sup> with generators ''x,y'' and relations:
:<math> z^{}_{}=xyx^{-1}y^{-1},\  x^p=y^p=z^p=1,\  xz=zx,\  yz=zy. </math>
Analogues of Heisenberg groups over finite fields of odd prime order ''p'' are called [[extra special group]]s, or more properly, extra special groups of [[exponent (group theory)|exponent]] ''p''.  More generally, if the [[derived subgroup]] of a group ''G'' is contained in the center ''Z'' of  ''G'', then the map from ''G/Z'' × ''G/Z'' → ''Z'' is a skew-symmetric bilinear operator on abelian groups. However, requiring that ''G/Z'' be a finite vector space requires the [[Frattini subgroup]] of ''G'' to be contained in the center, and requiring that ''Z'' be a one dimensional vector space over '''Z'''/''p'' '''Z''' requires that ''Z'' have order ''p'', so if ''G'' is not abelian, then ''G'' is extra special. If ''G'' is extra special but does not have exponent ''p'', then the general construction below applied to the symplectic vector space ''G/Z'' does not yield a group isomorphic to ''G''.
===Heisenberg group modulo 2===
The Heisenberg group modulo 2 is of order 8 and is isomorphic to the [[dihedral group]] D<sub>4</sub> (the symmetries of a square). Observe that if
1 & 1 & 0\\
0 & 1 & 0\\
0 & 0 & 1\\
\end{pmatrix},\ \ y=\begin{pmatrix}
1 & 0 & 0\\
0 & 1 & 1\\
0 & 0 & 1\\
1 & 1 & 1\\
0 & 1 & 1\\
0 & 0 & 1\\
\end{pmatrix}, </math>
1 & 1 & 0\\
0 & 1 & 1\\
0 & 0 & 1\\
\end{pmatrix}. </math>
The elements ''x'' and ''y'' correspond to reflexions (with 45° between them), whereas ''xy'' and ''yx'' correspond to rotations by 90°. The other reflexions are ''xyx'' and ''yxy'', and rotation by 180° is ''xyxy'' (=''yxyx'').
==Higher dimensions==
More general Heisenberg groups H<sub>''n''</sub> may be defined for higher dimensions in Euclidean space, and more generally on [[symplectic vector space]]s. The simplest general case is the real Heisenberg group of dimension 2''n''+1, for any integer ''n'' ≥ 1. As a group of matrices,  H<sub>''n''</sub> (or H<sub>''n''</sub>('''R''') to indicate this is the Heisenberg group over the ring '''R''' or real numbers) is defined as the group of square matrices of size ''n''+2 with entries in '''R''':
:<math> \begin{bmatrix} 1 & \mathbf a & c \\ 0 & I_n & \mathbf b \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} </math>
: '''a''' is a [[row vector]] of length ''n'',
: '''b''' is a [[column vector]] of length ''n'', 
: ''I''<sub>''n''</sub> is the [[identity matrix]] of size ''n''.
===Group Structure===
This is indeed a group, as is shown by the multiplication:
:<math> \begin{bmatrix} 1 & \mathbf a & c \\ 0 & I_n & \mathbf b \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \cdot \begin{bmatrix}1 & \mathbf a' & c' \\ 0 & I_n & \mathbf b' \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} =  \begin{bmatrix} 1 & \mathbf a+ \mathbf a' & c+c' +\mathbf a \cdot \mathbf b' \\ 0 & I_n & \mathbf b+\mathbf b' \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}  </math>
:<math> \begin{bmatrix} 1 & \mathbf a & c \\ 0 & I_n & \mathbf b \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \cdot \begin{bmatrix}1 & -\mathbf a & -c +\mathbf a \cdot \mathbf b\\ 0 & I_n & -\mathbf b \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} =  \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & I_n & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}.  </math>
The  Heisenberg group  is a [[connected space|connected]], [[simply-connected]] Lie group whose [[Lie algebra]] consists of matrices
:<math> \begin{bmatrix} 0 & \mathbf a & c \\ 0 & 0_n & \mathbf b \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix}, </math>
: '''a''' is a row vector of length ''n'',
: '''b''' is a column vector of length ''n'',
: ''0''<sub>''n''</sub> is the [[zero matrix]] of size ''n''.
===Exponential Map===
The [[exponential map]] is given by the following expression
:<math> \exp  \begin{bmatrix} 0 & \mathbf a & c \\ 0 & 0_n & \mathbf b \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{k!}\begin{bmatrix} 0 & \mathbf a & c \\ 0 & 0_n & \mathbf b \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix}^k = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & \mathbf a & c + {1\over 2}\mathbf a \cdot \mathbf b\\ 0 & I_n & \mathbf b \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}. </math>
By letting e<sub>1</sub>, ..., e<sub>''n''</sub> be the canonical basis of '''R'''<sup>''n''</sup>, and setting
:<math> p_i = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & \operatorname{e}_i^{\mathrm{T}} & 0 \\ 0 & 0_n & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix}, </math>
:<math> q_j = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0_n & \operatorname{e}_j \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix}, </math>
:<math> z = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0  & 1\\ 0 & 0_n & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix}, </math>
the associated [[Lie algebra]] can be characterized by the [[canonical commutation relations]],
:<math> \begin{bmatrix} p_i, q_j \end{bmatrix} = \delta_{ij}z,  \qquad \qquad
\begin{bmatrix}  p_i, z \end{bmatrix} = 0,  \qquad \begin{bmatrix}  q_j, z \end{bmatrix} = 0~,</math>
where ''p''<sub>1</sub>,&nbsp;...,&nbsp;''p''<sub>''n''</sub>, ''q''<sub>1</sub>,&nbsp;...,&nbsp;''q''<sub>''n''</sub>, ''z'' are the algebra generators.  
In particular, ''z'' is a ''central'' element of the Heisenberg Lie algebra. Note that the Lie algebra of the  Heisenberg group  is nilpotent. The [[exponential map]] of a nilpotent Lie algebra is a [[diffeomorphism]] between the Lie algebra and the unique associated [[connected space|connected]], [[simply-connected]] Lie group.
This discussion (aside from statements referring to dimension and Lie group) applies if we replace '''R''' by any commutative ring ''A''. The corresponding group is denoted ''H''<sub>''n''</sub>(''A'' ).  Under the additional assumption that the prime 2 is invertible in the ring ''A'', the exponential map is also defined, since it reduces to a finite sum and has the form above (i.e. ''A'' could be a ring '''Z'''/''p'' '''Z''' with an odd prime ''p'' or any [[field (mathematics)|field]] of [[characteristic (algebra)|characteristic]] 0).
==On symplectic vector spaces==
The general abstraction of a Heisenberg group is constructed from any [[symplectic vector space]].<ref>Hans Tilgner, "[ A class of solvable Lie groups and their relation to the canonical formalism]", ''Annales de l'institut Henri Poincaré (A) Physique théorique'', '''13 ''' no. 2 (1970), pp. 103-127.</ref>  For example, let (''V'',ω) be a finite dimensional real symplectic vector space (so ω is a [[nondegenerate form|nondegenerate]] [[skew symmetric]] [[bilinear form]] on ''V''). The Heisenberg group H(''V'') on (''V'',ω) (or simply ''V'' for brevity) is the set ''V''×'''R''' endowed with the group law
:<math>(v,t)\cdot(v',t') =\left (v+v',t+t'+\tfrac{1}{2}\omega(v,v')\right).</math>
The  Heisenberg group  is a [[Group extension%23Central extension|central extension]] of the additive group ''V''. Thus there is an [[exact sequence]]
:<math>0\to\mathbf{R}\to H(V)\to V\to 0.</math>
Any symplectic vector space admits a [[Symplectic vector space#Standard symplectic space|Darboux basis]] {'''e'''<sub>''j''</sub>,'''f'''<sup>''k''</sup>}<sub>1 ≤ ''j'',''k'' ≤ ''n''</sub> satisfying ω('''e'''<sub>''j''</sub>,'''f'''<sup>''k''</sup>) = δ<sub>''j''</sub><sup>''k''</sup> and where 2''n'' is the dimension of ''V'' (the dimension of ''V'' is necessarily even). In terms of this basis, every vector decomposes as
The ''q''<sup>''a''</sup> and ''p''<sub>''a''</sub> are [[canonically conjugate coordinates]].
If {'''e'''<sub>''j''</sub>, '''f'''<sup>''k''</sup>}<sub>1 ≤ ''j'',''k'' ≤ ''n''</sub> is a Darboux basis for ''V'', then let {''E''} be a basis for '''R''', and {'''e'''<sub>''j''</sub>, '''f'''<sup>''k''</sup>, ''E''}<sub>1 ≤ ''j'',''k'' ≤ ''n''</sub> is the corresponding basis for ''V''×'''R'''. A vector in H(''V'') is then given by
and the group law becomes
:<math>(p,q,t)\cdot(p',q',t') =\left (p+p',q+q',t+t'+\frac{1}{2}(p q'-p' q)\right).</math>
Because the underlying manifold of the Heisenberg group is a linear space, vectors in the Lie algebra can be canonically identified with vectors in the group.  The Lie algebra of the Heisenberg group is given by the commutation relation
:<math>\begin{bmatrix} (v_1,t_1),(v_2,t_2) \end{bmatrix} =\omega(v_1,v_2)</math>
or written in terms of the  Darboux basis
and all other commutators vanish.
It is also possible to define the group law in a different way but which yields a group isomorphic to the group we have just defined. To avoid confusion, we will use ''u'' instead of ''t'', so a vector is given by
and the group law is
:<math>(p,q,u)\cdot(p',q',u')=(p+p',q+q',u+u'+p q').</math>
An element of the group
can then be expressed as a matrix
1 & p  & u\\
0 & I_n & q\\
0 & 0   & 1
\end{bmatrix}</math> ,
which gives a faithful [[matrix representation]] of H(''V''). The ''u'' in this formulation is related to ''t'' in our previous formulation by <math>u=t+\tfrac{1}{2}pq</math>, so that the ''t'' value for the product comes to
:<math>u+u'+p q'-\tfrac{1}{2}(p+p')(q+q')</math>
:<math>=t+\tfrac{1}{2}p q+t'+\tfrac{1}{2}p' q'+p q'-\tfrac{1}{2}(p+p')(q+q')</math>
:<math>=t+t'+\tfrac{1}{2}(p q'-p' q)</math> ,
as before.
The isomorphism to the group using upper triangular matrices relies on the decomposition of ''V'' into a Darboux basis, which amounts to a choice of isomorphism ''V'' ≅ ''U'' ⊕ ''U''*. Although the new group law yields a group isomorphic to the one given higher up, the group with this law is sometimes referred to as the '''polarized Heisenberg group''' as a reminder that this group law relies on a choice of basis (a choice of a Lagrangian subspace of ''V'' is a [[polarization (abelian variety)|polarization]]).
To any Lie algebra, there is a unique [[connected space|connected]], [[simply connected]] Lie group ''G''. All other connected Lie groups with the same Lie algebra as ''G'' are of the form ''G''/''N'' where ''N'' is a central discrete group in ''G''.  In this case, the center of H(''V'') is '''R''' and the only discrete subgroups are isomorphic to ''Z''.  Thus H(''V'')/'''Z''' is another Lie group which shares this Lie algebra. Of note about this Lie group is that it admits no faithful finite dimensional representations; it is not isomorphic to any matrix group.  It does however have a well-known family of infinite-dimensional unitary representations.
==The connection with the Weyl algebra==
{{main|Weyl algebra}}
The Lie algebra <math>\mathfrak{h}_n</math> of the Heisenberg group was described above as a Lie algebra of matrices. The [[Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem]] applies to determine the [[universal enveloping algebra]] <math>U(\mathfrak{h}_n)</math>. Among other properties, the universal enveloping algebra is an [[associative algebra]] into which <math>\mathfrak{h}_n</math> injectively imbeds. By Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt, it is the [[free module|free vector space]] generated by the monomials
:<math> z^j p_1^{k_1} p_2^{k_2} \cdots p_n^{k_n} q_1^{\ell_1} q_2^{\ell_2} \cdots q_n^{\ell_n}</math>
where the exponents are all non-negative. Thus <math>U(\mathfrak{h}_n)</math> consists of real polynomials
:<math> \sum_{j, \vec{k}, \vec{\ell}} c_{j \vec{k} \vec{\ell}} \,\, z^j  p_1^{k_1} p_2^{k_2} \cdots p_n^{k_n} q_1^{\ell_1} q_2^{\ell_2} \cdots q_n^{\ell_n}</math>
with the commutation relations
:<math> p_k p_\ell = p_\ell p_k, \quad q_k q_\ell = q_\ell q_k, \quad p_k q_\ell - q_\ell p_k = \delta_{k \ell} z, \quad z p_k - p_k z =0, \quad z q_k - q_k z =0.</math>
The algebra <math>U(\mathfrak{h}_n)</math> is closely related to the algebra of differential operators on '''R'''<sup>''n''</sup> with polynomial coefficients, since any such operator has a unique representation in the form
:<math>P=\sum_{\vec{k}, \vec{\ell}} c_{\vec{k} \vec{\ell}} \,\, \partial_{x_1}^{k_1} \partial_{x_2}^{k_2} \cdots \partial_{x_n}^{k_n} x_1^{\ell_1} x_2^{\ell_2} \cdots x_n^{\ell_n}</math>
This algebra is called the [[Weyl algebra]]. It follows from [[abstract nonsense]] that the [[Weyl algebra]] ''W<sub>n''</sub> is a quotient of <math>U(\mathfrak{h}_n)</math>.  However, this is also easy to see directly from the above representations; [[viz.]] by the mapping
:<math> z^j p_1^{k_1} p_2^{k_2} \cdots p_n^{k_n} q_1^{\ell_1} q_2^{\ell_2} \cdots q_n^{\ell_n} \, \mapsto \, \partial_{x_1}^{k_1} \partial_{x_2}^{k_2} \cdots \partial_{x_n}^{k_n} x_1^{\ell_1} x_2^{\ell_2} \cdots x_n^{\ell_n}.</math>
== Representation theory ==
{{main|Stone–von Neumann theorem}}
The [[representation theory]] of the Heisenberg group is fairly simple – later generalized by [[Mackey theory]] – and was the motivation for its introduction in quantum physics, as discussed below.
The key result is the [[Stone–von Neumann theorem]], which, informally stated, says that (with certain technical assumptions) every representation of the Heisenberg group H<sub>2''n''+1</sub> is equivalent to the position operators and momentum operators on '''R'''<sup>''n''</sup>. Alternatively, that they are all equivalent to the [[Weyl algebra]] (or [[CCR algebra]]) on a symplectic space of dimension 2''n''.
More formally, there is a unique (up to scale) non-trivial central strongly continuous unitary representation.
Further, as the Heisenberg group is a [[semidirect product]], its representation theory can be studied in terms of [[ergodic theory]], via ergodic actions of the group, as in the work of [[George Mackey]].
== Applications ==
=== Weyl's parameterization of quantum mechanics ===
{{main|Weyl quantization}}
The application that led [[Hermann Weyl]] to an explicit realization of the Heisenberg group was the question of why the [[Schrödinger picture]] and [[Heisenberg picture]] are physically equivalent. Abstractly, the reason is the [[Stone–von Neumann theorem]]: there is a unique [[unitary representation]] with given action of the central Lie algebra element ''z'',  up to a unitary equivalence: the nontrivial elements of the algebra are all equivalent to the usual position and momentum operators.
Thus, the Schrödinger picture and Heisenberg picture are equivalent – they are just different ways of realizing this essentially unique representation.
=== Theta representation ===
{{main|theta representation}}
The same uniqueness result was used by [[David Mumford]] for discrete Heisenberg groups, in his theory of [[equations defining abelian varieties]]. This is a large generalization of the approach used in [[Jacobi's elliptic functions]], which is the case of the modulo 2 Heisenberg group, of order 8. The simplest case is the [[theta representation]] of the Heisenberg group, of which the discrete case gives the [[theta function]].
=== Fourier analysis ===
The Heisenberg group also occurs in [[Fourier analysis]], where it is used in some formulations of the [[Stone–von Neumann theorem]]. In this case, the Heisenberg group can be understood to act on the space of [[square integrable]] functions; the result is a representation of the Heisenberg groups sometimes called the Weyl representation.
==As a sub-Riemannian manifold==
The three-dimensional Heisenberg group ''H''<sub>3</sub>('''R''') on the reals can also be understood to be a smooth [[manifold]], and specifically, a simple example of a [[sub-Riemannian manifold]].<ref>Richard Montgomery, ''A Tour of Subriemannian Geometries, Their Geodesics and Applications (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Volume 91)'', (2002) American Mathematical Society, ISBN 0-8218-1391-9.</ref> Given a point ''p''=(''x'',''y'',''z'') in '''R'''<sup>3</sup>, define a differential [[1-form]] Θ at this point as
:<math>\Theta_p=dz -\frac{1}{2}\left(xdy - ydx\right).</math>
This [[one-form]] belongs to the [[cotangent bundle]] of '''R'''<sup>3</sup>; that is,
is a map on the [[tangent bundle]].  Let
:<math>H_p = \{ v\in T_p\mathbf{R}^3 \mid \Theta_p(v) = 0 \}.</math>
It can be seen that ''H'' is a [[subbundle]] of the tangent bundle T'''R'''<sup>3</sup>. A [[cometric]] on ''H'' is given by projecting vectors to the two-dimensional space spanned by vectors in the ''x'' and ''y'' direction. That is, given vectors <math>v=(v_1,v_2,v_3)</math> and <math>w=(w_1,w_2,w_3)</math> in T'''R'''<sup>3</sup>, the inner product is given by
:<math>\langle v,w\rangle = v_1w_1+v_2w_2.</math>
The resulting structure turns ''H'' into the manifold of the Heisenberg group. An orthonormal frame on the manifold is given by the Lie [[vector field]]s
:<math>X=\frac{\partial}{\partial x} - \frac{1}{2} y\frac{\partial}{\partial z},</math>
:<math>Y=\frac{\partial}{\partial y} + \frac{1}{2} x\frac{\partial}{\partial z},</math>
:<math>Z=\frac{\partial}{\partial z},</math>
which obey the relations [''X'',''Y'']=''Z'' and [''X'',''Z'']=[''Y'',''Z'']=0. Being Lie vector fields, these form a left-invariant basis for the group action. The [[geodesic]]s on the manifold are spirals, projecting down to circles in two dimensions. That is, if
is a geodesic curve, then the curve <math>c(t)=(x(t),y(t))</math> is an arc of a circle, and
:<math>z(t)=\frac{1}{2}\int_c xdy-ydx</math>
with the integral limited to the two-dimensional plane. That is, the height of the curve is proportional to the area of the circle subtended by the [[circular arc]], which follows by [[Stokes' theorem]].
==See also==
* [[Weyl quantization]]
* [[Stone–von Neumann theorem]]
*Ernst Binz & Sonja Pods (2008) ''Geometry of Heisenberg Groups'' [[American Mathematical Society]],ISBN 978-0-8218-4495-3.
*{{cite book | last = Hall | first = Brian C. | title = Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Representations: An Elementary Introduction | year = 2004 | publisher = Springer | location = Berlin | isbn = 0-387-40122-9}}
*[[Roger Evans Howe]] (1980) "On the role of the Heisenberg group in harmonic analysis", [[Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society]] 3(2):821.
*A.A. Kirilov (2004) ''Lectures on the Orbit Method'', Chapter 2: "Representations and Orbits of the Heisenberg Group", American Mathematical Society, ISBN 0-8218-3530-0 .
*G Mackey (1976) ''The theory of Unitary Group Representations (Chicago Lectures in Mathematics)'' University Of Chicago Press (1976) ISBN  978-0226500522 .
==External links ==
* Groupprops, The Group Properties Wiki [,p)  Unitriangular matrix group UT(3,p)]
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Revision as of 23:06, 23 July 2013

In mathematics, the Heisenberg group, named after Werner Heisenberg, is the group of 3×3 upper triangular matrices of the form

or its generalizations under the operation of matrix multiplication. Elements a, b and c, can be taken from some (arbitrary) commutative ring with identity, often taken to be the ring of real numbers or the ring of integers.

The real Heisenberg group arises in the description of one-dimensional quantum mechanical systems. More generally, one can consider groups associated to n-dimensional systems, and most generally, to any symplectic vector space.

The three-dimensional case

In the three-dimensional case, the product of two Heisenberg matrices is given by:

There are several prominent examples of the three-dimensional case.

Continuous Heisenberg group

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It is a nilpotent Lie group.

In addition to the representation as real 3x3 matrices, the continuous Heisenberg group also has several different representations in terms of function spaces. By Stone–von Neumann theorem, there is a unique irreducible unitary representation of H in which its centre acts by a given nontrivial character. This representation has several important realizations, or models. In the Schrödinger model, the Heisenberg group acts on the space of square integrable functions. In the theta representation, it acts on the space of holomorphic functions on the upper half-plane; it is so named for its connection with the theta functions.

Discrete Heisenberg group

A portion of the Cayley graph of the discrete Heisenberg group, with generators x,y,z as in the text. (The coloring is only for visual aid.)

If Buying, selling and renting HDB and personal residential properties in Singapore are simple and transparent transactions. Although you are not required to engage a real property salesperson (generally often known as a "public listed property developers In singapore agent") to complete these property transactions, chances are you'll think about partaking one if you are not accustomed to the processes concerned.

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If you're looking for a real estate or Singapore property agent online, you merely need to belief your instinct. It is because you don't know which agent is sweet and which agent will not be. Carry out research on a number of brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you find yourself certain that a selected agent is dependable and trustworthy, you'll be able to choose to utilize his partnerise find you a house in Singapore. More often than not, a property agent is considered to be good if she or he places the contact data on his web site. This is able to imply that the agent does not thoughts you calling them and asking them any questions regarding properties in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them of their office after taking an appointment.

Another method by way of which you could find out whether the agent is sweet is by checking the feedback, of the shoppers, on the website. There are various individuals would publish their comments on the web site of the Singapore property agent. You can take a look at these feedback and the see whether it will be clever to hire that specific Singapore property agent. You may even get in contact with the developer immediately. Many Singapore property brokers know the developers and you may confirm the goodwill of the agent by asking the developer., are integers (in the ring Z) then one has the discrete Heisenberg group H3(Z). It is a non-abelian nilpotent group. It has two generators,

and relations



is the generator of the center of H3. (Note that the inverses of x, y, and z replace the 1 above the diagonal with −1.)

By Bass's theorem, it has a polynomial growth rate of order 4.

One can generate any element through

Heisenberg group modulo an odd prime p

If one takes a, b, c in Z/p Z for an odd prime p, then one has the Heisenberg group modulo p. It is a group of order p3 with generators x,y and relations:

Analogues of Heisenberg groups over finite fields of odd prime order p are called extra special groups, or more properly, extra special groups of exponent p. More generally, if the derived subgroup of a group G is contained in the center Z of G, then the map from G/Z × G/ZZ is a skew-symmetric bilinear operator on abelian groups. However, requiring that G/Z be a finite vector space requires the Frattini subgroup of G to be contained in the center, and requiring that Z be a one dimensional vector space over Z/p Z requires that Z have order p, so if G is not abelian, then G is extra special. If G is extra special but does not have exponent p, then the general construction below applied to the symplectic vector space G/Z does not yield a group isomorphic to G.

Heisenberg group modulo 2

The Heisenberg group modulo 2 is of order 8 and is isomorphic to the dihedral group D4 (the symmetries of a square). Observe that if




The elements x and y correspond to reflexions (with 45° between them), whereas xy and yx correspond to rotations by 90°. The other reflexions are xyx and yxy, and rotation by 180° is xyxy (=yxyx).

Higher dimensions

More general Heisenberg groups Hn may be defined for higher dimensions in Euclidean space, and more generally on symplectic vector spaces. The simplest general case is the real Heisenberg group of dimension 2n+1, for any integer n ≥ 1. As a group of matrices, Hn (or Hn(R) to indicate this is the Heisenberg group over the ring R or real numbers) is defined as the group of square matrices of size n+2 with entries in R:


a is a row vector of length n,
b is a column vector of length n,
In is the identity matrix of size n.

Group Structure

This is indeed a group, as is shown by the multiplication:


The Heisenberg group is a connected, simply-connected Lie group whose Lie algebra consists of matrices


a is a row vector of length n,
b is a column vector of length n,
0n is the zero matrix of size n.

Exponential Map

The exponential map is given by the following expression

By letting e1, ..., en be the canonical basis of Rn, and setting

the associated Lie algebra can be characterized by the canonical commutation relations,

where p1, ..., pn, q1, ..., qn, z are the algebra generators.

In particular, z is a central element of the Heisenberg Lie algebra. Note that the Lie algebra of the Heisenberg group is nilpotent. The exponential map of a nilpotent Lie algebra is a diffeomorphism between the Lie algebra and the unique associated connected, simply-connected Lie group.

This discussion (aside from statements referring to dimension and Lie group) applies if we replace R by any commutative ring A. The corresponding group is denoted Hn(A ). Under the additional assumption that the prime 2 is invertible in the ring A, the exponential map is also defined, since it reduces to a finite sum and has the form above (i.e. A could be a ring Z/p Z with an odd prime p or any field of characteristic 0).

On symplectic vector spaces

The general abstraction of a Heisenberg group is constructed from any symplectic vector space.[1] For example, let (V,ω) be a finite dimensional real symplectic vector space (so ω is a nondegenerate skew symmetric bilinear form on V). The Heisenberg group H(V) on (V,ω) (or simply V for brevity) is the set V×R endowed with the group law

The Heisenberg group is a central extension of the additive group V. Thus there is an exact sequence

Any symplectic vector space admits a Darboux basis {ej,fk}1 ≤ j,kn satisfying ω(ej,fk) = δjk and where 2n is the dimension of V (the dimension of V is necessarily even). In terms of this basis, every vector decomposes as

The qa and pa are canonically conjugate coordinates.

If {ej, fk}1 ≤ j,kn is a Darboux basis for V, then let {E} be a basis for R, and {ej, fk, E}1 ≤ j,kn is the corresponding basis for V×R. A vector in H(V) is then given by

and the group law becomes

Because the underlying manifold of the Heisenberg group is a linear space, vectors in the Lie algebra can be canonically identified with vectors in the group. The Lie algebra of the Heisenberg group is given by the commutation relation

or written in terms of the Darboux basis

and all other commutators vanish.

It is also possible to define the group law in a different way but which yields a group isomorphic to the group we have just defined. To avoid confusion, we will use u instead of t, so a vector is given by

and the group law is

An element of the group

can then be expressed as a matrix


which gives a faithful matrix representation of H(V). The u in this formulation is related to t in our previous formulation by , so that the t value for the product comes to


as before.

The isomorphism to the group using upper triangular matrices relies on the decomposition of V into a Darboux basis, which amounts to a choice of isomorphism VUU*. Although the new group law yields a group isomorphic to the one given higher up, the group with this law is sometimes referred to as the polarized Heisenberg group as a reminder that this group law relies on a choice of basis (a choice of a Lagrangian subspace of V is a polarization).

To any Lie algebra, there is a unique connected, simply connected Lie group G. All other connected Lie groups with the same Lie algebra as G are of the form G/N where N is a central discrete group in G. In this case, the center of H(V) is R and the only discrete subgroups are isomorphic to Z. Thus H(V)/Z is another Lie group which shares this Lie algebra. Of note about this Lie group is that it admits no faithful finite dimensional representations; it is not isomorphic to any matrix group. It does however have a well-known family of infinite-dimensional unitary representations.

The connection with the Weyl algebra

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The Lie algebra of the Heisenberg group was described above as a Lie algebra of matrices. The Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem applies to determine the universal enveloping algebra . Among other properties, the universal enveloping algebra is an associative algebra into which injectively imbeds. By Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt, it is the free vector space generated by the monomials

where the exponents are all non-negative. Thus consists of real polynomials

with the commutation relations

The algebra is closely related to the algebra of differential operators on Rn with polynomial coefficients, since any such operator has a unique representation in the form

This algebra is called the Weyl algebra. It follows from abstract nonsense that the Weyl algebra Wn is a quotient of . However, this is also easy to see directly from the above representations; viz. by the mapping

Representation theory

Mining Engineer (Excluding Oil ) Truman from Alma, loves to spend time knotting, largest property developers in singapore developers in singapore and stamp collecting. Recently had a family visit to Urnes Stave Church.

The representation theory of the Heisenberg group is fairly simple – later generalized by Mackey theory – and was the motivation for its introduction in quantum physics, as discussed below.

The key result is the Stone–von Neumann theorem, which, informally stated, says that (with certain technical assumptions) every representation of the Heisenberg group H2n+1 is equivalent to the position operators and momentum operators on Rn. Alternatively, that they are all equivalent to the Weyl algebra (or CCR algebra) on a symplectic space of dimension 2n.

More formally, there is a unique (up to scale) non-trivial central strongly continuous unitary representation.

Further, as the Heisenberg group is a semidirect product, its representation theory can be studied in terms of ergodic theory, via ergodic actions of the group, as in the work of George Mackey.


Weyl's parameterization of quantum mechanics

Mining Engineer (Excluding Oil ) Truman from Alma, loves to spend time knotting, largest property developers in singapore developers in singapore and stamp collecting. Recently had a family visit to Urnes Stave Church. The application that led Hermann Weyl to an explicit realization of the Heisenberg group was the question of why the Schrödinger picture and Heisenberg picture are physically equivalent. Abstractly, the reason is the Stone–von Neumann theorem: there is a unique unitary representation with given action of the central Lie algebra element z, up to a unitary equivalence: the nontrivial elements of the algebra are all equivalent to the usual position and momentum operators.

Thus, the Schrödinger picture and Heisenberg picture are equivalent – they are just different ways of realizing this essentially unique representation.

Theta representation

Mining Engineer (Excluding Oil ) Truman from Alma, loves to spend time knotting, largest property developers in singapore developers in singapore and stamp collecting. Recently had a family visit to Urnes Stave Church. The same uniqueness result was used by David Mumford for discrete Heisenberg groups, in his theory of equations defining abelian varieties. This is a large generalization of the approach used in Jacobi's elliptic functions, which is the case of the modulo 2 Heisenberg group, of order 8. The simplest case is the theta representation of the Heisenberg group, of which the discrete case gives the theta function.

Fourier analysis

The Heisenberg group also occurs in Fourier analysis, where it is used in some formulations of the Stone–von Neumann theorem. In this case, the Heisenberg group can be understood to act on the space of square integrable functions; the result is a representation of the Heisenberg groups sometimes called the Weyl representation.

As a sub-Riemannian manifold

The three-dimensional Heisenberg group H3(R) on the reals can also be understood to be a smooth manifold, and specifically, a simple example of a sub-Riemannian manifold.[2] Given a point p=(x,y,z) in R3, define a differential 1-form Θ at this point as

This one-form belongs to the cotangent bundle of R3; that is,

is a map on the tangent bundle. Let

It can be seen that H is a subbundle of the tangent bundle TR3. A cometric on H is given by projecting vectors to the two-dimensional space spanned by vectors in the x and y direction. That is, given vectors and in TR3, the inner product is given by

The resulting structure turns H into the manifold of the Heisenberg group. An orthonormal frame on the manifold is given by the Lie vector fields

which obey the relations [X,Y]=Z and [X,Z]=[Y,Z]=0. Being Lie vector fields, these form a left-invariant basis for the group action. The geodesics on the manifold are spirals, projecting down to circles in two dimensions. That is, if

is a geodesic curve, then the curve is an arc of a circle, and

with the integral limited to the two-dimensional plane. That is, the height of the curve is proportional to the area of the circle subtended by the circular arc, which follows by Stokes' theorem.

See also


  1. Hans Tilgner, "A class of solvable Lie groups and their relation to the canonical formalism", Annales de l'institut Henri Poincaré (A) Physique théorique, 13 no. 2 (1970), pp. 103-127.
  2. Richard Montgomery, A Tour of Subriemannian Geometries, Their Geodesics and Applications (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Volume 91), (2002) American Mathematical Society, ISBN 0-8218-1391-9.


  • Ernst Binz & Sonja Pods (2008) Geometry of Heisenberg Groups American Mathematical Society,ISBN 978-0-8218-4495-3.
  • 20 year-old Real Estate Agent Rusty from Saint-Paul, has hobbies and interests which includes monopoly, property developers in singapore and poker. Will soon undertake a contiki trip that may include going to the Lower Valley of the Omo.

    My blog:
  • Roger Evans Howe (1980) "On the role of the Heisenberg group in harmonic analysis", Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 3(2):821.
  • A.A. Kirilov (2004) Lectures on the Orbit Method, Chapter 2: "Representations and Orbits of the Heisenberg Group", American Mathematical Society, ISBN 0-8218-3530-0 .
  • G Mackey (1976) The theory of Unitary Group Representations (Chicago Lectures in Mathematics) University Of Chicago Press (1976) ISBN 978-0226500522 .

External links