Differential graded Lie algebra

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Rose Pauline Peltesohn (16 May 1913 in Berlin – 21 March 1998 in Kfar Saba, Israel) was an Israeli mathematician of German origin.

Rose Peltesohn


Peltesohn was the daughter of the physician Ludwig Peltesohn (1882–1937) and of Zili Caro. After graduation (Abitur) 1931 she studied at the University of Berlin and got her Ph.D. in Mathematics at 1936 with Issai Schur [1] as supervisor (Das Turnierproblem für Spiele zu je dreien, The tournament problem for three person games). Her dissertation was valued opus valde laudabile. Being Jewish she emigrated through Italy to Palestine, arriving 1938. Between the years 1939–1942 she worked in a bank and later as a lawyer's secretary and translator in Tel Aviv. She married her cousin Gerhard Peltesohn, a lawyer (1909–1965), and both had two daughters, Ruth (born 1940) and Judith (born 1943).

Solution of Heffter's Difference Problems

Peltesohn solved the Difference Problems of Lothar Heffter (1896) in combinatorics in 1939.[2] A Difference Triple (abc) is defined as three different elements from the set , whose sum equals zero () or for which one element equals the sum of the other two ().

Following Peltesohn, such a partition exists with the exception of the case v = 9.

An example of the partition for is: (with ) and (with ).

The solution of the Difference Problem of Heffter also gives a construction of cyclic Steiner triple systems.


  • Maximilian Pinl Kollegen in einer dunklen Zeit, Jahresbericht Deutsche Mathematikervereinigung (DMV), Vol. 71, 1969, pp. 188–189

External links


  1. Rose Peltesohn, Das Turnierproblem für Spiele zu je dreien, 1936, p. 2
  2. Peltesohn Eine Lösung der beiden Heffterschen Differenzenprobleme, Compositio Mathematica, Vol. 6, 1939, p. 251–257
