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'''Hilbert's Nullstellensatz''' (German for "theorem of zeros," or more literally, "zero-locus-theorem" – see ''[[Satz (disambiguation)|Satz]]'') is a theorem which establishes a fundamental relationship between [[geometry]] and [[algebra]]. This relationship is the basis of [[algebraic geometry]], an important branch of [[mathematics]]. It relates [[algebraic set]]s to [[ideal (ring theory)|ideals]] in [[polynomial ring]]s over [[algebraically closed field]]s. This relationship was discovered by [[David Hilbert]] who proved the Nullstellensatz and several other important related theorems named after him (like [[Hilbert's basis theorem]]).
Nowadays there are over the counter medicines which you can utilize inside order to remedy the hemorrhoid, however, most of the time these drugs offers only temporary relief. But when you are suffering the pain, you'll definitely employ anything merely to ease the pain which you are going by. These over the counter medicines plus topical lotions could just provide you temporary relief. However of course should you may do the look, you'll mostly search for the 1 which can provide we permanent relief.<br><br>Later I did discover out he had hemorrhoidectomy operation. At the time I wondered if operation was the number one [ internal hemorrhoid treatment] for him. I didn't know anything regarding hemorrhoids back then.<br><br>Start by taking certain procedures that may stop the hemorrhoids from worsening. This involves utilizing soaps which are dye and perfume free. Rubbing the anal area can create items worse. Instead, utilize moistened bathroom paper and blot the area after using the bathroom. After you shower, pat dry gently with a soft towel.<br><br>It's whenever the veins in the rectum get swollen to the point of bleeding plus this causes too much pain. Some attributes to the condition on inadequate intake of fiber, prolonged sitting found on the toilet and straining every bowel movement but inside truth, it has several factors however, amidst that, only something is certain: it happens to be unbearable and the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids can definitely avoid you from doing the normal daily escapades.<br><br>Most of the time you'll prefer to stay at home in order to do anything with the pain you are experiencing. Nowadays hemorrhoids are not really a big deal due to the availability of those hemorrhoid treatments. The right treatment for this might be to learn the cause of hemorrhoid plus recognize the procedures that will help you receive from which painful condition.<br><br>It comes in 2 types. One is a spray sort answer plus the different a all-natural supplement for the colon. Simply spray Venapro below the language plus immediately the magic of Venapro sets inside. The elements trigger the all-natural immune inside response to the hemorrhoids. In short, it "calms down" the symptoms of hemorrhoids.<br><br>As you can see there are different forms of hemorrhoid treatment to employ at house. Some of them will provide a remarkable deal of relief from this uncomfortable condition, so it does pay to try them out. Do this and we will soon notice which you are no longer needing to cope with hemorrhoids on a daily basis.
== Formulation ==
Let ''k'' be a field (such as the [[rational number]]s) and ''K'' be an algebraically closed field extension (such as the [[complex number]]s), consider the [[polynomial ring]] ''k''[''X''<sub>1</sub>,''X''<sub>2</sub>,..., ''X''<sub>''n''</sub>] and let ''I'' be an [[Ideal (ring theory)|ideal]] in this ring. The [[algebraic set]] V(''I'') defined by this ideal consists of all ''n''-tuples '''x''' = (''x''<sub>1</sub>,...,''x''<sub>''n''</sub>) in ''K''<sup>''n''</sup> such that ''f''('''x''') = 0 for all ''f'' in ''I''. Hilbert's Nullstellensatz states that if ''p'' is some polynomial in ''k''[''X''<sub>1</sub>,''X''<sub>2</sub>,..., ''X''<sub>''n''</sub>] which vanishes on the algebraic set V(''I''), i.e. ''p''('''x''') = 0 for all '''x''' in ''V''(''I''), then there exists a [[natural number]] ''r'' such that ''p''<sup>''r''</sup> is in ''I''.
An immediate corollary is the "weak Nullstellensatz": The ideal ''I'' in ''k''[''X''<sub>1</sub>,''X''<sub>2</sub>,..., ''X''<sub>''n''</sub>] contains 1 if and only if the polynomials in ''I'' do not have any common zeros in ''K''<sup>''n''</sup>. It may also be formulated as follows:
if ''I'' is a proper ideal in ''k''[''X''<sub>1</sub>,''X''<sub>2</sub>,..., ''X''<sub>''n''</sub>], then V(''I'') cannot be [[empty set|empty]], i.e. there exists a common zero for all the polynomials in the ideal in every algebraically closed extension of ''k''. This is the reason for the name of the theorem, which can be proved easily from the 'weak' form using the [[Rabinowitsch trick]]. The assumption of considering common zeros in an algebraically closed field is essential here; for example, the elements of the proper ideal (''X''<sup>2</sup> + 1) in '''R'''[''X''] do not have a common zero in '''R'''.
With the notation common in algebraic geometry, the Nullstellensatz can also be formulated as
for every ideal ''J''. Here, <math>\sqrt{J}</math> denotes the [[radical of an ideal|radical]] of ''J'' and I(''U'') is the ideal of all polynomials which vanish on the set ''U''.
In this way, we obtain an order-reversing [[bijective]] correspondence between the algebraic sets in ''K''<sup>''n''</sup> and the [[radical ideal]]s of ''K''[''X''<sub>1</sub>,''X''<sub>2</sub>,..., ''X''<sub>''n''</sub>]. In fact, more generally, one has a [[Galois connection]] between subsets of the space and subsets of the algebra, where "[[Zariski closure]]" and "radical of the ideal generated" are the [[closure operator]]s.
As a particular example, consider a point <math>P = (a_1, \cdots, a_n) \in K^n</math>. Then <math>I(P) = (X_1 - a_1, \cdots, X_n - a_n)</math>. More generally,
:<math>\sqrt{I} = \bigcap_{P \in V(I)}  (X_1 - a_1, \cdots, X_n - a_n), \quad P = (a_1, \cdots, a_n).</math>
As another example, an algebraic subset ''W'' in ''K''<sup>''n''</sup> is irreducible (in the Zariski topology) if and only if <math>I(W)</math> is a prime ideal.
== Proof and generalization ==
There are many known proofs of the theorem. One proof <!-- due to Zariski? --> is the following:
# Note that it is enough to prove [[Zariski's lemma]]: a finitely generated algebra over a field ''k'' that is a field is a finite field extension of ''k''.
# Prove Zariski's lemma.
The proof of Step 1 is elementary. Step 2 is deeper. It follows, for example, from the [[Noether normalization lemma]]. See [[Zariski's lemma]] for more. Here we sketch the proof of Step 1.<ref>{{harvnb|Atiyah-MacDonald|1969|loc=Ch. 7}}</ref> Let <math>A = k[t_1, ..., t_n]</math> (''k'' algebraically closed field), ''I'' an ideal of ''A'' and ''V'' the common zeros of ''I'' in <math>k^n</math>. Clearly, <math>\sqrt{I} \subseteq I(V)</math>. Let <math>f \not\in \sqrt{I}</math>. Then <math>f \not\in \mathfrak{p}</math> for some prime ideal <math>\mathfrak{p}\supseteq I</math> in ''A''. Let <math>R = (A/\mathfrak{p}) [f^{-1}]</math> and <math>\mathfrak{m}</math> a maximal ideal in <math>R</math>. By Zariski's lemma, <math>R/\mathfrak{m}</math> is a finite extension of ''k''; thus, is ''k'' since ''k'' is algebraically closed. Let <math>x_i</math> be the images of <math>t_i</math> under the natural map <math>A \to k</math>. It follows that <math>x = (x_1, ..., x_n) \in V</math> and <math>f(x) \ne 0</math>.
The Nullstellensatz will also follow trivially once one systematically developed the theory of a [[Jacobson ring]], a ring in which a radical ideal is an intersection of maximal ideals. Let <math>R</math> be a [[Jacobson ring]]. If <math>S</math> is a finitely generated [[associative algebra|''R''-algebra]], then <math>S</math> is a Jacobson ring. Further, if <math>\mathfrak{n}\subset S</math> is a maximal ideal, then <math>\mathfrak{m} := \mathfrak{n} \cap R</math> is a maximal ideal of R, and <math>S/\mathfrak{n}</math> is a finite extension field of <math>R/\mathfrak{m}</math>.
Another generalization states that a faithfully flat morphism <math>f: Y \to X</math> locally of finite type with ''X'' quasi-compact has a ''quasi-section'', i.e. there exists <math>X'</math> affine and faithfully flat and quasi-finite over ''X'' together with an ''X''-morphism <math>X' \to Y</math>
== Effective Nullstellensatz ==
In all of its variants, Hilbert's Nullstellensatz asserts that some polynomial <math>g</math> belongs or not to an ideal generated, say, by <math>f_1,\dots,f_k</math>; we have <math>g=f^r</math> in the strong version, <math>g=1</math> in the weak form. This means the existence or the non existence of polynomials <math>g_1,\dots,g_k</math> such that <math>g=f_1g_1+\cdots +f_kg_k.</math> The usual proofs of the Nullstellensatz are non effective in the sense that they do not give any way to compute the <math>g_i</math>.
It is thus a rather natural question to ask if there is an effective way to compute the <math>g_i</math> (and the exponent <math>r</math> in the strong form) or to prove that they do not exist. To solve this problem, it suffices to provide an upper bound on the total degree of the <math>g_i</math>: such a bound reduces the problem to a finite [[system of linear equations]] that may be solved by usual [[linear algebra]] techniques.
Any such upper bound is called an '''effective Nullstellensatz'''.
A related problem is the '''ideal membership problem''', which consists in testing if a polynomial belongs to an ideal. For this problem also, a solution is provided by an upper bound on the degree of the <math>g_i.</math> A general solution of the ideal membership problem provides an effective Nullstellensatz, at least for the weak form.
In 1925, [[Grete Hermann]] gave an upper bound for ideal membership problem that is doubly exponential in the number of variables. In 1982 Mayr and Meyer gave an example where the <math>g_i</math> have a degree which is at least double exponential, showing that every general upper bound for the ideal membership problem is doubly exponential in the number of variables.
Until 1987, nobody had the idea that effective Nullstellensatz was easier than ideal membership, when [[Brownawell]] gave an upperbound for the effective Nullstellensatz which is simply exponential in the number of variables. Brownawell proof uses calculus techniques and thus is valid only in characteristic 0. Soon after, in 1988, [[János Kollár]] gave a purely algebraic proof valid in any characteristic, leading to a better bound.
In the case of the weak Nullstellensatz, Kollár's bound is the following:<ref>{{citation|first=János|last=Kollár|title=Sharp Effective Nullstellensatz|journal=Journal of the American Mathematical Society|volume= 1|issue=4|date=October 1988|pages=963–975|url=}}</ref>
:Let <math>f_1,\ldots, f_s</math> be polynomials in ''n''≥2 variables, of total degree <math>d_1\ge \cdots \ge d_s.</math> If there exist polynomials <math>g_i</math> such that <math>f_1g_1+\cdots +f_sg_s=1,</math> then they can be chosen such that <math>\deg(f_ig_i) \le \max(d_s,3)\prod_{j=1}^{\min(n,s)-1}\max(d_j,3).</math> This bound is optimal if all the degrees are greater than 2.
If ''d'' is the maximum of the degrees of the <math>f_i</math>, this bound may be simplified to <math>\max(3,d)^{\min(n,s)}.</math>
Kollár's result has been improved by several authors. M. Sombra has provided the best improvement, up to date, giving the bound<ref>{{citation|first=Martín|last=Sombra|title=A Sparse Effective Nullstellensatz|journal=Advances in Applied Mathematics|volume= 22|issue=2|date=February 1999|pages=271–295|url=}}</ref> <math>\deg(f_ig_i) \le 2d_s\prod_{j=1}^{\min(n,s)-1}d_j.</math>. His bound is better than Kollár's as soon as at least two of the degrees that are involved are lower than 3..
==Projective Nullstellensatz==
We can formulate a certain correspondence between homogeneous ideals of polynomials and algebraic subsets of a projective space, called the '''projective Nullstellensatz''', that is analogous to the affine one. To do that, we introduce some notations. Let <math>R = k[t_0, ..., t_n].</math> The homogeneous ideal <math>R_+ = \bigoplus_{d \ge 1} R_d</math> is called the ''maximal homogeneous ideal'' (see also [[irrelevant ideal]]). As in the affine case, we let: for a subset <math>S \subseteq \mathbb{P}^n</math> and a homogeneous ideal ''I'' of ''R'',
\operatorname{I}_{\mathbb{P}^n}(S) &= \{ f \in R_+ | f = 0 \text{ on } S \}, \\
\operatorname{V}_{\mathbb{P}^n}(I) &= \{ x \in \mathbb{P}^n | f(x) = 0 \text{ for all }f \in I \}.
By <math>f = 0 \text{ on } S</math> we mean: for every homogeneous coordinates <math>(a_0 : \cdots : a_n)</math> of a point of ''S'' we have <math>f(a_0,\ldots, a_n)=0</math>. This implies that the homogeneous components of ''f'' are also zero on ''S'' and thus that <math>\operatorname{I}_{\mathbb{P}^n}(S)</math> is a homogeneous ideal. Equivalently, <math>\operatorname{I}_{\mathbb{P}^n}(S)</math> is the homogeneous ideal generated by homogeneous polynomials ''f'' that vanish on ''S''. Now, for any homogeneous ideal <math>I \subseteq R_+</math>, by the usual Nullstellensatz, we have:
:<math>\sqrt{I} = \operatorname{I}_{\mathbb{P}^n}(\operatorname{V}_{\mathbb{P}^n}(I)),</math>
and so, like in the affine case, we have:<ref>This formulation comes from Milne, Algebraic geometry [] and differs from {{harvnb|Hartshorne|1977|loc=Ch. I, Exercise 2.4}}</ref>
:There exists an order-reversing one-to-one correspondence between proper homogeneous radical ideals of ''R'' and subsets of <math>\mathbb{P}^n</math> of the form <math>\operatorname{V}_{\mathbb{P}^n}(I).</math> The correspondence is given by <math>\operatorname{I}_{\mathbb{P}^n}</math> and <math>\operatorname{V}_{\mathbb{P}^n}.</math>
==See also==
*[[Stengle's Positivstellensatz]]
*[[Differential Nullstellensatz]]
*[[Combinatorial Nullstellensatz]]
*[[Michael Atiyah|M. Atiyah]], [[Ian G. Macdonald|I.G. Macdonald]], ''Introduction to Commutative Algebra'', [[Addison–Wesley]], 1994. ISBN 0-201-40751-5
* {{cite book | author=Shigeru Mukai | authorlink=Shigeru Mukai | coauthors=William Oxbury (translator) | title=An Introduction to Invariants and Moduli | series=Cambridge studies in advanced mathematics | volume=81 | year=2003 | isbn=0-521-80906-1 | page=82 }}
* [[David Eisenbud]], ''Commutative Algebra With a View Toward Algebraic Geometry'', New York : Springer-Verlag, 1999.
*{{Hartshorne AG}}
[[Category:Theorems in algebraic geometry]]

Latest revision as of 19:18, 25 December 2014

Nowadays there are over the counter medicines which you can utilize inside order to remedy the hemorrhoid, however, most of the time these drugs offers only temporary relief. But when you are suffering the pain, you'll definitely employ anything merely to ease the pain which you are going by. These over the counter medicines plus topical lotions could just provide you temporary relief. However of course should you may do the look, you'll mostly search for the 1 which can provide we permanent relief.

Later I did discover out he had hemorrhoidectomy operation. At the time I wondered if operation was the number one internal hemorrhoid treatment for him. I didn't know anything regarding hemorrhoids back then.

Start by taking certain procedures that may stop the hemorrhoids from worsening. This involves utilizing soaps which are dye and perfume free. Rubbing the anal area can create items worse. Instead, utilize moistened bathroom paper and blot the area after using the bathroom. After you shower, pat dry gently with a soft towel.

It's whenever the veins in the rectum get swollen to the point of bleeding plus this causes too much pain. Some attributes to the condition on inadequate intake of fiber, prolonged sitting found on the toilet and straining every bowel movement but inside truth, it has several factors however, amidst that, only something is certain: it happens to be unbearable and the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids can definitely avoid you from doing the normal daily escapades.

Most of the time you'll prefer to stay at home in order to do anything with the pain you are experiencing. Nowadays hemorrhoids are not really a big deal due to the availability of those hemorrhoid treatments. The right treatment for this might be to learn the cause of hemorrhoid plus recognize the procedures that will help you receive from which painful condition.

It comes in 2 types. One is a spray sort answer plus the different a all-natural supplement for the colon. Simply spray Venapro below the language plus immediately the magic of Venapro sets inside. The elements trigger the all-natural immune inside response to the hemorrhoids. In short, it "calms down" the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

As you can see there are different forms of hemorrhoid treatment to employ at house. Some of them will provide a remarkable deal of relief from this uncomfortable condition, so it does pay to try them out. Do this and we will soon notice which you are no longer needing to cope with hemorrhoids on a daily basis.