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In [[mathematics]], the '''Grothendieck group''' construction in [[abstract algebra]] constructs an [[abelian group]] from a [[commutative]] [[monoid]] in the most universal way. It takes its name from the more general construction in [[category theory]], introduced by [[Alexander Grothendieck]] in his fundamental work of the mid-1950s that resulted in the development of [[K-theory]], which led to his proof of the [[Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem]]. The Grothendieck group is denoted by ''K'' or ''R''.
Luke Bryan is often a celebrity in the generating plus the job advancement initially second to his 3rd stadium record,  & , is the evidence. He broken to the picture in 2015 along with his amazing combination of down-house accessibility, video celebrity fantastic appearance and  lyrics, is scheduled t in the major way. The newest record Top about the country graph or chart and #2 around the pop maps, generating it the next highest very first during those times of 2006 for the land designer. <br><br>The child of a , understands determination and dedication are key elements in relation to a prosperous  profession- . His to start with recording, Remain Me, generated the best  strikes “All My Friends “Country and Say” Guy,” when his effort, Doin’  Point, found the singer-a few right No. 8 single people: Else Phoning Can be a Fantastic Point.”<br><br>Inside the fall of 2009, Concerts: Luke Bryan  And that had a remarkable selection of , such as   [http://lukebryantickets.omarfoundation.org ticket resale] City. “It’s almost like you’re obtaining a   acceptance to visit to a higher level,   [http://okkyunglee.com luke bryan concert tour schedule] says all those artists that had been an element of the Concert toursover into a larger sized amount of musicians.” It packaged among the best  excursions in its twenty-year historical past.<br><br>Feel free to visit my site [http://lukebryantickets.sgs-suparco.org tickets for luke bryan concert]
==Universal property==
In its simplest form, the Grothendieck group of a commutative monoid is the universal way of making that monoid into an abelian group.  Let ''M'' be a commutative monoid. Its Grothendieck group ''N'' should have the following [[universal property]]: There exists a monoid homomorphism
such that for any monoid homomorphism
from the commutative monoid ''M'' to an abelian group ''A'', there is a unique group homomorphism
such that
In the language of [[category theory]], the [[functor]] that sends a commutative monoid ''M'' to its Grothendieck group ''N'' is [[adjoint functor|left adjoint]] to the [[forgetful functor]] from the [[category of abelian groups]] to the category of commutative monoids.
==Explicit construction==
To construct the Grothendieck group of a commutative monoid ''M'', one forms the Cartesian product
The two coordinates are meant to represent a positive part and a negative part:
:(''m'', ''n'')
is meant to correspond to
:''m'' &minus; ''n''.
Addition is defined coordinate-wise:
:(''m<sub>1</sub>'', ''m<sub>2</sub>'') + (''n<sub>1</sub>'', ''n<sub>2</sub>'') = (''m<sub>1</sub>'' + ''n<sub>1</sub>'', ''m<sub>2</sub>'' + ''n<sub>2</sub>'').
Next we define an equivalence relation on ''M''×''M''. We say that (''m<sub>1</sub>'', ''m<sub>2</sub>'') is equivalent to (''n<sub>1</sub>'', ''n<sub>2</sub>'') if, for some element ''k'' of ''M'', ''m<sub>1</sub>'' + ''n<sub>2</sub>'' + ''k'' =  ''m<sub>2</sub>'' + ''n<sub>1</sub>'' + ''k''.  It is easy to check that the addition operation is compatible with the equivalence relationThe identity element is now any element of the form (''m, m''), and the inverse of (''m<sub>1</sub>'', ''m<sub>2</sub>'') is (''m<sub>2</sub>'', ''m<sub>1</sub>'').
In this form, the Grothendieck group is the fundamental construction of [[K-theory]]. The group ''K<sub>0</sub>(M)'' of a [[manifold]] ''M'' is defined to be the Grothendieck group of the commutative monoid of all isomorphism classes of [[vector bundle]]s of finite rank on ''M'' with the monoid operation given by direct sum. The zeroth algebraic K group ''K<sub>0</sub>(R)'' of a ring ''R'' is the Grothendieck group of the monoid consisting of isomorphism classes of [[projective modules]] over ''R'', with the monoid operation given by the direct sum.
The Grothendieck group can also be constructed using generators and relations: denoting by ''(Z(M),+')'' the free abelian group generated by the set M, the Grothendieck group is the quotient of ''Z(M)'' by the subgroup generated by <math>\{x+'y-'(x+y)\mid x,y\in M\}</math>.
==Grothendieck group and extensions<!-- Ext functor links here -->==
Another construction that carries the name '''Grothendieck group''' is the following: Let ''R'' be a finite dimensional algebra over some field ''K'' or more generally an [[artinian ring]]. Then define the Grothendieck group ''G<sub>0</sub>(R)'' as the group generated by the set <math>\{[X] | X \in R\mathrm{-Mod}\}</math> of isomorphism classes of finitely generated ''R''-modules and the following relations: For every exact sequence
:<math>0\to A\to B\to C\to 0</math>
of ''R''-modules add the relation
:<math>[A] - [B] + [C] = 0</math>
The abelian group defined by this generators and this relations is the Grothendieck group ''G<sub>0</sub>(R)''.
This group satisfies a universal property. We make a preliminary definition: A function χ from the set of isomorphism classes to an abelian group ''A'' is called ''additive'' if, for each exact sequence 0 → ''A'' → ''B'' → ''C'' → 0, we have <math>\chi(A)-\chi(B)+\chi(C)= 0</math>. Then, for any additive function χ: ''R''-'''mod''' → ''X'', there is a ''unique'' group homomorphism ''f'': ''G<sub>0</sub>(R)'' → ''X'' such that χ factors through ''f'' and the map that takes each object of <math>\mathcal A</math> to the element representing its isomorphism class in ''G<sub>0</sub>(R)''. Concretely this means that ''f'' satisfies the equation ''f([V])'' = χ(''V'') for every finitely generated ''R''-module ''V'' and ''f'' is the only group homomorphism that does that.
Examples of additive functions are the [[Character (Mathematics)|character]] function from [[representation theory]]: If ''R'' is a finite dimensional ''K''-algebra, then we can associate the character χ<sub>''V''</sub>: ''R'' → ''K'' to every finite dimensional ''R''-module ''V'': χ<sub>''V''</sub>(''x'') is defined to be the [[Trace (linear algebra)|trace]] of the ''K''-linear map that is given by multiplication with the element ''x'' ∈ ''R'' on ''V''.
By choosing suitable basis and write the corresponding matrices in block triangular form one easily sees that character functions are additive in the above sense. By the universal property this gives us a "universal character" <math>\chi: G_0(R)\to \mathrm{Hom}_K(R,K)</math> such that χ([''V'']) = χ<sub>''V''</sub>.
If ''K'' = '''C''' and ''R'' is the [[group ring]] '''C'''[''G''] of a [[finite group]] ''G'' then this character map even gives a [[natural transformation|natural]] isomorphism of ''G<sub>0</sub>''('''C'''[''G'']) and the character ring Ch(''G''). In the [[modular representation theory]] of finite groups ''K'' can be a <math>\overline{\mathbf{F}}_p</math> the [[algebraic closure]] of the [[finite field]] with ''p'' elements. In this case the analogously defined map that associates to each ''K''[''G'']-module its [[Brauer character]] is also a natural isomorphism <math>G_0(\overline{\mathbf{F}}_p[G])\to \mathrm{BCh}(G)</math> onto the ring of Brauer characters. In this way Grothendieck groups show up in representation theory.
This universal property also makes ''G<sub>0</sub>(R)'' the 'universal receiver' of generalized [[Euler characteristic]]s. In particular, for every [[bounded complex]] of objects in ''R''-'''mod'''
:<math> \cdots \to 0 \to 0 \to A^n \to A^{n+1} \to \cdots \to A^{m-1} \to A^m \to 0 \to 0 \to \cdots </math>
we have a canonical element
:<math> [A^\ast] = \sum_i (-1)^i [A^i] = \sum_i (-1)^i [H^i (A^\ast)] \in G_0(R). </math>
In fact the Grothendieck group was originally introduced for the study of Euler characteristics.
==Grothendieck groups of exact categories==
A common generalization of these two concepts is given by the Grothendieck group of an [[exact category]] <math>\mathcal{A}</math>. Simplified an exact category is an additive category together with a class of distinguished short sequences ''A'' → ''B'' → ''C''. The distinguished sequences are called "exact sequences", hence the name. The precise axioms for this distinguished class do not matter for the construction of the Grothendieck group.
It is defined in the same way as before as the abelian group with one generator [''M''] for each (isomorphism class of) object(s) of the category <math>\mathcal{A}</math> and one relation
:<math>[A]-[B]+[C] = 0</math>
for each exact sequence
:<math>A\hookrightarrow B\twoheadrightarrow C</math>.
Alternatively one can define the Grothendieck group using a similar universal property: An abelian group ''G'' together with a mapping <math>\phi: \mathrm{Ob}(\mathcal{A})\to G</math> is called the Grothendieck group of <math>\mathcal{A}</math> iff every "additive" map <math>\chi\colon \mathrm{Ob}(\mathcal{A})\to X</math> from <math>\mathcal{A}</math> into an abelian group ''X'' ("additive" in the above sense, i.e. for every exact sequence <math>A\hookrightarrow B\twoheadrightarrow C</math> we have <math>\chi(A)-\chi(B)+\chi(C)=0</math>) factors uniquely through φ.
Every [[abelian category]] is an exact category if we just use the standard interpretation of "exact". This gives the notion of a Grothendieck group in the previous section if we choose <math>\mathcal{A}:=R</math>-'''mod''' the category of finitely generated ''R''-modules as <math>\mathcal{A}</math>. This is really abelian because ''R'' was assumed to be artinian and (hence noetherian) in the previous section.
On the other hand every [[additive category]] is also exact if we declare those and only those sequences to be exact that have the form <math>A\hookrightarrow A\oplus B\twoheadrightarrow B</math> with the canonical inclusion and projection morphisms. This procedure produces the Grothendieck group of the commutative monoid <math>(\mathrm{Iso}(\mathcal{A}),\oplus)</math> in the first sense (here <math>\mathrm{Iso}(\mathcal{A})</math> means the "set" [ignoring all foundational issues] of isomorphism classes in <math>\mathcal{A}</math>.)
== Grothendieck groups of triangulated categories==
Generalizing even further it is also possible to define the Grothendieck group for [[triangulated category|triangulated categories]]. The construction is essentially similar but uses the relations [''X''] - [''Y''] + [''Z''] = 0 whenever there is a distinguished triangle ''X'' → ''Y'' → ''Z'' → ''X''[1].
* The easiest example of the Grothendieck group construction is the construction of the integers from the natural numbers. First one observes that the natural numbers together with the usual addition indeed form a commutative monoid ('''N''',+).
:Now when we use the Grothendieck group construction we obtain the formal differences between natural numbers as elements ''n - m'' and we have the equivalence relation
::<math>n - m \sim n' - m' \leftrightarrow n + m' = n'+ m</math>.
:Now define
::<math> n := [n-0] </math>,
::<math> -n := [0 - n] </math>
:for all ''n'' ∈ '''N'''. This defines the integers '''Z'''. Indeed this is the usual construction to obtain the integers from the natural numbers. See [[Integers#Construction|"Construction" under Integers]] for a more detailed explanation.
* In the abelian category of finite dimensional [[vector space]]s over a [[field (mathematics)|field]] ''k'', two vector spaces are isomorphic if and only if they have the same dimension. Thus, for a vector space ''V'' the class <math>[V] = [k^{\mbox{dim}(V)}]</math> in <math>K_0(\mathrm{Vect}_{\mathrm{fin}})</math>. Moreover for an exact sequence
::<math> 0 \to k^l \to k^m \to k^n \to 0 </math>
:''m = l + n'', so
::<math> [k^{l+n}] = [k^l] + [k^n] = (l+n)[k]. </math>
:Thus <math>[V] = \operatorname{dim}(V)[k]</math>, the Grothendieck group <math>K_0(\mathrm{Vect}_{\mathrm{fin}})</math> is isomorphic to '''Z''' and is generated by ''[k]''. Finally  for a bounded complex of finite dimensional vector spaces ''V''*,
::<math> [V^*] = \chi(V^*)[k] </math>
:where <math> \chi </math> is the standard Euler characteristic defined by
::<math> \chi(V^*)= \sum_i (-1)^i \operatorname{dim} V = \sum_i (-1)^i \operatorname{dim} H^i(V^*). </math>
* <math>K_0</math> is often defined for a [[ring (mathematics)|ring]]. The usual construction is as follows: For a (not necessarily commutative) ring ''R'', one defines the category <math>\mathcal A</math> to be the category of all finitely generated [[projective module]]s over the ring. ''K<sub>0</sub>(R)'' is then defined to be the Grothendieck group of <math>\mathcal{A}</math>. This gives a (contravariant) functor of ''R''.
* A special case of the above is the case where ''R'' is the ring <math>C^\infty(X)</math> of (say complex-valued) [[smooth function]]s on a compact manifold ''X''. In this case the projective ''R''-modules are [[Dual (category theory)|dual]] to vector bundles over ''X'' (by the [[Serre-Swan theorem]]). The above construction thus reconstructs the zeroth [[topological K-theory]] group ''K<sub>0</sub>(X)'', i.e. the Grothendieck group of the commutative monoid of (isomorphism classes) vector bundles over ''X'' with addition being the direct sum. (This time ''K<sub>0</sub>(X)'' is covariant functor of ''X'' because of the duality in the intermediate step).
* A ringed-space-version of the latter example works as follows: Choose <math>\mathcal{A}</math> to be the category of all [[locally free sheaf|locally free sheaves]] over ''X''. ''K<sub>0</sub>(X)'' is again defined as the Grothendieck group of this category and again this gives a functor.
* For a ringed space <math>(X,\mathcal{O}_X)</math>, one can also define the category <math>\mathcal A</math> to be the category of all [[coherent sheaf|coherent sheaves]] on ''X''. This includes the special case (if the ringed space is an [[affine scheme]]) of <math>\mathcal{A}</math> being the category of finitely generated modules over a noetherian ring ''R''. In both cases <math>\mathcal{A}</math> is an abelian category and a fortiori an exact category so the construction above applies.
* In the special case where ''R'' is a finite dimensional algebra over some field this reduces to the Grothendieck group ''G<sub>0</sub>(R)'' mentioned above. If the ring is additionally ℤ-graded, the Grothendieck group is naturally a ℤ[q,q^{-1}]-module, where q correspond to the grading shift by 1.
* There is another Grothendieck group ''G<sub>0</sub>'' of a ring or a ringed space which is sometimes useful. The category in the case is chosen to be the category of all quasicoherent sheaves on the ringed space which reduces to the category of all modules over some ring ''R'' in case of affine schemes. ''G<sub>0</sub>'' is ''not'' a functor, but nevertheless it carries important information.
* Since the (bounded) derived category is triangulated, there is a Grothendieck group for derived categories too. This has applications in representation theory for example. For the unbounded category the Grothendieck group however vanishes. For a derived category of some complex finite dimensional positively graded algebra there is a subcategory in the unbounded derived category containing the abelian category A of finite dimensional graded modules whose Grothendieck group is the q-adic completion of the Grothendieck group of A.
* [[Michael F. Atiyah]], ''K-Theory'', (Notes taken by D.W.Anderson, Fall 1964), published in 1967, W.A. Benjamin Inc., New York.
* [[Pramod Achar, Catharina Stroppel]], ''Completions of Grothendieck groups'', Bulletin of the LMS, 2012.
* {{springer|title=Grothendieck group|id=p/g045170}}
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[[Category:Algebraic structures]]
[[Category:Homological algebra]]

Latest revision as of 21:16, 6 September 2014

Luke Bryan is often a celebrity in the generating plus the job advancement initially second to his 3rd stadium record, & , is the evidence. He broken to the picture in 2015 along with his amazing combination of down-house accessibility, video celebrity fantastic appearance and lyrics, is scheduled t in the major way. The newest record Top about the country graph or chart and #2 around the pop maps, generating it the next highest very first during those times of 2006 for the land designer.

The child of a , understands determination and dedication are key elements in relation to a prosperous profession- . His to start with recording, Remain Me, generated the best strikes “All My Friends “Country and Say” Guy,” when his effort, Doin’ Point, found the singer-a few right No. 8 single people: Else Phoning Can be a Fantastic Point.”

Inside the fall of 2009, Concerts: Luke Bryan And that had a remarkable selection of , such as ticket resale City. “It’s almost like you’re obtaining a acceptance to visit to a higher level, luke bryan concert tour schedule says all those artists that had been an element of the Concert toursover into a larger sized amount of musicians.” It packaged among the best excursions in its twenty-year historical past.

Feel free to visit my site tickets for luke bryan concert