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Latest revision as of 05:05, 21 February 2014

What if I were tell you a secret that could change the way you look at "cold" calls.
What if that secret was something that would help you in other areas of your business, like networking, public speaking, meetings...the whole nine yards.
And what if I told you that the secret comes long before you pick up the phone, face a group, or even open your mouth? Would you want to know what that secret is?
Before I give it all away, let's talk about fear. Fear is both a motivator and a demolition derby, all in one. Think about when fear motivated you. For my colleague, fear happened when he lost pretty much everything dear to him: His job, his significant other, his house, his income...with the roots of that fear of loss going much farther back in his history.

I guess what I am suggesting to you is that you trace it back to what and where you were when fear kicked you in the knees and brought you down.
You're reading this, so you obviously survived. And no doubt scars were left, but as another colleague of mine says, "Maturity is a measure of how well you wear your scars." And yes, I am surrounded by a pretty remarkable team. This same colleague says that someone she loves deeply always says, "If that is the worst that has happened to you...may you be so lucky," and that if you are can say that about most things, you're doing pretty well.

The reason I suggest you trace it back is that it helps you put fears in perspective.
The next thing I suggest is that you take the phrase, "Fear of Cold Calling" and change it! That's the marvel of the English language, or any language. You can change the phrase, thereby changing the whole meaning.
For me, I would change it to, "Excitement about Sharing What I Have To Offer With Willing Ears". Why? Because this puts the focus where it needs to be: On what you are offering rather than the phone and the call.

If you are not elated about what you have to offer, you should fear that call. Because that means you are unsure, and that lack of confidence will show up in your posture, expression, voice, and message.
Now, maybe you're asking, "What's posture and expression got to do with it. I'm on the phone, for Pete's sake. It's not like they can see me."
But the fact is, they can - and do see you--through your voice. Think of the last time you got a call from someone trying UGG Boots Outlet to sell you something. Did you hang up on them? Bet you had a pretty good picture in your head of who they were, what they looked like, etc.

Yeah. Don't be them.
Instead, script out what's exciting about what you want to offer the person you're "warm" calling. Who says it has to be cold. Turn the faucet the other way. Warm it up.
Next, accept that everyone isn't going to like you, your call, or your offer. So, put up your "Shift" shield. You can lose a letter there, if you like, but the reason I say "shift" is that in life, no matter what, shift happens. The conversation can go one way or another, and you need to be prepared for either.

Of course, it's nicer if the shift is a positive shift and Cheap UGG Sale not that negative shift that we all could do without. But, while you can't always control the reaction of the person you're calling, you can control how you accept the shift. If you have your "shift" shield up then anything negative that happens can slide right off it and not hit you personally.

Above all else, remember the best way to eliminate the fear of cold calling is to define for yourself before the call who the person and company is that you're calling, what are their greatest challenges, how your product or service can help them, and how to get a hold of you for more information.

So let's review:
1. Trace your fear - where did it begin? How can you change your perspective about it?
2. Change the language of the fear to reflect something exciting and positive.
3. Put on your "shift shield" and let the negative stuff slide off
4. Make sure that YOU are excited about what you're offering and outlay the benefits to the person you're calling.
For me, personally, my business is business coaching. Not an easy thing to sell, by the way, since a lot of people don't know what a business coach is or does. But I do know that all business owners are challenged by management, time, team, and money, so my excitement comes in knowing that processes and strategies I have to offer them can help them improve and grow their company in a relatively short amount of time.

Knowing that I can help them is my ignition switch, so I look at the "call" as the key to turning that switch on!
So, now it's time for you to start your engines. The person you're calling is the key.