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In [[physics]], '''relativistic center of mass''' refers to the mathematical and physical concepts that define the [[center of mass]] of a system of particles in [[relativistic mechanics]] and [[relativistic quantum mechanics]].
Two main categoires are client-side spam filtering, and server-side or mail gateway filtering. Obviously, very little can however defeat recommendations from people today you recognize. Following these power-users not only reduces the risk of [ malware infected] files, but also provides consistent quality. What are art videos and what does watching one do to a person's sense of video documentaries, reality, and art. In previous years and decades the system has failed to formulate a way of ironing out these people as it is seen as within closed doors and the saying your home is your castle does not help deep rooted, narrow minded authorities to deal with the issue. Some spam is automated, and once the sender has your e-mail address, continues to send messages at intervals. " You nonetheless have to agree to subscribe to their certain cable service. <br>  <br> Then be willing to release it to the universe, saying, 'I release this loneliness and replace it with acceptance and peace. In order to find the best porn websites that offer free porn, you can just hit a search on Google which would bring up a lot of results of web sites that offer free porn videos. During the closure, Vivid is reported to have not begun the filming of any new titles, however, the studio did spend time on a backlog of post-production work on titles already produced for the label and set for release. Getting the help you need is the first stepping stone for living in a porn-free lifestyle. There are a number of things that cause drug induced dental decay. Born in Thailand on December 4, 1988, Maurer became well-known worldwide for his role in the 2007 Thai gay film "The Love of Siam". This is an alternative or holistic approach to treatment. <br> <br> Because most people are simply doing it all wrong and they're basically being counter-productive. These are all very prestigious awards at this event as you can imagine. There are plenty of with the grownup video [ HD porn] DVD titles are introduced for advertising like very hot cakes and these a growing number of porn makers and distributors are bracing the most  recent DVD technology. Consequently, web masters revealed brand-new and fresh ways to get their web site frequented by a multitude of folks. Watching porn is a gateway to the sexual fantasy world. The majority of these postures may be used for either vaginal and also rectal penetration. I found it on his facebook page and he has allowed me to reprint it here. <br> <br> With this type of investigation you can take your husbands email address and trace it back to a number of inappropriate web site services. We've all seen the pictures of the slick car with the sexy girl draped over it. This past summer I took him to see a movie in a theatre, and when a trailer was shown for the. The first question to ask yourself is &ldquo;Could it be possible that I have an addiction. Too many people treat their domain name like a red-headed stepchild. While you obtain your Porn High definition DVD, you should definitely safe your duplicate at great and trustworthy sources to make certain that content is simply not overpriced. With none doubt you'll expertise the greatest sex with the best porn stars.  <br>  <br> Most of us breathe a sigh of relief when we reach Medicare age because we think we will have coverage until we die. The evening ended with a scene of Lady Monster twirling fire tassels on the beach, a truly stunning thing to watch. The whole documentary rested on a vague belief that harm was in fact proven, not least her call for the industry to pay for sex education in the same way alcohol producers pay for facilities for alcoholics. However, every war has a seedy side, much like this one does ' and that seedy side is the pornographic industry. This can't be stressed soundly enough as it looks many are still at a loss on what to complete when they hand over porn. The internet is one of the best places to check for Bermuda employment opportunities. 29) Porno Magazine A: Its right in the first toilets in the beginning of the level. <br> <br> The Tour Guide � At first, this porn DVD title does not sound like one. Most people, especially at a young age think that its going to stop once they get older or once they get married. Why is it disgusting or unacceptable to watch a sexual act. If we try to hide our kids from the sexual sludge the world is throwing at them, we will be responsible for keeping the porn epidemic alive and thriving in the next generation. Justifying and rationalizing your behaviors are a natural part of this process but don't let these deter you from seeking help. That's how most people notice their domain has expired, but it get's worse. The plasticity of the living matter of our nervous system, in short, is the reason why we do a thing with difficulty the first time, but soon do it more and more easily, and finally, with sufficient practice, do it semi-mechanically, or with hardly any consciousness at all.  <br> <br> Last but not least, getting professional help is one of the most effective ways to stop porn addiction. Billion dollar porn too taboo for you and your online business. I stay up late to access pornography on my computer. This is evidenced by the classification of hundreds of different addictions; including Internet Addiction Syndrome and the classification of Gambling and viewing of pornographic materials as physically addictive and on par with substance abuse and drug addiction. A porn star's bio is really a helpful and effective tool in sending the message across the market that porn stars are still are stars in their own rights. It is simply a matter of pressing down on the desired picture for a moment. All the pieces is so easy and the most effective factor is that every part is for free.
== Introduction ==
In non-relativistic physics there is a unique and well defined notion of the [[center of mass]] [[Euclidean vector|vector]], a three-dimensional vector (abbreviated: "3-vector"), of an isolated system of massive particles inside the 3-spaces of [[inertial frames]] of [[Galilean invariance|Galilei space-time]]. However no such a notion exists in [[special relativity]] inside the 3-spaces of the inertial frames of [[Minkowski space-time]].
In a Galilean inertial frame with coordinates <math>(t,x)</math>, the Newton center of mass of N particles of mass <math>m_{i}</math> and 3-positions <math> {\vec{x}}_{i}(t) </math> is the 3-vector
:<math> {\vec{x}}_{(nr)}(t)={\frac{{\sum_{i=1}^{N}\,m_{i}\,{\vec{x}}_{i}(t)}}{{
both for free and interacting particles.
In a [[special relativity|special relativistic]] [[inertial frame]] in Minkowski space-time with [[four vector]] coordinates <math>x^{\mu}=(x^0,x)</math> a collective variable with all the properties of the Newton center of mass does not exist. The primary properties of the non-relativistic center of mass are
:i) together with the total [[momentum]] it forms a [[Canonical coordinates|canonical pair]],  
:ii) it transforms under [[rotation]]s as a three vector, and
:iii) it is a position associated with the spatial mass distribution of the constituents.
It is interesting that the following three proposals for a relativistic center of mass appearing in the literature of the last century <ref name="Pauri Prosperi">M.Pauri and G.M.Prosperi, Canonical Realizations of the Poincaré Group. I. General Theory, J.Math.Phys. ={16}, 1503
(1975).  M.Pauri, Canonical (Possibly Lagrangian) Realizations of the Poincaré Group with Increasing Mass-Spin Trajectories, talk at the International Colloquium "Group Theoretical Methods in Physica", Cocoyoc, Mexico, 1980, edited by K.B.Wolf (Springer, Berlin, 1980)</ref> take on individually these three properties:
#The Newton-Wigner-Pryce center of spin or canonical center of mass,<ref>T.D.Newton and E.P.Wigner, Localized States for Elementary Systems, Rev.Mod.Phys. Vol 21, 400 1969.</ref><ref>R.H.L.Pryce, The Mass-Centre in the Restricted Theory of
Relativity and Its Connexion with the Quantum Theory of Elementary Particles
, Proc.R.Soc.London, Ser A Vol 195, 62 (1948).</ref> (it is the classical counterpart of the Newton-Wigner quantum position operator). It is a 3-vector <math>\vec{\tilde{x}}</math> satisfying the same canonical  conditions as the Newton center of mass, namely having vanishing [[Poisson brackets]] <math>
\{{\tilde{x}}^{i},{\tilde{x}}^{j}\}=0 </math> in [[phase space]]. However there is no 4-vector <math> {\tilde{x}}^{\mu }=({\tilde{x}}^{o},{\vec{\tilde{x}}})</math> having it as the space part, so that it does not identify a [[world-line]], but only a pseudo-world-line, depending on the chosen inertial frame.
#The Fokker-Pryce center of inertia <math>\vec Y</math> ,.<ref>A.D.Fokker, Relativiteitstheorie (Noordhoff, Groningen, 1929) p.171.</ref> It is the space part of a 4-vector <math> Y^{\mu} = ( Y^0, \vec Y) </math> , so that it identifies a world-line, but it is not canonical, i.e. <math> \{ Y^i, Y^j \} \not= 0</math>.
#The Møller center of energy <math>\vec R </math>,<ref>C. Møller, Sur la dynamique des systemes ayant un moment angulaire interne, Ann.Inst.H.Poincaré vol {11}, 251 (1969);
The Theory of Relativity (Oxford Univ.Press, Oxford, 1957)</ref> defined as the Newton center of mass with the rest masses <math>m_{i}</math> of the particles replaced by their relativistic energies. This is not canonical, i.e. <math> \{R^{i},R^{j}\}\not=0</math>, neither the space part of a 4-vector, i.e. it only identifies a frame-dependent pseudo-world-line. These three collective variables have all the same constant 3-velocity and all of them collapse into the Newton center of mass in the non-relativistic limit. In the 1970s there was a big debate on this problem,<ref>G.N.Fleming, Covariant Position Operators, Spin and
Locality, Phys.Rev. vol 137B, 188 (1965)</ref><ref>A.J.Kalnay,
The Localization Problem, in Studies in the Foundations,
Methodology and Philosophy of Science, edited by M.Bunge (Springer, Berlin,
1971), vol.4</ref><ref>M.Lorente and P.Roman, {General expressions
for the position and spin operators of relativistic systems, J.Math.Phys.
vol 15, 70 (1974).</ref><ref>H.Sazdjian, {Position Variables
in Classical Relativistic Hamiltonian Mechanics}, Nucl.Phys. vol B161,
469 (1979).</ref> without any final conclusion.
== Group theoretical definition ==
In non-relativistic mechanics the phase space expression of the ten [[Generating set of a group|generators]] of the [[Galilei group]] of an isolated system of N particles with 3-positions <math>{\vec x_{i}(t)}</math>, 3-momenta <math>{\vec p_{i}(t)}</math> and masses <math>m_{i} (i = 1..N)</math> in the inertial frame with coordinates <math>(t,x)</math> are <math>(V(t)=V({\vec{x}}_{i}(t)-{\vec{x}}_{j}(t)) </math> is an inter-particle [[Scalar potential|potential]])
:<math> E_{G}=\sum_{i=1}^{N}\,{\frac{{{\vec{p}}_{i}^{2}(t)}}{{2m_{i}}}} +V(t),\qquad {\vec{P}}_{G}=\sum_{i=1}^{N}\,{\vec{p}}_{i}(t), </math>
:<math> {\vec{J}}_{G}=\sum_{i=1}^{N}\,{\vec{x}}_{i}(t)\times {\vec{p}}_{i}(t),\qquad {\vec{K}}_{G}=\vec{P}\,t-\sum_{i=1}^{N}\,m_{i}\,{\vec{x}}_{i}(t). </math>
They are [[constants of the motion]] generating the transformations connecting the inertial frames. Therefore at <math> t=0 </math> a group-theoretical definition of the Newton center of mass is
:<math> {\vec x}_{(nr)} = - \frac{{\vec K}_G}{M}, M = \sum_{i=1}^N m_i </math>
In special relativity the inertial frames are connected by transformations generated by the [[Poincaré group]]. The form of its ten generators <math> P^{\mu },J^{\mu \nu } </math> for an isolated system of N particles with action-at-a-distance interactions is very complicated, depends on how the particles are parametrized in phase space and is known explicitly only for certain classes of interactions,.<ref>D.Alba, H.W.Crater and L.Lusanna, {Hamiltonian Relativistic Two-Body Problem: Center of Mass and Orbit Reconstruction},
J.Phys. vol A40, 9585 (2007) (arXiv gr-qc/0610200).</ref><ref name="Alba Crater Lusanna">D.Alba, H.W.Crater and L.Lusanna, {Relativistic Quantum
Mechanics and Relativistic Entanglement in the Rest-Frame Instant Form of Dynamics}, J.Math.Phys. vol 52, 062301 (2011) (arXiv 0907.1816).</ref><ref>L.Lusanna, {From Clock Synchronization to Dark Matter as a Relativistic Inertial Effect}, Lecture at the {Black Objects in Supergravity} School BOSS2011, Frascati, 9–13 May 2011, to appear in Lecture Notes Physics (arXiv 1205.2481).</ref> However the ten quantities <math> P^{\mu },J^{\mu \nu } </math> are constants of the motion and, when <math> P^{\mu } </math> is a time-like 4-vector, one can define the two [[Casimir invariant]]s of the given representation of the Poincaré group.<ref name="Pauri Prosperi"/> These two constants of motion identify the invariant mass <math>M</math> and the rest spin <math> \vec{S} </math> of the isolated particle system. The relativistic [[energy-momentum relation]] is:
:<math> M^{2}c^{2} = (P^0)^2 - \vec{P}^{2}, </math>
where <math>P^0</math> is the zeroth component of the [[four momentum]], the total relativistic energy of the system of particles, and the [[Pauli–Lubanski pseudovector]] is:
:<math> W^{\mu } =\frac{1}{2}\varepsilon ^{\mu \nu \kappa \lambda }P_{\nu}J_{\kappa \lambda } </math>
:<math> \vec{W}|_{\vec{P}=0} =Mc\vec{S}, </math>
:<math> W^{2} =M^{2}c^{2}S^{2}</math>
It can be shown,<ref name="Pauri Prosperi"/><ref name="Alba Lusanna Pauri">D.Alba, L.Lusanna and M.Pauri, Centers of Mass and Rotational Kinematics for the Relativistic N-Body Problem in the Rest-Frame Instant Form, J.Math.Phys. vol 43, 1677-1727 (2002) (arXiv hep-th/0102087).</ref> that in an inertial frame with coordinates <math> x^{\mu }=(x^0,\vec{x})</math> the previous three collective variables 1), 2), and 3) are the only ones which can be expressed only in terms of <math> P^{\mu }, J^{\mu \nu }, M </math> and <math>\vec{S} </math> with
:<math> J^{i}={\frac{1}{2}}\,\sum_{jk}\,\epsilon^{ijk}\,J^{jk}, K^{i}=J^{0i}</math>
at <math>x^0=0</math>:
:<math>\vec R = - {\frac{{\vec K}}{{M c}}}</math>
:<math>{\vec {\tilde x}} = - {\frac{{\vec K}}{\sqrt{M^2c^2 - {\vec P}^2}}}  +{\frac{{\vec J \times \vec P}}{{\sqrt{M^2c^2 - {\vec P}^2} (M c + \sqrt{M^2c^2 - {\vec P}^2})}}} + {\frac{{\vec K \cdot \vec P\, \vec P}}{{Mc\, \sqrt{M^2c^2 - {\vec P}^2}
(Mc + \sqrt{M^2c^2 - {\vec P}^2}) }}}</math>
:<math> \vec Y ={\frac{{(Mc + \sqrt{M^2c^2 - {\vec P}^2})\, {\vec {\tilde x}} - Mc\, \vec R}}{\sqrt{M^2c^2 - {\vec P}^2}}}</math>
Since the Poincaré generators depend on all the components of the isolated system even when they are at large space-like distances, this result shows that the relativistic collective variables are global (not locally defined) quantities. Therefore all of them are non-measurable quantities, at least with local measurements. This suggests that there could be problems also with the measurement of the Newton center of mass with local methods.
== The three collective variables as 4-quantities in the rest-frame ==
The inertial rest frames of an isolated system can be geometrically defined as the inertial frames whose space-like 3-spaces are orthogonal to the conserved time-like 4-momentum of the system: they differ only for the choice of the inertial observer origin of the 4-coordinates <math>x^{\mu}</math>. One chooses the Fokker-Pryce center of inertia 4-vector <math>Y^{\mu}</math> as origin since it  is a 4-vector, so that it is the only collective variable which can be used for an inertial observer. If <math>\tau</math> is the [[proper time]] of the [[atomic clock]] carried by the inertial observer and <math> \vec{\sigma} </math> the 3-coordinates in the rest 3-spaces <math>\vec\Sigma_{\tau } </math>, space-time locations within these 3-spaces can be described in an arbitrary inertial frame with the embeddings,<ref name="Alba Crater Lusanna"/><ref name="Alba Lusanna Pauri"/>
:<math> z^{\mu}_W(\tau, \vec \sigma) = Y^{\mu}(\tau) + \sum_{r=1}^3 \epsilon^{\mu}_r(\vec h) \sigma^r, </math>
where <math>\vec h = \vec P / Mc </math>. The time-like 4-vector <math> h^{\mu}=P^{\mu}/Mc </math> and the three space-like 4-vectors <math>\epsilon^{\mu}_r(\vec h) </math> are the columns of the Wigner boosts for time-like orbits of the Poincaré group. As a consequence the 3-coordinates <math>\vec \sigma</math> define Wigner spin-1 3-vectors which transform under Wigner rotations <ref>{{cite book|last=Weinberg|first=Steven|title= The Quantum Theory of Fields|year=1995|publisher=Cambridge University Press}}</ref> when one does a [[Lorentz transformation]]. Therefore, due to this Wigner-covariance, these privileged rest 3-spaces (named Wigner 3-spaces <math>\Sigma_{(W) \tau}</math>) can be shown to be intrinsically defined and do not depend on the inertial observer describing them. They allow the description of relativistic bound states without the presence of the relative times of their constituents, whose excitations have never been observed in spectroscopy.
In this framework it is possible to describe the three collective variables with 4-quantities <math>{\tilde x}^{\mu}(\tau), Y^{\mu}(\tau), R^{\mu}(\tau) </math>, such that <math>\tau=h_{\mu}x^{\mu}(\tau)=h_{\mu}Y^{\mu}(\tau)=h_{\mu}R^{\mu}(\tau)</math>. It can be shown<ref name="Alba Crater Lusanna"/><ref name="Alba Lusanna Pauri"/> that they have the following expressions in terms of <math>\tau, \vec z = Mc{\vec {\tilde x}}(0) </math> (the Jacobi data at <math> \tau=0 </math> for the canonical center of mass), <math> \vec h, M </math> and <math>\vec S </math>
:<math> \begin{align}
{\tilde x}^{\mu}(\tau ) & = \left({\tilde x}^0(\tau ); {\tilde {\vec x}}(\tau)\right) = \left(\sqrt{1 + {\vec h}^2} (\tau + {\frac{{\vec h \cdot \vec z}}{{Mc}}}); {\frac{{\vec z}}{{Mc}}} + (\tau + {\frac{{\vec h \cdot \vec z}}{{Mc}}
}) \vec h\right) \\
& = z^{\mu}_W(\tau ,{\tilde {\vec \sigma}})= Y^{\mu}(\tau ) + \left(0,
{\frac{{- \vec S \times \vec h}}{{Mc (1 + \sqrt{1 + {\vec h}^2})}}}\right) \\ \end{align} </math>,
:<math> \begin{align}
Y^\mu (\tau ) &=\left({\tilde{x}}^{0}(\tau);\vec{Y}(\tau)\right)=\left(\sqrt{1+{\vec{h}}^{2}}(\tau+\frac{\vec{h}\cdot\vec{z}}{Mc});\frac{\vec{z}}{Mc}+(\tau+\frac{\vec{h}\cdot\vec{z}}{Mc})\vec{h}+\frac{\vec{S}\times\vec{h}}{Mc(1+\sqrt{1+{\vec{h}}^{2}})}\right) \\
& =z_W^{\mu}(\tau ,\vec 0) \end{align},</math>
R^{\mu}(\tau ) & = \left({\tilde x}^0(\tau ); \vec R(\tau )\right) = \left(\sqrt{
1 + {\vec h}^2} (\tau + \frac{\vec h \cdot \vec z}{Mc}); \frac{\vec z}{Mc} + (\tau + \frac{\vec h \cdot \vec z}{Mc})
\vec h - \frac{\ \vec S \times \vec h}{Mc \sqrt{1 + {\vec h}^2}} (1 +
\sqrt{1 + {\vec h}^2}) \right) \\
&= z^{\mu}_W(\tau ,{\vec \sigma}_R) = Y^{\mu}(\tau ) + \left(0; {\frac{{-
\vec S \times \vec h}}{{Mc \sqrt{1 + {\vec h}^2}}}}\right) \end{align} </math>
The locations in the privileged rest Wigner 3-space of the canonical center of mass and of the center of energy are
:<math> \tilde{\vec{\sigma}} = \frac{-\vec{S}\times \vec{h}}{Mc(1+\sqrt{1+{\vec{h}}^2})} </math>
:<math>\vec{\sigma}_R = \frac{-\,\vec{S}\times \vec{h}}{Mc\sqrt{1+{\vec{h}}^2}}</math>.
The pseudo-world-line of the canonical center of mass is always nearer to the center of inertia than the center of energy.
== The Møller world-tube of non-covariance ==
Møller has shown that if in an arbitrary inertial frame one draws all the pseudo-world-lines of <math>x^{\mu}(\tau)</math> and <math>R^{\mu}(\tau)</math> associated with every possible inertial frame, then they fill a world-tube around the 4-vector <math>Y^{\mu}(\tau)</math> with a transverse invariant Møller radius <math>\rho=|\vec S|/Mc</math> determined by the two Casimirs of the isolated system. This world-tube describes the region of non-covariance of the relativistic collective variables and puts a theoretical limit for the localization of relativistic particles. Since the Møller radius is of the order of the Compton wavelength of the isolated system, it is impossible to explore its interior without producing pairs, namely without taking into account relativistic quantum mechanics. Moreover the world-tube is the remnant of the energy conditions of general relativity in the flat Minkowski solution: if a material body has its material radius less that its Møller radius, then in some reference frame the energy density of the body is not definite positive even if the total energy is positive.
The difference among the three relativistic collective variables and the non-covariance world-tube are global (not locally defined) effects induced by the [[Lorentz signature]] of Minkowski space-time and disappear in the non-relativistic limit.
== See also ==
* [[Barycentric coordinate system]]
* [[Center-of-momentum frame]]
* [[Relativistic angular momentum]]
* [[Representation theory of the Lorentz group]]
* [[Representation theory of the Poincaré group]]
== References ==
[[Category:Theory of relativity]]

Latest revision as of 03:22, 3 November 2014

Two main categoires are client-side spam filtering, and server-side or mail gateway filtering. Obviously, very little can however defeat recommendations from people today you recognize. Following these power-users not only reduces the risk of malware infected files, but also provides consistent quality. What are art videos and what does watching one do to a person's sense of video documentaries, reality, and art. In previous years and decades the system has failed to formulate a way of ironing out these people as it is seen as within closed doors and the saying your home is your castle does not help deep rooted, narrow minded authorities to deal with the issue. Some spam is automated, and once the sender has your e-mail address, continues to send messages at intervals. " You nonetheless have to agree to subscribe to their certain cable service.

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Because most people are simply doing it all wrong and they're basically being counter-productive. These are all very prestigious awards at this event as you can imagine. There are plenty of with the grownup video HD porn DVD titles are introduced for advertising like very hot cakes and these a growing number of porn makers and distributors are bracing the most recent DVD technology. Consequently, web masters revealed brand-new and fresh ways to get their web site frequented by a multitude of folks. Watching porn is a gateway to the sexual fantasy world. The majority of these postures may be used for either vaginal and also rectal penetration. I found it on his facebook page and he has allowed me to reprint it here.

With this type of investigation you can take your husbands email address and trace it back to a number of inappropriate web site services. We've all seen the pictures of the slick car with the sexy girl draped over it. This past summer I took him to see a movie in a theatre, and when a trailer was shown for the. The first question to ask yourself is “Could it be possible that I have an addiction. Too many people treat their domain name like a red-headed stepchild. While you obtain your Porn High definition DVD, you should definitely safe your duplicate at great and trustworthy sources to make certain that content is simply not overpriced. With none doubt you'll expertise the greatest sex with the best porn stars.

Most of us breathe a sigh of relief when we reach Medicare age because we think we will have coverage until we die. The evening ended with a scene of Lady Monster twirling fire tassels on the beach, a truly stunning thing to watch. The whole documentary rested on a vague belief that harm was in fact proven, not least her call for the industry to pay for sex education in the same way alcohol producers pay for facilities for alcoholics. However, every war has a seedy side, much like this one does ' and that seedy side is the pornographic industry. This can't be stressed soundly enough as it looks many are still at a loss on what to complete when they hand over porn. The internet is one of the best places to check for Bermuda employment opportunities. 29) Porno Magazine A: Its right in the first toilets in the beginning of the level.

The Tour Guide � At first, this porn DVD title does not sound like one. Most people, especially at a young age think that its going to stop once they get older or once they get married. Why is it disgusting or unacceptable to watch a sexual act. If we try to hide our kids from the sexual sludge the world is throwing at them, we will be responsible for keeping the porn epidemic alive and thriving in the next generation. Justifying and rationalizing your behaviors are a natural part of this process but don't let these deter you from seeking help. That's how most people notice their domain has expired, but it get's worse. The plasticity of the living matter of our nervous system, in short, is the reason why we do a thing with difficulty the first time, but soon do it more and more easily, and finally, with sufficient practice, do it semi-mechanically, or with hardly any consciousness at all.

Last but not least, getting professional help is one of the most effective ways to stop porn addiction. Billion dollar porn too taboo for you and your online business. I stay up late to access pornography on my computer. This is evidenced by the classification of hundreds of different addictions; including Internet Addiction Syndrome and the classification of Gambling and viewing of pornographic materials as physically addictive and on par with substance abuse and drug addiction. A porn star's bio is really a helpful and effective tool in sending the message across the market that porn stars are still are stars in their own rights. It is simply a matter of pressing down on the desired picture for a moment. All the pieces is so easy and the most effective factor is that every part is for free.