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== '秦ゆうの心はこの可能性を否定するために「殺す」だろう ==
In [[mathematics]], a '''Colombeau algebra''' is an [[associative algebra|algebra]] of a certain kind containing the space of [[distribution (mathematics)|Schwartz distributions]]. While in classical distribution theory a general multiplication of distributions is not possible, Colombeau algebras provide a rigorous framework for this.

黒その場合に実際にある場合、その [ クリスチャンルブタン 値段]......<br><br>「いいえ、無名の兄による、彼は死んだ鳥の数に加えて、家族のことを聞いたことがなかったと言って、任意の強力な上司、そこに思い出のスーパー動物高騰。黒い遺産を持っていますが、黒鷹ファミリーのこの一種類の無動物小黒は世界が動物を見ていない妖精の魔法の悪魔に属している必要があります。 [ クリスチャンルブタン セール] '<br><br>秦Yuは脳の速度を考える [ クリスチャンルブタン スニーカー]。<br><br>「黒い悪魔の世界はちょうど到着した。強さは、彼の大きな範囲を移動する方法強敵。がなくても、恐怖はそれのための他の理由があるとされ、まだ弱いです。 [ クリスチャンルブタン バッグ] '秦ゆうの心はこの可能性を否定するために「殺す」だろう。<br><br>×××<br>今の状況を何であるかを最終的に黒い羽に3人の兄弟を<br>、秦Yuは何とか目覚めです。侯飛この場所まで待機する神秘的な場所、であるように、秦Yuは三日待つ必要があります。<br><br>などその牛のマジック陛下リターン [ クリスチャンルブタン メンズ 靴]。<br>突破口は今9セント皇帝となっている時に<br>、今回は一度秦ゆう、ゆう黄を知らない。秦ゆうと無謀トーク半日は、それは無謀取り決めた
Such a multiplication of distributions has long been believed to be impossible because of L. Schwartz' impossibility result, which basically states that there cannot be a differential algebra containing the space of distributions and preserving the product of continuous functions. However, if one only wants to preserve the product of smooth functions instead such a construction becomes possible as demonstrated first by Colombeau.

== 「製油所の進行状況が99%を超えています ==
As a mathematical tool, Colombeau algebras can be said to combine a treatment of singularities, differentiation and nonlinear operations in one framework, lifting the limitations of distribution theory. These algebras have found numerous applications in the fields of partial differential equations, geophysics, microlocal analysis and general relativity so far.

ボールの回転速度の始まりは、互いの範囲は大きくない、あまりにも高速ではありません [ クリスチャンルブタン 日本]。<br><br>しかし時間をかけて、それ以降の数年間で、それはZhefanのように見えるようになりましになってきている [ 靴 クリスチャンルブタン]。<br><br>「製油所の進行状況が99%を超えています。だけなので少し、それは一年があると推定されている最後の製油所を完了することができます。 '秦ゆうの心は非常に明確で、彼はまだ静かに精製しようとしています魂の力は黒蓮、黄金のボールに統合し続けています。<br><br>しかし、今黒蓮、ゴールドビーズ、さらにいくつかのオーダーフローの周囲の [ クリスチャンルブタン 東京]。<br>時間の経過<br> [ クリスチャンルブタン ブーツ]......<br>年<br>と半分が瞬時に行ってきました。<br><br>秦Yuはエラーを推定した。もともと最後まで、実際にはそんなに魂の力を費やしたと思った唯一の年は、完全に成功したことを考えた。<br><br>年半、フル精錬成功。<br>この瞬間を<br> [ クリスチャンルブタン セール] - <br><br>秦ゆうタオは、無限の波の頂上、黒蓮にあぐらをかいて座って、金色のビーズが巨大太極拳、秦ゆうを形成し、
== Schwartz' Impossibility Result ==

== 見つめて目を丸くしながら、約9淡い話をするために一緒に ==
Attempting to embed the space <math>\mathcal{D}'(\mathbb{R})</math> of distributions on <math>\mathbb{R}</math> into an associative algebra <math>(A(\mathbb{R}), \circ, +)</math>, the following requirements seem to be natural:

過去には、そのようなヘア厚み空間としてであっても霊の世界のある場所の上の雪の殺し屋は、亀裂の余地がある [ クリスチャンルブタン 銀座]。<br>'まあ!'<br><br>3秦ゆうにカット手は約9思えるに銃をブロックするために、直接固執して非常に自信を持ってこの「タン9 'に<br>右側、彼らの神は秦ゆうが上の神々を使用している耐えるのに十分セントラル付きです。<br><br>しかし - [ クリスチャンルブタン ブーツ] <br>9顔約<br>が突然変更され、スティック3カットが驚いていることを見て、その後、オープン割れ、Nabingガンは直接彼の首を刺し9仰天について話している。<br><br>「クラック! [ クリスチャンルブタン 直営店] '<br><br>秦Yuは大声で雷。<br>jifenに約9が創傷に火を開くには、首に沿って拡散エキゾチックの力、、、その後頭、胸の敵を感じた<br>!元英と魂セーバーもシ​​エラのjifenトレジャーに沈んでいる。<br>見つめて目を丸くしながら、約9淡い話をするために一緒に<br>他の二つ。<br><br>約九から二最初の反応は [ クリスチャンルブタン 銀座] - [ クリスチャンルブタン 取扱店] 脱出!<br><br>は9、北朝鮮についての2話を見ました
# <math>\mathcal{D}'(\mathbb{R})</math> is linearly embedded into <math>A(\mathbb{R})</math> such that the constant function <math>1</math> becomes the unity in <math>A(\mathbb{R})</math>,
# There is a partial derivative operator <math>\partial</math> on <math>A(\mathbb{R})</math> which is linear and satisfies the Leibnitz rule,
# the restriction of <math>\partial</math> to <math>\mathcal{D}'(\mathbb{R})</math> concides with the usual partial derivative,
# the restriction of <math>\circ</math> to <math>C(\mathbb{R}) \times C(\mathbb{R})</math> coincides with the pointwise product.

== '秦Yuは外部に見える ==
However, L. Schwartz' result<ref>L. Schwartz, 1954, "Sur l'impossibilité de la multiplication des distributions", ''Comptes Rendus de L'Académie des Sciences' 239, pp. 847-848.</ref> implies that these requirements cannot hold simultaneously. The same is true even if, in 4., one replaces <math>C(\mathbb{R})</math> by <math>C^k(\mathbb{R})</math>, the space of <math>k</math> times continuously differentiable functions. While this result has often been interpreted as saying that a general multiplication of distributions is not possible, in fact it only states that one cannot unrestrictedly combine differentiation, multiplication of continuous functions and the presence of singular objects like the Dirac delta.

があり、スピーカー、彼は緑のヒョンチョンチョンは彼に近いLaoguiとチャールズハング強度が気にしないだろうと述べていることを聞いたからです。<br>現時点秦ゆうで<br>、侯飛、三兄弟心に黒い羽は、一般的な文字は、彼らに脅威がなく、今では最大の敵は、残りの9 [ クリスチャンルブタン ブーツ] 8悪悪紫龍の寺院です。 [ クリスチャンルブタン ブーツ] 「ブラック、あなたは退却を行く元英を洗練開始しました。その後、いくつかの私たちの生活の中での時間とよりエキサイティングが起こるのだろう、低強度は、そのフィールドのイベントに参加する資格がないかもしれません。 [ クリスチャンルブタン ブーツ] '秦ゆう口笑顔で、目Limang光った。秦三兄弟、両方の将軍秦。今日の皇帝秦鄭は、時間までの冷酷なわずかな慈悲がないでしょう。秦Yuは彼が今考慮し、最悪の場合、秦ゆう、何を恐れて考えられ、最悪の場合を取り、する必要のあるタイムに関係なく、また、将来の期待、の場合ではありません。ブラックフェザー。弱いなしの侯飛、あらゆる混練柿。 「私たちは自由に三兄弟をこねるしたい、私たちは彼の手が切断されたことを注意しなければならない。 [ クリスチャンルブタン メンズ] '秦Yuは外部に見える。<br><br> [ クリスチャンルブタン 値段]......<br><br>Chixuedongfu北築山、秦ゆう正ボレースタンド。
Colombeau algebras are constructed to satisfy conditions 1.-3. and a condition like 4., but with <math>C(\mathbb{R}) \times C(\mathbb{R})</math> replaced by <math>C^\infty(\mathbb{R}) \times C^\infty(\mathbb{R})</math>, i.e., they preserve the product of smooth (infinitely differentiable) functions only.
== Basic Idea ==
It is defined as a [[quotient algebra]]
Here the ''moderate functions'' on <math>\mathbb{R}^n</math> are defined as
which are families (''f<sub>ε</sub>'') of [[smooth function]]s on <math>\mathbb{R}^n</math> such that
:<math>{f:} \mathbb{R}_+ \to C^\infty(\mathbb{R}^n)</math>
(where '''R'''<sub>+</sub>=(0,∞)) is the set of "[[regularization]]" indices, and for all compact subsets ''K'' of <math>\mathbb{R}^n</math> and [[multiindices]] α we have ''N'' > 0 such that
:<math>\sup_{x\in K}\left|\frac{\partial^{|\alpha|}}{(\partial x_1)^{\alpha_1}\cdots(\partial x_n)^{\alpha_n}}f_\varepsilon(x)\right| = O(\varepsilon^{-N})\qquad(\varepsilon\to 0).</math>
The [[ideal (ring theory)|ideal]]  
of ''negligible functions'' is defined in the same way but with the partial derivatives instead bounded by O(''ε<sup>N</sup>'') for '''all''' ''N'' > 0.
An introduction to Colombeau Algebras is given in here
<ref>Gratus J., Colombeau Algebra: A pedagogical introduction
[ arXiv:1308.0257]</ref>
== Embedding of distributions ==
The space(s) of [[Schwartz distribution]]s can be embedded into this ''simplified'' algebra by (component-wise) [[convolution]] with any element of the algebra having as representative a ''[[e-net (probability theory)|&delta;-net]]'', i.e. such that <math>\phi_\varepsilon\to\delta</math> in '' D' '' as ε→0.
This embedding is non-canonical, because it depends on the choice of the δ-net. However, there are versions of Colombeau algebras (so called ''full'' algebras) which allow for canonic embeddings of distributions. A well known ''full'' version is obtained by adding the mollifiers as second indexing set.
== See also ==
* [[Generalized function]]
== Notes ==
== References ==
* Colombeau, J. F., ''New Generalized Functions and Multiplication of the Distributions''. North Holland, Amsterdam, 1984.
* Colombeau, J. F., ''Elementary introduction to new generalized functions''. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1985.
* Nedeljkov, M., [[Stevan Pilipović|Pilipović, S.]], Scarpalezos, D., ''Linear Theory of Colombeau's Generalized Functions'', Addison Wesley, Longman, 1998.
* Grosser, M., Kunzinger, M., Oberguggenberger, M., Steinbauer, R.; ''Geometric Theory of Generalized Functions with Applications to General Relativity'', Springer Series Mathematics and Its Applications, Vol. 537, 2002; ISBN 978-1-4020-0145-1.
*[ Colombeau algebra in physics]
[[Category:Smooth functions]]
[[Category:Functional analysis]]

Revision as of 01:57, 19 January 2014

In mathematics, a Colombeau algebra is an algebra of a certain kind containing the space of Schwartz distributions. While in classical distribution theory a general multiplication of distributions is not possible, Colombeau algebras provide a rigorous framework for this.

Such a multiplication of distributions has long been believed to be impossible because of L. Schwartz' impossibility result, which basically states that there cannot be a differential algebra containing the space of distributions and preserving the product of continuous functions. However, if one only wants to preserve the product of smooth functions instead such a construction becomes possible as demonstrated first by Colombeau.

As a mathematical tool, Colombeau algebras can be said to combine a treatment of singularities, differentiation and nonlinear operations in one framework, lifting the limitations of distribution theory. These algebras have found numerous applications in the fields of partial differential equations, geophysics, microlocal analysis and general relativity so far.

Schwartz' Impossibility Result

Attempting to embed the space of distributions on into an associative algebra , the following requirements seem to be natural:

  1. is linearly embedded into such that the constant function becomes the unity in ,
  2. There is a partial derivative operator on which is linear and satisfies the Leibnitz rule,
  3. the restriction of to concides with the usual partial derivative,
  4. the restriction of to coincides with the pointwise product.

However, L. Schwartz' result[1] implies that these requirements cannot hold simultaneously. The same is true even if, in 4., one replaces by , the space of times continuously differentiable functions. While this result has often been interpreted as saying that a general multiplication of distributions is not possible, in fact it only states that one cannot unrestrictedly combine differentiation, multiplication of continuous functions and the presence of singular objects like the Dirac delta.

Colombeau algebras are constructed to satisfy conditions 1.-3. and a condition like 4., but with replaced by , i.e., they preserve the product of smooth (infinitely differentiable) functions only.

Basic Idea

It is defined as a quotient algebra

Here the moderate functions on are defined as

which are families (fε) of smooth functions on such that

(where R+=(0,∞)) is the set of "regularization" indices, and for all compact subsets K of and multiindices α we have N > 0 such that

The ideal of negligible functions is defined in the same way but with the partial derivatives instead bounded by O(εN) for all N > 0.

An introduction to Colombeau Algebras is given in here [2]

Embedding of distributions

The space(s) of Schwartz distributions can be embedded into this simplified algebra by (component-wise) convolution with any element of the algebra having as representative a δ-net, i.e. such that in D' as ε→0.

This embedding is non-canonical, because it depends on the choice of the δ-net. However, there are versions of Colombeau algebras (so called full algebras) which allow for canonic embeddings of distributions. A well known full version is obtained by adding the mollifiers as second indexing set.

See also


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  • Colombeau, J. F., New Generalized Functions and Multiplication of the Distributions. North Holland, Amsterdam, 1984.
  • Colombeau, J. F., Elementary introduction to new generalized functions. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1985.
  • Nedeljkov, M., Pilipović, S., Scarpalezos, D., Linear Theory of Colombeau's Generalized Functions, Addison Wesley, Longman, 1998.
  • Grosser, M., Kunzinger, M., Oberguggenberger, M., Steinbauer, R.; Geometric Theory of Generalized Functions with Applications to General Relativity, Springer Series Mathematics and Its Applications, Vol. 537, 2002; ISBN 978-1-4020-0145-1.
  • Colombeau algebra in physics
  1. L. Schwartz, 1954, "Sur l'impossibilité de la multiplication des distributions", Comptes Rendus de L'Académie des Sciences' 239, pp. 847-848.
  2. Gratus J., Colombeau Algebra: A pedagogical introduction arXiv:1308.0257