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== Timberland Homme Les deux hôtes de co sont les béat Le Gia ==
{{Redirect|Cardanus|the lunar crater|Cardanus (crater)|the [[stag beetle]]|Cardanus (beetle)}}
<!-- Leave redlink to prevent ambiguous "(genus)". -->
{{Infobox scientist
|name              = Gerolamo Cardano
|image            = Jerôme Cardan.jpg
|image_size        = 250px
|caption          = Gerolamo Cardano
|birth_date        = {{Birth date|1501|9|24|df=yes}}
|birth_place      = [[Pavia]]
|death_date        = {{Death date and age|1576|9|21|1501|9|24|df=yes}}
|death_place      = [[Rome]]
|residence        =
|citizenship      =
|nationality      = [[Italy|Italian]]
|ethnicity        =
|field            = [[Mathematics]]<br>[[Medicine]]
|work_institutions =
|alma_mater        = [[University of Pavia]]
|doctoral_advisor  =
|doctoral_students =
|known_for        = [[Algebra]]
|author_abbrev_bot =
|author_abbrev_zoo =
|influences        =
|influenced        =
|prizes            =
|religion          =
|footnotes        =
|signature        =
'''Gerolamo''' (or '''Girolamo''', or '''Geronimo''') '''Cardano''' ({{lang-fr|Jérôme Cardan}}; {{lang-la|Hieronymus Cardanus}}; 24 September 1501 – 21 September 1576) was an [[Italy|Italian]] [[Renaissance]] [[mathematician]], [[physician]], [[astrologer]] and [[gambler]].<ref>{{cite book|last=Patty|first=Peter Fletcher, Hughes Hoyle, C. Wayne|title=Foundations of Discrete Mathematics|year=1991|publisher=PWS-KENT Pub. Co.|location=Boston|isbn=0-53492-373-9|edition=International student ed.|page=207|quote=Cardano was a physician, astrologer, and mathematician.... [He] supported his wife and three children by gambling and casting horoscopes.}}</ref>  He wrote more than 200 works on medicine, mathematics, physics, philosophy, religion, and music.<ref name=Westfall>{{cite web|last=Westfall|first=Richard S.|title=Cardano, Girolamo|url=|work=The Galileo Project | |accessdate=2012-07-19 |archiveurl= |archivedate=2012-07-19}}</ref> His gambling led him to formulate elementary rules in [[Probability#History|probability]], making him one of the founders of the field.

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==Early life and education==
He was born in [[Pavia]], [[Lombardy]], the [[illegitimate]] child of [[Fazio Cardano]], a mathematically gifted [[lawyer]], who was a friend of [[Leonardo da Vinci]]. In his autobiography, Cardano claimed that his mother had attempted to [[abortion|abort]] him. Shortly before his birth, his mother had to move from [[Milan]] to [[Pavia]] to escape the [[Black Death|Plague]]; her three other children died from the disease.

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In 1520, he entered the [[University of Pavia]] and later in [[Padua]] studied medicine. His eccentric and confrontational style did not earn him many friends and he had a difficult time finding work after his studies ended. In 1525, Cardano repeatedly applied to the College of Physicians in Milan, but was not admitted owing to his combative reputation and illegitimate birth.

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Eventually, he managed to develop a considerable reputation as a physician and his services were highly valued at the courts. He was the first to describe [[typhoid fever]]. In 1553 he cured the Scottish [[John Hamilton (archbishop of St Andrews)|Archbishop of St Andrews]] of a disease that had left him speechless and was thought incurable. The diplomat [[Thomas Randolph (diplomat)|Thomas Randolph]] recorded the "merry tales" rumoured about his methods  still current in Edinburgh nine years later.<ref>''Calendar State Papers Scotland'', vol.1 (1898), p.592: Melville, James, ''Memoirs of his own life'', Brookman, (1833), 21, 73</ref> Cardano himself wrote that the Archbishop had been short of breath for ten years, and after the cure was effected by his assistant, he was paid 1,400 gold crowns.<ref>Cardanus, Gerolamo, [ ''De Propria Vita Liber: His Own Life'', Amsterdam, (1654)], pp.136-7, (Latin)</ref>

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Today, he is best known for his achievements in [[algebra]]. Cardano was the first mathematician to make systematic use of numbers less than zero.<ref>[[Isaac Asimov]], ''Asimov On Numbers'', published by [[Pocket Books]], a division of [[Simon & Schuster]], 1966, 1977, page 119.</ref> He published the solutions to the [[cubic equation|cubic]] and [[quartic equation]]s in his 1545 book ''[[Ars Magna (Gerolamo Cardano)|Ars Magna]]''. The solution to one particular case of the cubic equation <math>ax^3+bx+c=0</math><ref>{{cite book|last=Burton|first=David|title=The History of Mathematics: An Introduction|edition=7th (2010)|publisher= [[McGraw-Hill]]|location=New York}}</ref> (in modern notation), was communicated to him by [[Niccolò Fontana Tartaglia]] (who later claimed that Cardano had sworn not to reveal it, and engaged Cardano and in a decade-long fight) in the form of a poem <ref>Katz, Victor J. A History of Mathematics: An Introduction. 3rd ed. Boston: Pearson Education, 2009. Print.</ref> The quartic was solved by Cardano's student [[Lodovico Ferrari]]. Both were acknowledged in the foreword of the book, as well as in several places within its body. In his exposition, he acknowledged the existence of what are now called [[imaginary number]]s, although he did not understand their properties (described for the first time by his Italian contemporary [[Rafael Bombelli]], although the necessary mathematical theory of [[field (mathematics)|fields]] was not to be developed for hundreds of years). In ''Opus novum de proportionibus'' he introduced the [[binomial coefficient]]s and the [[binomial theorem]].

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[[File:Gerolamo Cardano (colour).jpg|thumb|left|200px|Portrait of Cardano on display at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, [[University of St Andrews]].]]
Cardano was notoriously short of money and kept himself solvent by being an accomplished gambler and [[chess]] player. His book about games of chance, ''Liber de ludo aleae'' ("Book on Games of Chance"), written around 1564,<ref name="LudoYear">In Chapter 20 of ''Liber de Ludo Aleae'' he describes a personal experience from 1526 and then adds that "thirty-eight years have passed" [elapsis iam annis triginta octo]. This sentence is written by Cardano around 1564, age 63.</ref> but not published until 1663, contains the first systematic treatment of [[probability]],<ref>Katz, ibid., p. 488</ref> as well as a section on effective cheating methods. He used the game of throwing dice to understand the basic concepts of probability. He was aware of the multiplication rule for independent events but was not certain about what values should be multiplied. <ref>Katz, ibid., p. 488</ref> Cardano invented several mechanical devices including the [[combination lock]], the [[gimbal]] consisting of three concentric rings allowing a supported [[compass]] or [[gyroscope]] to rotate freely, and the [[driveshaft|Cardan shaft]] with [[universal joint]]s, which allows the transmission of rotary motion at various angles and is used in vehicles to this day. He studied [[hypocycloid]]s, published in ''de proportionibus'' 1570. The generating circles of these hypocycloids were later named Cardano circles or cardanic circles and were used for the construction of the first high-speed [[Printing press#The Industrial Revolution|printing presses]].<ref>{{cite book |url= |title=Jerome Cardan: A Biographical Study |publisher= [[Dodo Press]] }}</ref>

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He made several contributions to hydrodynamics and held that [[perpetual motion]] is impossible, except in celestial bodies. He published two [[encyclopedia]]s of natural science which contain a wide variety of inventions, facts, and occult superstitions. He also introduced the [[Cardan grille]], a cryptographic tool, in 1550.

Une nouvelle édition de ce livre a été publié en 2012 par HarperCollins. Nicole bonadies Baker du ministère de l'Education a dit s'attendre à davantage de personnes à se réfugier là où ils recevraient des conseils .. Cependant, Matthias était [ Adidas Wings Homme] un musicien populaire enthousiaste, qui, durant la période compagnon de sa carrière lui avait appris à jouer de la harpe.<br><br>Ce n'est pas quelque chose que nous sommes heureux, bien sûr. Plus tôt ce mois-ci, la sortie de nouvelles a annoncé qu'il mettra ancrage populaire Megyn Kelly en prime time, avec un nouveau calendrier qui sera dévoilé à une date ultérieure. Si vous êtes âgé de 45 ans, vous devriez vérifier si vous serez admissible à la retraite à prestations définies.<br><br>Miles a fait de nombreuses présentations pour les médecins et la communauté à travers l'Amérique du Nord. Bien que la plupart des spectacles sont en italien, les enfants de toutes les nationalités jouissent les pitreries des marionnettes, qui transcendent les barrières linguistiques. Programmes d'études supérieures Emory comprennent le bien classés Goizueta Business School, école de droit, école de médecine, Nell Hodgson Woodruff École des sciences infirmières et Rollins School of Public Health.<br><br>Le film terminé est de 30 minutes. J'ai toujours sors de [ Nike Air Jordan Pas Cher] la classe avec un sourire sur mon visage .. Rallye Sud-Soudan rassemble plus de troupes pour lutter contre les rebelles appel urgent des Nations Unies pour le Sud-Soudan et de la RCA SBS Sport (il ya 3 jours) jouer pause arrêter la répétition de répétition de volume max Muet envoi L' <br><br>Il est mon fils, et ce que je ressens quand je le vois est profonde .. C'est peut-être stupide, il peut être banal, mais il 90 minutes de plaisir pur pop-corn. Cette technique simple stimule le sang et la lymphe flux, élimine les cellules mortes de la peau et favorise la croissance de nouvelles cellules.<br><br>C'est une donnée que votre pointage de crédit va grandement bénéficier d'une ligne commerciale positive [ Beats By Dre Fnac Belgique] et historique de paiement [ Louis Vuitton Ceinture Homme Pas Cher] positif, mais vous recevrez un avantage pratique beaucoup plus de service que le paiement d'un prêt de voiture fait pour votre historique de crédit. Faire tremper dans l'ambiance de South Beach, et profiter ..<br><br>Autant il peut essayer de vous faire penser le contraire, vous devriez vous en tenir à vos armes et ne changera pas votre décision. Mais Disney a également fait du storytelling créatif de son propre. Le soutien philanthropique de cette couverture a contribué national favoriser géographique une large discussion sur les moteurs de la croissance de la population ou le déclin et les limites de la planète nous share.The Walton Family Foundation s'engage à corriger K 12 réforme de l'éducation, de la conservation marine sensible et milieux d'eau douce,<ul>
Someone also assigned to Cardano the credit for the invention of the so-called ''[[Cardano's Rings]]'', also called [[Baguenaudier|Chinese Rings]], but it is very probable that they are more ancient than Cardano.

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Significantly, in the history of [[education of the deaf]], he said that deaf people were capable of using their minds, argued for the importance of teaching them, and was one of the first to state that deaf people could learn to read and write without learning how to speak first. He was familiar with a report by [[Rudolph Agricola]] about a deaf mute who had learned to write.

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==''De Subtilitate'' 1552==
As quoted from [[Charles Lyell|Charles Lyell's]] ''[[Principles of Geology]]'':
The title of a work of Cardano's, published in 1552, ''De Subtilitate'' (corresponding to what would now be called [[Friedrich_Wilhelm_Joseph_Schelling#Naturphilosophie|transcendental philosophy]]), would lead us to expect, in the chapter on minerals, many far fetched theories characteristic of that age; but when treating of petrified shells, he decided that they clearly indicated the former sojourn of the sea upon the mountains.<ref>[[wikiquote:Charles Lyell|Charles Lyell]], ''[ Principles of Geology]'', 1832, p.29</ref>

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== Later years ==
Cardano's eldest and favorite son was executed in 1560 after he confessed to having [[poison]]ed his [[cuckold]]ing wife. His other son was a gambler, who stole money from him. He allegedly cropped the ears of one of his sons. Cardano himself was accused of [[Christian heresy|heresy]] in 1570 because he had computed and published the [[horoscope]] of [[Jesus]] in 1554. Despite numerous stories to the contrary, it is not true that his own son contributed to the prosecution after being bribed by [[Niccolò Fontana Tartaglia|Tartaglia]], as Tartagalia died 13 years previously. See He was arrested, had to spend several months in prison and was forced to abjure his [[professor]]ship. He moved to Rome, received a lifetime [[Annuity (financial contracts)|annuity]] from [[Pope Gregory XIII]] (after first having been rejected by [[Pope Pius V]]) and finished his [[autobiography]]. It appears that he was still practicing medicine up to his death in 1576.<ref name=Westfall />
The date of his death is disputed, but a death year is given as 1576. <ref>Katz, ibid., p. 401</ref>

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==References in literature==
[[Richard Hinckley Allen]] tells of an amusing reference made by [[Samuel Butler (poet)|Samuel Butler]] in his book ''[[Hudibras]]'':

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Cardan believ'd great states depend
Upon the tip o'th' Bear's tail's end;
That, as she wisk'd it t'wards the Sun,
Strew'd mighty empires up and down;
Which others say must needs be false,
Because your true bears have no tails.

Ancien président de la FDIC William Issac a dit la Securities and Exchange Commission que chaque banque centrale de l'argent dans les années 1980 aurait fait faillite, ils ont été forcés d'écrire fortement la dette la valeur de l'Amérique latine: «Si nous avions suivi l'approche actuelle au cours des années 1980, nous <br><br>  Réglage des idées pour l'improvisation et Sketch Comédie. Capturées articles gratuits pour votre site Web et des bulletins d'information. J'ai encore une chance pour qu'il ne se produise ici .. Lorsqu'on lui a rappelé que Gonzaga entraîneur Mark Peu passe deux semaines chaque été à Maui surf avec sa famille, Dykes a répondu: «Mais Archie lui tomber son conseil d'administration si c'est ce qu'il prend pour gagner. "Où est Dayton? Ma servante d'hôtel à l'hôtel Hyatt Regency a fait un excellent travail de nettoyage et d'entretien de ma chambre cette semaine, même si elle était un peu méfiant de [ Uggs Boots Belgique] la grande quantité de matériel électronique situé dans la pièce.<br><br>Après environ 20 minutes d'essayer de comprendre ce qui était près de lui, je suis sûr que c'était le droit de Castor et Pollux. Il a servi pendant quatre ans avant d'être libéré .. Selon la dernière Enquête [ Doudoune Moncler Prix] sur l'emploi du temps américaine, les femmes américaines dépensent trois fois plus de temps aux tâches domestiques que les hommes, et les femmes font plus de la préparation des aliments deux fois plus et le nettoyage.<br><br>Elle a dit que si la fièvre ne va pas disparaître le mardi pour le faire revenir po. C'est la norme pour être sur n'importe quel type de médicaments il. C'est plus lié à des objets qui sont capables de se déplacer, ou donnent l'apparence de mouvement ou de la pensée sensible. <br><br>D'autres encore pourraient faire valoir que ces premiers chercheurs comme Helmholtz et Fechner le mérite comme les fondateurs de la psychologie .. Merci. Avant cette nomination, Peter a occupé le rôle de direction du Groupe, des opérations produit à partir de Juillet 2008. Comment faites-vous lui faire comprendre ses erreurs? <br><br>La faute et la responsabilité est la leur. Et aujourd'hui, nous allons trouver le moyen le plus rapide de jambes musclées utilisant la danse [ée Nike Chaussure Personnalisée] et de l'exercice. Les procédures analytiques sont fondées sur les méthodes d'essais croisés décrits par Senn.19 Pour chaque résultat, nous avons aménagé mesures répétées modèle à effets mixtes avec période de mesure comme variable indépendante (de base, régime faible en gras, alimentation à faible index glycémique, très faible en glucides), ajustement pour le sexe, l'âge, du poids après la course en phase, séquence de régimes, le poids moyen au cours de la période de mesure, afin de période de mesure (de référence toujours en premier; [ Adidas Jeremy Scott Wings 2.0 Femme] régimes de phase de test deuxième, troisième ou quatrième), dans participant covariance entre périodes de mesure, et<ul>
[[Alessandro Manzoni]]'s novel ''[[I Promessi Sposi]]'' portrays a pedantic scholar of the obsolete, Don Ferrante, as a great admirer of Cardano. Significantly, he values him only for his superstitious and astrological writings; his scientific writings are dismissed because they contradict [[Aristotle]], but excused on the ground that the author of the astrological works deserves to be listened to even when he is wrong.

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English novelist E M Forster's ''[[Abinger Harvest]]'', a 1936 volume of essays, authorial reviews and a play, provides a sympathetic treatment of Cardano in the section titled 'The Past'. Forster believes Cardano was too absorbed in "self-analysis that he often forgot to repent of his bad temper, his stupidity, his licentiousness, and love of revenge" (212).<ref>Forster, E. M.</ref>

Toujours suivi avec le recruteur, peut-être même variant entre votre téléphone de contact et adresse e-mail, vous saurez est la seule façon pour vous ce qui se passe .. Selon la garde d'enfants Conscient de l'Amérique, le coût de la prise en charge précoce et de l'éducation, de la naissance <br><br>Un millier d'années à partir de maintenant il peut nous ou nos enfants dont les tombes Ils souillent et profanent être. Bieber a une capacité impressionnante à créer de la musique de manière extemporanée Quand il dans le studio avec les producteurs, mais quand il s'assoit pour des entretiens avec le directeur pour savoir s'il l'a jamais été dans l'amour ou ce [ Nike Blazer Low Premium Vintage Suede] que ça fait d'être sous les projecteurs, il peut ensemencer entièrement articulé <br><br>4 Plus de deux n'est pas nécessaire est algorithmes basés résolveur .. Henry Kissinger à la Maison Blanche, et en 1984 Mme Poèmes sur Honorer fournisseurs; Activités Thèmes pour honorer les Premières Dames de l'Eglise eHow, Activités Thèmes pour honorer Premières Dames De La churchThe Dame Eglise de Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre, La Dame Eglise était un personnage récurrent dans une série de sketches sur l'émission de télévision américaine samedi soir.<br><br>Heureusement pour moi, mes plus proches des gens sont du feng shui Orient dans mon groupe, aussi, qu'il est facile de m'adapter à mon environnement de travail de la meilleure façon .. Lorsque les élèves développent de travail, il ya beaucoup à faire sur le campus de l'école principale de l'Université de Philadelphie ville. <br><br>Il ya des tonnes de sites là-bas pour aider les enfants avec Academica. Je vis, respirer, dormir, manger [ Nike Air Max 2013 Prix] et parfois malheureusement cheveux. L'histoire naturelle de notre [ Longchamp Sac Pliage] planète a été scrupuleusement étudié et analyses par les scientifiques, c'est à dire Comment un tout nouveau type de vie, même si elle est microbienne, n'ont pas été respectées? <br><br>C'est une sorte d'échec que les coupes plus profondes que d'essayer de concevoir un enfant naturellement, parce que vous allez à Great Lengths pour obtenir telle enceinte et vous mettre par [ Mbt Schoenen In Belgium] des traitements peu invasifs. Votre professeur va commencer le bal en appelant le, dire, et de poser une question comme un lapin ne manger? <br><br>Pour une activité toute la famille peut profiter, aller à la Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat au Mirage Resort. Ce n'est pas aussi mauvais que la plupart des cas, mais il ya toujours des choses derrière mon dos. Cette page sera mise à jour avec de nouvelles questions et réponses RÉGULIÈREMENT lecteurs .. Rebecca Skloot<ul>
* ''De malo recentiorum medicorum usu libellus'', Venice, 1536 (on medicine).
* ''Practica arithmetice et mensurandi singularis'', Milan, 1577 (on mathematics).
* ''[[Ars Magna (Gerolamo Cardano)|Artis magnae, sive de regulis algebraicis]]'' (also known as ''Ars magna''), Nuremberg, 1545 (on algebra).<ref> An electronic copy of his book ''[[Ars Magna (Gerolamo Cardano)|Ars Magna]]'' (in Latin)</ref>
* ''De immortalitate'' (on alchemy).
* ''[;step=thumb Opus novum de proportionibus]'' (on mechanics) (Archimedes Project).
* ''Contradicentium medicorum'' (on medicine).
* ''De subtilitate rerum'', Nuremberg, [[Johann Petreius]], 1550 (on natural phenomena).
* ''De libris propriis'', Leiden, 1557 (commentaries).
* ''De varietate rerum'', Basle, Heinrich Petri, 1559 (on natural phenomena).
* ''Neronis encomium'', Basle, 1562.
* ''De Methodo medendi,'' 1565
* ''Opus novum de proportionibus numerorum, motuum, ponderum, sonorum, aliarumque rerum mensurandarum. Item de aliza regula'', Basel, 1570.
* ''De vita propria'', 1576 ([[autobiography]]); a later edition, [ ''De Propria Vita Liber'', Amsterdam, (1654)]  
* ''Liber de ludo aleae'', ("On Casting the [[Dice|Die]]")<ref>p963, [[Jan Gullberg]], Mathematics from the birth of numbers, W. W. Norton & Company; ISBN 0-393-04002-X ISBN 978-0393040029</ref> posthumous (on probability).
* ''De Musica'', ca 1546 (on music theory), posthumously published in ''Hieronymi Cardani Mediolensis opera omnia, Sponius'', Lyons, 1663
* ''De Consolatione'', Venice, 1542
* ''HIERONY-||MI CARDANI ME=||DIOLANENSIS MEDICI,|| DE RERVM VARIETATE, LI-||BRI XVII. Iam denuò ab in numeris || mendis summa cura ac studio repur-||gati, & pristino nito-||ri restituti.|| ADIECTVS EST CAPITVM, RE-||rum & sententiarum ... || INDEX utilissimus.||'', Basel, 1581 [ Digital edition] by the [[University and State Library Düsseldorf]]

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* Cardano, Girolamo, ''Astrological Aphorisms of Cardan''. Edmonds, WA: Sure Fire Press, 1989.
* Cardano, Girolamo, ''The Book of My Life.'' trans. by Jean Stoner. New York: [[New York Review of Books]], 2002.
* [[Øystein Ore|Ore, Øystein]]: ''Cardano, the Gambling Scholar''. Princeton, 1953.
* Cardano, Girolamo, ''Opera omnia'', Charles Sponi, ed., 10 vols. Lyons, 1663.
* [[William Dunham (mathematician)|Dunham, William]], ''Journey through Genius'', Chapter 6, 1990, [[John Wiley and Sons]]. ISBN 0-471-50030-5. Discusses Cardano's life and solution of the cubic equation.
* Sirasi, Nancy G. ''The Clock and the Mirror: Girolamo Cardano and Renaissance Medicine.'' [[Princeton University Press]],1997.
* [[Anthony Grafton|Grafton, Anthony]], ''[ Cardano's Cosmos: The Worlds and Works of a Renaissance Astrologer.]'' [[Harvard University Press]], 2001.
* Morley, Henry ''The life of Girolamo Cardano, of Milan, Physician'' 2 vols. [[Chapman and Hall]], London 1854.
* [[Artur Ekert|Ekert, Artur]] "Complex and unpredictable Cardano". ''[[International Journal of Theoretical Physics]]'', Vol. 47, Issue 8, pp.&nbsp;2101–2119. arXiv e-print (arXiv:0806.0485).
* Girolamo Cardano ''Nero: an Exemplary Life'' Inckstone 2012, translation in English of the ''Neronis Encomium''.

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==External links==
* [ A recreational article about Cardano and the discovery of the two basic ingredients of quantum theory, probability and complex numbers.]
* {{MacTutor Biography|id=Cardan}}
* [ History of Science Collection] at [[Linda Hall Library]]
* ''[ Jerome Cardan, a Biographical Study]'', 1898, by William George Waters, from [[Project Gutenberg]]
* {{cite web|url=|title=Girolamo Cardan|work=[[Catholic Encyclopedia]]}}
* ''[ Girolamo Cardano, Strumenti per la storia del Rinascimento in Italia settentrionale (in Italian)] and [ English]''
*[ Online Galleries], History of Science Collections, [[University of Oklahoma Libraries]] High resolution images of works by and/or portraits of Gerolamo Cardano in .jpg and .tiff format.
* [[E. M. Forster|Forster, E.M.]] 'Cardan' in ''Abinger Harvest'' (1936). Middlesex, UK: [[Penguin Books]] Ltd. pp.&nbsp;208–221.
* [ "Cardano v Tartaglia: The Great Feud Out of Bounds"] by Tony Rothman

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|NAME = Cardano, Gerolamo
|ALTERNATIVE NAMES = Cardano, Girolamo; Cardan, Jerome; Cardanus, Hieronymus
|SHORT DESCRIPTION = [[Italy|Italian]] [[Renaissance]] [[mathematician]], [[physician]], [[astrologer]] and [[gambler]]
|DATE OF BIRTH = 24 September 1501
|PLACE OF BIRTH = [[Pavia]]
|DATE OF DEATH = 21 September 1576
|PLACE OF DEATH = [[Rome]]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Cardano, Gerolamo}}
[[Category:1501 births]]
[[Category:1576 deaths]]
[[Category:16th-century Latin-language writers]]
[[Category:16th-century Italian mathematicians]]
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[[Category:16th-century Italian physicians]]
[[Category:Italian astrologers]]
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[[Category:Italian inventors]]
[[Category:People from Pavia]]

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my page - Template:Infobox scientist Gerolamo (or Girolamo, or Geronimo) Cardano (Template:Lang-fr; Template:Lang-la; 24 September 1501 – 21 September 1576) was an Italian Renaissance mathematician, physician, astrologer and gambler.[1] He wrote more than 200 works on medicine, mathematics, physics, philosophy, religion, and music.[2] His gambling led him to formulate elementary rules in probability, making him one of the founders of the field.

Early life and education

He was born in Pavia, Lombardy, the illegitimate child of Fazio Cardano, a mathematically gifted lawyer, who was a friend of Leonardo da Vinci. In his autobiography, Cardano claimed that his mother had attempted to abort him. Shortly before his birth, his mother had to move from Milan to Pavia to escape the Plague; her three other children died from the disease.

In 1520, he entered the University of Pavia and later in Padua studied medicine. His eccentric and confrontational style did not earn him many friends and he had a difficult time finding work after his studies ended. In 1525, Cardano repeatedly applied to the College of Physicians in Milan, but was not admitted owing to his combative reputation and illegitimate birth.

Eventually, he managed to develop a considerable reputation as a physician and his services were highly valued at the courts. He was the first to describe typhoid fever. In 1553 he cured the Scottish Archbishop of St Andrews of a disease that had left him speechless and was thought incurable. The diplomat Thomas Randolph recorded the "merry tales" rumoured about his methods still current in Edinburgh nine years later.[3] Cardano himself wrote that the Archbishop had been short of breath for ten years, and after the cure was effected by his assistant, he was paid 1,400 gold crowns.[4]


Today, he is best known for his achievements in algebra. Cardano was the first mathematician to make systematic use of numbers less than zero.[5] He published the solutions to the cubic and quartic equations in his 1545 book Ars Magna. The solution to one particular case of the cubic equation [6] (in modern notation), was communicated to him by Niccolò Fontana Tartaglia (who later claimed that Cardano had sworn not to reveal it, and engaged Cardano and in a decade-long fight) in the form of a poem [7] The quartic was solved by Cardano's student Lodovico Ferrari. Both were acknowledged in the foreword of the book, as well as in several places within its body. In his exposition, he acknowledged the existence of what are now called imaginary numbers, although he did not understand their properties (described for the first time by his Italian contemporary Rafael Bombelli, although the necessary mathematical theory of fields was not to be developed for hundreds of years). In Opus novum de proportionibus he introduced the binomial coefficients and the binomial theorem.

Portrait of Cardano on display at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St Andrews.

Cardano was notoriously short of money and kept himself solvent by being an accomplished gambler and chess player. His book about games of chance, Liber de ludo aleae ("Book on Games of Chance"), written around 1564,[8] but not published until 1663, contains the first systematic treatment of probability,[9] as well as a section on effective cheating methods. He used the game of throwing dice to understand the basic concepts of probability. He was aware of the multiplication rule for independent events but was not certain about what values should be multiplied. [10] Cardano invented several mechanical devices including the combination lock, the gimbal consisting of three concentric rings allowing a supported compass or gyroscope to rotate freely, and the Cardan shaft with universal joints, which allows the transmission of rotary motion at various angles and is used in vehicles to this day. He studied hypocycloids, published in de proportionibus 1570. The generating circles of these hypocycloids were later named Cardano circles or cardanic circles and were used for the construction of the first high-speed printing presses.[11]

He made several contributions to hydrodynamics and held that perpetual motion is impossible, except in celestial bodies. He published two encyclopedias of natural science which contain a wide variety of inventions, facts, and occult superstitions. He also introduced the Cardan grille, a cryptographic tool, in 1550.

Someone also assigned to Cardano the credit for the invention of the so-called Cardano's Rings, also called Chinese Rings, but it is very probable that they are more ancient than Cardano.

Significantly, in the history of education of the deaf, he said that deaf people were capable of using their minds, argued for the importance of teaching them, and was one of the first to state that deaf people could learn to read and write without learning how to speak first. He was familiar with a report by Rudolph Agricola about a deaf mute who had learned to write.

De Subtilitate 1552

As quoted from Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology:

The title of a work of Cardano's, published in 1552, De Subtilitate (corresponding to what would now be called transcendental philosophy), would lead us to expect, in the chapter on minerals, many far fetched theories characteristic of that age; but when treating of petrified shells, he decided that they clearly indicated the former sojourn of the sea upon the mountains.[12]

Later years

Cardano's eldest and favorite son was executed in 1560 after he confessed to having poisoned his cuckolding wife. His other son was a gambler, who stole money from him. He allegedly cropped the ears of one of his sons. Cardano himself was accused of heresy in 1570 because he had computed and published the horoscope of Jesus in 1554. Despite numerous stories to the contrary, it is not true that his own son contributed to the prosecution after being bribed by Tartaglia, as Tartagalia died 13 years previously. See He was arrested, had to spend several months in prison and was forced to abjure his professorship. He moved to Rome, received a lifetime annuity from Pope Gregory XIII (after first having been rejected by Pope Pius V) and finished his autobiography. It appears that he was still practicing medicine up to his death in 1576.[2] The date of his death is disputed, but a death year is given as 1576. [13]

References in literature

Richard Hinckley Allen tells of an amusing reference made by Samuel Butler in his book Hudibras:

<poem> Cardan believ'd great states depend Upon the tip o'th' Bear's tail's end; That, as she wisk'd it t'wards the Sun, Strew'd mighty empires up and down; Which others say must needs be false, Because your true bears have no tails. </poem>

Alessandro Manzoni's novel I Promessi Sposi portrays a pedantic scholar of the obsolete, Don Ferrante, as a great admirer of Cardano. Significantly, he values him only for his superstitious and astrological writings; his scientific writings are dismissed because they contradict Aristotle, but excused on the ground that the author of the astrological works deserves to be listened to even when he is wrong.

English novelist E M Forster's Abinger Harvest, a 1936 volume of essays, authorial reviews and a play, provides a sympathetic treatment of Cardano in the section titled 'The Past'. Forster believes Cardano was too absorbed in "self-analysis that he often forgot to repent of his bad temper, his stupidity, his licentiousness, and love of revenge" (212).[14]


  • De malo recentiorum medicorum usu libellus, Venice, 1536 (on medicine).
  • Practica arithmetice et mensurandi singularis, Milan, 1577 (on mathematics).
  • Artis magnae, sive de regulis algebraicis (also known as Ars magna), Nuremberg, 1545 (on algebra).[15]
  • De immortalitate (on alchemy).
  • Opus novum de proportionibus (on mechanics) (Archimedes Project).
  • Contradicentium medicorum (on medicine).
  • De subtilitate rerum, Nuremberg, Johann Petreius, 1550 (on natural phenomena).
  • De libris propriis, Leiden, 1557 (commentaries).
  • De varietate rerum, Basle, Heinrich Petri, 1559 (on natural phenomena).
  • Neronis encomium, Basle, 1562.
  • De Methodo medendi, 1565
  • Opus novum de proportionibus numerorum, motuum, ponderum, sonorum, aliarumque rerum mensurandarum. Item de aliza regula, Basel, 1570.
  • De vita propria, 1576 (autobiography); a later edition, De Propria Vita Liber, Amsterdam, (1654)
  • Liber de ludo aleae, ("On Casting the Die")[16] posthumous (on probability).
  • De Musica, ca 1546 (on music theory), posthumously published in Hieronymi Cardani Mediolensis opera omnia, Sponius, Lyons, 1663
  • De Consolatione, Venice, 1542
  • HIERONY-||MI CARDANI ME=||DIOLANENSIS MEDICI,|| DE RERVM VARIETATE, LI-||BRI XVII. Iam denuò ab in numeris || mendis summa cura ac studio repur-||gati, & pristino nito-||ri restituti.|| ADIECTVS EST CAPITVM, RE-||rum & sententiarum ... || INDEX utilissimus.||, Basel, 1581 Digital edition by the University and State Library Düsseldorf


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  1. 20 year-old Real Estate Agent Rusty from Saint-Paul, has hobbies and interests which includes monopoly, property developers in singapore and poker. Will soon undertake a contiki trip that may include going to the Lower Valley of the Omo.

    My blog:
  2. 2.0 2.1 Template:Cite web
  3. Calendar State Papers Scotland, vol.1 (1898), p.592: Melville, James, Memoirs of his own life, Brookman, (1833), 21, 73
  4. Cardanus, Gerolamo, De Propria Vita Liber: His Own Life, Amsterdam, (1654), pp.136-7, (Latin)
  5. Isaac Asimov, Asimov On Numbers, published by Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, 1966, 1977, page 119.
  6. 20 year-old Real Estate Agent Rusty from Saint-Paul, has hobbies and interests which includes monopoly, property developers in singapore and poker. Will soon undertake a contiki trip that may include going to the Lower Valley of the Omo.

    My blog:
  7. Katz, Victor J. A History of Mathematics: An Introduction. 3rd ed. Boston: Pearson Education, 2009. Print.
  8. In Chapter 20 of Liber de Ludo Aleae he describes a personal experience from 1526 and then adds that "thirty-eight years have passed" [elapsis iam annis triginta octo]. This sentence is written by Cardano around 1564, age 63.
  9. Katz, ibid., p. 488
  10. Katz, ibid., p. 488
  11. 20 year-old Real Estate Agent Rusty from Saint-Paul, has hobbies and interests which includes monopoly, property developers in singapore and poker. Will soon undertake a contiki trip that may include going to the Lower Valley of the Omo.

    My blog:
  12. Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology, 1832, p.29
  13. Katz, ibid., p. 401
  14. Forster, E. M.
  15. An electronic copy of his book Ars Magna (in Latin)
  16. p963, Jan Gullberg, Mathematics from the birth of numbers, W. W. Norton & Company; ISBN 0-393-04002-X ISBN 978-0393040029