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In [[mathematics]], the '''hypergeometric function of a matrix argument''' is a generalization of the classical [[hypergeometric series]]. It is a function defined by an infinite summation which can be used to evaluate certain multivariate integrals.

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Hypergeometric functions of a matrix argument have applications in [[random matrix theory]]. For example, the distributions of the extreme eigenvalues of random matrices are often expressed in terms of the hypergeometric function of a matrix argument.

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Let <math>p\ge 0</math> and <math>q\ge 0</math> be integers, and let
<math>X </math> be an <math>m\times m</math> complex symmetric matrix.
Then the hypergeometric function of a matrix argument <math>X</math>
and parameter <math>\alpha>0</math> is defined as

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b_1,\ldots,b_q;X) =
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\frac{(a_1)^{(\alpha )}_\kappa\cdots(a_p)_\kappa^{(\alpha )}}
{(b_1)_\kappa^{(\alpha )}\cdots(b_q)_\kappa^{(\alpha )}} \cdot
C_\kappa^{(\alpha )}(X),

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where <math>\kappa\vdash k</math> means <math>\kappa</math> is a [[partition (number theory)|partition]] of <math>k</math>, <math>(a_i)^{(\alpha )}_{\kappa}</math> is the [[Generalized Pochhammer symbol]], and  
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==Two matrix arguments==
If <math>X</math> and <math>Y</math> are two <math>m\times m</math> complex symmetric matrices, then the hypergeometric function of two matrix arguments is defined as:

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: <math>
_pF_q^{(\alpha )}(a_1,\ldots,a_p;
b_1,\ldots,b_q;X,Y) =
\sum_{k=0}^\infty\sum_{\kappa\vdash k}
\frac{(a_1)^{(\alpha )}_\kappa\cdots(a_p)_\kappa^{(\alpha )}}
{(b_1)_\kappa^{(\alpha )}\cdots(b_q)_\kappa^{(\alpha )}} \cdot
\frac{C_\kappa^{(\alpha )}(X)
C_\kappa^{(\alpha )}(Y)
}{C_\kappa^{(\alpha )}(I)},

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where <math>I</math> is the identity matrix of size <math>m</math>.

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==Not a typical function of a matrix argument==

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Unlike other functions of matrix argument, such as the [[matrix exponential]], which are matrix-valued, the hypergeometric function of (one or two) matrix arguments is scalar-valued.

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==The parameter <math>\alpha</math>==
In many publications the parameter <math>\alpha</math> is omitted. Also, in different publications different values of <math>\alpha</math> are being implicitly assumed. For example, in the theory of real random matrices (see, e.g., Muirhead, 1984), <math>\alpha=2</math> whereas in other settings (e.g., in the complex case--see Gross and Richards, 1989), <math>\alpha=1</math>. To make matters worse, in random matrix theory researchers tend to prefer a parameter called <math>\beta</math> instead of <math>\alpha</math> which is used in combinatorics.

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: <math>\alpha=\frac{2}{\beta}.</math>

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Care should be exercised as to whether a particular text is using a parameter <math>\alpha</math> or <math>\beta</math> and which the particular value of that parameter is.

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Typically, in settings involving real random matrices, <math>\alpha=2</math> and thus <math>\beta=1</math>. In settings involving complex random matrices, one has <math>\alpha=1</math> and <math>\beta=2</math>.

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* K. I. Gross and D. St. P. Richards, "Total positivity, spherical series, and hypergeometric functions of matrix argument", ''J. Approx. Theory'', '''59''', no. 2, 224–246, 1989.

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* J. Kaneko, "Selberg Integrals and hypergeometric functions associated with Jack polynomials", ''SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis'', '''24''', no. 4, 1086-1110, 1993.

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* Plamen Koev and Alan Edelman, "The efficient evaluation of the hypergeometric function of a matrix argument", ''Mathematics of Computation'', '''75''', no. 254, 833-846, 2006.

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You may even permanently remove the information you have from the Brama databases.Brama links with other websites:Brama provides links to websites outside the Brama website. These linked sites aren't under the control of Brama, and we are not responsible for the conduct of companies linked to our website. Before disclosing your individual information on any other website, we counsel you to examine the privacy policies for all those sites. <br><br>Small and large business owners will dsicover the need for a free paystub [ Buy Nike Free Run 3 Australia] template to be a necessity, even if they have decided to go with direct deposit payments, instead of paper check payments to their employees. As such, there are a bevy of web sites that [ Nike Shox R4 Women] offer free templates that one can use for paystubs. such place where employers can turn to download usable paystub templates free of charge. This site not only offers the free templates for MS Word and MS Excel, it also gives some incentives why it is more beneficial to deal with direct deposit, and only give out check stub for tracking [ Nike Free Tr Fit 2] purposes. At this site, the user can get access [ Mbt Masai Australia] to free check stub templates, along with a calculator to make the process easier still. The template shown on this site also has space for the user to add their company logo or office information for a more customized look. The consumer just has to download the template, enter the payment information, and also the calculator automatically displays the correct figures right on the form. On this website, the user can read up on additional tips for obtaining and utilizing these types of templates, including links to outside sources for the actual templates themselves.<br><br>Probably the most interesting examples of lesserknown vampire myths arrives of the Philippines. For many years the natives of these islands have spoken in quiet voices of the vampiric creature called the "Tatagong." The Tatagong differs in some respects from most vampires for the reason that it has no substantial body. Instead it can only be seen as a shadow and, rather than being able to move on its own, it requires a host to carry it in one place to another. The Tatagong acts similar to a parasite in this respect, latching onto a human's shadow and taking advantage of it as a shield against detection. Its human host is said to be aware of the infestation but is unable to do anything about it and is instead somehow commanded to search out other humans for the Tatagong when it needs to feed. Instead of sucking blood the Tatagong sucks at the "life essence" of these other humans, killing them in the process. It [ Tiffany Necklace Ebay] is only at this point, when it is cleared of it's host's shadow, that it can be seen by others. It's also reported that this is the only time the Tatagong can be captured and its host can be rid of the infestation. Capture seems to be the only option with a Tatagong; no record exists regarding how to kill it.<ul>
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Rated 5 out of 5 melwellblessed So Versatile! I buy 23 bags of these pitas (combined with the Joseph's wraps for my husband) a week. They are great in the morning heated up with a little peanut butter and maybe a smashed banana, used with chicken or tuna salad for lunches, or even toasted in the oven with garlic and olive oil, and used as the base for any lowercarb pizza! I am diabetic with high cholesterol and try to moderate my carbs, so I have asked our local WalMart to NEVER stop carrying these. 03/23/2013<br><br>Ah, I do get your point. Well, I not exactly hurting the bitcoin world, I just not making the wiki more desirable for everybody. Well, I be sure to contribute to the [ Tiffany Outlet Store Fake] wiki somehow. Although, we should keep in mind that you can please everyone. If you oversimplify things, people who are used to "tech talk" and jargon are gonna get pissed, and vice versa. Well, I just trying to be nice, I appreciate your feedback and I will make sure to play the role of as useful as possible.<br><br>I made this salad for the first time on Friday for a dinner party, and it stole the [ Nike Jordan Heels Fake] show! It is so simple and elegant and the sumac is actually exceptional. I served it with Moroccanspiced chicken with apple cider glaze, and it paired beautifully. I likely to try it tonight with some leftover roasted chicken added in to the salad to make it a full meal. Can wait to eat it again.<br><br>"Avian influenza H5N1 remains a significant threat to the health of Cambodians, especially children. This is actually the seventh case of H5N1 infection in humans this year, and children still seem to be most vulnerable. Children are at high risk because they may play where poultry are found and I urge parents and guardians [ Cheap Longchamp Bags Ebay] to keep children away from sick or dead poultry and stop them from playing with chickens and ducks. Parents and guardians should also make sure children wash their hands with soap and water after any contact with poultry. Should they have fast or difficult breathing, they should seek medical attention at the nearest health facility go to physicians must be made aware of any contact with sick or dead poultry", said HE Dr. Mam Bunheng, Minister of Health.<br><br>When "TLR" started to become a very "hot" topic, it became vital that you associate "heroes" to this complex discovery. Taking account of how this story unfolded, I feel disappointed with how Jules Hoffmann (unintentionally, or consciously) has devoted his communication skills to turning the invention of "Toll" into a team work. He's never fully acknowledged my individual [ Nike Shox Turbo Vi] contributions, portraying the story as a joint effort.  This is really a statement that I [ Tiffany And Co Usa] consider to be entirely wrong.<ul>
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Craze Workout Supplement along with Methamphetamines<br><br>Supplement tests positive pertaining to meth.<br><br>Bodybuilders and supplement buyers beware: Scientists have found that the widely available pre workout product, Craze, may contain significant amounts of a methamphetamine like chemical.<br><br>Despite a lack of scientific evidence that will dendrobium, a substance derived from an orchid, has stimulant like properties, many amateurs have been turning to the idea to get fired up. After several athletes failed drug lab tests, claiming they'd only utilized dendrobium, researchers decided [ Nike Shox Monster Si] to dig further. "There was a lot of buzz indicating, 'This really helped me in the gym; this kind of really gets me thrilled,' " says Doctor. Pieter Cohen, an assistant professor of [ Timberland Shop Online] medicine at Harvard Medical School who brought [ New Balance 990 Black] about the study. "There was a disconnect involving what was on the label and how people were describing it.Inches<br><br>It turns out they may have been ingesting more than an orchid. The chemical examination suggests that Craze, the most popular purveyor with dendrobium, also contained a meth just like substance. When [ Christian Louboutin Sydney] the researchers assessed samples from three amounts of Craze, ordered through three different sources, many people found it had, per helping, 21mg to 35mg of a methamphetamine analogue (meaning a compound with a chemical substance structure a whole lot like that associated with meth). No published research acquired ever found this ingredient in dendrobium or any other plant.<br><br>There are just a handful of papers out there around the compound Cohen, and his team located and all of them focus on it's chemical structure rather than it's biological effects. "There's zero information regarding what happens when it's in [ Buy Nike Free Run Online] the human body," says Cohen. Driven Sports, producer of Craze, has suspended production and sales of the supplement until further notice.<br><br>If you discover any Craze left offered, for now, you might want to pass that over to find another pre gym boost. Cohen offers an readily accessible alternative: caffeine. "It works, to some small degree, and it's entirely safe," he says. Beverage a small cup or a few coffee or take a 100mg coffee pill before working out.<ul>
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Charles Barkley to Host Saturday Night Reside<br><br>Saying Charles Barkley was one of the best some athletes to ever host Sunday Night Live is not much of a compliment. Other than Peyton Manning, who was decent, Barkley competition comes from the likes of Erina Phelps and Michael Jordan, among others, who had been terrible.<br><br>Barkley hosted the demonstrate in 1993 and will have got his second go January. 9, albeit with a a lesser amount of talented cast to work [ Mbt Shoes Australia Stores] with. Below how the blogosphere reacted:<br><br>Athletics Media Watch: "The [ Celine Shop Online] hosting job will take place [ Buy Isabel Marant] during a two week [ Michael Kors Handbags Australia] hiatus for the NBA with TNT. In recent years, Barkley has been frequently imitated on SNL by castmember Kenan Thompson.Inch<br><br>SLAM: "I know there been recently no reason to [ Michael Kors Iphone 5 Wristlet] watch the demonstrate in ages, but this may very well be worth checking out."<br><br>Brahsome: "So, yes, that the news. It likely often be funny as balls. As opposed to discussing whether Chuck can create a shitty show that I keep viewing actually funny for an time and a half, let take a look at how back machine with his very first host appearance in 1993."<br><br>Inside TV: "Barkley took part in the NBA from 84 to 2000 with the Philadelphia 76ers, the Phoenix Suns and also the Houston Rockets. He currently presents commentary on the TNT the Basketball, in addition to the network pre sport show, NBA on TNT.<ul>
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For YouthJames Delorey, 7, had autism. He died from hypothermia on Dec. 7, 2009, after spending two days outdoors in stormy winter weather, not far from his home in South Bar, near Sydney. The tragic story of James's death, and also the poignant efforts of his dog, Chance, to keep him warm during the ordeal, deeply moved Nova Scotians.<br><br>Australia's problem now is how to reconcile its supposed friendship and important trade relationship [ Longchamp Shop] with China  and Australia's role in being part of America's nuclear warfare strategy, targeting China. With the USA's important military bases in Australia  it's a no brainer as to whom would be attacked in the event of hostilities between USA and China<br><br>Which days there are plenty of people interested in doing just that as layoffs at big banks continue and finance just doesn thrill because it once did. The problem for Wall Street is there a huge talent drain happening and it something firms will have to keep an eye on.Exhibit A of the exodus from finance is Sameer Syed, the panel moderator and organizer of the quarterly roundtable discussions at General Assembly. <br><br>I responded to the points [ Nike Air Force 1 Online Australia] raised by the chairman from the committee, Honourable Dike from Anambra State before I put before them the issues I had listed to discuss. On party manifestos, I drew the interest of the committee that it was not a random demand. It is a constitutional requirement because in registering a political party, exactly what the party promises to do for anyone must be based on what the people need for those they give the mandate. The chapter documents the duties to be performed while chapter 4 details the rights to be enjoyed.<br><br>The other great thing about [ Tiffany Rings America] Wordpress is the fact that there are thousands of free themes available which are precoaded and only need to be uploaded and they're live. These themes are available in all types of colors, designs and subjects, so there is something for any type of website the consumer has in mind. Also, some themes allow for personal customization such as header colors, which helps to create a more custom design.<br><br>You can probably count on a pretty solid showing from one of the Strausses of the Cheetahs as well (depending on which one will be starting) as front [ Nike Sneaker Heels Boots] row options.I'm in. Played it last year, seems to be basically the same this year but this year the price of the players will change.Couple tips for any new joiners, keep in mind I am no expert but did finish [ Nike Free Run 3.0] within the top 500 last year.1) Try to have as many kickers (conversions and penalties) inside your team as possible, they give big points.2) Don't waste too much money on props, hookers and scrum half.<ul>

Revision as of 10:52, 5 December 2013

In mathematics, the hypergeometric function of a matrix argument is a generalization of the classical hypergeometric series. It is a function defined by an infinite summation which can be used to evaluate certain multivariate integrals.

Hypergeometric functions of a matrix argument have applications in random matrix theory. For example, the distributions of the extreme eigenvalues of random matrices are often expressed in terms of the hypergeometric function of a matrix argument.


Let p0 and q0 be integers, and let X be an m×m complex symmetric matrix. Then the hypergeometric function of a matrix argument X and parameter α>0 is defined as


where κk means κ is a partition of k, (ai)κ(α) is the Generalized Pochhammer symbol, and Cκ(α)(X) is the "C" normalization of the Jack function.

Two matrix arguments

If X and Y are two m×m complex symmetric matrices, then the hypergeometric function of two matrix arguments is defined as:


where I is the identity matrix of size m.

Not a typical function of a matrix argument

Unlike other functions of matrix argument, such as the matrix exponential, which are matrix-valued, the hypergeometric function of (one or two) matrix arguments is scalar-valued.

The parameter α

In many publications the parameter α is omitted. Also, in different publications different values of α are being implicitly assumed. For example, in the theory of real random matrices (see, e.g., Muirhead, 1984), α=2 whereas in other settings (e.g., in the complex case--see Gross and Richards, 1989), α=1. To make matters worse, in random matrix theory researchers tend to prefer a parameter called β instead of α which is used in combinatorics.

The thing to remember is that


Care should be exercised as to whether a particular text is using a parameter α or β and which the particular value of that parameter is.

Typically, in settings involving real random matrices, α=2 and thus β=1. In settings involving complex random matrices, one has α=1 and β=2.


  • K. I. Gross and D. St. P. Richards, "Total positivity, spherical series, and hypergeometric functions of matrix argument", J. Approx. Theory, 59, no. 2, 224–246, 1989.
  • J. Kaneko, "Selberg Integrals and hypergeometric functions associated with Jack polynomials", SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 24, no. 4, 1086-1110, 1993.
  • Plamen Koev and Alan Edelman, "The efficient evaluation of the hypergeometric function of a matrix argument", Mathematics of Computation, 75, no. 254, 833-846, 2006.
  • Robb Muirhead, Aspects of Multivariate Statistical Theory, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1984.

External links