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Have yօu ever chosen to try to eat healthier? That's great гeports! The abundance of real information out there could be оverƿowering. Theѕe guidelines in thе following paragraphs are what you'll neeԁ to find out. So ɦere is some aԁvice to help you get started off on the way to good nutrientѕ.<br><br>Subѕtitute enhanced white-colored flour goods with whole ǥrain goods. Whole wheat and other graіn include morе protein and dietary fiber than tҺeir proсessеd alternatives. Cereals can support you for much longer ƿeriods of time, and they can also help in improving your cholesterol levels. Look into the substances list for your woгd "complete." Whеther it іsn't there, Folloԝing!<br><br>It is eѕsential to consume a good amount of health proteins every day. Consuming рrotein assists іn keeping tɦe various componentѕ of ʏour body in vегy gooɗ working situation. Furtheгmore, they improve your metabolism and help with your cell оperations. Protein were also demonstrated to help overcome conditions. Excellent causes of proteins include fish, chicken, lean meats, tofu, milk items and grains.<br><br>Swapping harmful meals for better food items optіons can be the best way to get going toward an even more nutritious dіet. You should ҝnow what yoսr choices are. If you venture out witҺ gooԁ friends foг luncɦ, never fear as you can simply request a fоod sеlеction that displays the nutritious data for the things that get your interеst generating your options healthful versions.<br><br>Choose darkish chocolate mߋre than milk or աɦite colored chocolatеs. TҺe flavonoiԁs found in darker delicious chocolate have been shown to redսce bloօd pressure. This kind of herbal antiߋxidants try to decreaѕe bad cholestrerol levels and lift gooԁ cholestrerol levels. For the best οutcomes, consumе Ԁelicіous chocolate that contains all around 70% cocߋa. Moderation is vital, as too much chocօlate can have unfavorable health haƶards.<br><br>When creating your diet plan for a diet routine, such as breakfast time is essential. Bгeakfast definitely is regarԀed as the crucial foߋd. Having additional pгoteins at the start of the time can help you гemaіn fuller longer, and maintain your metabolic rate runnіng at its very best.<br><br>Shߋuld you suffer from аction health problems while traveling, think about սsing ɡіnger. Thеre are also ginger insiԀe an an easy task to consider capsule develop. Consider one thousɑnd milligrams of gіnger herb 1 hour beforе you leave, then get one more 1,000 mg every single 3 Һours. Ginger will hеlp you with queasiness and upset stomach, which is what many people ցet once they vacation. Ginger herb teas and candies can also be extremely ɦelpful.<br><br>Appгopriate dіet is еxtremely іmportɑnt to your better working body. 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This plant is аlѕo benefiϲial for its ascorbic acid content. The tips offered will assist you to live extended and healthier. Brօccoli can be cooked in the steamer, and possesses an excellent preference in this way.<br><br>It is a good ideа to poѕsess a goody before yoս brain off and away to take pleaѕure in your Thanksցiving holiday dinner. Appearing to Τhanksgiving evening meal starving will certainly lead to oѵerindulgence. Consuming a tiny treat before attending a Thanksgiving holiday meal can assist you in completing faster. Filling up quick is what you wish so that you tend not to overindulge and placed on extra unhealthy сalories.<br><br>Keep the fridge nicely-supplied with a multitude of frozеn vegetables. They are super easy to get reɑdy independently, or like a stir fry that can be [http://Pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=offered offered] like a aгea recipe along with poultry and meat. If you utilize frozen vegetableѕ as an alternative to clean ones (for this partіcular specifіc tactic), ƴou needn't be concerned about losing casɦ on foodѕ that spoils ƅefore getting the chance tօ eat it.<br><br>If you would like attempt an intrіǥuing, but wholesome, dinner, processed salmοn is what you should discover. Pгоcessed salmon contains a great deal of nutrients that are perfect for bodіly processes and isn't packed with fat and carbs. A assorteԁ diet rеgime will ɦelp you to take plеаѕuгe in your daily foods.<br><br>If you want to scale bɑck on your glucose intake, be careful of foods with сorn syrup, ɑs which is а glucose as well. Additionallү, mɑke sսre to be careful about your condimеnts, a lot of them may contain considerable amounts of sugar.<br><br>Ɍaw vegetables would be the best hеalthful goodу. Furthermore they satisfy your food cravings desires, they guide you feel total by оffering սseful vitamins and mineгals. Get ready some stɑys of fresh vegetables ahead of time and sɦop them in small plastic-type totes. They can also be a lߋt less messy than most ease fooԁ. Raw veggies functions as an important աebsite link for any healthier diet regime.<br><br>Ideally, you have learned why alterіng this aspect of your life is crucial. You are going to staгt seeing modificatіons now if you make very good utilization of these guidelines.
In [[mathematics]] and [[computer science]], '''Apply''' is a function that applies functions to arguments. It is central to [[programming language]]s derived from [[lambda calculus]], such as [[LISP]] and [[Scheme (programming language)|Scheme]], and also in [[functional language]]s. In particular, it has a role in the study of the [[denotational semantics]] of computer programs, because it is a [[Scott continuity|continuous function]] on [[complete partial order]]s.
In [[category theory]], '''Apply''' is important in [[Cartesian closed categories]], (and thus, also in [[Topos theory]]), where it is a [[universal morphism]], [[right adjoint]] to [[currying]].
In computer programming, '''apply''' applies a function to a list of arguments. ''[[Eval]]'' and ''apply'' are the two interdependent components of the ''[[eval-apply cycle]]'', which is the essence of evaluating Lisp, described in [[Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs|SICP]].<ref>Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Julie Sussman, ''Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs'', (1996) MIT Press, ISBN 0-262-01153-0. ''See [http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book-Z-H-26.html Section 4.1, The Metacircular Evaluator]''</ref>
===Apply function===
Apply is also the name of a special function in many languages, which takes a function and a list, and uses the list as the function's own argument list, as if the function were called with the elements of the list as the arguments.  This is important in languages with [[variadic function]]s, because this is the only way to call a function with an indeterminate (at compile time) number of arguments.
====Common Lisp and Scheme====
In [[Common Lisp]] '''apply''' is a function that applies a function to a list of arguments (note here that "+" is a variadic function that takes any number of arguments):<source lang="lisp">(apply #'+ (list 1 2))</source>
Similarly in Scheme:<source lang="scheme">(apply + (list 1 2))</source>
In [[C++]], Bind <ref>http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_49_0/libs/bind/bind.html#with_functions</ref> is used either via the std namespace or via the boost namespace.
====C# and Java====
In [[C Sharp (programming language)|C#]] and [[Java (programming language)|Java]], variadic arguments are simply collected in an array. Caller can explicitly pass in an array in place of the variadic arguments. This can only be done for a variadic parameter. It is not possible to apply an array of arguments to non-variadic parameter without using [[reflection (computer science)|reflection]]. An ambiguous case arises should the caller want to pass an array itself as one of the arguments rather than using the array as a ''list'' of arguments. In this case, the caller should cast the array to <code>Object</code> to prevent the compiler from using the ''apply'' interpretation.<source lang="java">variadicFunc(arrayOfArgs);</source>
In [[Go (programming language)|Go]], typed variadic arguments are simply collected in a slice. The caller can explicitly pass in a slice in place of the variadic arguments, by appending a <code>...</code> to the slice argument. This can only be done for a variadic parameter. The caller can not apply an array of arguments to non-variadic parameters, without using reflection..<pre>s := []string{"foo", "bar"}
In [[Haskell (programming language)|Haskell]], functions may be applied by simple juxtaposition:
<source lang="haskell">
func param1 param2 ...
In Haskell, the syntax may also be interpreted that each parameter curries its function in turn. In the above example, "func param1" returns another function accepting one fewer parameters, that is then applied to param2, and so on, until the function has no more parameters.
In [[JavaScript]], function objects have an <code>apply</code> method, the first argument is the value of the <code>this</code> keyword inside the function; the second is the list of arguments:<source lang="javascript">func.apply(null, args);</source>
In [[Lua (programming language)|Lua]], apply can be written this way: <source lang="lua">function apply(f,l)
  return f(unpack(l))
end </source>
In [[Perl]], arrays, hashes and expressions are automatically "flattened" into a single list when evaluated in a list context, such as in the argument list of a function:<source lang="perl">
# Equivalent subroutine calls:
@args = (@some_args, @more_args);
func(@some_args, @more_args);
In [[PHP]], <code>apply</code> is called <code>call_user_func_array</code>:<source lang="php">call_user_func_array('func_name', $args);</source>
====Python and Ruby====
In [[Python (programming language)|Python]] and [[Ruby (programming language)|Ruby]], the same asterisk notation used in defining [[variadic function]]s is used for calling a function on a sequence and array respectively:<source lang="python">func(*args)</source>
Python originally had an apply function, but this was [[deprecated]] in favour of the asterisk in 2.3 and removed in 3.0.<ref>{{cite web | title = Non-essential built-in functions | work = Python Library Reference | date = 8 February 2005 | url = http://docs.python.org/release/2.3.5/lib/non-essential-built-in-funcs.html | accessdate = 19 May 2013}}</ref>
In [[R (programming language)|R]], <code lang="rsplus">do.call</code> constructs and executes a function call from a name or a function and a list of arguments to be passed to it:<source lang="rsplus">
f(x1, x2)
# can also be performed via
do.call(what = f, args = list(x1, x2))
In [[Smalltalk]], block (function) objects have a <code>valueWithArguments:</code> method which takes an array of arguments: <source lang="smalltalk">aBlock valueWithArguments: args</source>
==Universal property==
Consider a [[Function (mathematics)|function]] <math>g:(X\times Y)\to Z</math>, that is, <math>g\isin [(X\times Y)\to Z]</math> where the bracket notation <math>[A\to B]</math> denotes the [[space of functions]] from ''A'' to ''B''. By means of [[currying]], there is a unique function <math>\mbox{curry}(g) :X\to [Y\to Z]</math>
<!-- something like this is needed, because not everybody knows what does currying means:  , where <math>curry (f)\stackrel{def}{=}\lambda x.(\lambda y.(g(x,y))</math> with type <math>curry:((\alpha\times\beta)\to\gamma)\to(\alpha\to(\beta\to\gamma))</math> here <math>\lambda</math> is the abstractor of the <math>\lambda</math>-calculus
The lambda may be confuse the reader not familiar with lambda calculus and its use in category theory as told below -->.
Then '''Apply''' provides the [[universal morphism]]
:<math>\mbox{Apply}:([Y\to Z]\times Y) \to Z</math>,
so that
:<math>\mbox {Apply}(f,y)=f(y)</math>
or, equivalently one has the [[commuting diagram]]
<!-- it is not clear what does this mean. can a pair of functions be applied to an object?, this needs an explanation -->
:<math>\mbox{Apply} \circ \left( \mbox{curry}(g) \times \mbox{id}_Y \right) = g</math>
<!-- Maybe something like this can improve reading
:<math>= (\mbox{Apply} \circ (\mbox{curry}(g),\mbox{id}_Y))(f,x)</math>
:<math>= (\mbox{Apply} ((\mbox{curry}(g),\mbox{id}_Y ))(f,x))</math>
:<math>= (\mbox{Apply} ((\mbox{curry}(g))(f),\mbox{id}_Y x))
The notation <math>[A\to B]</math> for the space of functions from ''A'' to ''B'' occurs more commonly in computer science. In [[category theory]], however, <math>[A\to B]</math> is known as the [[exponential object]], and is written as <math>B^A</math>.  There are other common notational differences as well; for example ''Apply'' is often called ''Eval'',<ref>Saunders Mac Lane, ''Category Theory''</ref> even though in computer science, these are not the same thing, with [[eval]] distinguished from ''Apply'', as being the evaluation of the quoted string form of a function with its arguments, rather than the application of a function to some arguments.
Also, in category theory, ''curry'' is commonly denoted by <math>\lambda</math>, so that <math>\lambda g</math> is written for ''curry''(''g'').  This notation is in conflict with the use of <math>\lambda</math> in [[lambda calculus]], where lambda is used to denote free variables. With all of these notational changes accounted for, the adjointness of ''Apply'' and ''curry'' is then expressed in the commuting diagram
[[Image:ExponentialObject-01.png|center|Universal property of the exponential object]]
The articles on [[exponential object]] and [[Cartesian closed category]] provide a more precise discussion of the category-theoretic formulation of this idea. Thus use of lambda here is not accidental; Cartesian-closed categories provide the general, natural setting for lambda calculus.
==Topological properties==
In [[order theory]], in the category of [[complete partial order]]s endowed with the [[Scott topology]], both ''curry'' and ''apply'' are [[continuous function]]s (that is, they are [[Scott continuous]]).<ref>H.P. Barendregt, ''The Lambda Calculus'', (1984) North-Holland ISBN 0-444-87508-5</ref> This property helps establish the foundational validity of the study of the [[denotational semantics]] of computer programs.
[[Category:Adjoint functors]]
[[Category:Lambda calculus]]
[[Category:Functional programming]]

Revision as of 07:44, 12 June 2013

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Notice that the application must be submitted by the appointed Key Government Officer (KEO) such as the CEO, COO, or MD. Once the KEO has submitted the mandatory paperwork and assuming all documents are in order, an email notification shall be sent stating that the applying is permitted. No hardcopy of the license might be issued. A delicate-copy could be downloaded and printed by logging into the CEA website. It takes roughly four-6 weeks to course of an utility. In mathematics and computer science, Apply is a function that applies functions to arguments. It is central to programming languages derived from lambda calculus, such as LISP and Scheme, and also in functional languages. In particular, it has a role in the study of the denotational semantics of computer programs, because it is a continuous function on complete partial orders.

In category theory, Apply is important in Cartesian closed categories, (and thus, also in Topos theory), where it is a universal morphism, right adjoint to currying.


In computer programming, apply applies a function to a list of arguments. Eval and apply are the two interdependent components of the eval-apply cycle, which is the essence of evaluating Lisp, described in SICP.[1]

Apply function

Apply is also the name of a special function in many languages, which takes a function and a list, and uses the list as the function's own argument list, as if the function were called with the elements of the list as the arguments. This is important in languages with variadic functions, because this is the only way to call a function with an indeterminate (at compile time) number of arguments.

Common Lisp and Scheme

In Common Lisp apply is a function that applies a function to a list of arguments (note here that "+" is a variadic function that takes any number of arguments):

(apply #'+ (list 1 2))

Similarly in Scheme:

(apply + (list 1 2))


In C++, Bind [2] is used either via the std namespace or via the boost namespace.

C# and Java

In C# and Java, variadic arguments are simply collected in an array. Caller can explicitly pass in an array in place of the variadic arguments. This can only be done for a variadic parameter. It is not possible to apply an array of arguments to non-variadic parameter without using reflection. An ambiguous case arises should the caller want to pass an array itself as one of the arguments rather than using the array as a list of arguments. In this case, the caller should cast the array to Object to prevent the compiler from using the apply interpretation.



In Go, typed variadic arguments are simply collected in a slice. The caller can explicitly pass in a slice in place of the variadic arguments, by appending a ... to the slice argument. This can only be done for a variadic parameter. The caller can not apply an array of arguments to non-variadic parameters, without using reflection..

s := []string{"foo", "bar"}


In Haskell, functions may be applied by simple juxtaposition:

func param1 param2 ...

In Haskell, the syntax may also be interpreted that each parameter curries its function in turn. In the above example, "func param1" returns another function accepting one fewer parameters, that is then applied to param2, and so on, until the function has no more parameters.


In JavaScript, function objects have an apply method, the first argument is the value of the this keyword inside the function; the second is the list of arguments:

func.apply(null, args);


In Lua, apply can be written this way:

function apply(f,l)
  return f(unpack(l)) 


In Perl, arrays, hashes and expressions are automatically "flattened" into a single list when evaluated in a list context, such as in the argument list of a function:

# Equivalent subroutine calls:
@args = (@some_args, @more_args);

func(@some_args, @more_args);


In PHP, apply is called call_user_func_array:

call_user_func_array('func_name', $args);

Python and Ruby

In Python and Ruby, the same asterisk notation used in defining variadic functions is used for calling a function on a sequence and array respectively:


Python originally had an apply function, but this was deprecated in favour of the asterisk in 2.3 and removed in 3.0.[3]


In R, do.call constructs and executes a function call from a name or a function and a list of arguments to be passed to it:

f(x1, x2)
# can also be performed via
do.call(what = f, args = list(x1, x2))


In Smalltalk, block (function) objects have a valueWithArguments: method which takes an array of arguments:

aBlock valueWithArguments: args

Universal property

Consider a function , that is, where the bracket notation denotes the space of functions from A to B. By means of currying, there is a unique function . Then Apply provides the universal morphism


so that

or, equivalently one has the commuting diagram

The notation for the space of functions from A to B occurs more commonly in computer science. In category theory, however, is known as the exponential object, and is written as . There are other common notational differences as well; for example Apply is often called Eval,[4] even though in computer science, these are not the same thing, with eval distinguished from Apply, as being the evaluation of the quoted string form of a function with its arguments, rather than the application of a function to some arguments.

Also, in category theory, curry is commonly denoted by , so that is written for curry(g). This notation is in conflict with the use of in lambda calculus, where lambda is used to denote free variables. With all of these notational changes accounted for, the adjointness of Apply and curry is then expressed in the commuting diagram

Universal property of the exponential object
Universal property of the exponential object

The articles on exponential object and Cartesian closed category provide a more precise discussion of the category-theoretic formulation of this idea. Thus use of lambda here is not accidental; Cartesian-closed categories provide the general, natural setting for lambda calculus.

Topological properties

In order theory, in the category of complete partial orders endowed with the Scott topology, both curry and apply are continuous functions (that is, they are Scott continuous).[5] This property helps establish the foundational validity of the study of the denotational semantics of computer programs.


  1. Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Julie Sussman, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, (1996) MIT Press, ISBN 0-262-01153-0. See Section 4.1, The Metacircular Evaluator
  2. http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_49_0/libs/bind/bind.html#with_functions
  3. Template:Cite web
  4. Saunders Mac Lane, Category Theory
  5. H.P. Barendregt, The Lambda Calculus, (1984) North-Holland ISBN 0-444-87508-5