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== alebo horšie. Nike Run ==
{{citation style|date=March 2013}}
In [[mathematics]], '''point-free geometry''' is a [[geometry]] whose primitive [[ontology|ontological]] notion is ''region'' rather than [[point (geometry)|point]]. Two [[axiomatic system]]s are set out below, one grounded in [[mereology]], the other in [[mereotopology]] and known as ''connection theory''. A point can mark a space or objects.

Takže od tej doby má letenku už môžeme tiež urobiť výlet z nej. Som žartom navrhol, ideme do Disneylandu (hey, ja chcem vidieť Kalifornia vánok zblízka). To je náš šiesty výlet do Štátov. Polica de Uso:? La Guia Hotel v sídle Guia de Hoteles en Brasil, žiadne eval la Calidad de los servicios prestados por los Establecimientos, la estructura en el sitio ňu lo que el hotel ofrece. Si o sebe konzultačné la Guia Hotel v sídle usted acepta los tminos de uso de este sitio. Para m Detalles Haga clic aqu? /> ... <br><br>Dry stav počasia zvíťazil v ostatných častiach štátu. Karnataka v období od marca 11 až 17 marca zaznamenali prebytok dažďové zrážky. Dôvod: bez ohľadu na to, ako dobré počasie, park je zafajčený. Frates bol diagnostikovaný s ALS marca 2012 27 rokov. Beverly, Massachusetts, rodák, hral v outfield pre Maroon a zlato od roku 2004 do 07. Kapitán jeho ročníku, on dokončil jeho BC kariéru s 107 štartmi, v priemere 0,228, 88 zobrazenie, 56 RBIs, 11 domov . <br><br>18 mesiacov, že to jednoducho brať rovnaký krok ako David Guetta je. Použitie slávnej featurings zasiahnuť. Preto, že to nie je jeho pôvodný zvuk, je to ako používať popovej spevákmi na elektronickej hudby, a to jednoducho necíti to isté. Táto kohorta tvorí kvantitatívne rámec, v ktorom sú vnorené niekoľko, väčšinou kvalitatívne, projekty študujúci preferencie a očakávania pacientov a použiteľnosť smerníc dopredu. Kohorta tiež tvorí základ pre projekt ďalej rozvíjať [ Nike Run] koncept osobné dôstojnosť na konci života. V roku 2008 získala v kariére ocenenie od holandskej organizácie pre vedecký výskum (NWO, Vici systém) pre pohľadu pacienta výskumného programu na konci životnosti starostlivosti: osobnú dôstojnosť, preferencie a účasť.. <br><br>V tomto sypký hry, môžete ponoriť hlboko do vesmíru, jesť a vyvíja, zber do malej sústa pomôcť vášmu stvorenia väčšie a zložitejšie. S vloženým dizajnom DDA (prispôsobenie Dynamic obtiažnosti), hráči s rôznym stupňom zručností môže intuitívne prispôsobiť svoj zážitok z hry a vychutnať si hru svojím vlastným tempom. Hráči môžu tiež prispôsobiť vzhľad svojich organizmov založených na hranie ... <br><br>Ale majte sa na pozore! Niektoré z nich majú legitímne príležitosti, zatiaľ čo iní sa treba vyhnúť. Podvodníci často sa z reklamy sľubujú veľké peniaze za [ Polo Ralph Lauren Praha] prácu doma. Povedala, kam sa pozerať, robiť a čo nerobiť, a ako [ Nike Free Run] veľmi sa dá odôvodnene očakávať, že robiť. <br><br>Oni sa vzali 20. Júna 1955, v hoteli The Plaza Hotel v New York [ Hollister Shop] City. Manželstvo bolo údajne zrušené v roku 1958. Záleží tiež na drogy samotnej, samozrejme. Je to už niekoľko rokov, čo som si užíval. Pri spätnom pohľade som mal pekne desivé chvíle a ja som stále ohromený som nikdy nemal predávkovania, autonehodu, alebo horšie.<ul>
Point-free geometry was first formulated in [[Alfred North Whitehead|Whitehead]] (1919, 1920), not as a theory of [[geometry]] or of [[spacetime]], but of "events" and of an "extension relation" between events. Whitehead's purposes were as much philosophical as scientific and mathematical.<ref>See Kneebone (1963), chpt. 13.5, for a gentle introduction to Whitehead's theory. Also see Lucas (2000), chpt. 10.</ref>

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Whitehead did not set out his theories in a manner that would satisfy present-day canons of formality. The two formal [[first order theory|first order theories]] described in this entry were devised by others in order to clarify and refine Whitehead's theories. The [[domain of discourse|domain]] for both theories consists of "regions." All unquantified variables in this entry should be taken as tacitly [[quantifier|universally quantified]]; hence all axioms should be taken as universal closures. No axiom requires more than three [[quantification|quantified variables]]; hence a translation of first order theories into [[relation algebra]] is possible. Each set of axioms has but four [[existential quantifier]]s.

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==Inclusion-based point-free geometry==
The axioms '''G1-G7''' are, but for numbering, those of Def. 2.1 in Gerla and Miranda (2008). The identifiers of the form '''WPn''', included in the verbal description of each axiom, refer to the corresponding axiom in Simons (1987: 83).

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The fundamental primitive [[binary relation]] is ''Inclusion'', denoted by [[infix]] "&le;". (''Inclusion'' corresponds to the binary ''Parthood'' relation that is a standard feature of all mereological theories.) The intuitive meaning of ''x''&le;''y'' is "''x'' is part of ''y''." Assuming that [[identity function|identity]], denoted by infix "=", is part of the background logic, the [[binary relation]] ''Proper Part'', denoted by infix "<", is defined as:

Relatívna vlhkosť vzduchu večer bol 71% v Colaba a 56% v Santa Cruz, ako v pondelok. Dry stav počasia zvíťazil v ostatných častiach štátu. Karnataka pre obdobie 13. IFRS vŕtanie pod 7090 a Standard Oil of Jacobson č 581 je vŕtanie pod 7400 dvaja [ Nike Free Run] sa nachádza čo by kameňom dohodil od č 512, ktorý išiel do 7090. Pracujeme s priemyselnými skupinami, ako IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) na vyradenie z osvedčených postupov. Niektorí je to o vlastné vzdelávanie pre užívateľa. <br><br>Ale to, čo letel pod radarom asi 20 rokov. "Prečo by si potrebovať zbraň to silný, ak si nie ste vojnu?" Je to cieľ puška. Je to hračka, "hovorí Barrett." Je to high-end pre dospelých rekreačné hračka. "Som úplne schopný ísť pred sudcu a rozprávanie. To je otázka, že čas hovoriť jasne. Mám písomnú kópiu môjho argumentu, a dám, že sa sudca. <br><br>Mlodie FM dcid de mettre en miesto des soires Thmei sur la Grand Place de Nivelles. Delcreating s'est nabíjania de la zloženie Graphique des letáky et Affiches. Affiches A3 Flyers A6. Bolo to trochu trik pre malé dievčatká, aby zistili, ako to urobiť. Ale bremeno bolo zrušené, keď som sa dostal do školy. Bola to jedna miestnosť škola v malej železničnej dedinke nie je pripojený ku zvyšku sveta cestou. <br><br>Pred časom, priateľ odovzdané [ Louis Vuitton Okuliare] reťazovú e-mail na mňa asi "alarmujúce" rys Google, ktoré by ste mohli len zadať telefónne číslo a získať meno, adresu, a dokonca aj satelitné snímky niečieho domu! Podľa e-mailu, nejako to preložil do štruktúry spoločnosť rozpadá so všetkými z nás, že sa stanú obeťami hromadných výskytov únosu, vraždy a týranie detí. Som poukázal na [ Longchamp Online Shop] odosielateľovi, že táto informácia bola široko a verejne k dispozícii pravdepodobne aj viac [ Nike Roshe Run] ako sto rokov, do značnej miery, pretože telefón bol vynájdený prostredníctvom tohto sprostý metly, telefónneho zoznamu. Coles reverznej adresára existujú už dávno predtým, než som sa narodil, a nemusíte satelitná snímka môjho domu, alebo GPS, aby mi nájsť pomocou dobrej staromódny plán.. <br><br>Okrem jeho 10-12 hodín dlhej kampane pre jedného hráča, BioShock 2 má tiež zábavu a príbeh založený multiplayer mód nastavený pri páde Rapture. Ako jeden z mála dopredu šialenstvo zosadenky, že ste sa pripojil k riešeniu Sinclair Spotrebný program odmien pre sebaobranu testovanie experimentálnych zbraní a plazmidov vo vojne medzi Andrewom Ryanom a jeho úhlavný nepriateľ ATLUS. Väčšina multiplayerových zápasov podporovať až 10 hráčov, a sú oveľa rýchlejšie tempo, než na hru pre jedného hráča a to natoľko, že to bude pravdepodobne trvať veľmi dlho, aby si zvykli na to..<ul>
<math> x<y \leftrightarrow (x\le y \and x \not = y).</math>

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The axioms are:
*Inclusion [[partial order|partially orders]] the [[domain of discourse|domain]].
:'''G1.'''  <math>x\le x.</math>      ([[reflexive relation|reflexive]])
:'''G2.''' <math>(x\le z \and z\le y) \rightarrow x\le y.</math>  ([[transitive relation|transitive]]) '''WP4'''.
:'''G3.''' <math>(x\le y \and  y\le x) \rightarrow x = y.</math>  ([[anti-symmetric relation|anti-symmetric]])

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*Given any two regions, there exists a region that includes both of them. '''WP6'''.
:'''G4.''' <math>\exists z[x\le z\and y\le z].</math>

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*Proper Part [[dense order|densely orders]] the [[domain of discourse|domain]]. '''WP5'''.
:'''G5.''' <math>x<y\rightarrow\exists z [x<z<y].</math>

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*Both [[atomic (order theory)|atomic regions]] and a [[mereology|universal region]] do not exist. Hence the [[domain of discourse|domain]] has neither an upper nor a lower bound. '''WP2'''.
:'''G6.''' <math>\exists yz[y<x \and x<z].</math>

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* Proper Parts Principle. If all the proper parts of ''x'' are proper parts of ''y'', then ''x'' is included in ''y''. '''WP3'''.
:'''G7.''' <math>\forall z[z<x \rightarrow z<y] \rightarrow x\le y.</math>

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A [[model theory|model]] of '''G1–G7''' is an ''inclusion space''.

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'''Definition''' (Gerla and Miranda 2008: Def. 4.1). Given some inclusion space, an '''abstractive class''' is a class ''G'' of regions such that ''G'' is [[total order|totally ordered]] by Inclusion. Moreover, there does not exist a region included in all of the regions included in ''G''.  
Intuitively, an abstractive class defines a geometrical entity whose dimensionality is less than that of the inclusion space. For example, if the inclusion space is the [[Euclidean plane]], then the corresponding abstractive classes are [[point (geometry)|point]]s and [[line (geometry)|line]]s.
Inclusion-based point-free geometry (henceforth "point-free geometry") is essentially an axiomatization of Simons's (1987: 83) system '''W.''' In turn, '''W''' formalizes a theory in Whitehead (1919) whose axioms are not made explicit. Point-free geometry is '''W''' with this defect repaired. Simons (1987) did not repair this defect, instead proposing in a footnote that the reader do so as an exercise. The primitive relation of '''W''' is Proper Part, a [[strict partial order]]. The theory<ref>Kneebone (1963), p. 346.</ref> of Whitehead (1919) has a single primitive binary relation ''K'' defined as ''xKy'' &harr; ''y''<''x''. Hence ''K'' is the [[inverse relation|converse]] of Proper Part. Simons's '''WP1''' asserts that Proper Part is [[irreflexive]] and so corresponds to '''G1'''. '''G3''' establishes that inclusion, unlike Proper Part, is [[anti-symmetric]].
Point-free geometry is closely related to a [[List of first-order theories|dense linear order]] '''D''', whose axioms are '''G1-3''', '''G5''', and the totality axiom <math> x \le y \or y \le x.</math><ref>Also see Stoll, R. R., 1963. ''Set Theory and Logic''. Dover reprint, 1979. P. 423.</ref> Hence inclusion-based point-free geometry would be a proper extension of '''D''' (namely '''D'''&cup;{'''G4''', '''G6''', '''G7'''}), were it not that the '''D''' relation "&le;" is a [[total order]].
==Connection theory==
In his 1929 ''[[Process and Reality]]'', [[A. N. Whitehead]] proposed a different approach, one inspired by De Laguna (1922). Whitehead took as primitive the [[topological]] notion of "contact" between two regions, resulting in a primitive "connection relation" between events. Connection theory '''C''' is a [[first order theory]] that distills the first 12 of the 31 assumptions in chpt. 2 of ''[[Process and Reality]]'' into 6 axioms, '''C1-C6'''. '''C''' is a proper fragment of the theories proposed in Clarke (1981), who noted their [[mereology|mereological]] character. Theories that, like '''C''', feature both inclusion and [[topology|topological]] primitives, are called [[mereotopology|mereotopologies]].
'''C''' has one primitive [[relation (mathematics)|relation]], binary "connection," denoted by the [[prefix]]ed [[Predicate (mathematical logic)|predicate letter]] ''C''. That ''x'' is included in ''y'' can now be defined as ''x''&le;''y'' &harr; &forall;z[''Czx''&rarr;''Czy'']. Unlike the case with inclusion spaces, connection theory enables defining "non-tangential" inclusion,<ref>Presumably this is Casati and Varzi's (1999) "Internal Part" predicate, IP''xy'' &harr; (x&le;y)&and;(C''zx''&rarr;&exist;''v''[''v''&le;''z'' &and; ''v''&le;''y'']. This definition combines their (4.8) and (3.1).</ref> a total order that enables the construction of abstractive classes. Gerla and Miranda (2008) argue that only thus can mereotopology unambiguously define a [[Point (geometry)|point]].
The axioms '''C1-C6''' below are, but for numbering, those of Def. 3.1 in Gerla and Miranda (2008).
*''C'' is [[reflexive relation|reflexive]]. '''C.1.'''
:'''C1. '''<math> \ Cxx.</math>
*''C'' is [[symmetric]]. '''C.2.'''
:'''C2.'''  <math>Cxy\rightarrow Cyx.</math>
*''C'' is [[extensionality|extensional]]. '''C.11.'''
:'''C3.'''  <math>\forall z[Czx \leftrightarrow Czy] \rightarrow x = y.</math>
* All regions have proper parts, so that '''C''' is an [[atomic (order theory)|atomless]] theory. '''P.9.'''
:'''C4.'''    <math>\exists y[y<x].</math>
*Given any two regions, there is a region connected to both of them.
:'''C5.'''  <math>\exists z[Czx\and Czy].</math>
*All regions have at least two unconnected parts. '''C.14.'''
:'''C6.'''  <math>\exists yz[(y\le x)\and (z\le x)\and\neg Cyz].</math>
A model of '''C''' is a ''connection space''.
Following the verbal description of each axiom is the identifier of the corresponding axiom in Casati and Varzi (1999). Their system '''SMT''' (''strong mereotopology'') consists of '''C1-C3''', and is essentially due to Clarke (1981).<ref>Grzegorczyk (1960) proposed a similar theory, whose motivation was primarily [[topology|topological]].</ref> Any [[mereotopology]] can be made [[atomic (order theory)|atomless]] by invoking '''C4''', without risking paradox or triviality. Hence '''C''' extends the atomless variant of '''SMT''' by means of the axioms '''C5''' and '''C6''', suggested by chpt. 2 of ''[[Process and Reality]]''. For an advanced and detailed discussion of systems related to '''C''', see Roeper (1997).
Biacino and Gerla (1991) showed that every [[model theory|model]] of Clarke's theory is a [[Boolean algebra (structure)|Boolean algebra]], and models of such algebras cannot distinguish connection from overlap. It is doubtful whether either fact is faithful to Whitehead's intent.
==See also==
*[[Pointless topology]]
*Biacino L., and Gerla G., 1991, "[ Connection Structures,]" ''Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic'' 32: 242-47.  
<!--*Casati R., Varzi A., 1997, "Spatial Entities" in Oliviero Stock, ed., ''Spatial and Temporal Reasoning''. Kluwer: 73-96.!-->
* Casati, R., and Varzi, A. C., 1999. ''Parts and places: the structures of spatial representation''. MIT Press.
* Clarke, Bowman, 1981, "[ A calculus of individuals based on 'connection',]" ''Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 22'': 204-18.
* ------, 1985, "[ Individuals and Points,]" ''Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 26'': 61-75.
*De Laguna, T., 1922, "Point, line  and surface as sets of solids," ''The Journal of Philosophy 19'': 449-61.
* Gerla, G., 1995, "[ Pointless Geometries]" in Buekenhout, F., Kantor, W. eds., ''Handbook of incidence geometry: buildings and foundations''. North-Holland: 1015-31.
*--------, and Miranda A., 2008, "[ Inclusion and Connection in Whitehead's Point-free Geometry,]" to appear in ''Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought''.
*Gruszczynski R., and Pietruszczak A., 2008, "[ Full development of Tarski's geometry of solids,]" ''Bulletin of Symbolic Logic'' 14:481-540. The paper contains presentation of point-free system of geometry originating from Whitehead's ideas and based on Lesniewski's mereology. It also briefly discusses the relation between point-free and point-based systems of geometry. Basic properties of mereological structures are given as well.
*Grzegorczyk, A., 1960, "Axiomatizability of geometry without points," ''Synthese 12'': 228-235.
*Kneebone, G., 1963. ''Mathematical Logic and the Foundation of Mathematics''. Dover reprint, 2001.
*[[John Lucas (philosopher)|Lucas, J. R.]], 2000. ''Conceptual Roots of Mathematics''. Routledge. Chpt. 10, on "prototopology," discusses Whitehead's systems and is strongly influenced by the unpublished writings of David Bostock.
* Roeper, P., 1997, "Region-Based Topology," ''Journal of Philosophical Logic 26'': 251-309.
* Simons, P., 1987. ''Parts: A Study in Ontology''. Oxford Univ. Press.
* [[A. N. Whitehead|Whitehead, A.N.]], 1916, "La Theorie Relationiste de l'Espace," ''Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale 23'': 423-454. Translated as Hurley, P.J., 1979, "The relational theory of space," ''Philosophy Research Archives 5'': 712-741.
*--------, 1919. ''An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Natural Knowledge''. Cambridge Univ. Press. 2nd ed., 1925.
*--------, 1920. ''[ The Concept of Nature]''. Cambridge Univ. Press. 2004 paperback, Prometheus Books. Being the 1919 Tarner Lectures delivered at [[Trinity College, Cambridge|Trinity College]].
*--------, 1979 (1929). ''[[Process and Reality]]''. Free Press.
[[Category:Alfred North Whitehead]]
[[Category:History of mathematics]]
[[Category:Mathematical axioms]]

Revision as of 10:33, 17 November 2013

To make the tax system more progressive, the Government is raising property tax charges for top-end residential properties in Singapore Finances 2013, with the most important increases making use of to investment properties that are not occupied by their homeowners.

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The federal government has seen some trigger for alarm in the nation's property market and reacted by emplacing some curbs to control exercise, forcing you, as a potential investor, to look beyond local shores. The instant consequence is that the algorithm you were so comfortable with at home exit the window. The property market overseas can be a minefield for those who don't maintain your wits about you. In different words, do your homework thoroughly; don't be misled by hyperbole or hearsay and bind yourself to an funding. Proceed Reading → In mathematics, point-free geometry is a geometry whose primitive ontological notion is region rather than point. Two axiomatic systems are set out below, one grounded in mereology, the other in mereotopology and known as connection theory. A point can mark a space or objects.


Point-free geometry was first formulated in Whitehead (1919, 1920), not as a theory of geometry or of spacetime, but of "events" and of an "extension relation" between events. Whitehead's purposes were as much philosophical as scientific and mathematical.[1]

Whitehead did not set out his theories in a manner that would satisfy present-day canons of formality. The two formal first order theories described in this entry were devised by others in order to clarify and refine Whitehead's theories. The domain for both theories consists of "regions." All unquantified variables in this entry should be taken as tacitly universally quantified; hence all axioms should be taken as universal closures. No axiom requires more than three quantified variables; hence a translation of first order theories into relation algebra is possible. Each set of axioms has but four existential quantifiers.

Inclusion-based point-free geometry

The axioms G1-G7 are, but for numbering, those of Def. 2.1 in Gerla and Miranda (2008). The identifiers of the form WPn, included in the verbal description of each axiom, refer to the corresponding axiom in Simons (1987: 83).

The fundamental primitive binary relation is Inclusion, denoted by infix "≤". (Inclusion corresponds to the binary Parthood relation that is a standard feature of all mereological theories.) The intuitive meaning of xy is "x is part of y." Assuming that identity, denoted by infix "=", is part of the background logic, the binary relation Proper Part, denoted by infix "<", is defined as:


The axioms are:

G1. xx. (reflexive)
G2. (xzzy)xy. (transitive) WP4.
G3. (xyyx)x=y. (anti-symmetric)
  • Given any two regions, there exists a region that includes both of them. WP6.
G4. z[xzyz].
G5. x<yz[x<z<y].
G6. yz[y<xx<z].
  • Proper Parts Principle. If all the proper parts of x are proper parts of y, then x is included in y. WP3.
G7. z[z<xz<y]xy.

A model of G1–G7 is an inclusion space.

Definition (Gerla and Miranda 2008: Def. 4.1). Given some inclusion space, an abstractive class is a class G of regions such that G is totally ordered by Inclusion. Moreover, there does not exist a region included in all of the regions included in G.

Intuitively, an abstractive class defines a geometrical entity whose dimensionality is less than that of the inclusion space. For example, if the inclusion space is the Euclidean plane, then the corresponding abstractive classes are points and lines.

Inclusion-based point-free geometry (henceforth "point-free geometry") is essentially an axiomatization of Simons's (1987: 83) system W. In turn, W formalizes a theory in Whitehead (1919) whose axioms are not made explicit. Point-free geometry is W with this defect repaired. Simons (1987) did not repair this defect, instead proposing in a footnote that the reader do so as an exercise. The primitive relation of W is Proper Part, a strict partial order. The theory[2] of Whitehead (1919) has a single primitive binary relation K defined as xKyy<x. Hence K is the converse of Proper Part. Simons's WP1 asserts that Proper Part is irreflexive and so corresponds to G1. G3 establishes that inclusion, unlike Proper Part, is anti-symmetric.

Point-free geometry is closely related to a dense linear order D, whose axioms are G1-3, G5, and the totality axiom xyyx.[3] Hence inclusion-based point-free geometry would be a proper extension of D (namely D∪{G4, G6, G7}), were it not that the D relation "≤" is a total order.

Connection theory

In his 1929 Process and Reality, A. N. Whitehead proposed a different approach, one inspired by De Laguna (1922). Whitehead took as primitive the topological notion of "contact" between two regions, resulting in a primitive "connection relation" between events. Connection theory C is a first order theory that distills the first 12 of the 31 assumptions in chpt. 2 of Process and Reality into 6 axioms, C1-C6. C is a proper fragment of the theories proposed in Clarke (1981), who noted their mereological character. Theories that, like C, feature both inclusion and topological primitives, are called mereotopologies.

C has one primitive relation, binary "connection," denoted by the prefixed predicate letter C. That x is included in y can now be defined as xy ↔ ∀z[CzxCzy]. Unlike the case with inclusion spaces, connection theory enables defining "non-tangential" inclusion,[4] a total order that enables the construction of abstractive classes. Gerla and Miranda (2008) argue that only thus can mereotopology unambiguously define a point.

The axioms C1-C6 below are, but for numbering, those of Def. 3.1 in Gerla and Miranda (2008).

C1. Cxx.
C2. CxyCyx.
C3. z[CzxCzy]x=y.
  • All regions have proper parts, so that C is an atomless theory. P.9.
C4. y[y<x].
  • Given any two regions, there is a region connected to both of them.
C5. z[CzxCzy].
  • All regions have at least two unconnected parts. C.14.
C6. yz[(yx)(zx)¬Cyz].

A model of C is a connection space.

Following the verbal description of each axiom is the identifier of the corresponding axiom in Casati and Varzi (1999). Their system SMT (strong mereotopology) consists of C1-C3, and is essentially due to Clarke (1981).[5] Any mereotopology can be made atomless by invoking C4, without risking paradox or triviality. Hence C extends the atomless variant of SMT by means of the axioms C5 and C6, suggested by chpt. 2 of Process and Reality. For an advanced and detailed discussion of systems related to C, see Roeper (1997).

Biacino and Gerla (1991) showed that every model of Clarke's theory is a Boolean algebra, and models of such algebras cannot distinguish connection from overlap. It is doubtful whether either fact is faithful to Whitehead's intent.

See also


  1. See Kneebone (1963), chpt. 13.5, for a gentle introduction to Whitehead's theory. Also see Lucas (2000), chpt. 10.
  2. Kneebone (1963), p. 346.
  3. Also see Stoll, R. R., 1963. Set Theory and Logic. Dover reprint, 1979. P. 423.
  4. Presumably this is Casati and Varzi's (1999) "Internal Part" predicate, IPxy ↔ (x≤y)∧(Czx→∃v[vzvy]. This definition combines their (4.8) and (3.1).
  5. Grzegorczyk (1960) proposed a similar theory, whose motivation was primarily topological.


  • Biacino L., and Gerla G., 1991, "Connection Structures," Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 32: 242-47.
  • Casati, R., and Varzi, A. C., 1999. Parts and places: the structures of spatial representation. MIT Press.
  • Clarke, Bowman, 1981, "A calculus of individuals based on 'connection'," Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 22: 204-18.
  • ------, 1985, "Individuals and Points," Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 26: 61-75.
  • De Laguna, T., 1922, "Point, line and surface as sets of solids," The Journal of Philosophy 19: 449-61.
  • Gerla, G., 1995, "Pointless Geometries" in Buekenhout, F., Kantor, W. eds., Handbook of incidence geometry: buildings and foundations. North-Holland: 1015-31.
  • --------, and Miranda A., 2008, "Inclusion and Connection in Whitehead's Point-free Geometry," to appear in Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought.
  • Gruszczynski R., and Pietruszczak A., 2008, "Full development of Tarski's geometry of solids," Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 14:481-540. The paper contains presentation of point-free system of geometry originating from Whitehead's ideas and based on Lesniewski's mereology. It also briefly discusses the relation between point-free and point-based systems of geometry. Basic properties of mereological structures are given as well.
  • Grzegorczyk, A., 1960, "Axiomatizability of geometry without points," Synthese 12: 228-235.
  • Kneebone, G., 1963. Mathematical Logic and the Foundation of Mathematics. Dover reprint, 2001.
  • Lucas, J. R., 2000. Conceptual Roots of Mathematics. Routledge. Chpt. 10, on "prototopology," discusses Whitehead's systems and is strongly influenced by the unpublished writings of David Bostock.
  • Roeper, P., 1997, "Region-Based Topology," Journal of Philosophical Logic 26: 251-309.
  • Simons, P., 1987. Parts: A Study in Ontology. Oxford Univ. Press.
  • Whitehead, A.N., 1916, "La Theorie Relationiste de l'Espace," Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale 23: 423-454. Translated as Hurley, P.J., 1979, "The relational theory of space," Philosophy Research Archives 5: 712-741.
  • --------, 1919. An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Natural Knowledge. Cambridge Univ. Press. 2nd ed., 1925.
  • --------, 1920. The Concept of Nature. Cambridge Univ. Press. 2004 paperback, Prometheus Books. Being the 1919 Tarner Lectures delivered at Trinity College.
  • --------, 1979 (1929). Process and Reality. Free Press.