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In [[game theory]], the '''Shapley value''', named in honour of [[Lloyd Shapley]], who introduced it in 1953, is a solution concept in cooperative game theory.<ref>Lloyd S. Shapley. "A Value for ''n''-person Games".  In ''Contributions to the Theory of Games'', volume II, by H.W. Kuhn and A.W. Tucker, editors.  ''Annals of Mathematical Studies'' v. 28, pp.&nbsp;307–317.  Princeton University Press, 1953.
When you have a hemorrhoid flare up, the initially thing you want to do is treat the hemorrhoids themselves. Best Hemorrhoid Treatment Click Here We can like to try a topical medication. For those wanting to use a all-natural cure, vitamin E used directly to the skin functions well in many cases. You are able to purchase numerous over-the-counter products which will help you plus tell we how to receive rid of hemorrhoids. This might reduce the flare up plus take care of the pain and irritation you're having inside the brief expression.<br><br>I believe which you need to have tried several kinds of [http://hemorrhoidtreatmentfix.com/internal-hemorrhoids-treatment internal hemorrhoid treatment]. In this article, you are able to learn how each kind of treatment is selected, so you can perform the right treatment with your symptom.<br><br>Yes, hemorrhoids are painful, irritating plus embarrassing. Folks wish a quick fix for which. This really is where the lotions come in, and they do function. Except they do not stop the hemorrhoids from coming back. Would it not create more sense to locate out what exactly is causing them plus deal with that when plus for all?<br><br>But what we want to learn is how to do away with hemorrhoids inside the extended term, plus avoid having a painful plus costly operation. No one wants to go beneath the knife - particularly for something like hemorrhoids. If you want to learn how to get rid of hemorrhoids in the extended expression so you don't have to deal with painful flare ups in the future, the initial step is in regulating your diet.<br><br>Venapro works by combining an effective all natural constituent into 2 cures. The initial 1 is a homeopathic spray that you would like to place below your language for a few days. What this can do is to ease the ache plus irritation brought about by a hemorrhoid condition. The second 1 is a nutritional answer product to increase the condition of your colon, elevate the flow of blood and eliminate the root cause of your hemorrhoids. The substances selected in the manufacturing of venapro are the keys. Based on my analysis, I found out which venapro has absolutely zero traceable side effects plus wellness study displays that it gives positive results. The two treatments implemented by venapro are absorbed orally, so you will probably not should apply any cream to the affected area.<br><br>One of the best techniques of relieving oneself within the pain plus itchiness is to soak in a warm Sitz bathtub. Do this for regarding 10 to 15 minutes, many occasions a day. Warm water relaxes a muscles plus reduces the swelling. You can additionally apply coconut oil to the affected region. It will have a soothing effect though it won't last that lengthy. Applying witch hazel may also assist soothe the pain plus itch. It decreases the bleeding and minimizes the swelling.<br><br>What more are you able to ask for? Here are 2 of the best products to treat the hemorrhoids and thousands of individuals swear by it. You don't have to be ashamed anymore plus we don't should suffer every single day due to the pain. Treat hemorrhoids today, we need to have a wonderful, hemorrhoid-free life.
</ref><ref>Alvin E. Roth (editor). ''The Shapley value, essays in honor of Lloyd S. Shapley''. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1988.</ref> To each [[cooperative game]] it assigns a unique distribution (among the players) of a total surplus generated by the coalition of all players. The Shapley value is characterized by a collection of desirable properties or axioms described below. Hart (1989) provides a survey of the subject.<ref>Sergiu Hart, ''Shapley Value'', The New Palgrave: Game Theory, J. Eatwell, M. Milgate and P. Newman (Editors), Norton, pp.&nbsp;210–216, 1989.</ref><ref>''A Bibliography of Cooperative Games: Value Theory'' by Sergiu Hart[http://www.ma.huji.ac.il/~hart/value.html]</ref>
The setup is as follows: a coalition of players cooperates, and obtains a certain overall gain from that cooperation. Since some players may contribute more to the coalition than others or may possess different  bargaining power (for example threatening to destroy the whole surplus), what final distribution of generated surplus among the players should we expect to arise in any particular game? Or phrased differently: how important is each player to the overall cooperation, and what payoff can he or she reasonably expect? The Shapley value provides one possible answer to this question.
== Formal definition ==
To formalize this situation, we use the notion of a '''coalitional game''':
we start out with a set ''N'' (of ''n'' players) and a  [[function (mathematics)|function]] <math> v \; : \; 2^N \to \mathbb{R} </math> with <math> v(\emptyset)=0</math>, where <math>\emptyset</math> denotes the empty set. The function <math> v </math> that maps subsets of players to reals is called a characteristic function.
The function <math>v</math> has the following meaning: if ''S'' is a coalition of players, then ''v''(''S''), called the worth of coalition ''S'', describes the total expected sum of payoffs the members of <math>S</math> can obtain by cooperation.  
The Shapley value is one way to distribute the total gains to the players, assuming that they all collaborate. It is a "fair" distribution in the sense that it is the only distribution with certain desirable properties to be listed below. According to the Shapley value, the amount that player ''i'' gets given a coalitional game <math>( v, N) </math> is
:<math>\phi_i(v)=\sum_{S \subseteq N \setminus
\{i\}} \frac{|S|!\; (n-|S|-1)!}{n!}(v(S\cup\{i\})-v(S))</math>
where ''n'' is the total number of players and the sum extends over all subsets ''S'' of ''N'' not containing player ''i''. The formula can be interpreted as follows: imagine the coalition being formed one actor at a time, with each actor demanding their contribution ''v''(''S''∪{''i''}) &minus; ''v''(''S'') as a fair compensation, and then for each actor take the average of this contribution over the possible different [[permutation]]s in which the coalition can be formed.
An alternative equivalent formula for the Shapley value is:
:<math>\phi_i(v)= \frac{1}{|N|!}\sum_R\left [ v(P_i^R \cup \left \{ i \right \}) - v(P_i^R) \right ]\,\!</math>
where the sum ranges over all <math>|N|!</math> orders <math>R\,\!</math> of the players and <math>P_i^R\,\!</math> is the set of players in <math>N\,\!</math> which precede <math>i\,\!</math> in the order <math>R\,\!</math>.
== Example ==
=== Glove game ===
Consider a simplified description of a business. We have an owner ''o'', who does not work but provides the crucial capital, meaning that without him no gains can be obtained. Then we have ''k'' workers ''w''<sub>1</sub>,...,''w''<sub>''k''</sub>, each of whom contributes an amount ''p'' to the total profit. So ''N'' = {''o'', ''w''<sub>1</sub>,...,''w''<sub>''k''</sub>} and ''v''(''S'') = 0 if ''o'' is not a member of ''S'' and ''v''(''S'') = ''mp'' if ''S'' contains the owner and ''m'' workers. Computing the Shapley value for this coalition game leads to a value of ''kp''/2 for the owner and ''p''/2 for each worker.
The glove game is a coalitional game where the players have left and right hand gloves and the goal is to form pairs.
:<math>N = \{1, 2, 3\}\,\!</math>
where players 1 and 2 have right hand gloves and player 3 has a left hand glove
The value function for this coalitional game is
v(S) =
  1,  & \text{if }S \in \left\{ \{1,3\},\{2,3\},\{1,2,3\} \right\}\\
  0, & \text{otherwise}\\
Where the formula for calculating the Shapley value is:
:<math>\phi_i(v)= \frac{1}{|N|!}\sum_R\left [ v(P_i^R \cup \left \{ i \right \}) - v(P_i^R) \right ]\,\!</math>
Where <math>R\,\!</math> is an ordering of the players and <math>P_i^R\,\!</math> is the set of players in <math>N\,\!</math> which precede <math>i\,\!</math> in the order <math>R\,\!</math>
The following table displays the marginal contributions of Player 1
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Order <math>R\,\!</math> !! <math>MC_1</math>
! <math>{1,2,3}\,\!</math>
|  <math>v(\{1\}) - v(\varnothing) = 0 - 0 = 0\,\!</math>
! <math>{1,3,2}\,\!</math>
|  <math>v(\{1\}) - v(\varnothing) = 0 - 0 = 0\,\!</math>
! <math>{2,1,3}\,\!</math>
|  <math>v(\{1,2\}) - v(\{2\}) = 0 - 0 = 0\,\!</math>
! <math>{2,3,1}\,\!</math>
|  <math>v(\{1,2,3\}) - v(\{2,3\}) = 1 - 1 = 0\,\!</math>
! <math>{3,1,2}\,\!</math>
|  <math>v(\{1,3\}) - v(\{3\}) = 1 - 0 =1\,\!</math>
! <math>{3,2,1}\,\!</math>
|  <math>v(\{1,2,3\}) - v(\{2,3\}) = 1 - 1 = 0\,\!</math>
:<math>\phi_1(v)=(1) \!\left(\frac{1}{6}\right)=\frac{1}{6}\,\!</math>
By a symmetry argument it can be shown that
Due to the efficiency axiom we know that the sum of all the Shapley values is equal to 1, which means that
:<math>\phi_3(v) = \frac{4}{6} = \frac{2}{3}.\,</math>
== Properties ==
The Shapley value has the following desirable properties:
'''1. Efficiency:''' The total gain is distributed:
:<math>\sum_{i\in N}\phi_i(v) = v(N)</math>
'''2. Symmetry:''' If ''i'' and ''j'' are two actors who are equivalent in the sense that  
:<math>v(S\cup\{i\}) = v(S\cup\{j\})</math>
for every subset ''S'' of ''N'' which contains neither ''i'' nor ''j'', then φ<sub>''i''</sub>(''v'') = φ<sub>''j''</sub>(''v'').
'''3. Linearity:''' if we combine two coalition games described by gain functions ''v'' and ''w'', then the distributed gains should correspond to the gains derived from ''v'' and the gains derived from ''w'':
:<math>\phi_i(v+w) = \phi_i(v) + \phi_i(w)</math>
for every ''i'' in&nbsp;''N''. Also, for any real number ''a'',
:<math>\phi_i(a v) = a \phi_i(v)</math>
for every ''i'' in&nbsp;''N''.
'''4. Zero Player (Null player):''' The Shapley value <math>\phi_i(v)</math> of a null player i in a game v is zero. A player <math>i</math> is ''null'' in <math>v</math> if <math>v(S\cup \{i\}) = v(S)</math> for all coalitions <math>S</math>.
In fact, given a player set ''N'', the Shapley value is the only map from the set of all games to payoff vectors that satisfies ''all four'' properties 1, 2, 3, and 4 from above.
== Addendum definitions ==
'''1. Anonymous:''' If ''i'' and ''j'' are two actors, and ''w'' is the gain function that acts just like ''v'' except that the roles of ''i'' and ''j'' have been exchanged, then φ<sub>''i''</sub>(''v'') = φ<sub>''j''</sub>(''w''). In essence, this means that the labeling of the actors doesn't play a role in the assignment of their gains. Such a function is said to be ''anonymous''.
'''2. Marginalism:''' the Shapley value can be defined as a function which uses only the marginal contributions of player i as the arguments.
==Aumann–Shapley value==
In their 1974 book, [[Lloyd Shapley]] and [[Robert Aumann]] extended the concept of the Shapley value to infinite games (defined with respect to a [[atom (measure theory)|non-atomic]] [[measure (mathematics)|measure]]), creating the diagonal formula.<ref>Robert J. Aumann, Lloyd S. Shapley. ''Values of non-atomic games'', Princeton Univ. Press, Pinceton, 1974.</ref> This was later extended by [[Jean-François Mertens]] and Abraham Neyman.
Let us see intuitively how to think of a value in this set up, for this we rely heavily on [[Jean-François Mertens]]'s reference below.
As seen above, the value of an n-person game associates to each player the expectation
of his contribution to the worth or the coalition or players before him in a
random ordering of all the players. When there are many players and each individual
plays only a minor role, the set of all players preceding a given one is heuristically thought as a good sample of the players so that the value of a given infinitesimal player <math>ds</math> around  as "his" contribution to the worth of a "perfect" sample of the population of all players.
Symbolically, if <math>v</math> is the coalitional worth function associating to each coalition <math>c</math> measured subset of a measurable set <math>I</math> that can be thought as <math>I=[0,1]</math> without loss of generality.
(Sv)(ds) = \int_0^1 (v(tI + ds)- v(tI))dt.
where <math>(Sv)(ds)</math>denotes  the Shapley value of the infinitesimal player <math>ds</math> in the game, <math>tI</math> is a perfect sample of the all-player set <math>I</math> containing a proportion <math>t</math> of all the players, and
<math>tI+ ds</math> is the coalition obtained after <math>ds</math> joins <math>tI</math>. This is the heuristic form of the [[diagonal formula]].
Assuming some regularity of the worth function, for example assuming <math>v</math>  can be represented as differentiable function of a non-atomic measure on  <math>I</math>, <math>\mu</math>, <math>v(c)=f(\mu(c))</math> with density function <math>\phi</math>, with <math>\mu(c)=\int 1_c(u)\phi(u)du,</math> ( <math> 1_c()</math> the characteristic function of <math>c</math>). Under such conditions
as can be shown by approximating the density by a step function and keeping the proportion <math>t</math> for each level of the density function, and
v(tI + ds)=f(t\mu(I))+f'(t\mu(I))\mu(ds)
The diagonal formula has then the form developed by  Aumann and Shapley (1974)
(Sv)(ds) = \int_0^1 f'_{t\mu(I)}(\mu(ds))dt
Above <math>\mu</math> can be vector valued (as long as the function is defined and differentiable on the range of <math>\mu</math>, the above formula makes sense).
In the argument above if the measure contains atoms <math>\mu(tI)=t\mu(I)</math> is no longer true - this is why the diagonal formula mostly applies to non-atomic games.
Two approaches were deployed to extend this diagonal formula when the function <math>f</math> is no longer differentiable. Mertens goes back to the original formula and takes the derivative after the integral thereby benefiting from the smoothing effect. Neyman took a different approach. Going back to an elementary application of Mertens's approach from Mertens (1980):<ref>Mertens, Jean-François, 1980. "Values and Derivatives," Mathematics of Operations Research, 5: 523-552. [http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/3689325]</ref>
(Sv)(ds) =  \lim_{\epsilon \to 0, \epsilon>0} \frac{1}{\epsilon}\int_0^{1-\epsilon} (f(t+\epsilon \mu(ds))-f(t))dt
This works for example for majority games -- while the original diagonal formula cannot be used  directly. How Mertens further extends this by identifying symmetries that the Shapley value should be invariant upon, and averaging over such symmetries to create further smoothing effect commuting averages with the derivative operation as above.<ref>Mertens, Jean-François, 1988. The Shapley Value in the Non Differentiable Case," International Journal of Game Theory, 17: 1-65. [http://www.springerlink.com/content/rl111x278677k461/]</ref> A survey for non atomic value is found in Neyman (2002)
<ref>Neyman, A., 2002. Value of Games with infinitely many Players, "Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications," Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications, Elsevier, edition 1, volume 3, number 3, 00. R.J. Aumann & S. Hart (ed.).[http://ratio.huji.ac.il/dp/neyman/values.pdf]</ref>
==See also==
* [[Airport problem]]
* [[Banzhaf power index]]
* [[Shapley–Shubik power index]]
* Petrosjan, Leon and Georges Zaccour. Time-consistent Shapley value allocation of pollution cost reduction, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 27, Issue 3, January 2003, Pages 381–398.
==External links==
* {{springer|title=Shapley value|id=p/s084780}}
{{game theory}}
[[Category:Game theory]]
[[Category:Cooperative games]]
[[Category:Fair division]]

Revision as of 07:11, 4 March 2014

When you have a hemorrhoid flare up, the initially thing you want to do is treat the hemorrhoids themselves. Best Hemorrhoid Treatment Click Here We can like to try a topical medication. For those wanting to use a all-natural cure, vitamin E used directly to the skin functions well in many cases. You are able to purchase numerous over-the-counter products which will help you plus tell we how to receive rid of hemorrhoids. This might reduce the flare up plus take care of the pain and irritation you're having inside the brief expression.

I believe which you need to have tried several kinds of internal hemorrhoid treatment. In this article, you are able to learn how each kind of treatment is selected, so you can perform the right treatment with your symptom.

Yes, hemorrhoids are painful, irritating plus embarrassing. Folks wish a quick fix for which. This really is where the lotions come in, and they do function. Except they do not stop the hemorrhoids from coming back. Would it not create more sense to locate out what exactly is causing them plus deal with that when plus for all?

But what we want to learn is how to do away with hemorrhoids inside the extended term, plus avoid having a painful plus costly operation. No one wants to go beneath the knife - particularly for something like hemorrhoids. If you want to learn how to get rid of hemorrhoids in the extended expression so you don't have to deal with painful flare ups in the future, the initial step is in regulating your diet.

Venapro works by combining an effective all natural constituent into 2 cures. The initial 1 is a homeopathic spray that you would like to place below your language for a few days. What this can do is to ease the ache plus irritation brought about by a hemorrhoid condition. The second 1 is a nutritional answer product to increase the condition of your colon, elevate the flow of blood and eliminate the root cause of your hemorrhoids. The substances selected in the manufacturing of venapro are the keys. Based on my analysis, I found out which venapro has absolutely zero traceable side effects plus wellness study displays that it gives positive results. The two treatments implemented by venapro are absorbed orally, so you will probably not should apply any cream to the affected area.

One of the best techniques of relieving oneself within the pain plus itchiness is to soak in a warm Sitz bathtub. Do this for regarding 10 to 15 minutes, many occasions a day. Warm water relaxes a muscles plus reduces the swelling. You can additionally apply coconut oil to the affected region. It will have a soothing effect though it won't last that lengthy. Applying witch hazel may also assist soothe the pain plus itch. It decreases the bleeding and minimizes the swelling.

What more are you able to ask for? Here are 2 of the best products to treat the hemorrhoids and thousands of individuals swear by it. You don't have to be ashamed anymore plus we don't should suffer every single day due to the pain. Treat hemorrhoids today, we need to have a wonderful, hemorrhoid-free life.