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Hello! My name is Nereida. <br>It is a little about myself: I live in Canada, my city of Brockville. <br>It's called often Eastern or cultural capital of ON. I've married 1 years ago.<br>I have 2 children - a son (Mack) and the daughter (Janette). We all like Coloring.<br><br>Take a look at my web-site ... [ permission network advertising]
{{#switch: {{#expr: floor (955 * ((({{NUMBEROFUSERS:R}} + {{#time: s}}) mod 10)/10 + ({{NUMBEROFARTICLES:R}} mod 10)/100 + ({{NUMBEROFFILES:R}} mod 10)/1000 + ({{#time: i}} mod 10)/10000)) + 1}}
|1={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|agnon|n|# A struggle or contest; conflict; especially between the protagonist and antagonist in a literary work. <br><small> Word credit: Reid Offringa </small>}}
|2={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|sybarite|n|A person devoted to pleasure and luxury; a voluptuary|January|11}}
|3={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|alpenglow|n|'''Etymology'''
*Alpenglow is a partial translation of German Alpenglühen, from Alpen, "Alps" + glühen, "to glow."
*rosy or reddish glow seen near sunset or sunrise on the summits of mountains, especially snow covered mountains. <br><small> Word credit: Reid Offringa </small>}}
|4={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ekstasis|n|'''Etymology'''
*Greek ἔκστασις (ecstasis, displacement, cession, trance)
*The state of being beside one's self or rapt out of one's self <br><small> Word credit: Reid Offringa </small>}}
|5={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|crapulous|adj|Surcharged with liquor; alcoholism; sick from excessive indulgence in drinking or eating; drunk; given to excesses|January|15}}
|6={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format| vade mecum|n|'''Etymology'''
* From the Latin vade mecum, which literally means "go with me"
# A referential book such as a handbook or manual
# A useful object, constantly carried on one's person <br><small> Word credit: Reid Offringa </small>}}
|7={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|burgage|noun|a [[wikt:medieval|medieval]] [[wikt:tenure|tenure]] in [[wikt:socage|socage]] under which property in [[wikt:England|England]] and [[wikt:Scotland|Scotland]] was held under the king or a lord of a town, and was maintained for a yearly rent or for rendering an inferior service (not knight's service) such as watching and warding|January|17}}
|8={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|brume|noun|mist or fog|January|18}}
|9={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|gossamer|noun|A fine film or strand as of cobwebs, floating in the air or caught on bushes etc|January|19}}
|10={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|statism|noun|A belief in the importance of the power of the state over an individual, used to describe more extreme views|January|20}}
|11={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|eon|noun|A long time, a period of 1,000,000,000 years|January|21}}
|12={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|topography|noun|a detailed graphic representation of the surface features of a place or object; the features themselves (the terrain); the surveying of the features|January|22}}
|13={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|butterfly|noun|A flying insect of the order Lepidoptera, usually having colorful/colourful wings (<small>''Entry including hundreds of translations''<small>)|January|23}}
|14={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|epigenetics|noun|the study of heritable changes caused by the activation and deactivation of genes without any change in DNA sequence|January|24}}
|15={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|caprice|noun|an impulsive, seemingly unmotivated notion or action|January|25}}
|16={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|indelible|adj|having the quality of being difficult to remove, wash away, blot out, or efface|January|26}}
|17={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|oniochalasia|noun|The purchasing of objects as a form of mental relaxation|January|27}}
|18={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|syzygy|noun|An alignment of three celestial bodies (for example, the Sun, Earth, and Moon) such that one body is directly between the other two, such as an eclipse|January|28}}
|19={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|diatribe|noun|A verbal or written attack on a person|January|29}}
|20={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|Blind Freddy|noun|(Australia) (colloquial) Imaginary incapacitated person|January|30}}
|21={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|swabby|noun|Another word for [[wikt:swab|swab]], a sailor|January|31}}
|22={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|peregrinate|vb|To travel towards, to journey with a destination or goal in mind|February|1}}
|23={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|jingoism|n|Excessive [[wikt:patriotism|patriotism]] or aggressive [[wikt:nationalism|nationalism]]|February|2}}
|24={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|aboulia|n|absence of will-power or decisiveness, especially as a symptom of mental illness|February|3}}
|25={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|algedonic|adj|pertaining to both pleasure and pain|February|4}}
|26={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|eschar|n|a dry, dark scab or scar, especially as a result of burning|February|5}}
|27={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|keratinization|n|the process in which cells from beneath the skin are converted to hair and nails (made of [[wikt:keratin|keratin]])|February|6}}
|28={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|gimcrack|adj|showy but of poor quality; worthless|February|7}}
|29={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|boustrophedon|n|written from right-to-left and left-to-right on alternate lines|February|13}}
|30={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|amative|adj|pertaining or inclined to love|February|14}}
|31={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|satyriasis|n|Uncontrollable sexual desire, found in a man (contrast to [[wikt:nymphomania|nymphomania]])|February|15}}
|32={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|heterophenomenology|n|the method of studying the consciousness of other people coinded by [[Daniel Dennett|Daniel Dennett]]|February|19}}
|33={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|noesis|n|The consciousness side to duality of perceiver and that which is perceived ([[wikt:noema|noema]]), coined by [[Husserl|Husserl]]|February|20}}
|34={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|noema|n|The perceived portion of the [[wikt:noesis|noesis]]/noema duality; that which is perceived as it is perceived, coined by [[Husserl|Husserl]]|February|21}}
|35={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|butterfly|noun|Winged insect that comes from a caterpillar (Check out all our translations for it)|February|22}}
|36={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|nefarious|adj|infamous for being wicked|February|23}}
|37={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|catafalque|n.|A platform used to display or convey a coffin during a funeral, often ornate|February|24}}
|38={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|anthropomorphic|adj|(for animals, non-humans or other inanimate objects) given [[wikt:human|human]] [[wikt:attribute|attributes]]|February|25}}
|39={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|eat humble pie|phrasal verb|to [[wikt:admit|admit]] one's [[wikt:fault|faults]]; to make a [[wikt:humiliating|humiliating]] [[wikt:apology|apology]]|February|26}}
|40={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|anaphora|n.|The repetition of a phrase at the beginning of phrases, sentences, or verses, used for emphasis|February|27}}
|41={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|defenestrate|v.|To throw out of a window|February|28}}
|42={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|excrescence|n|Something, usually abnormal which grows out of something else|March|1}}
|43={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|brobdingnagian|adj|enormous, huge|March|2}}
|44={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|coruscate|v|to give off light; to reflect in flashes; to sparkle or to exhibit brilliant technique or style|March|3}}
|45={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hypertrophy|n|(medicine) an increase in the size of an organ due to swelling of the individual cells|March|4}}
|46={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|kreska|n|(Orthography): a [[wikt:diacritic|diacritic]] closely resembling an acute accent|March|5}}
|47={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|diacritic|n|A special mark added to a letter to indicate a different pronunciation, stress, tone, or meaning|March|6}}
|48={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|myrmecology|adj|(zoology): The study of [[wikt:ants|ants]]|March|7}}
|49={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|orrery|n|a clockwork model of the solar system|March|8}}
|50={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|phylogenetics|n|(systematics): The systematic classification of organisms based on evolutionary similarities and differences|March|9}}
|51={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bellicose|adj|Warlike in nature; aggressive; hostile|March|10}}
|52={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|namby-pamby|adj|insipid and sentimental; spineless|March|11}}
|53={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|amanuensis|n|One employed to take dictation or copy manuscripts; a clerk, secretary or stenographer|March|12}}
|54={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|apraxia|n|Total or partial loss of the ability to perform coordinated movements or manipulate objects in the absence of motor or sensory impairment|March|13}}
|55={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|avolition|n|Lack of initiative or goals; one of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia|March|14}}
|56={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|verfremdungseffekte|n|Brecht's alienation effect, sometimes translated as the estrangement effect. Distance between the audience and the performers|March|15}}
|57={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|eleemosynary|adj|Relating to charity, alms, or almsgiving; intended for the distribution of charity; as, an eleemosynary corporation|March|16}}
|58={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|blarney|n|persuasive flattery or kind speech|March|17}}
|59={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|tintinnabulation|n.|The ringing sound of a bell|March|18}}
|60={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|lilliputian|adj|very small, or petty|March|19}}
|61={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|austral|adj|of or relating to the south|March|20}}
|62={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|supinate|v|(''anatomy''): To twist the forearm so as to turn the palm towards the body|March|21}}
|63={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|swan song|n|a final performance or accomplishment, especially one before retirement|March|22}}
|64={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hagiography|n|A biography of a saint|March|23}}
|65={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|kinesthesia|n|The perception of the position, weight and movement of the body, its limbs and muscles etc|March|24}}
|66={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|peregrinate|v|To travel from place to place, especially on foot|March|25}}
|67={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|legerdemain|n|Sleight of hand; "magic" trickery|March|26}}
|68={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|palanquin|n|A covered type of litter for a passenger, carried by means of poles on the shoulders of four or more bearers|March|27}}
|69={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|eschew|v.|To avoid, to shun|March|28}}
|70={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|antidisestablishmentarianism|n|Political philosophy, opposed to the separation of church and state|March|29}}
|71={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|sanguine|adj.|Red like blood, ruddy.
# Marked by abundant and active circulation of blood; hence, cheerful; hopeful.
# Warm; ardent; as, sanguine of success|March|30}}
|72={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pedantic|adj|Overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning|March|31}}
|73={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pinch and a punch for the first of the month|phrase|A superstitious phrase said on the first day of the new month|April|1}}
|74={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pulchritudinous|adj.|Having great physical [[wikt:beauty|beauty]] or [[wikt:appeal|appeal]]|April|2}}
|75={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ambergris|n|A solid, fatty, flammable substance produced in the intestines of the sperm whale and used in perfumes|April|3}}
|76={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hullabaloo|n|An uproar or fuss|April|4}}
|77={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|chortle|v|To laugh joyfully, rather like a snorting chuckle|April|5}}
|78={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|numismatist|n|One who studies and/or collects coins and currencies|April|6}}
|79={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|quaternary|adj|Of fourth rank or order|April|7}}
|80={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|conflagration|n|A fire extending to many objects, or over a large space; a general burning|April|8}}
|81={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|puissant|adj|powerful, mighty, having authority|April|9}}
|82={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|onomatopoeia|n|The property of a word of sounding like what it represents|April|10}}
|83={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|quaff|v|To drink or imbibe, especially with vigour|April|11}}
|84={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|tachygraphy|n|The art and practice of rapid writing.
#Stenography or short hand as done in ancient and mediæval times|April|12}}
|85={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|salient|adj|Prominent, worthy of note; pertinent or relevant
# Of an heraldic animal, depicted in a leaping posture|April|13}}
|86={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|avarice|n|An excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth.
# An inordinate desire for some supposed good.
# One of the seven deadly sins|April|14}}
|87={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|colossal|adj|Extremely large|April|15}}
|88={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|verisimilitude|n|Something that is, or appears to be, true or real, "like the truth"|April|16}}
|89={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|paradiddle|n|A percussive exercise which involves playing a series of hits in the pattern RLRRLRLL|April|17}}
|90={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pshaw|interj|Indicating disapproval, irritation, impatience or disbelief|April|18}}
|91={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|intransigent|adj|Stubbornly unwilling to compromise or moderate a position; unreasonable|April|19}}
|92={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|gauche|adj|Awkward or lacking in social graces.
#Having a bumbling or faltering manner|April|20}}
|93={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|nugatory|adj|Trivial or of little importance.
#Ineffective or futile|April|21}}
|94={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|prognosticate|v|To predict, especially through the application of skill|April|22}}
|95={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|tarantella|n|A rapid dance in <math>6/8</math> time, originating in Italy; the dance was believed to cure poisonous spider bites|April|23}}
|96={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|lollygag|v|To fall behind through lack of effort|April|24}}
|97={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|orthogonal|adj|Of, or relating to right angles; perpendicular to.
#Statistically independent, with reference to variates.
#Able to be treated independently of each other|April|25}}
|98={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|plethora|n|An excessive amount or abundance|April|26}}
|99={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|impugn|v|To verbally assault.
# To claim to be false or to cause to be questioned|April|27}}
|100={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|mallemaroking|n|Drinking party on board a Greenland whaling ship|April|28}}
|101={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|libidinous|adj|Having lustful desires; characterized by lewdness; sensual; lascivious|April|29}}
|102={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bloviate|v|To speak at length in a pompous or boastful manner|April|30}}
|103={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|haywire|adj|Behaving erratically or in an uncontrollable manner, especially of a machine or mechanical process|May|1}}
|104={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|halcyon|adj|Pertaining to, or resembling, the kingfisher, which was anciently said to lay her eggs in nests on or near the sea during the calm weather about the winter solstice.
# Calm; quiet; peaceful; undisturbed; happy|May|2}}
|105={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|mauve|n|A pale purple or violet colour|May|3}}
|106={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|masticate|v|To chew food.
# To grind or knead something into a pulp|May|4}}
|107={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hyperbole|n|Extreme exaggeration; especially, exaggeration as a literary device|May|5}}
|108={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|name|n|Any word or phrase which indicates a particular person, place, class, or thing.
|109={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|aah|interj|indication of amazement or surprise or enthusiasm.
# indication of joyful pleasure.
# indication of sympathy.
# indication of mouth being opened wide|May|7}}
|110={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|unfettered|adj|Not bound by chains or shackles.
#(''by extension'') Not restricted|May|8}}
|111={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|discombobulate|v|To throw into a state of confusion; to befuddle or perplex|May|9}}
|112={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|replete|adj|Abounding in something.
#Filled to the point of bursting|May|10}}
|113={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|tectum|n|The dorsal portion of the midbrain.
#The interconnected outer surface of a spore|May|11}}
|114={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|eminently|adv|In an eminent manner; prominently or loftily.
#To a great extent; highly; very|May|12}}
|115={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|postprandial|adj|After a meal, especially after dinner|May|13}}
|116={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|warble|v|To frequency modulate a tone; trill.
#To sing like a bird|May|14}}
|117={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ignominious|adj|Marked by shame or disgrace; humiliating|May|15}}
|118={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|boondoggle|n|A waste of time and/or money; a pointless activity|May|16}}
|119={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|guffaw|v|To laugh boisterously|May|17}}
|120={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|flocculent|adj|Resembling tufts of wool.
#Covered in wool; woolly|May|18}}
|121={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|domesticate|v|To make fit for life in a house or home.
#To adapt to live with humans|May|19}}
|122={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ctenophile|n|A lover of combs|May|20}}
|123={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|whosoever|pron|Whichever person; any person|May|21}}
|124={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|rhythmic|adj|Characterized by rhythm.
#Written in verse, especially rhyming verse.
#With regular, repetitive motion or sound|May|22}}
|125={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|simper|v|To smile in a frivolous, self-conscious manner|May|23}}
|126={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|cacophony|n|A mix of discordant sounds; a dissonance|May|24}}
|127={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|trudge|v|To walk wearily with heavy, slow steps|May|25}}
|128={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|Lovecraftian|adj|Frighteningly monstrous and otherworldly|May|26}}
|129={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hiatus|n|A break or pause.
#A gap in a series, making it incomplete.
# (''linguistics'') A pause between identical vowels in a word|May|27}}
|130={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|normalize|v|To format in a standard manner; to make consistent|May|28}}
|131={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|subterfuge|n|An indirect or deceptive device or strategem; a blind.
#Deception; misrepresentation of the true nature of an activity|May|29}}
|132={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|contrite|adj|Sincerely penitent or feeling regret or sorrow, especially for one's own actions|May|30}}
|133={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|dexterously|adv|In a dexterous manner; skillfully, with precision, carefully|May|31}}
|134={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|limpid|adj|Clear, particularly transparent or bright|June|1}}
|135={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|billow|v|To surge or roll in undulating waves.
#To swell out or bulge|June|2}}
|136={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|vector|n|(''mathematics''): A directed quantity, with both magnitude and direction.
#A chosen course or direction for motion, as of an aircraft.
#(''medicine''): A carrier of a disease-causing agent|June|3}}
|137={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|rustic|adj|Country-styled or pastoral; rural.
#Rough, crude|June|4}}
|138={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hydroplane|v|To skim the surface of a body of water while moving at high speed|June|5}}
|139={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|sesquicentennial|adj|Occurring every 150 years.
#Of, or relating to a 150 year anniversary|June|6}}
|140={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|oeuvre|n|The complete body of work created by an artist or writer|June|7}}
|141={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ilk|n|Kind, sort, type, class of people, those that resemble or behave like a certain person|June|8}}
|142={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|solicit|v|To persistently endeavor to obtain an object, or bring about an event.
#To woo; to court.
#To persuade or incite one to commit some act, especially illegal or sexual behavior|June|9}}
|143={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|equipoise|n|A state of balance; equilibrium.
#A counterbalance|June|10}}
|144={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|cardinal|adj|Of fundamental importance, as in "a cardinal rule".
#Describing a number used in counting, e.g., one, two, three|June|11}}
|145={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ballyhoo|v|To sensationalise or make grand claims.
#To shout noisily or in an uproar|June|12}}
|146={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|paradigm|n|A model or example.
#(grammar) The inflections of a word, often displayed as a table.
#A way of thinking, perceiving, or approaching work in some context|June|13}}
|147={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|erudite|adj|Learned, scholarly, with emphasis on knowledge gained from books|June|14}}
|148={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|poobah|n|A person holding multiple offices or positions of power, all at the same time|June|15}}
|149={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ubiquitous|adj|Being everywhere at once; omnipresent.
#Seeming to appear everywhere at the same time|June|16}}
|150={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|absquatulate|v|To leave quickly or in a hurry; to take oneself off; to depart|June|17}}
|151={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|fissiparous|adj|Factious, fragmenting, or tending to break into pieces.
#(''biology''): Of cells that reproduce through fission, splitting into two|June|18}}
|152={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|mollify|v|To ease a burden or make less painful; to comfort.
#To appease|June|19}}
|153={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|spoonerism|n|A phrase in which the initial (usually consonantal) sounds of two or more of the main words are accidentally transposed|June|20}}
|154={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|nirvana|n|The absence of all longing.
#A state of paradise; heightened or great pleasure.
#A blissful state attained through loss of self; enlightenment|June|21}}
|155={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|posthaste|adv|Quickly; with great rapidity|June|22}}
|156={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|zygodactylous|adj|Having two toes pointing forward and two toes pointing backward|June|23}}
|157={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|chrestomathy|n|A collection of written passages, used to learn an unfamiliar language|June|24}}
|158={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|unguent|n|Any cream containing medicinal ingredients applied to the skin for therapeutic purposes|June|25}}
|159={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|jocular|adj|Humorous, amusing or joking|June|26}}
|160={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|rorqual|n|Any whale with longitudinal skin folds running from below the mouth to the navel, allowing the capacity mouth to expand greatly when feeding|June|27}}
|161={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|tantalize|v|To tease someone by offering something desirable but keeping it out of reach|June|28}}
|162={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|fascicle|n|A bundle.
#A section a book that is issued in parts.
#(''anatomy''): A bundle of skeletal muscle fibers surrounded by connective tissue.
#(''botany''): A cluster of flowers or leaves, or a bundle of vascular tissue|June|29}}
|163={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|mondegreen|n|A form of error arising from mishearing a spoken or sung phrase|June|30}}
|164={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ragamuffin|n|A dirty, shabbily-clothed child; an urchin|July|1}}
|165={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|disparate|adj|Composed of inherently different or distinct elements; incongruous.
#Markedly different|July|2}}
|166={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|behemoth|n|A great and mighty monster.
#Something which has the qualities of great power and might, and monstrous proportions|July|3}}
|167={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ululate|v|To howl loudly or prolongedly in lamentation or joy|July|4}}
|168={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|iterative|adj|Of a procedure that involves repetition of steps to achieve the desired outcome.
#(''grammar''): Expressive of an action that is repeated with frequency|July|5}}
|169={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|fraternize|v|To associate with others in a friendly manner, especially with an enemy|July|6}}
|170={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|sycophant|n|One who uses compliments to gain self-serving favor or advantage from another|July|7|audio=en-us-sycophant-2.ogg}}
|171={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|eccentric|adj|Not perfectly circular, such as an orbit.
#Deviating from the norm; behaving unexpectedly.
#(''physiology''): Acting against or in the opposite direction of a muscle's contraction|July|8}}
|172={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|convolute|v|To make something unnecessarily complex.
#To fold or coil into numerous overlapping layers.
#To twist someone's words to fit a desired meaning that was not intended by the speaker|July|9}}
|173={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|niche|n|A hollow or recess, generally within the thickness of a wall, for a statue, bust, or other erect ornament.
#(''ecology''): A function within an ecological system to which an organism is especially suited.
#(''by extension''): Any position of opportunity for which one is well-suited|July|10}}
|174={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|anachronistic|adj|Erroneous in date; containing an anachronism; in a wrong time|July|11}}
|175={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|oxymoron|n|A figure of speech in which two words of opposing meanings are used together to express two contrasting qualities in one concept.
#(''informally''): A contradiction in terms|July|12}}
|176={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|vex|v|To annoy.
#To cause (mental) suffering to; to distress|July|13}}
|177={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|Gordian knot|n|A legendary knot which carried a prophecy that whoever loosed the knot would become ruler of all Asia.  Alexander the Great solved the puzzle by slicing through the knot and took it as a sign of Zeus's favor.
#(''by extension''): Any intricate and complex problem|July|14}}
|178={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|lignify|v|To become wood.
#(''botany''): To develop woody tissue as a result of secondary growth|July|15}}
|179={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|salubrious|adj|Promoting health or well-being; wholesome|July|16}}
|180={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hermeneutics|n|The study or theory of the methodical interpretation of text, especially holy texts|July|17}}
|181={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pander|v|To tempt, usually by appealing to improper motivators.
#To offer illicit sex|July|18}}
|182={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|uxoricide|n|A man who kills his wife.
#The killing of one's wife|July|19}}
|183={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|lachrymose|adj|Tearful; causing tears or crying|July|20}}
|184={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|blurt|v|To utter suddenly and unadvisedly; to divulge inconsiderately|July|21}}
|185={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|celerity|n|Speed, rapidity.
#(''oceanography'') The speed of individual waves (as opposed to the speed of groups of waves)|July|22}}
|186={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|gerrymander|v|To divide a geographic area into voting districts in such a way as to give an unfair advantage to one party in an election|July|23}}
|187={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pragmatic|adj|Practical; concerned with making decisions and actions that are useful in practice, not just in theory|July|24}}
|188={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|corsair|n|A pirate along the Barbary coast.
#A fast pirate ship or privateer|July|25}}
|189={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|surreptitiously|adv|In a surreptitious manner; stealthily, furtively|July|26}}
|190={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|juxtapose|v|To place side by side, especially for comparison|July|27}}
|191={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|mellifluous|adj|Flowing like honey.
#Sweet and smooth; generally used of a person's voice, tone, or writing style|July|28}}
|192={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|tryst|n|A meeting between lovers|July|29}}
|193={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hubris|n|Conceited pride or arrogance|July|30}}
|194={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|docile|adj|Ready to accept control or instruction.
#Yielding to supervision, direction, or management|July|31}}
|195={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|expurgate|v|To edit out rude, incorrect, offensive, or useless information from a book, CD or other publication|August|1}}
|196={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|infix|n|(''linguistics'') A [[wikt:morpheme|morpheme]] inserted in the body of a word|August|2}}
|197={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|arachnidism|n|The condition of being poisoned as a result of a spider's bite|August|3}}
|198={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|haunch|n|The hips, buttocks and upper thigh of a human or primate|August|4}}
|199={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|whippersnapper|n|A young and cheeky or annoyingly presumptious person|August|5}}
|200={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|discrepancy|n|A conflicting difference or inconsistency between facts or sentiments|August|6}}
|201={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ace up one's sleeve|idiom|(''idiomatic'') A surprise advantage of which others are not aware|August|7}}
|202={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|egress|n|The action of going out of a place.
# A means of going out of a place; an exit|August|8}}
|203={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|porous|adj|Having tiny openings through which liquids may pass|August|9}}
|204={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|not in Kansas anymore|phrase|No longer in quiet and comfortable surroundings|August|10}}
|205={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|anachronism|n|Something which or someone who belongs in the past and doesn't fit anymore in present days|August|11}}
|206={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|malevolence|n|Evil disposition or hatred towards another; the intention to harm others.
# Behaviour indicating spite and ill will|August|12}}
|207={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|of that ilk|adj|Having a surname that is the same as the place where one lives|August|13}}
|208={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|wear one's heart on one's sleeve|v|To be extremely transparent, open, or forthright about one's emotions|August|14}}
|209={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|defatigable|adj|Easily tired or wearied|August|15}}
|210={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|timber|n|Trees in a forest regarded as a source of wood.
# Wood that has been pre-cut and is ready for use in construction.
# A heavy wooden beam, generally a whole log that has been squared off and used to provide heavy support for things such as roof|August|16}}
|211={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|what with|adv|(''idiomatic'') Owing to; because of; as a result of|August|17}}
|212={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|chromatid|n|Either of the two strands of a [[wikt:chromosome|chromosome]] that separate during [[wikt:mitosis|mitosis]]|August|18}}
|213={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|irksome|adj|Disagreeable or troublesome by reason of long continuance or repetition|August|19}}
|214={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|apply oneself|v|To put forth a concerted effort; to try; to focus|August|20}}
|215={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|torporific|adj|Inducing [[wikt:torpor|torpor]]; tending to cause apathy or lethargy|August|21}}
|216={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|encompass|v|To form a circle around; to encircle.
# To include within its scope; to [[wikt:circumscribe|circumscribe]] or go round so as to surround.
# To include completely; to describe fully or comprehensively.
# To go around, especially, to [[wikt:circumnavigate|circumnavigate]]|August|22}}
|217={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|incombustible|adj|Not capable of catching fire and burning|August|23}}
|218={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|vortex|n|A whirlwind, whirlpool, or similarly moving matter in the form of a spiral or column.
# Anything that involves constant violent or chaotic activity around some centre.
# Anything which inevitably draws surrounding things into its current|August|24}}
|219={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|dingle|n|A small, narrow, usually wooded valley|August|25}}
|220={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|nucleus|n|The central part (of something), round which others are collected.
# The massive, positively charged central part of an atom made up of protons and neutrons.
# A large organelle found in cells which contains genetic material.
# A cluster of many neuronal bodies where synapsing occurs|August|26}}
|221={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|redshirt|n|In collegiate sports: an athlete who spends a year not participating in official athletic activities, but does not lose his or her eligibility to participate in following years.
# In the United States Navy: a person responsible for loading and unloading weapons, artillery, and equipment from aircraft.
# In science fiction: an unimportant character introduced only to be killed in order to underscore the peril to the important characters; an expendable character|August|27}}
|222={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|salivate|v|To produce [[wikt:saliva|saliva]].
# To show eager anticipation at the expectation of something|August|28}}
|223={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|make a mountain out of a molehill|v|To treat a problem as larger than it is; to blow something out of proportion unnecessarily|August|29}}
|224={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bestir|v|To put into brisk or vigorous action; to move with life and vigor.
# To become active; to rouse oneself|August|30}}
|225={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|neoplasm|n|(''pathology'') An abnormal new growth of disorganized tissue in animals or plants|August|31}}
|226={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|brazen-faced|adj|Impudent; open and without shame|September|1}}
|227={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hedonism|n|(''philosophy''): The belief that pleasure or happiness is the highest good in life.
# A lifestyle based on or implying hedonism|September|2}}
|228={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|sublimate|v|(''chemistry''): To  change state from a solid to a gas (or from a gas to a solid) without passing through the liquid state.
# To redirect the natural expression of a sexual or primitive instinct in a socially acceptable activity|September|3}}
|229={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|caesura|n|A a pause or interruption in a poem, music, building or other work of art.
# In Classical prosody, using two words to divide a metrical foot|September|4}}
|230={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|nemorous|adj|Full of trees, dark with shady groves|September|5}}
|231={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|sidereal|adj|Pertaining to the stars.
# (''astronomy''): Pertaining to a measurement of time made relative to the position of the stars|September|6}}
|232={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ameliorate|v|To make better, to improve; to heal or solve a problem|September|7}}
|233={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|funambulate|v|To walk on ropes; to tightrope-walk|September|8}}
|234={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|phantasmagoria|n|A series of events involving rapid changes in light intensity and colour.
# A dreamlike state where real and imagined elements are blurred together|September|9}}
|235={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|galvanise|v|To To shock or stimulate into sudden activity.
# To coat with rust-resistant zinc.
# (''chemistry''): To coat with a thin layer of metal by electrochemical means|September|10}}
|236={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|deasil|adv|Clockwise; following the direction of the sun's movement.
# Turning towards the right|September|11}}
|237={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pontificate|v|To to speak at length or be unnecessarily wordy, often in a patronizing or pompous manner.
# To express one's position as if it is absolutely right.
# To preside, as at a religious ceremony|September|12}}
|238={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|fermata|n|(''music''): A notation to hold a note for longer than its usual duration, until the conductor cuts it off|September|13}}
|239={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|clandestine|adj|Done or kept in secret, sometimes to conceal an illicit or improper purpose|September|14}}
|240={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|mete|v|To measure.
# To dispense punishment or suffering|September|15}}
|241={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|vicarious|adj|Experienced or gained through someone else; done by watching or reading rather than through personal experience|September|16}}
|242={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|diphthong|n|(''phonetics''): A complex vowel sound that begins with the sound of one vowel and ends with the sound of another vowel|September|17}}
|243={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ardor|n|Great warmth of feeling; fervor; passion|September|18}}
|244={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|reconnoiter|v|To survey something (generally an enemy's land and position)|September|19}}
|245={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|internecine|adj|Mutually destructive, most often applied to warfare.
# Struggle within a group, usually applied to an ethnic or familial relationship|September|20}}
|246={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|thaumaturgy|n|The working of miracles.
# Magic, witchcraft, wizardry|September|21}}
|247={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|expectorate|v|To cough up fluid from the lungs.
# To spit|September|22}}
|248={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|nadir|n|(''astronomy''): The point of the celestial sphere, directly opposite the zenith.
# The lowest point; time of greatest depression|September|23}}
|249={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|quaquaversal|adj|Going off in all directions at once|September|24}}
|250={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|exiguous|adj|Extremely scanty; meager|September|25}}
|251={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|synecdoche|n|A form of metaphor, whereby an inclusive term stands for something included, or vice versa|September|26}}
|252={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bellwether|n|Anything that indicates future trends|September|27}}
|253={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|wroth|adj|Full of anger; wrathful|September|28}}
|254={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|assuage|v|To lessen the intensity of; to pacify; to soothe|September|29}}
|255={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|southpaw|n|A left-handed person, especially in sports|September|30}}
|256={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|cosmopolitan|adj|(''of a place'') Composed of people from all over the world.
#(''of a person'') At ease in any part of the world.
#(''of a plant'') Growing in many parts of the world; widely distributed|October|1}}
|257={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|synchronize|v|To make two or more events happen at exactly the same time, or at the same rate|October|2}}
|258={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|kindle|v|To start a fire or light a flame.
# To arouse or inspire|October|3}}
|259={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|febrile|adj|Feverish, or having a high temperature.
# Full of nervous energy|October|4}}
|260={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pseudonym|n|A fictitious name, often used by writers|October|5}}
|261={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|disavow|v|To refuse strongly and solemnly to own or acknowledge|October|6}}
|262={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|odious|adj|Arousing or meriting strong dislike, aversion, or intense displeasure|October|7}}
|263={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|anathema|n|A ban or curse pronounced with religious solemnity by church authority.
# Any person or thing anathematized, or cursed by ecclesiatical authority.|October|8}}
|264={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|sesquipedalian|adj|Of long words, polysyllabic.
#Given to the use of long words; long-winded|October|9}}
|265={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|harangue|v|To give a forceful and lengthy lecture or criticism to another person|October|10}}
|266={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|mountebank|n|One who sells by deception; a con artist; a charlatan|October|11}}
|267={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ersatz|adj|Made in imitation; artificial, especially of an inferior quality|October|12}}
|268={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|triskaidekaphobia|n|Fear, hate, or dislike of the number thirteen (13).
# Fear of Friday the 13th|October|13}}
|269={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|solecism|n|An error in the use of language, especially an error concerning etiquette.
# Any faux pas involving a transgression against the norms of expected behavior|October|14}}
|270={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|reticent|adj|Keeping one's thoughts and opinions to oneself; reserved or restrained|October|15}}
|271={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|gild the lily|phrase|To embellish something that does not need it|October|16}}
|272={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|cavalcade|n|A company of riders.
# A parade|October|17}}
|273={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|nth|adj|(''mathematics''): Occurring at position n in a sequence.
# Occurring in a relatively large but unspecified position in a series|October|18}}
|274={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ensconce|v|To place in a safe or secure environment|October|19}}
|275={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|iconoclast|n|One who opposes orthodoxy and religion.
# One who attacks cherished beliefs|October|20}}
|276={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|renege|v|To break a promise or commitment.
# (''cards''): To break one's commitment to follow suit when capable|October|21}}
|277={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|doctored|adj|Altered or falsified.
# Repaired, as by a doctor|October|22}}
|278={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|zeitgeist|n|The spirit of the age; the taste, outlook, and spirit characteristic of a period|October|23}}
|279={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|maunder|v|To speak in a disorganized or desultory manner; to babble or ramble.
# To wander or walk aimlessly|October|24}}
|280={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bawdily|adv|In a bawdy manner; done lewdly or obscenely with humorous intent|October|25}}
|281={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|technobabble|n|Technical or scientific language used to convey a false impression of meaningful technical or scientific content|October|26}}
|282={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|idyllic|adj|Extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque|October|27}}
|283={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|anguine|adj|Pertaining to snakes or serpents; snakelike|October|28}}
|284={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|for crying out loud|interj|Expresses frustration, exasperation or annoyance|Wiktionary:Word_of_the_day/October_29|audio=En-uk-for_crying_out_loud.ogg|October|29}}
|285={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|flabbergasted|adj|Appalled, amazed or stunned|October|30}}
|286={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|sinister|adj|Evil or seeming to be evil.
# Of the left side|October|31}}
|287={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|winnow|v|To free or separate grain or the like from chaff or refuse matter, usually by means of wind.
#To wave to and fro; to flutter; to flap|November|1}}
|288={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|rodomontade|v|To boast, brag or bluster pretentiously|November|2}}
|289={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|crestfallen|adj|Sad because of a recent event.
# Depressed|November|3}}
|290={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|illuminate|v|To shine light on something.
# To clarify or make something understandable.
# To decorate the page of a manuscript book with ornamental designs|November|4}}
|291={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|aprosdoketon|n|A figure of speech where an expected word in an idiom is replaced unexpectedly by an unusual one|November|5|audio=en-us-aprosdoketon-greek.ogg}}
|292={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|stochastic|adj|Random; determined randomly|November|6}}
|293={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ivory tower|n|A sheltered, overly-academic existence or perspective, implying a disconnection or lack of awareness of reality or practical considerations|November|7}}
|294={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|crystalize|v|To assume crystalline form.
# To take definite form|November|8}}
|295={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|higgledy-piggledy|adj|In utter order or confusion; mixed up|November|9}}
|296={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|percolate|v|To filter a liquid through a porous substance|November|10}}
|297={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|aquiline|adj|Of or like an eagle|November|11}}
|298={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|logogram|n|A character or symbol that represents a word or phrase|November|12}}
|299={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|upstage|v|To draw attention away from.
# To force an actor to face away from the audience by staying upstage|November|13}}
|300={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|flagship|n|A ship occupied by the fleet commander.
# The most important item in a related group|November|14}}
|301={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|inebriated|adj|Behaving as though affected by alcohol|November|15}}
|302={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|mitigate|v|To reduce, lessen, or decrease|November|16}}
|303={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|tremulous|adj|Trembling or shaking.
# Timid or unconfident|November|17}}
|304={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|eponym|n|A person whose name has become identified with a particular object or activity.
# A word formed from a person’s name|November|18}}
|305={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|lurid|adj|Ghastly, pale, or wan in appearance.
# Shocking, horrifying|November|19}}
|306={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|dactylology|n|The use of the fingers and hands to communicate ideas, especially by the deaf|November|20}}
|307={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ruminate|v|To chew cud.
# To meditate or reflect|November|21}}
|308={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|shekel|n|A currency unit or both ancient and modern Israel|November|22}}
|309={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|kowtow|v|To kneel and bow low enough to touch one’s forehead to the ground.
# To act in a very submissive manner|November|23}}
|310={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|Byzantine|adj|Of or pertaining to Byzantium.
# Overly complex or intricate|November|24}}
|311={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|watchword|n|A prearranged reply to the challenge of a sentry.
# A rallying cry|November|25}}
|312={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|careen|v|To heave a ship down on one side so as to expose the other.
# To sway violently from side to side|November|26}}
|313={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|omnific|adj|Capable of making or doing anything|November|27}}
|314={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|quixotic|adj|Acting with the desire to do noble and romantic deeds, without thought of realism or practicality|November|28}}
|315={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|penultimate|adj|Of the next-to-last item in a sequence|November|29}}
|316={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|glimmer|v|To shine with a faint light|November|30}}
|317={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|nimbus|n|A circle of light; halo.
# A gray rain cloud|December|1}}
|318={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|yonder|adv|In an indicated place; over there|December|2}}
|319={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|fastidious|adj|Excessively particular, demanding, or fussy about details.
# Overly concerned about tidiness and cleanliness|December|3}}
|320={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|arbitrary|adj|Determined by impulse rather than reason.
# Chosen for no reason or at random|December|4}}
|321={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|prevaricate|v|To evade the truth; to waffle or be intentionally ambiguous.
# To speak with equivocation; to shuffle; to quibble|December|5}}
|322={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|lugubrious|adj|Gloomy, mournful or dismal, especially to an exaggerated degree|December|6}}
|323={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|segue|v|To move smoothly from one state or subject to another.
# (''music'') To make a smooth transition from one theme to another |December|7}}
|324={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|emaciated|adj|Thin or haggard, especially from hunger or disease; weak from being malnourished|December|8}}
|325={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|optimize|v|To make (something) optimal; to make the best that is possible.
# To make something more efficient|December|9}}
|326={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|inchoate|adj|Recently started but not fully formed yet; only elementary or immature|December|10|audio=Inchoate-pronunciation-us.ogg}}
|327={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|extemporise|v|To do something, particularly to perform or speak, without prior planning or thought; to act in an impromptu manner; to improvise|December|11}}
|328={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|lexicon|n|(''linguistics'') A dictionary that includes or focuses on vocabulary.
# A dictionary of Classical Greek, Hebrew, Latin, or Aramaic.
# The vocabulary employed by or known to an individual|December|12}}
|329={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|knock on wood|v|(''idiomatic'') An action taken or referred to ward off some misfortune that is discussed but has not happened yet|December|13}}
|330={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pectinate|adj|Resembling a comb|December|14}}
|331={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|shako|n|(''From Hungarian'' [[wikt:csákó|csákó]]): A stiff cylindrical military dress hat with a metal plate in front, a short visor, and a plume|December|15}}
|332={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|paddy|n|(''From Malay'' [[wikt:padi|padi]]): An irrigated or flooded field where rice is grown|December|16}}
|333={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|robot|n|(''From Czech and Slovak'' [[wikt:robota|robota]]): A machine that resembles humans in shape or function|December|17}}
|334={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|capoeira|n|(''From Portuguese''): A martial art developed in Brazil|December|18}}
|335={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hoi polloi|n|(''From Ancient Greek'' [[wikt:οἱ|οἱ]] [[wikt:πολλοί|πολλοί]]): The common people; the masses|December|19}}
|336={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|brogue|n|(''From Irish Gaelic'' [[wikt:bróg|bróg]]): A strong dialectal accent, especially a strong Irish accent|December|20}}
|337={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|geronimo|interj|(''After Chiricahua'' [[wikt:Goyaałé|Goyaałé]]): A cry shouted before jumping out of or into something|December|21}}
|338={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|kabuki|n|(''From Japanese'' [[wikt:歌舞伎|歌舞伎]]): A form of Japanese theatre in which elaborately costumed male performers use stylized movements, dances, and songs to enact tragedies and comedies|December|22}}
|339={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|chocolate|n|(''From Nahuatl'' [[wikt:chocolatl|chocolatl]]): A food made from ground roasted cocoa beans|December|23}}
|340={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|tundra|n|(''From Kildin Sami'' [[wikt:tūndar|tūndar]]): A flat and treeless arctic region|December|24}}
|341={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|Hanukkah|n|(''From Hebrew'' [[wikt:חנוכה|חנוכה]]): A Jewish festival that commemorates the rededication of the temple in Jerusalem after the victory of the Maccabees|December|25}}
|342={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pariah|n|(''From Tamil paraiyar''): An outcast.
# A demographic group or community that is generally despised|December|26}}
|343={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|zero|num|(''From Arabic'' [[wikt:صفر|صفر]]): The number that denotes no quantity or amount at all|December|27}}
|344={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ogonek|n|(''From Polish'' "little tail"): A hook-shaped diacritical mark attached underneath a vowel to indicate nasalization|December|28}}
|345={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|juggernaut|n|(''From Hindustani'' [[wikt:जगन्नाथ|जगन्नाथ]]): A literal or metaphorical force regarded as unstoppable|December|29}}
|346={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|abalone|n|(''From Ohlone'' [[wikt:aulon|aulon]]): An edible univalve mollusc having a shell lined with mother-of-pearl|December|30}}
|347={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|wiki|n|(''From Hawaiian'' [[wikt:wikiwiki|wikiwiki]]): A website based on any kind of Wiki software which enables users to add to, edit, and delete from the site’s content quickly|December|31}}
|348={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|saturnalia|n|A period or occasion of general license; a period of unrestrained revelry|January|1}}
|349={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|passim|adv|Throughout or frequently; used to indicate that a particular word or idea appears many times within a book or article|January|2}}
|350={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|truculent|adj|Fierce, barbarous, or cruel.
# Harsh and scathing.
# Defiant, uncompromising|January|3}}
|351={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|calligram|n|A word, phrase, or longer text in which the typeface or the layout has some special significance.
# A signature made from interwoven Arabic words|January|4}}
|352={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|flail|v|To beat using a flail or similar instrument.
# To move or beat in the manner of using a whip or scourge|January|5}}
|353={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|rigmarole|n|Complex, obsolete procedures; excess steps or activity; needless motion.
# Confused and incoherent talk|January|6}}
|354={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|gormless|adj|(''British'') Lacking intelligence, sense or discernment.
# Naive; innocent to the point of foolishness|January|7}}
|355={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|platitude|n|An often-quoted saying that is supposed to be meaningful but has become unoriginal or hackneyed through overuse|January|8}}
|356={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|acquiesce|v|To rest without opposition; to accept passively or consent by silence|January|9}}
|357={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ennui|n|A state of listlessness, boredom.
# Melancholia, depression|January|10}}
|358={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|loquacious|adj|Talkative, chatty; given to excess conversation|January|11}}
|359={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|shutterbug|n|A person who makes a hobby of photography|January|12}}
|360={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|derail|v|To come off the tracks.
# To cause to deviate from a set course or direction|January|13}}
|361={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|gloaming|n|Twilight, especially at early evening|January|14}}
|362={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|Sisyphean|adj|Incessantly lengthy or recurring, but futile|January|15|audio=En-us-Sisyphean-2.ogg}}
|363={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|placate|v|To calm down a person or situation; to bring peace|January|16}}
|364={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|catharsis|n|A release of emotional tension after an overwhelming vicarious experience|January|17}}
|365={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|it's all Greek to me|idiom|I don’t understand any of this; this makes no sense.
:::''See translations in the [[wikt:it's all Greek to me#Translations|main entry]]''|January|18}}
|366={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|transmogrify|v|To completely alter the form of something|January|19}}
|367={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|otiose|adj|Reluctant to work or to exert oneself.
# Having no point or reason to exist|January|20}}
|368={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|voracious|adj|Wanting or devouring great quantities of food.
# Having a great appetite or desire for some activity|January|21}}
|369={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|scamper|v|To run quickly and lightly, especially in a playful way|January|22}}
|370={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pemmican|n|A food made from meat which has been dried and beaten into a paste, mixed with berries and rendered fat, and shaped into little patties|January|23}}
|371={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|excruciating|adj|Causing tortuous pain or anguish.
# Very intense or extreme|January|24}}
|372={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|brandish|v|To move or swing a weapon back and forth.
# To bear something in a showy display|January|25}}
|373={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|dado|n|(''architecture'') The section of a pedestal above the base.
# (''architecture'') The lower portion of an interior wall decorated differently from the upper portion.
# (''carpentry'') The groove in a tongue and groove board|January|26}}
|374={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|roborant|adj|Invigorating, strengthening, or energizing|January|27}}
|375={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|Johnny-come-lately|n|A newcomer, a novice, an upstart|January|28}}
|376={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|thenceforth|adv|From that time on|January|29}}
|377={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|circuitous|adj|Not direct or to the point.
# Of a long and winding route|January|30}}
|378={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|miasma|n|A noxious atmosphere or influence|January|31}}
|379={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|nuance|n|A minor distinction.
# Subtlety or fine detail|February|1}}
|380={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|gesticulate|v|To make gestures or motions while speaking.
# To say or express through gestures|February|2}}
|381={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|cartouche|n|An ornamental figure, often on an oval shield.
# An oval figure containing hieroglyphics that represent the names of royal or divine people|February|3}}
|382={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|slapdash|adv|In a hasty or careless manner.
# Directly, right there|February|4}}
|383={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|flibbertigibbet|n|An offbeat, skittish person, especially of a young woman|February|5}}
|384={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pirouette|v|To turn or whirl on the toes like a dancer|February|6}}
|385={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|inimical|adj|Harmful in effect.
# Unfriendly; hostile|February|7}}
|386={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|banter|v|To engage in good-humoured, playful conversation|February|8}}
|387={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|puerile|adj|Boyish, childish, silly|February|9}}
|388={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|malapropism|n|The blundering use of an absurdly inappropriate word in place of a similar sounding one.
# An absurdly inappropriate word that has been improperly used in place of a similar sounding word|February|10}}
|389={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|docile|adj|Ready to accept instruction or direction.
# Yielding to control or supervision, direction, or management; tractable|February|11}}
|390={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|lunge|v|To make a sudden forward movement|February|12}}
|391={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|apostrophe|n|(''rhetoric'') An exclamatory piece of dialogue addressed to someone or something, especially absent
# (''orthography'') The text character '''’''', used to mark the possessive case or show the omission of characters|February|13}}
|392={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|lavish|v|To expend or bestow with profusion; as, to lavish money or praise|February|14}}
|393={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|xenial|adj|Hospitable, especially to visiting strangers or foreigners.
# Of the relation between a host and guest|February|15}}
|394={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|calumniate|v|To make hurtful untrue comments about someone; to slander|February|16}}
|395={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hegemony|n|Domination, influence, or authority over another, especially by one group or nation over another|February|17}}
|396={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|obstreperous|adj|Attended by, or making, a loud and tumultuous noise.
# Noisily and stubbornly defiant|February|18}}
|397={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|quintessentially|adv|In a manner that is typical or characteristic of a thing's nature|February|19}}
|398={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|oneirocritic|adj|Of or related to the interpretation of dreams|February|20}}
|399={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|negotiate|v|To confer with others in order to come to terms or reach an agreement.
# To succeed in coping with, or getting over something|February|21}}
|400={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|eidolon|n|An image or representation of an idea; a representation of an ideal form|February|22}}
|401={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pococurante|adj|Apathetic, unconcerned, or nonchalant|February|23}}
|402={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|sonorous|adj|Noisy; producing much sound.
# Capable of making sound, such as a bell|February|24}}
|403={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|talisman|n|A small object worn or carried as a protection against evil or the supernatural|February|25}}
|404={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|rhetorical|adj|Part of or similar to rhetoric; pertaining to the use of language as a means to persuade|February|26}}
|405={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|vilify|v|To denounce or belittle through speech; to put down.
# To say defamatory things about someone or something|February|27}}
|406={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|suppliant|n|One who pleads or requests earnestly|February|28}}
|407={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|cantankerous|adj|Stubborn, cranky, or surly|March|1}}
|408={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|remonstrate|v|To formally protest, object to, or rebel against|March|2}}
|409={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|orthoepy|n|The correct pronunciation of words.
# The study of correct pronunciation|March|3}}
|410={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|tetromino|n|(''geometry'') A polyomino made up of four squares|March|4}}
|411={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|weird|adj| Strange, unusual, bizarre.
# Having supernatural powers over human destiny|March|5}}
|412={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|dissemble|v|To disguise or conceal something; to feign.
# To deliberately ignore something; to pretend not to notice.
# To falsely hide one's opinions or feelings|March|6}}
|413={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|upbraid|v|To charge with something wrong or disgraceful; to reproach.
# To reprove severely; to chide|March|7}}
|414={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|portmanteau|n|A large travelling case usually made of leather, and opening into two equal sections.
# (''linguistics'') A word formed which combines the meanings of two words by combining the words themselves|March|8}}
|415={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ethereal|adj|Pertaining to the hypothetical upper, purer air, or to the higher regions beyond the earth or atmosphere; celestial.
# Delicate, light and airy|March|9}}
|416={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|stentorian|adj|(''of a voice'') Loud, powerful, booming; suitable for giving speeches to large crowds|March|10}}
|417={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|mutter|v|To utter words, especially complaints or angry expressions, indistinctly or with a low voice and lips partly closed; to say under one's breath|March|11}}
|418={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|congeries|n|A collection or aggregation of disparate items|March|12}}
|419={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|solace|n|Comfort or consolation in a time of distress.
#A source of comfort or consolation|March|13}}
|420={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|digress|v|To step or turn aside; to deviate; especially, to turn aside from the main subject in writing or speaking|March|14}}
|421={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bourgeois|adj|Of or related to the middle class, especially its attitudes and conventions|March|15}}
|422={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bone of contention|n|Something that continues to be disputed; an issue on which no agreement can be reached|March|16}}
|423={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|limerick|n|A humorous, often bawdy verse of five anapestic lines, with the rhyme scheme ''aabba''|March|17}}
|424={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|gnash|v|To grind one's teeth in pain or in anger|March|18}}
|425={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ogive|n|(''architecture'') A Gothic pointed arch, or a rib of a Gothic vault.
# (''ballistics'') The pointed, curved nose of a bullet, missile, or rocket
# (''mathematics'') The curve of a cumulative distribution function|March|19}}
|426={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|contemn|v|To treat or regard with contempt|March|20}}
|427={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|supercilious|adj|Arrogantly superior; showing contemptuous indifference; haughty|March|21}}
|428={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|procure|v|To acquire or obtain an item, usually through extra effort|March|22}}
|429={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|zugzwang|n|(''chess'') A situation in which one is forced to make a move that will be disadvantageous|March|23}}
|430={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|frugal|adj|Economical; thrifty; avoiding waste|March|24}}
|431={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pusillanimous|adj|Faint of heart; cowardly; contemptibly timid|March|25}}
|432={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|harbinger|n|A person or thing whose arrival foretells the coming of someone or something|March|26}}
|433={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|spirit away|v|To remove something without anyone noticing|March|27}}
|434={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|negligibly|adv|To a degree that is negligible; so small or slight that it may be ignored|March|28}}
|435={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|jactitation|n|Bragging or boasting, especially in a false manner to another's detriment.
# (''medicine'') Restless twitching or tossing in bed|March|29}}
|436={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|impute|v|To assign or ascribe fault.
# To attribute or credit responsibility|March|30}}
|437={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|laconic|adj|Using as few words as possible to communicate much; pithy and concise|March|31}}
|438={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|mumpsimus|n|A person who obstinately adheres to old ways despite clear evidence of being wrong.
# An obvious error that is obstinately repeated despite correction|April|1}}
|439={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|stultify|v|To cause to appear foolish or incompetent.
# To deprive of strength or efficacy; make useless or worthless|April|2}}
|440={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|lexeme|n|(''linguistics'') The abstract unit of vocabulary, roughly corresponding to the set of inflected forms from the same lemma|April|3}}
|441={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|sectarian|adj|Of or relating to a sect.
# Dogmatic or partisan.
# Narrow-minded or bigoted|April|4}}
|442={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ostensibly|adv|Seemingly, apparently, reputedly|April|5}}
|443={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|jettison|v|To eject from a watercraft or aircaft in order to lighten the load.
# To discard as useless or defective|April|6}}
|444={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hypochondriac|adj|Pertaining to or affected by a psychological disorder characterized by a persistent feeling that one is ill|April|7}}
|445={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pot calling the kettle black|idiom|A situation in which somebody comments on or accuses someone else of a fault which the accuser shares|April|8}}
|446={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|capitulate|v|To end all resistance; to give up or surrender|April|9}}
|447={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|torus|n|(''geometry'') A three-dimensional shape consisting of a ring with a circular cross-section.
# (''architecture'') A molding which projects at the base of a column and above the plinth|April|10}}
|448={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|rugose|adj|Wrinkled; covered with creases or ridges|April|11}}
|449={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|coquetry|n|Attempts to attract admiration or notice, for the mere gratification of vanity; flirting|April|12}}
|450={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|flabellum|n|A large fan used for religious ceremonies.
# (''anatomy'') Any fan-shaped structure|April|13}}
|451={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|fey|adj|Magical or fairylike.
# Doomed to die|April|14}}
|452={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|germane|adj|Relevant to the topic being discussed or considered|April|15}}
|453={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|subtlety|n|The quality or fact of being subtle or barely noticed.
# An instance of being subtle, a subtle thing, especially a subtle argument or distinction.
# An ornate medieval illusion dish, made from one thing but crafted to look like another|April|16}}
|454={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|plutocracy|n|Government by the wealthy.
# A controlling class of the wealthy|April|17}}
|455={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pootle|v|To wander or ramble, such as by walking or riding|April|18}}
|456={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|troglodyte|n|A member of a supposed prehistoric race that lived in caves or holes.
# (''by extension'') Anything that lives underground.
# (''idiomatic'') A reclusive, reactionary or out-of-date person, especially if brutish|April|19}}
|457={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bona fide|adj|Done in good faith.
# Genuine; not counterfeit|April|20}}
|458={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|kink|v|To form a tight curl or bend in a length of thin material|April|21}}
|459={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|contemporaneously|adv|In the same period of time; during the same historical era|April|22}}
|460={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|djinn|n|(''Islam'') An invisible spirit that influences mankind by appearing in human or animal form.
# A supernatural being with extraordinary powers that usually takes a human form and serves its summoner; a genie|April|23}}
|461={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|sardonic|adj|Scornfully mocking or cynical; disdainful|April|24}}
|462={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|onychophagist|n|A person who bites his or her own fingernails|April|25}}
|463={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|puckish|adj|Mischievous; impish; excessively playful|April|26}}
|464={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|crepuscular|adj|Of or related to twilight.
# (''zoology'') Active at or around the time of sunset or sunrise|April|27}}
|465={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|schism|n|A split or separation within a group or organization, typically caused by discord.
# A formal division or split within a religious body|April|28}}
|466={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|mardy|adj|(''UK'') Sulky or whining; non-cooperative|April|29}}
|467={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|differentiate|v|To show or illustrate the distinction between two things.
# To perceive the difference between things; to discriminate.
# (''biology'') To produce distinct organs or parts by a process of development.
# (''mathematics'')  To calculate the derivative of a function|April|30}}
|468={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|circumlocutionary|adj|Articulated in a roundabout manner|May|1}}
|469={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|taper|v|To diminish in size toward the tip or edge|May|2}}
|470={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bring owls to Athens|idiom|To undertake a pointless venture, one that is redundant, unnecessary, or highly uneconomical|May|3}}
|471={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|false friend|n|A word in a foreign language bearing a deceptive resemblance to a word in one's own language|May|4}}
|472={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|magnanimous|adj|Noble and generous in spirit|May|5}}
|473={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|sophistry|n|An argument that seems plausible, but is fallacious or misleading, especially one devised deliberately to be so.
# The art of using deceptive speech or writing|May|6}}
|474={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|curmudgeon|n|An ill-tempered person full of stubborn ideas or opinions|May|7}}
|475={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|refulgent|adj|Resplendent, or shining brightly and radiantly.
# (''figuratively'') As if giving off light or warmth.|May|8}}
|476={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|cant|v|To preach in a singsong fashion, especially in a false or empty manner.
# To set something at an angle or tilt from the vertical.
# (''heraldry'') To make a pun that references the bearer of a coat of arms|May|9}}
|477={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|trifecta|n|The situation of having three major accomplishments or achievements in a sport, profession, or pastime|May|10}}
|478={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|kaleidoscopic|adj|Brightly coloured and continuously changing in pattern, as if in a kaleidoscope|May|11}}
|479={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|scrupulously|adv|In a careful manner, with scruple; done with careful attention to detail|May|12}}
|480={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|inflect|v|To cause to curve inwards.
# (''music'') To change the tone or pitch of the voice when speaking or singing.
# (''grammar'') To vary the form of a word to express tense, gender, number, mood, etc|May|13}}
|481={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|dragon|n|A gigantic mythical beast, commonly reptilian with leathery wings, lion-like claws, scaly skin and a serpent-like tail, often with fiery breath|May|14}}
|482={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|risible|adj|Provoking laughter; ludicrous; funny.
# (''of a person'') Easily laughing; prone to laughter|May|15}}
|483={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|picaroon|v|To behave as a pirate; to seek opportunities to loot|May|16}}
|484={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|delve|v|To dig the ground, especially with a shovel.
# To search thoroughly and carefully for information|May|17}}
|485={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|yin-yang|n|A circular symbol consisting of a white and a black droplet representing the fusion of the concepts of yin and yang|May|18}}
|486={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|sigmoid|adj|Curved in two directions, like the letter "S", or the Greek ς (sigma)|May|19}}
|487={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|fulgurous|adj|Resembling a lightning flash|May|20}}
|488={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|procrastinate|v|To put off; to delay taking action; to wait until later|May|21}}
|489={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|tar|n|A black, oily, sticky, viscous substance, consisting mainly of hydrocarbons.
# (''nautical'') A sailor, from the tar they would use to waterproof their clothes|May|22}}
|490={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|Linnaean|adj|Of or relating to naturalist Carolus Linnaeus or his works.
# Of or pertaining to the system of binomial nomenclature originated by Linnaeus|May|23}}
|491={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bucolic|adj|Rustic, pastoral.
# Pertaining to herdsmen or peasants|May|24}}
|492={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|soliloquy|n|(''drama'') The act of a character speaking to himself so as to reveal his thoughts to the audience.
# A literary discourse written as a conversation of the author with himself|May|25}}
|493={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|annular|adj|Ring-shaped|May|26}}
|494={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|jaywalk|v|To illegally cross a street away from a legally designated crossing|May|27}}
|495={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|xenobiology|n|The speculative biology of extraterrestrial life forms|May|28}}
|496={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|dynamic|adj|Changeable; active; in motion.
# Energetic, powerful|May|29}}
|497={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|regale|v|To provide a meal and entertainment for.
# To please with entertainment.|May|30}}
|498={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ne'er-do-well|n|A person who is up to no good or generally thought of as worthless|May|31}}
|499={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|sylph|n|A spirit of the air.
# A slender, graceful girl or woman|June|1}}
|500={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ramshackle|adj|In disrepair or disorder; poorly maintained|June|2}}
|501={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|besmirch|v|To make dirty; to soil.
# To tarnish the reputation of|June|3}}
|502={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|prestidigitation|n|A performance of or skill in performing magic or conjuring tricks with the hands; sleight of hand.
# A show of skill or deceitful cleverness|June|4}}
|503={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|superfluous|adj|In excess of what is required or sufficient|June|5}}
|504={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|epicede|n|An elegy; an ode to the deceased|June|6}}
|505={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ingratiate|v|To bring oneself into favour, especially by flattery or trying to please|June|7}}
|506={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|mendaciously|adv|In a lying or deceitful manner|June|8}}
|507={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ditto|n|A duplicate of a document.
# A symbol consisting of two apostrophes (") indicating that the item above is to be repeated|June|9}}
|508={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|gorged|adj|With a stomach stuffed full of food.
# (''heraldry'') With the neck collared or encircled by an object|June|10}}
|509={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|snuggle|v|To lie close to another person or thing, hugging or being cosy|June|11}}
|510={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|apoplectic|adj|Extremely angry or furious, to the point of being unable to move or speak|June|12}}
|511={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|heartfelt|adj|Felt deeply or sincerely; felt or believed fully|June|13}}
|512={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|lambaste|v|To give a thrashing to; to beat severely.
# To scold or verbally reprimand|June|14}}
|513={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|commodious|adj|Spacious and convenient; roomy and comfortable.
# Suited to its use or purpose, or to wants and necessities.|June|15}}
|514={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|onomasticon|n|A book, list, or vocabulary of names, especially of people|June|16}}
|515={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|nitpick|v|To pick nits (lice eggs) from someone’s hair.
# To correct minutiae or find fault in unimportant details|June|17}}
|516={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|brocard|n|(''law'') A legal maxim usually expressed in Latin, traditionally used to concisely express a wider legal principle|June|18|audio=En-us-brocard-2.ogg}}
|517={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|somnolent|adj|Drowsy or prone to sleeping.
# Tending to cause sleepiness|June|19}}
|518={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|glyph|n|A figure carved in relief or incised, especially one representing a sound, word, or idea.
# A single formed character or symbol, usually representing a letter in a font|June|20}}
|519={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|accinge|v|To prepare oneself for action|June|21}}
|520={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|mad as a hatter|adj|Demented or crazy|June|22}}
|521={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|toucan|n|Any of various neotropical frugivorous birds from the family Ramphastidae, with a large colorful beak|June|23}}
|522={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|drastic|adj|Extreme or severe|June|24}}
|523={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|foment|v|To apply a poultice to; to bathe with a cloth or sponge.
# To incite or cause; to promote, encourage, or instigate|June|25}}
|524={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|conjecture|n|A statement or idea which is unproven, but is thought to be true; a guess.
# A supposition based upon incomplete evidence; a hypothesis.
# (''obsolete'') The interpretation of signs and omens|June|26}}
|525={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ostrobogulous|adj|Slightly risqué or indecent, yet humorous; bizarre, interesting, or unusual|June|27}}
|526={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|egregious|adj|Exceptional, conspicuous, outstanding, usually in a negative fashion|June|28}}
|527={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|venerate|v|To treat with great respect and deference.
# To revere or hold in awe|June|29}}
|528={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hortative|adj|Encouraging
# (''grammar'') Of a mood or class of imperative subjunctive moods of a verb for giving strong encouragement|June|30}}
|529={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|sheer|adj|(''textiles'') Very thin or transparent.
# Pure; unmixed; being only what it seems to be.
# Straight up and down; vertical|July|1}}
|530={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|denounce|v|To criticize or speak out against.
# To make a formal or public accusation against.
# (''archaic'') To make known in a formal manner; to proclaim|July|2}}
|531={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|non sequitur|n|(''logic'') An invalid argument, the conclusion of which cannot be logically deduced from the premises.
# Any abrupt and inexplicable transition or occurrence|July|3}}
|532={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|keepsake|n|An object given by a person and retained in memory of something or someone|July|4}}
|533={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|Pyrrhic victory|n|A very costly victory, wherein the considerable losses outweigh the gain, so as to render the battle unfavourable|July|5}}
|534={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|obfuscate|v|To make dark; to overshadow.
# To deliberately make (something) more confusing in order to conceal the truth|July|6}}
|535={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|duplicitous|adj|Given to or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech|July|7}}
|536={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|agnostic|n|A person who holds to a form of agnosticism, especially someone uncertain of the existence of a deity|July|8}}
|537={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pertinaciously|adv|In a stubbornly resolute manner; tenaciously holding one's opinion or course of action|July|9}}
|538={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|vacillate|v|To sway unsteadily from one side to the other; to oscillate.
# To swing indecisively from one course of action or opinion to another|July|10}}
|539={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|invidious|adj|Prompted by or expressing or adapted to excite envious dislike or ill will; offensively or unfairly discriminating.
# Envious; causing or arising from envy.
# Hateful; odious; detestable|July|11}}
|540={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|calliope|n|A musical organ, consisting of steam whistles played with a keyboard|July|12}}
|541={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|umbrage|n|A feeling of anger or annoyance caused by something offensive.
# A feeling of doubt.
# (''obsolete'') A shadow, shade|July|13}}
|542={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ratify|v|To give formal consent to; make officially valid|July|14}}
|543={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|coy|adj|Pretending shyness or modesty.
# (''archaic'') Quiet, reserved, modest|July|15}}
|544={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|escritoire|n|A writing desk with a hinged door that provides the writing surface|July|16}}
|545={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|phlegmatic|adj|Not easily excited to action or passion; calm; sluggish.
# (''archaic'') Abounding in phlegm, as in "phlegmatic humors"|July|17}}
{{Wiktionary:Word of the day/July 18}}
|546={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|corbie step|n|(''architecture'') A series of step-like projections at the top of a gable|July|19}}
|547={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|surfeit|n|An excessive amount of something.
# Overindulgence in either food or drink; overeating.
# A sickness or condition caused by overindulgence|July|20}}
|548={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|garrulous|adj|Excessively or tiresomely talkative.
# (''of something written or performed'') Excessively wordy and rambling|July|21}}
|549={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|malinger|v|To feign illness, injury, or incapacitation in order to avoid work or obligation|July|22}}
|550={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|goober|n|(''Southern US'') A peanut|July|23}}
|551={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|serpentine|adj|Sinuous; curving in alternate directions.
# Having the shape or form of a snake|July|24|audio=En-us-serpentine-adj.ogg}}
|552={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|tilde|n|(''orthography'') A diacritical mark placed above a letter (as in '''ñ''') to modify pronunciation, such as by palatalization or nasalization|July|25}}
|553={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|belie|v|To give a false representation of (something).
# To tell lies about (someone).
# To contradict or show to be false|July|26}}
|554={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hierarchical|adj|Of or pertaining to an ecclesiastic or priestly order.
# Classified or arranged according to various criteria into successive ranks or grades|July|27}}
|555={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|leitmotif|n|(''music'') A melodic theme associated with a particular character, place, thing or idea in an opera.
# A recurring theme|July|28}}
|556={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|aleatory|adj|Depending on the throw of a die; random, arising by chance|July|29}}
|557={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|foster|v|To nurture or bring up (offspring); or to provide similar parental care to (an unrelated child).
# To cultivate and grow (something)|July|30}}
|558={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pettifogger|n|Someone who quibbles over trivia, and raises petty, annoying objections.
# An unscrupulous or unethical lawyer, especially one of lesser skill|July|31}}
|559={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|calque|n|A word-for-word translation of a saying, or a morpheme-by-morpheme translation of a word, from one language to another|August|1}}
|560={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|meretricious|adj|Of, or relating to prostitutes or prostitution.
# (''hence'') Tastelessly gaudy, making a false show of being attractive|August|2}}
|561={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|take by storm|v|(''military'') To capture by force.
# To rapidly gain popularity in a place|August|3}}
|562={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|antimacassar|n|A cover for the back or arms of a chair or sofa, originally intended to prevent them from being soiled by macassar oil|August|4}}
|563={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|diaphanous|adj|Of a fine, almost transparent texture.
#Transparent; allowing light to pass through; capable of being seen through|August|5}}
|564={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|horde|n|A wandering troop or gang; especially, a clan or tribe of a nomadic people migrating from place to place for the sake of plunder.
# A large number of people|August|6}}
|565={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|vivacious|adj|Lively and animated; full of life and energy|August|7}}
|566={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|lionize|v|To treat (a person) as if he were important, or a celebrity.
# To visit famous places in order to revere them|August|8}}
|567={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|parochial|adj|Of or relating to a parish.
# Narrowly restricted or elementary in scope or outlook|August|9}}
|568={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|glib|adj|Having a ready flow of words but lacking accuracy or understanding; superficial; shallow
# Smooth or slippery|August|10}}
|569={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|foible|n|A quirk, idiosyncrasy, or mannerism; unusual habit or way that is slightly strange or silly.
# A weakness or failing of character|August|11}}
|570={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|turgid|adj|Distended beyond the natural state by some internal agent, especially fluid, or expansive force.
# (''Of language or style'') Tediously pompous or bombastic|August|12}}
|571={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|implicit|adj|Implied indirectly, without being directly expressed.
# Contained in the essential nature of something but not openly shown.
# Having no reservations or doubts; unquestioning or unconditional|August|13}}
|572={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|synopsis|n|A brief summary of the major points of a written work, either as prose or as a table; an abridgment or condensation of a work.
# (''Orthodoxy'') A prayer book for use by the laity of the church|August|14}}
|573={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|nestle|v|To settle oneself comfortably and snugly.
# To press oneself against another affectionately.
# To lie half-hidden or in shelter|August|15}}
|574={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|vehemence|n|An intense concentration, force or power.
# A wild or turbulent ferocity or fury.
# Eagerness, fervor, excessive strong feeling|August|16}}
|575={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|astronomical|adj|Of or relating to astronomy.
# Very large; of vast measure|August|17}}
|576={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pretzel|n|A toasted bread or cracker usually in the shape of a loose knot.
# (''idiomatic'') Anything that is knotted, twisted, or tangled|August|18}}
|577={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|deify|v|To make a god of something or someone; to treat as worthy of worship, as a deity|August|19}}
|578={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bodybuilder|n|A person who builds an aesthetically muscular physique, through diet and exercise, in order to compete in bodybuilding|August|20}}
|579={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|machination|n|A clever scheme or artful plot, usually crafted for evil purposes.
# The act of machinating or plotting|August|21}}
|580={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|reify|v|To regard something abstract as if it were a concrete material thing|August|22}}
|581={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|cheval de frise|n|(''military'') An obstacle made of wood with spikes, for use against attacking cavalry.
# Protective row of spikes or broken glass set into the top of a wall and used to prevent intrusion.
# (''fashion'') The jagged edge of 18th century women's clothing|August|23}}
|582={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ephemeral|adj|Lasting for a short period of time.
# (''biology'') Existing for only one day, as with some flowers, insects, and diseases|August|24}}
|583={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pandemonium|n|Chaos; tumultuous or lawless violence.
# An outburst; a loud, riotous uproar, especially of a crowd|August|25}}
|584={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|cachinnate|v|To laugh loudly, immoderately, or too often|August|26}}
|585={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|obdurate|adj|Stubbornly persistent, generally in wrongdoing; refusing to reform or repent.
# (''obsolete'') Physically hardened, toughened|August|27}}
|586={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|temerity|n|Reckless boldness; stupid bravery|August|28}}
|587={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|innocuous|adj|Harmless; producing no ill effect; innocent.
# Inoffensive, unprovocative, not exceptional|August|29}}
|588={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|curtail|v|To limit or restrict.
# To shorten or abridge the duration of something; to truncate|August|30}}
|589={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|specious|adj|Seemingly well-reasoned or factual, but actually fallacious or insincere.
# Having an attractive appearance intended to generate a favorable response; deceptively attractive|August|31}}
|590={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|precocious|adj|Characterized by exceptionally early development or maturity.
# Exhibiting advanced skills at an abnormally early age|September|1}}
|591={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hedonism|n|(''philosophy''): The belief that pleasure or happiness is the highest good in life|September|2}}
|592={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|sublimate|v|(''physics''): To  change state from a solid to a gas (or from a gas to a solid) without passing through the liquid state.
# To redirect the natural expression of a sexual or primitive instinct in a socially acceptable activity|September|3}}
|593={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|caesura|n|A a pause or interruption in a poem, music, building or other work of art.
# In Classical prosody, using two words to divide a metrical foot|September|4}}
|594={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|turquoise|n|A sky-blue, greenish-blue, or greenish-gray semi-precious gemstone.
# A pale greenish-blue colour, like that of the gemstone|September|5}}
|595={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|cascade|v|To fall as a waterfall or series of small waterfalls.
# To occur as a causal sequence|September|6}}
|596={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|haggard|adj|Looking exhausted and unwell.
# Wild, untamed|September|7}}
|597={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|predilection|n|Condition of favoring or liking; tendency towards; proclivity|September|8}}
|598={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|benthic|adj|Living on the seafloor, as opposed to floating in the ocean|September|9}}
|599={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|humble|v|To bring low; to reduce the power, independence, or exaltation of; to humiliate.
# To make meek or lowly in mind; to make submissive|September|10}}
|600={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|semiotics|n|The study of signs and symbols, especially as means of language or communication|September|11}}
|601={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|monotone|n|A single unvaried tone of speech or a sound|September|12}}
|602={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|fermata|n|(''music''): A notation to hold a note for longer than its usual duration, until the conductor cuts it off|September|13}}
|603={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|clandestine|adj|Done or kept in secret, sometimes to conceal an illicit or improper purpose|September|14}}
|604={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|cloister|n|A covered walk with an open colonnade on one side, running along the walls of buildings that face a quadrangle.
# A place, especially a monastery or convent, devoted to religious seclusion|September|15}}
|605={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|serendipity|n|A fortunate occurrence created by unanticipated luck|September|16}}
|606={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ingenue|n|An innocent, unsophisticated, naive, wholesome girl or young woman|September|15}}
|607={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ardor|n|Great warmth of feeling; fervor; passion|September|18}}
|608={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|kinkajou|n|A carnivorous mammal of Central America and South America with a long, prehensile tail|September|19}}
|609={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|memento|n|A keepsake; an object kept as a reminder of a place or event|September|20}}
|610={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|valetudinarian|adj|Of infirm health; seeking to recover health; sickly; weakly; infirm|September|21}}
|611={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|asthenia|n|Weakness; loss of strength|September|22}}
|612={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|paradiorthosis|n|A false correction|September|23}}
|613={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|enticing|adj|Anyone or anything which entices, is alluring, attractive or charming|September|24}}
|614={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ochlocracy|n|Mob rule; government by the masses|September|25}}
|615={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|zeugma|n|The act of using a word, particularly an adjective or verb, to apply to more than one noun when its sense is appropriate to only one or in different ways|September|26}}
|616={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|dyscalculia|n|(''pathology'') Difficulty in solving mathematical problems|September|27}}
|617={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|autodidactic|adj|Of, relating to, or being self-taught|September|28}}
|618={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|xenogenetic|adj|Being of foreign origin; having originated elsewhere|September|29}}
|619={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|procrustean|adj|Producing or designed to produce strict conformity by ruthless or arbitrary means; marked by arbitrary often ruthless disregard of individual differences or special circumstances|September|30}}
|620={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|namesake|n|One who is named after another, or for whom another is named.
# A person, place or thing having the same name as another|October|1}}
|621={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|frolic|v|To romp; to behave playfully and uninhibitedly|October|2}}
|622={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ruddy|adj|Reddish in color, especially of the face, sky, or fire|October|3}}
|623={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ballast|n|Heavy material that is placed in the hold of a ship or in the gondola of a balloon, to provide stability.
# (''figuratively'') Anything that steadies emotion or the mind|October|4}}
|624={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|launder|v|To wash, especially cloth; to wash and iron.
# To disguise the source of ill-gotten wealth by various means|October|5}}
|625={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|effervescent|adj|Giving off bubbles; fizzy.
# Vivacious and enthusiastic|October|6}}
|626={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|wunderkind|n|A child prodigy; a phenom|October|7}}
|627={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|notwithstanding|prep|In spite of, despite|October|8}}
|628={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|typify|v|To exemplify; to represent by an image or as a model.
# To serve as a typical or reference specimen|October|9}}
|629={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|apocryphal|adj| Of doubtful authenticity.
# Of dubious veracity; of questionable accuracy or truthfulness|October|10}}
|630={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|jaded|adj|Worn out, wearied, or lacking enthusiasm; exhausted.
# Cynically insensitive; made callous by experience|October|11}}
|631={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|dandelion|n|Any weedy plant of the genus ''Taraxacum'', characterised by yellow flower heads and notched, broad-ended leaves|October|12}}
|632={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|profligate|v|(''archaic'') To drive away; to overcome|October|13}}
|633={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|homograph|n|A word that is spelled the same as another, but has a different meaning and usually a different etymology|October|14}}
|634={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|octothorpe|n|A name for the hash or pound sign (#), used mainly in telephony and computing|October|15}}
|635={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|accrete|v|To grow together, combine|October|16}}
|636={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|palimpsest|n|A manuscript or document that has been erased or scraped clean, for reuse of the paper, parchment, vellum, or other medium on which it was written|October|17}}
|637={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|suffuse|v|To spread through or over something, especially with liquid, colour or light; to perfuse|October|18}}
|638={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|churlish|adj|Of or pertaining to a serf, peasant, or rustic.
# Rude, surly, ungracious.
# Stingy or grudging|October|19}}
|639={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|yarn|n|A twisted strand of fiber used for knitting or weaving.
# A story, a tale, especially one that is incredible|October|20}}
|640={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|consequently|adv|As a result or consequence of something|October|21}}
|641={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|beat around the bush|idiom|To treat a topic but omit its main points, often intentionally|October|22}}
|642={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|mudra|n|(''dance, art'') Any of several formal symbolic hand postures used in classical dance of India and in Hindu and Buddhist iconography.
# (''Hinduism'') Formal body positions and postures used in yoga and meditation|October|23|audio=En-us-mudra-2.ogg}}
|643={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|imperious|adj|Domineering, arrogant, or overbearing.
# (''obsolete'') Imperial or regal|October|24}}
|644={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|quorum|n|The minimum number of members required for a group to officially conduct business and to cast binding votes|October|25}}
|645={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|delude|v|To deceive someone into believing something which is false|October|26}}
|646={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|retinue|n|A group of servants or attendants, especially of someone considered important|October|27}}
|647={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|moribund|adj|Approaching death; about to die|October|28}}
|648={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|casanova|n|A man considered romantic and gallant, especially one who gives amorous attentions to women.
# A promiscuous, philandering man|October|29}}
|649={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|supple|adj|Pliant, easy to bend.
# Lithe and agile when moving and bending|October|30}}
|650={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|jack-o'-lantern|n|A carved pumpkin whose top and stem have been cut out and interior removed, leaving a hollow shell that is then decorated to represent a face, illuminated from within by a candle|October|31}}
|651={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|incipient|adj|Beginning, starting, coming into existence|November|1}}
|652={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|tmesis|n|(''prosody'') The insertion of one or more words between the components of a compound word|November|2}}
|653={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|connote|v|To signify beyond a literal or principal meaning.
# To possess an inseparable related condition; to imply as a logical consequence|November|3}}
|654={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|vituperative|adj|Marked by harsh spoken or written abuse; invective; scolding; abusive|November|4}}
|655={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|autochthonous|adj|Native to the place where found; indigenous.
# (''geology'') Buried in place, especially of a fossil preserved in its life position without disturbance or disarticulation|November|5}}
|656={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|sentience|n|The state or quality of being sentient; possessing consciousness, perception, and thought|November|6}}
|657={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|grandiloquent|adj|Of a person, their language or writing: overly wordy, pompous, flowery, or elaborate|November|7}}
|658={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|blithely|adv|Without care, concern, or consideration.
# In a joyful, carefree manner|November|8}}
|659={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|fiasco|n|A ludicrous or humiliating failure.
# A wine bottle in a (usually straw) jacket|November|9}}
|660={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|vouchsafe|v|To condescendingly grant a right, benefit, outcome, etc.; to deign to acknowledge|November|10}}
|661={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|apotheosis|n|Glorification, sometimes to a divine level; deification; crediting a person with god-like power.
# (''mythology'') The process of becoming a deity|November|11}}
|662={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|taciturn|adj|Silent; temperamentally untalkative; disinclined to speak|November|12}}
|663={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|deleterious|adj|Harmful or hurtful to physical, mental, or moral health|November|13}}
|664={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|extirpate|v|To pull up by the roots; uproot.
# To destroy completely; to annihilate|November|14}}
|665={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|panacea|n|A remedy believed to cure all disease and prolong life; a cure-all.
# Something that will solve all problems|November|15}}
|666={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|repudiate|v|To reject the truth or validity of something.
# To refuse to have anything to do with; to disown|November|16}}
|667={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|gravitas|n|Seriousness in bearing or manner; dignity.
# (''figuratively'') Substance, weight|November|17}}
|668={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|prurient|adj|Uneasy with desire; having a lascivious anxiety or propensity.
# Arousing or appealing to sexual desire|November|18}}
|669={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hello|interj|A greeting said when meeting someone or acknowledging someone’s arrival or presence.
# A greeting used when answering the telephone.
# A call for responses if it is not clear whether anyone is present or listening.
# (''colloquial'') Used sarcastically to imply that the person addressed has done something the speaker considers to be foolish.
# An expression of puzzlement or discovery|November|19}}
|670={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|conundrum|n|A difficult question or riddle.
# A difficult choice or decision that must be made|November|20}}
|671={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|nickel and dime|v|(''US'') To quibble over trifling amounts of money.
# (''figuratively'') To quibble or obsess endlessly over trifles|November|21}}
|672={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|extraneous|adj|Not belonging to, or dependent upon, a thing; not essential or intrinsic; foreign|November|22}}
|673={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|kismet|n|Fate; a predetermined or unavoidable destiny|November|23}}
|674={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|refute|v|To prove (something) to be false or incorrect|November|24}}
|675={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ombudsman|n|An appointed official whose duty is to investigate complaints against institutions such as government departments.
# A designated internal mediator in an organization whose duty is to assist members with conflict resolution|November|25}}
|676={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|facetiously|adv|In a facetious or flippant manner; in a manner that treats serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor.
# (''dated'') In a pleasantly humorous or playful fashion|November|26}}
|677={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|spurious|adj|False; not authentic or genuine|November|27}}
|678={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|epigram|n|A brief but witty saying.
# A short, witty or pithy poem|November|28}}
|679={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|precipitate|v|To make something happen suddenly and quickly; hasten.
# To throw an object or person from a great height.
# (''chemistry'') To come out of a liquid solution into solid form.
# (''meteorology'') To have water in the air fall to the ground|November|29|audio=En-us-precipitate-verb.ogg}}
|680={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|insinuate|v|Make a way for or introduce something by subtle, crafty or artful means.
# To ingratiate oneself; to obtain access or favor by flattery or cunning.
# To hint at (something); to suggest or express an idea indirectly|November|30}}
|681={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|abstemiously|adv|Marked by abstinence or restraint, especially in relation to food or drink|December|1}}
|682={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|carry the message to Garcia|v|To perform a requisite task despite obstacles|December|2}}
|683={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|effectually|adv|In such a way as to achieve a desired result; effectively|December|3}}
|684={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|grimalkin|n|A cat, especially an elderly female.
# An old, bad-tempered woman; a crone|December|4}}
|685={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|inevitably|adv|In a manner that is impossible to avoid or prevent; as expected.
# As usual; predictably|December|5}}
|686={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|kick the bucket|v|(''idiomatic, euphemism'') To die|December|6}}
|687={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|matter-of-factly|adv|As though stating a fact.
# As though the situation is normal and not unusual|December|7}}
|688={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|oblation|n|The offering of worship, thanks etc. to a deity.
# A deed or gift offered charitably|December|8}}
|689={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|resoundingly|adv|With a loud, resonant sound.
# (''by extension'') Emphatically, so as to be celebrated|December|9}}
|690={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|thunderstruck|adj|Astonished, amazed or so suddenly surprised as to be unable to speak|December|10}}
|691={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|verbatim|adv|Word for word; in exactly the same words as were used originally|December|11}}
|692={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|dot the i's and cross the t's|v|(''idiomatic'') To take care of every detail, even minor ones; to be meticulous or thorough|December|12}}
|693={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bibulously|adv|Drunkenly; as if intoxicated|December|13}}
|694={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|dodecahedron|n|(''geometry'') A polyhedron with twelve faces; the regular dodecahedron has twelve regular pentagons as faces|December|14}}
|695={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|fatuously|adv|With smug stupidity; idiotically|December|15}}
|696={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|lambent|adj|Brushing or flickering gently over a surface.
# Glowing or luminous, but lacking heat.
# Clever or talented without effort|December|16}}
|697={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|just in case|adv|(''idiomatic'') In the event; should there be a need|December|17}}
|698={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hymnody|n|The writing, composing, or singing of hymns or psalms.
# The hymns of a particular church or of a particular time|December|18}}
|699={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|nebulously|adv|(''idiomatic'') Vaguely, without clear purpose or specific intention.
#In a manner like that of a cloud or haze.
# As if viewed through a cloud or haze|December|19}}
|700={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|piping hot|adj|(''idiomatic'') Very hot; originally from a literary comparison in ''The Canterbury Tales''|December|20}}
|701={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|sheepishly|adv|Meekly; self-consciously; with embarrassment|December|21}}
|702={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ursine|adj|Of or relating to bears.
# Having the appearance or characteristics of a bear|December|22}}
|703={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|with bated breath|adv|(''idiomatic'') Eagerly; with great anticipation|December|23}}
|704={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|workshop|n|A small room where things are manufactured, or light industrial work is done.
# A brief intensive course of education for a small group|December|24}}
|705={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|nativity|n|Birth; the place, time and circumstances of a birth|December|25}}
|706={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|piecemeal|adv|Piece by piece; in small amounts, stages, or degrees.
# Into pieces or parts.|December|26}}
|707={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|snowclone|n|A type of cliché which uses an old idiom formulaically in a new context|December|27}}
|708={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|querulously|adv|With grumbling, complaining, or whining|December|28}}
|709={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hogan|n|A one-room Navajo dwelling or ceremonial lodge|December|29}}
|710={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|jubilantly|adv|With jubilation or triumph.|December|30}}
|711={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|disco ball|n|A mirrored sphere designed to slowly rotate while suspended from the ceiling|December|31}}
|712={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|reiterate|v|To say or do (something) for a second time, such as for emphasis.
# To say or do (something) repeatedly|January|1}}
|713={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|contretemps|n|An unforeseen, inopportune, or embarrassing event|January|2}}
|714={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bombastic|adj|(''of a person, their language or writing'') Pompous or overly wordy.
# High-sounding but with little meaning.
# (''archaic'') Inflated, overfilled|January|3}}
|715={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|steerageway|n|(''nautical'') The minimum speed of a ship, below which she does not answer the helm and cannot be steered|January|4}}
|716={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|desecrate|v|To profane or violate the sacredness or sanctity of something.
# To remove the consecration from someone or something; to deconsecrate.
# To inappropriately change|January|5}}
|717={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|incunabulum|n|A book, single sheet, or image that was printed in Europe before the year 1501|January|6}}
|718={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|perspicacious|adj|Of acute discernment; having keen insight; mentally perceptive|January|7}}
|719={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hinder|v|To keep back; to delay or impede.
# To make difficult to accomplish|January|8}}
|720={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|asinine|adj|Failing to exercise intelligence or judgment.
# Of or relating to a donkey|January|9}}
|721={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|great unwashed|n|(''idiomatic'') A contemptuous term for the populace, particularly the working class|January|10}}
|722={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|malodorous|adj|Having a bad smell|January|11}}
|723={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|browbeat|v|To bully in an intimidating, bossy, or supercilious way|January|12}}
|724={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hostler|n|A person employed at an inn, hostelry, or stable to look after horses; a groom|January|13}}
|725={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|teratoid|adj|(''genetics, medicine'') Monster-like, exhibiting abnormal development|January|14}}
|726={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|epenthesis|n|(''linguistics'') The insertion of a phoneme, letter, or syllable into a word, usually to satisfy the phonological constraints of a language or poetic context|January|15}}
|727={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|contumacious|adj|Contemptuous of authority; willfully disobedient; rebellious|January|16}}
|728={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|accentuate|v|To pronounce with an accent or vocal stress.
# To bring out distinctly; to make prominent; to emphasize|January|17}}
|729={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|peripatetic|n|One who walks about; a pedestrian; an itinerant|January|18}}
|730={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|impecunious|adj|Lacking money|January|19}}
|731={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|redolent|adj|Fragrant or aromatic; having a sweet scent.
# Having the smell of.
# (''idiomatic'') Suggestive or reminiscent|January|20}}
|732={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bastion|n|A projecting part of a rampart or other fortification.
# A well-fortified position; a stronghold or citadel.
# (''figurative'') A person, or group, who strongly defends some principle|January|21}}
|733={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|genuflect|v|To bend the knee, as in servitude or worship; grovel|January|22}}
|734={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|crwth|n|(''historic, UK'') An archaic stringed instrument associated particularly with Wales|January|23}}
|735={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|lackadaisical|adj|Showing no interest or enthusiasm|January|24}}
|736={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|prehensile|adj|Able to take hold of and clasp objects; adapted for grasping especially by wrapping around an object|January|25}}
|737={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|nepotism|n|The favoring of relatives or personal friends because of their relationship rather than because of their abilities|January|26}}
|738={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|autological|adj|(''grammar'') Of an adjective, describing itself|January|27}}
|739={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|skedaddle|v|To move or run away quickly; to flee|January|28}}
|740={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|jeremiad|n|A long speech or prose work that bitterly laments the state of society and its morals, and often contains a prophecy of its coming downfall|January|29}}
|741={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|dichotomous|adj|Dividing or branching into two equal pieces|January|30}}
|742={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|vignette|n|A decorative design, originally representing vine branches or tendrils.
# (''by extension'') Any small borderless picture in a book, especially an engraving, photograph, or the like, which vanishes gradually at the edge.
# (''by extension'') A short story that presents a scene or tableau, or paints a picture|January|31}}
|743={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ecdysiast|n|An erotic dancer who removes their clothes as a form of entertainment; a stripper|February|1}}
|744={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|polysemous|adj|(''linguistics'') Having multiple meanings or interpretations|February|2}}
|745={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|fanatic|n|A person who is [[wikt:zealous|zealously]] enthusiastic for some cause, especially in religion|February|3}}
|746={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|frog in one's throat|n|(''idiomatic'') Hoarseness or the need to cough|February|4}}
|747={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|dyspeptic|adj|Of, relating to, or having dyspepsia or indigestion.
# Irritable or morose|February|5}}
|748={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|rankle|v|To cause irritation or deep bitterness.
# To fester|February|6}}
|749={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ineffable|adj|Beyond expression in words; unspeakable.
# Forbidden to be uttered; taboo|February|7}}
|750={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|xeriscape|n|A kind of landscape design for arid regions, minimising the need for irrigation|February|8}}
|751={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|affectation|n|An attempt to assume or exhibit what is not natural or real; false display; artificial show.
# An unusual mannerism|February|9}}
|752={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|sternutatory|adj|That causes or induces sneezing|February|10}}
|753={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|kerfuffle|n|A disorderly outburst, disturbance or tumult|February|11}}
|754={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|typecast|v|To cast an actor in the same kind of role repeatedly.
# To identify someone as being of a specific type because of their appearance, colour, religion etc.
# (''computing'') Changing a variable or object from one type to another|February|12}}
|755={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|concupiscent|adj|Amorous, lustful; feeling sexy|February|13}}
|756={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|osculation|n|The action of kissing.
# A kiss|February|14}}
|757={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|erinaceous|adj|Of, pertaining to, or resembling a hedgehog|February|15}}
|758={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|panache|n|An ornamental plume on a helmet.
# (''hence'') Flamboyant, energetic style or action; dash; verve|February|16}}
|759={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|castigate|v|To punish severely; to criticize severely; to reprimand severely.
# To revise or make corrections to a publication|February|17}}
|760={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|rhabdomancy|n|Divination with a wand or rod; dowsing|February|18}}
|761={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ludicrous|adj|Idiotic or unthinkable, often to the point of being funny|February|19}}
|762={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bailiwick|n|The precincts within which a bailiff has jurisdiction, taken as a whole; the limits of a bailiff's authority.
# (''by extension'') An area or subject of authority or involvement; a realm|February|20}}
|763={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|overshadow|v|To obscure something by casting a shadow.
# (''figuratively'') To dominate something and make it seem insignificant|February|21}}
|764={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|smarmy|adj|Falsely earnest, smug, or ingratiating|February|22}}
|765={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|didgeridoo|n|A musical instrument endemic to Australia, consisting of a long hollowed out log, which produces a low, deep drone when blown into|February|23}}
|766={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|burgeon|v|To grow or expand.
# To swell to the point of bursting.
# (''archaic'') To bloom, bud|February|24}}
|767={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|plenipotentiary|n|A person invested with full power, especially as the agent or ambassador of a sovereign|February|25}}
|768={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|gelid|adj|Very cold; icy or frosty|February|26}}
|769={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|muse|v|To become lost in thought, to ponder.
# To say (something) with due consideration or thought|February|27}}
|770={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|irony|n|A statement that, when taken in context, may actually mean the opposite of what is written literally.
# The quality or state of an event being both coincidental and contradictory in a humorous or poignant and extremely improbable way|February|28}}
|771={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|aforethought|adj|Premeditated; planned ahead of time|February|29}}
|772={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|polymath|n|A person with extraordinarily broad and comprehensive knowledge|March|1}}
|773={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pedagogic|adj|Relating to teaching, [[wikt:pedagogy|pedagogy]].
# Haughty and/or formal|March|2}}
|774={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|dearth|n|A period or condition when food is rare and hence expensive; famine.
# (''by extension'') Scarcity; a lack or short supply|March|3}}
|775={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|abhor|v|To regard with horror or detestation; to shrink from with shuddering|March|4}}
|776={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|viscous|adj|Having a thick, sticky consistency between solid and liquid|March|5}}
|777={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|dumbledore|n|(''dialectal'') A bumblebee|March|6}}
|778={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|malfunction|v|To function improperly.
# To fail to function|March|7}}
|779={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|flagrant|adj|Obvious and offensive, blatant, scandalous.
# (''archaic'') On fire, flaming|March|8}}
|780={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|trepidation|n|A fearful state; a state of hesitation or concern|March|9}}
|781={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hunker|v|To crouch or squat close to the ground|March|10}}
|782={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|superlative|adj|Exceptionally good; of the highest quality; superb.
# (''grammar'') Pertaining to the form of an adjective that expresses which of several items has the highest degree of the quality expressed by the adjective|March|11}}
|783={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|candor|n|Sincere and open speech, honesty in expression.
# Impartiality|March|12}}
|784={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|tin-pot|adj|(''informal'') Inferior; shoddy|March|13}}
|785={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|scoff|v|To jeer; laugh at with contempt and derision.
# (''South Africa'') To eat|March|14}}
|786={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bourgeois|adj|Of or related to the middle class, especially its attitudes and conventions|March|15}}
|787={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|mummer|n|A person who dons a disguising costume, as for a parade or a festival.
# An actor in a pantomime; one who communicates entirely through gesture and facial expression|March|16}}
|788={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|kudos|n|Praise; accolades|March|17}}
|789={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|contraption|n|A mechanical device of any sort, especially one that is complicated|March|18}}
|790={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|vaunt|v|To speak boastfully|March|19}}
|791={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|poignant|adj|Incisive; penetrating.
# Evoking strong mental sensation, to the point of distress; emotionally moving|March|20}}
|792={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ambivalent|adj|Simultaneously feeling opposing or contradictory feelings.
# Alternately having one opinion or feeling, and then the opposite|March|21}}
|793={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|epiphany|n|A manifestation or appearance of a divine or superhuman being.
# An illuminating realization or discovery, often resulting in a personal feeling of elation, awe, or wonder|March|22}}
|794={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|lorem ipsum|n|A pseudo-Latin text used in printing and website design in place of English in order to emphasise design elements over content|March|23}}
|795={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|impart|v|To give a part or share.
# To communicate the knowledge of; to make known; to disclose|March|24}}
|796={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|rostrum|n|A dais, pulpit, or similar platform for a speaker, conductor or other performer.
# The projecting prow of a rowed warship, such as a trireme|March|25}}
|797={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|intercalary|adj|Of an extra day or month inserted into a calendar|March|26}}
|798={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|nascent|adj|Emerging; just coming into existence|March|27}}
|799={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|caterwaul|v|To cry as cats in rutting time; to make a harsh, offensive noise|March|28}}
|800={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pervasive|adj|Manifested throughout; penetrating or affecting everything|March|29}}
|801={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|MacGuffin|n|A plot element or other device used to catch the viewers' attention and maintain suspense, especially when the device has little to do with the storyline|March|30}}
|802={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|endemic|adj|Native to a particular area or culture; originating where it occurs.
# Peculiar to a particular area or region; not found in other places.
# Prevalent in a particular area or region|March|31}}
|803={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|snipe hunt|n|A prank in which a gullible victim is sent off on a fruitless search for a nonexistent item|April|1}}
|804={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|stick in the mud|n|A person unwilling to participate in activities|April|2}}
|805={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|wax|v|(''of the moon'') To appear larger each night as a progression from a new moon to a full moon.
# To grow or become|April|3}}
|806={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|apiary|n|A place where bees are kept|April|4}}
|807={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|retroflex|adj|Bent backwards.
# (''phonetics''): Of pronunciation in which the tip of the tongue is raised and bent backwards, so that the underside of the tongue is behind the alveolar ridge or touches the palate|April|5}}
|808={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|Dutch wife|n|A long body-length pillow that can be held or wrapped around one's body while sleeping.
# In East and Southeast Asia, a wicker or bamboo tube the size of a person for cooling use in the bed|April|6}}
|809={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|matrilocal|adj|(''of a married couple'') Living with the family of the wife|April|7}}
|810={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|prorogue|v|To suspend a parliamentary session or to discontinue the meetings of a parliament without formally ending the session.
# To defer|April|8}}
|811={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|omphaloskeptic|n|One who contemplates or meditates upon one's navel|April|9}}
|812={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|agley|adv|Wrong in the sense of awry, askew, amiss or distorted|April|10}}
|813={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|shoehorn|v|To exert great effort to insert or include something; to insert by force or extreme measures|April|11}}
|814={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|concomitant|adj|Following as a consequence, especially secondarily or incidentally|April|12}}
|815={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|impel|v|To urge a person; to press on; to incite to action or motion in any way.
# To drive forward; to propel an object|April|13}}
|816={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|persiflage|n|Good-natured banter; raillery.
# Frivolous, lighthearted discussion of a topic|April|14}}
|817={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|feckless|adj|Lacking purpose.
# Without skill; ineffective|April|15}}
|818={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hurdy-gurdy|n|A medieval stringed instrument which has a droning sound|April|16}}
|819={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|kedge|v|To move a boat by tossing a small anchor in the desired direction of movement, then hauling the boat by using the anchor cable|April|17}}
|820={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|tantamount|adj|Equivalent in meaning or effect|April|18}}
|821={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|espalier|n|A horticultural technique using pruning and shaping to train the branches of a tree or shrub into a two-dimensional ornamental design, as along a wall or fence.
# A plant that has been shaped in this manner|April|19}}
|822={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|quidnunc|n|Someone who attempts to know all that happens, but who is not careful of the facts|April|20}}
|823={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bucolic|adj|Rustic, pastoral, country-styled
# Pertaining to herdsmen or peasants|April|21}}
|824={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|johnnycake|n|(''US'') A dense baked or fried flatbread made of cornmeal|April|22}}
|825={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|shanghai|v|To force or trick (someone) into joining a ship which is lacking a full crew.
# To abduct or coerce|April|23}}
|826={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|inclement|adj|Stormy, of rough weather.
# Merciless, unrelenting|April|24}}
|827={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|paraleipsis|n|A figure of speech in which one pretends to ignore or omit something by actually mentioning it|April|25}}
|828={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|dyed-in-the-wool|adj|(''figuratively'') Firmly established in a person's beliefs or habits; deeply ingrained in the nature of a person or thing|April|26}}
|829={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|variegated|adj|Streaked, spotted, or otherwise marked with a variety of color|April|27}}
|830={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|battology|n|Continual unnecessary reiteration of the same words, phrases, or ideas|April|28}}
|831={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|clamor|v|To cry out or demand|April|29}}
|832={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|garner|v|To earn; to acquire by virtue of ones endeavours.
# To accumulate something.
# To reap grain, gather it up, and store it in a granary|April|30}}
|833={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|scapegoat|n|Someone punished for the error or errors of someone else.
# (''originally'') In the Mosaic Day of Atonement ritual, a goat symbolically imbued with the sins of the people, and sent out alive into the wilderness while another was sacrificed|May|1}}
|834={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|derisive|adj|Expressing or characterized by derision; mocking; ridiculing.
# Deserving or provoking derision or ridicule|May|2}}
|835={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|isomer|n|(''chemistry'') Any of two or more compounds with the same molecular formula but with different structure|May|3}}
|836={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|palpable|adj|Capable of being touched, felt or handled; touchable, tangible.
# Obvious or easily perceived; noticeable|May|4}}
|837={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|conflate|v|To bring things together and fuse them into a single entity|May|5}}
|838={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|madeleine|n|A small gateau or sponge cake, often shaped like an elongated scallop shell.
# Something which brings back a memory; a source of nostalgia or evocative memories|May|6}}
|839={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|rife|adj|Widespread, common (especially of unpleasant or harmful things).
# Abounding; present in large numbers, plentiful|May|7}}
|840={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|forevermore|adv|At any or all times in the future; forever|May|8}}
|841={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bovine|adj|Of, or pertaining to, cattle.
# Sluggish, stupid|May|9}}
|842={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|spearhead|v|To drive or campaign ardently for|May|10}}
|843={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|jovial|adj|Merry; cheerful and good-humored.
# (''astrology, obsolete'') Under the influence of the planet Jupiter (considered a source of happiness)|May|11}}
|844={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|prosody|n|(''linguistics'') The study of poetic meter; the patterns of sounds and rhythms in verse or speech|May|12}}
|845={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hypercube|n|(''geometry'') A geometric figure which is analogous to a cube in three dimensions.
# A tesseract|May|13}}
|846={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bemuse|v|To confuse or bewilder|May|14}}
|847={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|avuncular|adj|In the manner of an uncle, pertaining to an uncle.
# (''hence'') Kind, genial, benevolent, or tolerant|May|15}}
|848={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|cricket|n|An insect in the order Orthoptera that makes a chirping sound by rubbing its wing casings against combs on its hind legs.
# A game played outdoors with bats and a ball between two teams of eleven|May|16}}
|849={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|tourniquet|n|A tightly-compressed bandage used to stop bleeding by stopping the flow of blood through a large artery in a limb|May|17}}
|850={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|unanimous|adj|Based on unanimity, complete assent or agreement.
# Sharing the same views or opinions, and being in complete harmony or accord|May|18|audio=En-uk-unanimous.ogg}}
|851={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|deluge|n|A great flood or rain.
# An overwhelming amount of something|May|19}}
|852={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|inundate|v|To cover with large amounts of water; to flood.
# To overwhelm|May|20}}
|853={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|riptide|n|A strong flow of water away from the shore of the ocean.
# A confusing situation in which a person is overwhelmed|May|21}}
|854={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|nuptial|adj|Of or pertaining to wedding and marriage.
# Capable, or characteristic, of breeding|May|22}}
|855={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|toboggan|n|A light sled, originally flat-bottomed and with no runners.
# (''southern US'') A winter hat|May|23}}
|856={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pilfer|v|To steal in small quantities, or articles of small value; to practise petty theft|May|24}}
|857={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|cornucopia|n|An abundance or plentiful supply.
# (''originally'') A mythical goat's horn, endlessly overflowing with fruit, flowers and grain, or full of whatever its owner wanted|May|25}}
|858={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|subsequently|adv|Following, afterwards in either time or place|May|26}}
|859={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|accede|v|To agree or assent to a proposal or a view.
# To join a group by agreement; to become part of|May|27}}
|860={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|misogyny|n|The hatred of, or pathological aversion to women|May|28}}
|861={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|leer|v|To look, often sideways, with sexual desire or malicious intent|May|29}}
|862={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|obsequious|adj|Fawning or subservient.
# Excessively eager to please or to obey all instructions|May|30}}
|863={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|edelweiss|n|A European perennial alpine plant having downy leaves and small white flower heads in a dense cluster|May|31}}
|864={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|lunacy|n|The state of being mad, insanity.
# Something deeply misguided|June|1}}
|865={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|squirm|v|To twist one's body with snakelike motions.
# To twist in discomfort, especially from shame or embarrassment|June|2}}
|866={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|chicanery|n|Deception by use of trickery, quibbling, or subterfuge.
# (''law'') A slick performance by a lawyer|June|3}}
|867={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|gerontic|adj|Of or pertaining to old age or the elderly|June|4}}
|868={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|Neolithic|adj|Of or relating to the New Stone Age, from circa 8500 to 4500 BCE|June|5}}
|869={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|Ucalegon|n|(''dated'') A neighbor whose house is on fire or has burned down|June|6}}
|870={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bingo|interj|Used by players of bingo to claim a win.
# (''informal'') Used when finding what one has been looking for or trying to recall.
# (''informal'') Similarly, used to declare "You've just made my point!" or "My point exactly!"|June|7}}
|871={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|iota|n|Name for the ninth, and smallest, letter of the Greek alphabet.
# A jot; a very small, inconsiderable, quantity|June|8}}
|872={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|perforce|adv|By force; of necessity; at any rate|June|9}}
|873={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|wreak|v|To cause, inflict or let out, especially if causing harm or injury|June|10}}
|874={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|disingenuous|adj|Not noble; unbecoming true honor or dignity; mean.
# Not ingenuous; not frank or open; unworthily or meanly artful|June|11}}
|875={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|kaftan|n|A long tunic worn in the Eastern Mediterranean.
# A long dress or shirt similar in style to those worn in the Eastern Mediterranean|June|12}}
|876={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|razzmatazz|n|Ambiguous or meaningless language.
# Empty and tiresome speculation|June|13}}
|877={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|yammer|v|To complain peevishly.
# To talk loudly; to make an outcry|June|14}}
|878={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|festinate|adj|(''obsolete'') Hurried, hasty|June|15}}
|879={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|Machiavellian|adj|Done by cunning, scheming and unscrupulous methods, to achieve one's desired outcome|June|16}}
|880={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|thrall|n|One who is enslaved.
# The state of being under the control of another person|June|17}}
|881={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|askance|adv|Sideways; obliquely.
# (''of a look or glance'') With disapproval, skepticism, or suspicion|June|18}}
|882={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hoary|adj|White or gray with age.
# (''botany'') Covered with short, dense, grayish white hairs.
# (''obsolete'') Moldy; mossy; musty|June|19}}
|883={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|otaku|n|One with an obsessive interest, particularly anime or manga|June|20}}
|884={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|vocalize|v|To express with the voice; to utter.
# (''of animals'') To produce noises or calls from the throat.
# (''music'') To sing without using words.
# (''linguistics'') To turn a consonant into a vowel|June|21}}
|885={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|curdle|v|To form curds so that it no longer flows smoothly; to cause to form such curds.
# To clot or coagulate; to cause to congeal, such as through cold|June|22}}
|886={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|chutzpah|n|(''slang'') Nearly arrogant courage; utter audacity, effrontery or impudence|June|23}}
|887={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|quay|n|(''nautical'') A wharf, a stone or concrete structure on navigable water used for loading and unloading vessels|June|24|audio=En-us-quay-2.ogg}}
|888={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|symbiotic|adj|(''biology'') Of, or relating to symbiosis; living together.
# Of a relationship with mutual benefit between two individuals or organisms|June|25}}
|889={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|enfleurage|n|The process of extracting fragrance from flowers by using unscented fats to capture the essential oils|June|26}}
|890={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|threnody|n|A song or poem of lamentation or mourning for a dead person; a dirge, an elegy|June|27}}
|891={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|flaunt|v|To parade (something); to display (something) with ostentation|June|28}}
|892={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pollard|n|A tree that has been pruned heavily, with branches cut back to the trunk so that it produces dense new growth.
# An animal, such as cattle or deer, whose horns have been removed or lost|June|29}}
|893={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|denizen|n|An inhabitant of a place; one who dwells there.
# One who frequents a place|June|30}}
|894={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|snickersnee|n|A large knife or sword|July|1}}
|895={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|braai|v|(''South Africa'') To grill meat over an open flame; to barbecue|July|2|audio=En-braai.ogg}}
|896={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|ooh|interj|An expression of surprise.
# An expression of awe.
# A sound used to imitate a ghost.
# An expression of affection|July|3}}
|897={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|gurgitator|n|A competitive eater|July|4}}
|898={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|Pyrrhic victory|n|A very costly victory, wherein the considerable losses outweigh the gain, so as to render the battle unfavourable|July|5}}
|899={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|elliptical|adj|In a shape reminding of an ellipse; oval.
# Of, or showing ellipsis; having a word or words omitted|July|6}}
|900={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|hightail|v|To retreat quickly; to flee|July|7}}
|901={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|the other way round|adv|The same but with the mentioned things or people in reverse order or position.
# In reversed orientation|July|8}}
|902={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|paedomorphic|adj|Of, relating to, or resulting from the retention of juvenile characteristics by an adult|July|9}}
|903={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|whirligig|n|Anything that whirls or spins around, such as a toy top.
# A whirligig beetle|July|10}}
|904={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|mendicant|n|A beggar.
# A religious friar forbidden to own personal property who begs for a living|July|11}}
|905={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|cenotaph|n|A monument erected to honour the dead whose bodies lie elsewhere|July|12}}
|906={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|laissez faire|adj|Practicing or representing governmental noninterference, or minimal interference, especially in economic affairs|July|13}}
|907={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|dishearten|v|To discourage someone by removing their enthusiasm or courage|July|14}}
|908={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|grotesque|adj|Bizarre or fantastic in appearance.
# Disgusting or otherwise viscerally reviling|July|15}}
|909={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|necrophagous|n|That eats of dead or decaying animal flesh|July|16}}
|910={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|retroactive|adj|Extending in scope, effect, application or influence to a prior time or to prior conditions|July|17}}
|911={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|anhedonia|n|(''medicine, psychiatry'') The inability to feel pleasure|July|18}}
|912={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|schmooze|v|To talk casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection|July|19}}
|913={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|meniscus|n|The curved surface of liquids in tubes, whether concave or convex, caused by the surface tension of the liquid.
# A crescent or a body shaped like a crescent|July|20}}
|914={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|equable|adj|Unvarying, calm and steady; constant and uniform.
# (''of temperature'') Free from extremes of heat or cold.
# (''of emotions'') Not easily disturbed; tranquil|July|21}}
|915={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|dielectric|n|An electrically insulating or nonconducting material|July|22}}
|916={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|Makemake|n|(''mythology'') The creator deity in the mythology of Easter Island.
# (''astronomy'') A dwarf planet and large Kuiper belt object, discovered in 2005|July|23}}
|917={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|craggy|adj|Characterized by rugged, sharp, or coarse features|July|24}}
|918={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|assimilate|v|To incorporate nutrients into the body after digestion.
# To incorporate or absorb knowledge into the mind.
# To absorb a group of people into a community|July|25}}
|919={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|jugular|adj|Relating to, or located near, the neck or throat|July|26}}
|920={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|rubric|n|A heading in a book highlighted in red.
# A category or classification.
# An established rule or custom, a guideline.
# (''education'') A set of scoring criteria for evaluating student work and for giving feedback|July|27}}
|921={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|forbear|v|To keep away from; to avoid; to abstain from.
# To control oneself when provoked|July|28}}
|922={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|simian|adj|Of or relating to apes.
# Bearing resemblance to an ape|July|29}}
|923={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|lacuna|n|A small opening; a small pit or depression; a gap or vacancy.
# An absent part, especially in an older book or other piece of writing|July|30}}
|924={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|prerogative|n|A hereditary or official right or privilege|July|31}}
|925={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|lollipop|n|A confectionery consisting of a piece of candy/sweet attached to a stick|August|1}}
|926={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|accord|v|To make to agree or correspond; to suit one thing to another.
#To agree or correspond; to be in harmony.
#(''dated or law'') To grant as suitable or proper; to concede or award|August|2}}
|927={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|unnecessary|adj|Not needed or necessary.
# In addition to requirements; unrequired|August|3}}
|928={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|parvenu|n|A person who has risen or been promoted to a higher social class, but has not gained acceptance from members of that new class|August|4}}
|929={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|occur|v|To present or offer itself; to happen or take place.
#To come or be presented to the mind; to suggest itself.
#(''biology'') To be present or found|August|5}}
|930={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|cumberground|n|(''obsolete'') Totally worthless object or person; something that is just in the way|August|6}}
|931={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|betimes|adv|In good season or time; early, especially in the morning.
#(''archaic'') In a short time, soon|August|7}}
|932={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|irascible|adj|Easily provoked to outbursts of anger; irritable|August|8}}
|933={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|preternatural|adj|Beyond or different from what is natural or according to the regular course of things.
# Having an existence outside of the natural world|August|9}}
|934={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|circumscribe|v|To draw a line around; to encircle.
# To limit narrowly; to restrict|August|10}}
|935={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|schadenfreude|n|Malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else's misfortune|August|11}}
|936={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|filial|adj|Pertaining to or befitting a son or daughter.
# Respectful of the duties and attitudes of a son or daughter toward their parents|August|12}}
|937={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|worrywart|n|Someone who worries about everything, especially about inconsequential things|August|13}}
|938={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|rapacious|adj|Voracious; avaricious.
#Given to taking by force or plundering.
#Subsisting on live prey|August|14}}
|939={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bludgeon|v|To strike or hit with something hard; to club.
# To force something upon others, as if with a bludgeon|August|15}}
|940={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|pillage|v|To loot or plunder by force, especially in time of war|August|16}}
|941={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|cistern|n|A reservoir or tank for holding water, especially rainwater.
#(''technical'') A toilet tank.
#(''anatomy'') A cisterna|August|17}}
|942={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|licit|adj|Not forbidden by formal or informal rules.
#(''law'') Explicitly sanctioned or authorized by law|August|18}}
|943={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|excise|v|To impose an excise tax on something.
#To cut out; to remove|August|19}}
|944={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|bivouac|n|An encampment for the night, usually without tents or covering.
#Any temporary encampment.
#(''dated'') The watch of a whole army by night|August|20}}
|945={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|slipshod|adj|Done poorly or too quickly; careless.
# (''obsolete'') Wearing slippers or similar shoes|August|21}}
|946={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|cordial|adj|Hearty; sincere.
# Radiating warmth and friendliness; genial|August|22}}
|947={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|mouton enragé|n|A normally peaceful person who has become suddenly and uncharacteristically angry|August|23}}
|948={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|incur|v|To bring upon or expose oneself to, especially something inconvenient.
#(''especially law'') To render somebody liable or subject to|August|24}}
|949={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|moot|adj|(''Commonwealth'') Subject to discussion; unsolved or impossible to solve.
# (''North America'') Having no impact or relevance|August|25}}
|950={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|emollient|n|Something which softens or lubricates the skin.
#Anything soothing, or that makes something more acceptable|August|26}}
|951={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|undergrounder|n|An underground publication or movie.
# One who is part of a secret or underground society or subculture|August|27}}
|952={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|queue|n|A line of people or other things, in which the one at the front is dealt with first, and which newcomers join at the opposite end.
#(''computing'') A data structure in which objects are removed from one end, called the head, and added to the other, called the tail.
#(''mostly historical'') A men's hairstyle whose primary attribute is a braid at the back of the head|August|28}}
|953={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|obstinate|adj|Stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course.
# Said of inanimate things not easily subdued or removed|August|29}}
|954={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|negawatt|n|A unit of saved energy|August|30}}
|955={{Portal:Wikimedia featured content/Wiktionary/Format|accursed|adj|Hateful; detestable.
# (''archaic or theology'') Doomed to destruction or misery; cursed|August|31}}

Revision as of 04:22, 4 January 2014