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{{Main|Quantum triviality}}

In [[physics]], the '''Landau pole''' or the '''Moscow zero''' is the [[energy scale|momentum (or energy) scale]] at which the [[coupling constant]] (interaction strength) of a [[quantum field theory]] becomes infinite. Such a possibility was pointed out by the physicist [[Lev Landau]] and his colleagues.<ref>[[Lev Landau]], in {{cite book|title=Niels Bohr and the Development of Physics|editor=[[Wolfgang Pauli]]|publisher=Pergamon Press|year=1955|location=London}}</ref>
The fact that coupling constants depend on the momentum (or length) scale is one of the basic ideas behind the [[renormalization group]].

Landau poles appear in theories that are not [[asymptotic freedom|asymptotically free]], such as [[quantum electrodynamics]] (QED) or {{mvar|φ}} <sup>4</sup> theory—a [[scalar field]] with a [[quartic function|quartic]] interaction—such as may describe the [[Higgs boson]]. In these theories, the renormalized coupling constant grows with energy. A Landau pole appears when the coupling constant becomes infinite at a finite energy scale. In a theory intended to be complete, this could be considered a mathematical inconsistency. A possible solution is that the renormalized charge could go to zero as the cut-off is removed, meaning that the charge is completely screened by quantum fluctuations ([[vacuum polarization]]). This is a case of [[quantum triviality]], which means that quantum corrections completely suppress the interactions in the absence of a cut-off.
When you are a association struggle begins, you will see The specific particular War Map, a good solid map of this war area area association wars booty place. Welcoming territories will consistently often be on the left, by having the adversary association inside of the rightboondocks anteroom on these war map represents some sort of war base.<br><br>To understand coins and gems, kind obtain the Clash of Clans hack equipment by the clicking on the purchase buttonIf you cherished this posting and you would like to acquire far more facts about [ how to hack clash of clans] kindly check out our own internet site. Contingent towards the operating framework that the utilizing, you will labor the downloaded document since admin. Furnish my log in Id and choose the gadget. Subsequent to this, you are to get in the quantity of sparkling jewelry or coins that capable and start off which the Clash of Clans hack into instrument.<br><br>Pay attention to a game's evaluation when purchasing a present. This evaluation will allow you recognize what age level clash of clans hack tool is right for and will state when the sport would be violent. It can help you figure out whether you might want to buy the sport.<br><br>World wide web games acquire more in order to really offer your son or daughter than only an opportunity to capture points. Try deciding on dvds that instruct your nipper some thing. In view that an example, sports physical exertions video games will advise your youngster learn some of the guidelines for game titles, and exactly how about the internet games are played out. Check out some testimonials on the way to discover game titles when supply a learning skill instead of just mindless, repeated motion.<br><br>The aboriginal phase, Alertness Wedding day is back your romantic relationship prepares their own defenses, gathers admonition about any enemy, and starts implementing extramarital liasons of invade. During this appearance there is not any attacking. Instead, there are three popular activities during alertness holiday weekend time: rearranging your combat starting, altruistic accretion soldiers in your association mates, and aloof adversary war bases.<br><br>A tutorial will guide you through your first few raids, constructions, and upgrades, while youre left to private wiles pretty quickly. Your buildings take realtime to construct and upgrade, your army units although recruit, and your guide buildings take time to create food and gold. Like all of its just genre cousins, Throne Rush is meant to took part in multiple short bursts in daytime. This type of compelling gaming definitely works more beneficial on mobile devices usually are always with you and that can send push notifications when timed tasks are completed. Then again, the success of so many [ hit Facebook] games over the years indicates that people try Facebook often enough to short play sessions accomplish the task there too.<br><br>Disclaimer: I aggregate the useful information on this commodity by arena a lot of CoC and accomplishing some web research. To the best involving my knowledge, is it authentic along with I accept amateur charged up all abstracts and data. Nevertheless, it is consistently accessible which i accept fabricated a aberration about or which that this bold has afflicted butt publication. Use within your very own risk, Certain accommodate virtually any assurances. Please get in blow if you acquisition annihilation amiss.
Since the Landau pole is normally calculated using [[perturbation theory (quantum mechanics)|perturbative]] one-loop or two-loop calculations, it is possible that the pole is merely a sign that the perturbative approximation breaks down at strong coupling. [[Lattice field theory]] provides a means to address questions in quantum field theory beyond the realm of perturbation theory, and thus has been used to attempt to resolve this question. Numerical computations performed in this framework seems to confirm Landau's conclusion that QED charge is completely screened for an infinite cutoff.<ref>{{cite journal|last=Göckeler|first=M.|coauthors=R. Horsley, V. Linke, P. Rakow, G. Schierholz, and H. St&uuml;ben|year=1998|title=Is There a Landau Pole Problem in QED?|journal=[[Physical Review Letters]]|volume=80|doi=10.1103/PhysRevLett.80.4119|url=|pages=4119–4122|bibcode=1998PhRvL..80.4119G|arxiv = hep-th/9712244|issue=19 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal|last=Kim|first=S.|coauthors=John B. Kogut and Lombardo Maria Paola|date=2002-01-31|journal=[[Physical Review D]]|doi=10.1103/PhysRevD.65.054015|url=|volume=65|pages=054015|arxiv = hep-lat/0112009 |bibcode = 2002PhRvD..65e4015K|title=Gauged Nambu–Jona-Lasinio studies of the triviality of quantum electrodynamics|issue=5 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal|last1=Gies|first1=Holger|last2=Jaeckel|first2=Joerg|title=Renormalization Flow of QED|journal=[[Physical Review Letters]]|date=2004-09-09|volume=93|doi=10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.110405|url=|page=110405|bibcode=2004PhRvL..93k0405G|arxiv = hep-ph/0405183|issue=11 }}</ref>
==Brief history==
According to  Landau, [[Alexei Alexeyevich Abrikosov|Abrikosov]], [[Isaak Markovich Khalatnikov|Khalatnikov]],<ref>L. D. Landau, A. A. Abrikosov, and I. M. Khalatnikov, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR  95, 497, 773, 1177 (1954).
</ref>  the relation of the observable charge {{mvar|g}}<sub>obs</sub>
with the  “bare” charge {{mvar|g}}<sub>0 </sub> for  renormalizable field theories is given by expression
: <math> g_{obs}=\frac{g_0}{1+\beta_2 g_0 \ln \Lambda/m} \,,  \qquad \qquad\qquad      (1)  </math>
where {{mvar|m}} is the mass of the particle, and  {{mvar|Λ}} is the momentum cut-offFor finite  {{mvar|g}}<sub>0 </sub>  and {{math|''Λ'' → ∞ }} 
the observed charge  {{mvar|g}}<sub>obs</sub> tends to zero and the theory looks trivial.
In fact, the proper interpretation of Eq.1 consists in its inversion, so that  {{mvar|g}}<sub>0 </sub> (related to the length scale  <math> \Lambda^{-1}) </math>  is chosen to give a correct value of {{mvar|g}}<sub>obs</sub>:
: <math>  g_0=\frac{g_{obs}}{1-\beta_2 g_{obs} \ln \Lambda/m}\,. \qquad\qquad\qquad (2)    </math>
As {{mvar|Λ}} grows, the bare charge  {{math| ''g''<sub>0</sub> {{=}} ''g(Λ)''}}  increases, to diverge at the renormalization point
: <math>  \Lambda_{Landau} = m \exp\left\{ \frac{1}{\beta_2 g_{obs}} \right\} \, .
\qquad\qquad\qquad (3)    </math>
This singularity is the '''Landau pole''' with a ''negative residue'', {{math|''g(Λ)'' ≈ −''Λ''<sub>Landau</sub> /(''β''<sub>2</sub>(''Λ−Λ''<sub>Landau</sub>)) }}. 
In fact,  however, the growth of    {{math| ''g''<sub>0</sub>}} invalidates  Eqs.1,2 in the region    {{math| ''g''<sub>0</sub>≈1}},  since these were obtained for  {{math| ''g''<sub>0</sub>≪ 1}}, so that the exact reality  of the Landau pole becomes doubtful.
The actual behavior of the charge  <math> g(\mu) </math> as a function of the
momentum  scale  <math> \mu  </math> is determined by the [[Murray Gell-Mann|Gell-Mann]]–[[Francis E. Low|Low]] equation<ref>{{cite journal|last1=[[Murray Gell-Mann|Gell-Mann]]|first1=M.|last2=Low|first2=F. E.|year=1954|journal=[[Physical Review]]|title=Quantum Electrodynamics at Small Distances|volume=95|doi=10.1103/PhysRev.95.1300|url=|pages=1300–1320|bibcode = 1954PhRv...95.1300G|issue=5 }}</ref>
: <math> \frac{dg}{d \ln \mu} =\beta(g)=\beta_2 g^2+\beta_3 g^3+\ldots  \qquad\qquad\qquad (4)  </math>
which  gives Eqs.1,2 if it is  integrated under conditions <math> g(\mu)=g_{obs} </math>
for <math> \mu=m </math>  and <math> g(\mu)=g_0 </math>  for 
<math> \mu=\Lambda </math>, when only the term with  <math> \beta_2 </math>  is
retained in the right hand side. The general behavior of  <math> g(\mu) </math>  depends on  the appearance of the function  <math> \beta(g) </math> .
According to the standard classification,<ref>N. N. Bogoliubov and D. V. Shirkov, Introduction to the
Theory of Quantized Fields, 3rd ed. (Nauka, Moscow, 1976; Wiley, New York, 1980).
</ref>  there are three qualitatively different cases:
(a) if  <math> \beta(g) </math>  has a zero at the  finite value  <math> g* </math>, then  growth of  <math> g </math>  is saturated, i.e.  <math> g(\mu)\to g* </math> for
<math> \mu\to\infty </math> ;
(b) if  <math> \beta(g) </math>  is non-alternating and behaves as
<math> \beta(g) \propto g^\alpha </math>  with  <math> \alpha\le 1 </math>
for large <math> g </math>, then  the growth of  <math> g(\mu) </math>  continues to infinity;
(c) if  <math> \beta(g) \propto g^\alpha </math>  with  <math> \alpha>1 </math>  for large
<math> g</math>, then  <math> g(\mu)  </math>  is divergent  at finite value  <math> \mu_0 </math>  and  the real Landau pole arises:  the theory is internally inconsistent due to
indeterminacy of  <math> g(\mu) </math>  for <math> \mu>\mu_0 </math> .
Landau and [[Isaak Pomeranchuk|Pomeranchuk]] <ref>
L.D.Landau, I.Ya.Pomeranchuk,
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 102, 489 (1955);
I.Ya.Pomeranchuk, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 103, 1005 (1955).</ref>
tried to justify the possibility (c)
in the case of QED and <math>  \phi^4 </math>  theory. They have noted that the growth of <math> g_0 </math>  in Eq.1 drives the observable charge 
<math> g_{obs} </math>
to the constant limit, which does not depend on <math> g_0 </math>  . The same behavior can be obtained from the functional integrals, omitting the quadratic terms in the action. If neglecting the quadratic terms
is valid already for <math> g_0\ll 1 </math>, it is all the more
valid for <math> g_0 </math> of the order or greater than unity :  it gives a reason to consider Eq.1 to be valid for arbitrary <math> g_0 </math> .
Validity of these considerations on the quantitative level is
excluded by non-quadratic form of the <math> \beta </math>-function.
Nevertheless, they can be correct qualitatively.
Indeed, the result  <math> g_{obs} =const(g_0) </math>  can be obtained
from the functional integrals only for
<math> g_0\gg 1 </math>, while its validity for  <math> g_0\ll 1 </math>, based on Eq.1, may be related with other reasons; for  <math> g_0\approx 1 </math>
this result is probably violated but coincidence of two constant values in the order of magnitude can be expected from the matching condition.  The [[Monte Carlo method|Monte Carlo]] results <ref>B.Freedman, P.Smolensky, D.Weingarten,
Phys. Lett.  B 113, 481 (1982).</ref>
seems to confirm the qualitative validity of the Landau–Pomeranchuk arguments, though a different interpretation is also possible.
The case (c) in the Bogoliubov and Shirkov classification  corresponds to the [[quantum triviality]] in full theory (beyond its perturbation context), as can be seen by  a [[reductio ad absurdum]].  Indeed, if  <math> g_{obs} </math>  is finite, the theory is internally inconsistent. The only way to avoid it, is to tend  <math> \mu_0 </math>  to infinity, which is  possible only for  <math> g_{obs}\to 0 </math> .
It is a widespread belief  that both QED and  {{mvar|φ}} <sup>4</sup>  theory are trivial in the continuum limit. In fact, available information
confirms only “Wilson triviality”, which just amounts to positivity of {{math|''β(g)''}} for {{math|''g''≠0}}  and can be considered as firmly established. Indications of “true” quantum triviality are not numerous and allow different interpretations.
== Phenomenological  aspects ==
In a theory intended to represent a physical interaction where the coupling constant is known to be non-zero, Landau poles or triviality may be viewed as a sign of incompleteness in the theory. For example, QED  is usually not believed to be a complete theory on its own, and the Landau pole could be a sign of new physics entering via its embedding into a [[Grand Unified Theory]]. The grand unified scale would provide a natural cutoff well below the Landau scale, preventing the pole from having observable physical consequences.
The problem of the Landau pole in QED is of pure academic interest. The role of  <math> g_{obs} </math>  
in Eqs.1,2 is played by the [[fine structure constant]] α ≈ 1/137 and the Landau scale  for QED is estimated as 10<sup>283</sup>keV/''c''<sup>2</sup>, which is far beyond any energy scale relevant to observable physics. For comparison, the maximum energies accessible at the [[Large Hadron Collider]] are of order 10<sup>13</sup> eV, while the [[Planck scale]], at which [[quantum gravity]] becomes important and the relevance of [[quantum field theory]] itself may be questioned, is only 10<sup>28</sup> eV.
The [[Higgs boson]] in the [[Standard Model]] of [[particle physics]]  is described by <math> \phi^4 </math>  theory. If the latter has a Landau pole, then this fact is used in setting a "triviality bound" on the Higgs mass.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Gunion|first1=J.|coauthors=H. E. Haber, G. L. Kane, and S. Dawson|title=The Higgs Hunters Guide|publisher=Addison-Wesley|year=1990}}</ref> The bound depends on the scale at which new physics is assumed to enter and the maximum value of the quartic coupling permitted (its physical value is unknown). For large couplings, non-perturbative methods are required. Lattice calculations have also been useful in this context.<ref>For example, {{cite journal|last=Heller|first=Urs|coauthors=Markus Klomfass, Herbert Neuberger, and Pavols Vranas|date=1993-09-20|journal=[[Nuclear Physics B]]|volume=405|doi=10.1016/0550-3213(93)90559-8|pages=555–573|arxiv = hep-ph/9303215 |bibcode = 1993NuPhB.405..555H|title=Numerical analysis of the Higgs mass triviality bound|issue=2–3 }}, which suggests ''M<sub>H</sub>'' &lt; 710 GeV.</ref>
== Recent  developments ==
Solution of the Landau pole problem requires calculation of the Gell-Mann–Low function <math> \beta(g) </math>  at arbitrary  <math> g </math>  and, in particular, its asymptotic
behavior for  <math> g\to\infty </math> . This problem is very difficult and
was considered as hopeless for many years: by diagrammatic calculations one can obtain only few expansion coefficients  <math> \beta_2, \beta_3,\ldots </math>,  which do not allow to investigate the <math> \beta </math>  function in the whole. The progress became possible
after development of the [[Lev Lipatov|Lipatov]] method for calculation of large orders
of perturbation theory:<ref>L.N.Lipatov, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 72, 411
(1977) [Sov.Phys. JETP 45, 216 (1977)].</ref> now one can try to interpolate the known
coefficients  <math> \beta_2, \beta_3,\ldots </math> with their large order behavior and
to sum the perturbation series. The first attempts of reconstruction of the
<math> \beta </math> function witnessed on triviality of <math> \phi^4 </math>  theory. Application of more advanced summation methods gave the exponent 
<math> \alpha </math> in the asymptotic behavior <math> \beta(g) \propto g^\alpha </math>  a value close to unity.  The hypothesis  for the  asymptotics <math> \beta(g) \propto g </math>  was recently confirmed analytically for <math> \phi^4 </math>  theory and QED
<ref>I. M. Suslov, JETP 107, 413 (2008); JETP 111,  450 (2010);,
.<ref>I. M. Suslov, JETP  108,  980 (2009),
Together with positiveness of  <math>\beta(g)  </math>, obtained by summation of series, it gives the case (b) of the Bogoliubov and Shirkov classification, and hence the Landau pole is absent in these theories. Possibility of omitting the quadratic terms in the action suggested by Landau and Pomeranchuk is not confirmed.
{{DEFAULTSORT:Landau Pole}}
[[Category:Quantum field theory]]
[[Category:Renormalization group]]

Revision as of 16:54, 6 February 2014

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