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{{See also|Photonic crystal|Metamaterial}}
He hangs " up ". The first person to call him in two days is a telemarketer. He grips his aluminum cane so hard he can think the calluses bite into his palms. The damned thing. He shouldn't even be on it anymore, but he is not doing his . No way in Hell should he have come back from a ten-day vacation with Two diabetes Decompression Sicknesslousy 35-foot dance.<br><br>An outdoor aviary for that birds; doable ! look in Craig list or EBay and find used aviaries, or build one your self ugg news with sturdy chicken range. The birds can need to be outside in the sun, and safe. Take extra care and place the aviary within a shaded placed and protected area, to don't expose your birds to the elements.<br><br>Do just the exact time when ugg boots gain popularity? Perhaps, till now, few people can give a clear react. But nobody can deny the truth these boots are popular all over the world. Although they look ugly, they do have become a way icon. Folks think that like these boots, rather than all men and women can afford them. The genuine boots seem to be expensive. When you find yourself facing this question, perhaps my article can offer some recommendations. Here I just want to tell some places or practical ways to find cheap boots. Of course, cheaper boots are not fake ones; you can some places where ugg boots with great deals are presented.<br><br>Go for prime quality. cheap boots look, well, inexpensive. They can make your entire ensemble look cheap too. As i don't advocate throwing your hard away on trends, sometimes spending around 200 dollars more makes sense, if you're getting great quality in return and will wear the clothing over and above again.<br><br>Here's alternatively for you: two in the past I got a pair of casual mid-calf black wedge boots along with a tie detail around the ankle. I spent additional my normal shoe budget generally allows, but I used to be convinced that they would end up paying on a self-employed basis. Turns out, Employed more than right! This i am two yearsrrr time later with boots that meet the 3 of standards. They're casual liked working out can put them on with a skirt associated with fall or are they a sundress in addition a cardigan as spring, they're trendy (and age appropriate) and I'm going into my third winter with them still due to being on trend in order to are incredible.<br><br>The ultimate way to location your UGGS Order anyway is going on the internet. Nonetheless, you should to exercise care as we become are fakes in often. But this is not a hardship on you to locate a genuine dealer. Around the globe really significantly simpler than going just about every and every shoe shop in your neighborhood searching to the good shop to create your UGGS Set. Just go on-line and make a few clicks, your shoes will be around you in a couple of day.<br><br>If you loved this article so you would like to acquire more info about [http://horizonafrica.com/img/ ugg boots outlet] please visit the web page.
'''Bloch wave – MoM''' is a technique for determining the band structure of triply-periodic electromagnetic media such as [[photonic crystal]]s. This technique uses the [[Boundary element method|method of moments]] (MoM) in combination with a Bloch wave expansion of the electromagnetic field in the structure. This approach is very efficient in terms of the number of plane waves needed for good convergence and is analogous to the spectral domain MoM method commonly used for analyzing 2D periodic structures such as frequency selective surfaces (FSS). In the latter case, the electromagnetic field is expanded in terms of a [[Fourier optics|plane wave spectrum]] (Scott [1989]). In both cases, the field is expanded in terms or a set of eigenfunction modes (either a Bloch wave in 3D or a plane wave spectrum in 2D), and an integral equation is enforced on the surface of the scatterers in each unit cellIn the FSS case, the unit cell is 2-dimensional and in the photonic crystal case, the unit cell is 3-dimensional.
== Field equations for 3D PEC photonic crystal structures ==
For perfectly electrically conducting (PEC) structures admitting only electric current sources '''J''', the electric field '''E''' is related to the vector magnetic potential '''A''' via the well-known relation:
: <math> \bold E ~ = ~ -j k \eta \left [ \bold A + \frac {1}{k^2} \nabla (\nabla \bullet \bold A) \right ]  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(1.1) </math>
and the vector magnetic potential is in turn related to the source currents via:
: <math>  \nabla^2 \bold A + k^2 \bold A ~ = ~ -\bold J ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1.2) </math>
: <math>  k^2 ~ = ~ \omega^2 (\mu \epsilon) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1.3) </math>
== Bloch wave expansion of the fields ==
To solve equations (1.1) and (1.2) within the periodic volume, we may assume a Bloch wave expansion for all currents, fields and potentials:
: <math> \bold J(x,y,z) ~ = ~ \sum_{mnp} ~ \bold J(\alpha_m,\beta_n, \gamma_p) ~ e^{j(\alpha_m x + \beta_n y + \gamma_p z)} ~~~~~(2.1a)  </math>
: <math> \bold E(x,y,z) ~ = ~ \sum_{mnp} ~ \bold E(\alpha_m,\beta_n, \gamma_p) ~ e^{j(\alpha_m x + \beta_n y + \gamma_p z)} ~~~~(2.1b)  </math>
: <math> \bold A(x,y,z) ~ = ~ \sum_{mnp} ~ \bold A(\alpha_m,\beta_n, \gamma_p) ~ e^{j(\alpha_m x + \beta_n y + \gamma_p z)} ~~~(2.1c)  </math>
where for simplicity, we assume a cubic lattice in which α only depends on ''m'', β only depends on ''n'' and γ only depends on ''p''. In the equations above,
: <math> \alpha_m ~ = ~ k_0 ~ \sin \theta_0 ~ \cos \phi_0 ~ + ~ \frac{2m\pi}{l_x} ~~~~~~~~~~~(2.2a) </math>
: <math> \beta_n ~ = ~ k_0 ~ \sin \theta_0 ~ \sin \phi_0 ~ + ~ \frac{2n\pi}{l_y} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(2.2b)  </math>
: <math> \gamma_p ~ = ~ k_0 ~ \cos \theta_0 ~ + ~ \frac{2p\pi}{l_z}  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(2.2c) </math>
: <math> k_0 ~ = ~ 2\pi/\lambda  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(2.3) </math>
where ''l''<sub>''x''</sub>, ''l''<sub>''y''</sub>, ''l''<sub>''z''</sub> are the dimensions of the unit cell in the ''x'',''y'',''z'' directions respectively, λ is the effective wavelength in the crystal and θ<sub>0</sub>, φ<sub>0</sub> are the directions of propagation in [[Spherical coordinate system|spherical coordinates]].  Note that ''k'' in equations (1.1) and (1.2) comes from the time derivative in Maxwell's equations and is the ''free space'' propagation constant, proportional to frequency as we see in equation (1.3).  On the other hand, ''k''<sub>0</sub> in the equations above comes from our assumed Bloch wave solution given by equations (2.1) & (2.2).  As a result, it represents the propagation constant in the periodic medium.  These two  ''k's'', i.e. the free space propagation constant and the propagation constant of the Bloch wave, are in general different thereby allowing for dispersion in our solution.
== Integral equation for PEC media ==
Substituting equations (2.1) into (1.1) and (1.2) yields the spectral domain Greens function relating the radiated electric field to its source currents:
: <math> \bold E(\alpha_m,\beta_n, \gamma_p) ~ = ~ \frac {jk\eta}{k^2-\alpha_m^2-\beta_n^2-\gamma_p^2} ~ \bold G_{mnp} ~ \bold J(\alpha_m,\beta_n, \gamma_p) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(3.1)  </math>
: <math> \bold G_{mnp} ~ = ~ \left ( \begin{matrix}
1-\frac{\alpha_m^2}{k^2} & -\frac{\alpha_m \beta_n}{k^2} & -\frac{\alpha_m \gamma_p}{k^2}  \\
-\frac{\alpha_m \beta_n}{k^2} & 1- \frac {\beta_n^2}{k^2} & -\frac{\beta_n \gamma_p}{k^2} \\
-\frac{\alpha_m \gamma_p}{k^2} & - \frac {\beta_n \gamma_p}{k^2} & 1- \frac {\gamma_p^2}{k^2}
\right )        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(3.2)  </math>
With this, the electric field boundary condition on the surface of PEC material within a unit cell becomes:
: <math> ~ \sum_{mnp} ~ \frac {1}{k^2-\alpha_m^2-\beta_n^2-\gamma_p^2} ~ \bold G_{mnp} ~ \bold J(\alpha_m,\beta_n,\gamma_p) ~ e^{j(\alpha_m x + \beta_n y + \gamma_p z)} ~ = ~ \bold 0  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(3.3)  </math>
Since we are seeking characteristic modes (eigenmodes) of the structure, there is no impressed E-field on the RHS of this electric field integral equation (EFIE). Equation (3.3) is not strictly correct, since only the tangential electric field is zero on the surface of the PEC scatterer.  This inexactness will be resolved presently when we test with the current basis functions, defined as residing on the surface of the scatterer.
== Method of Moments solution ==
As is usual in the method of moments, we assume an expansion for the source currents over some known set of basis functions with unknown weighting coefficients ''J''<sub>''j''</sub>:
: <math> ~ \bold J(x,y,z) ~ = ~ \sum_j ~ J_j ~ \bold J_j(x,y,z)  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(3.4)  </math>
Substituting (3.4) into (3.3) and then testing the resulting equation with the ''i''-th current basis function (i.e., dotting from the left and integrating over the domain of the ''i''-th current basis function, thereby completing the quadratic form) produces the ''i''-th row of the matrix eigenvalue problem as:
: <math> ~ \sum_j ~ J_j ~\left[~ \sum_{mnp} ~ \frac {\bold J_i(-\alpha_m,-\beta_n,-\gamma_p) ~ \bold G_{mnp} ~ \bold J_j(\alpha_m,\beta_n, \gamma_p)}{k^2-\alpha_m^2-\beta_n^2-\gamma_p^2} \right]~  = ~ \bold 0  ~~~(3.5)  </math>
This matrix equation is very simple to implement and requires only that the 3D FT of the basis functions be computed, preferably in closed form. With this method, computing bands of a 3D photonic crystal is as easy as computing reflection and transmission from a 2D periodic surface. In fact, equation (3.5) is identical to the basic EFIE for PEC FSS (Scott [1989]), the only difference being the stronger singularity in 3D which accelerates convergence of the triple sums.
== Computing bands ==
To compute bands of the crystal (i.e. ''k''-''k''<sub>0</sub> diagrams), we may assume values for (''k''<sub>0</sub>, θ<sub>0</sub>, φ<sub>0</sub>) and then search for those values of ''k'' which drive the determinant of the impedance matrix to zero.  Equation (3.5) has been used to compute bands in various types of doped and undoped [[photonic crystal]]s (Scott[1998], Scott [2002]).
==See also==
*[[Bloch wave]]
*[[Photonic crystal]]
*[[Fourier optics]]
*[[Bragg diffraction]]
*{{citation|first1=Raphael|last1=Kastner|title=On the Singularity of the Full Spectral Green's Dyad|publisher=IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, vol. AP-35, No. 11, pp. 1303–1305 |year=1987}}
*{{Citation|first=Craig|last=Scott|year=1989|title=The Spectral Domain Method in Electromagnetics|publisher=Artech House|isbn = 0-89006-349-4}}
*{{citation|last=Scott|first=Craig|year=1998|title=Analysis, Design and Testing of Integrated Structural Radomes Built Using Photonic Bandgap Structures|publisher=1998 IEEE Aerospace Conf. Aspen CO, pp. 463 - 479}}
*{{citation|first=Craig|last=Scott|year=2002|title=Spectral Domain Analysis of Doped Electromagnetic Crystal Radomes Using the Method of Moments|publisher=2002 IEEE Aerospace Conf. Big Sky MT, paper #504, pp. 2-957 - 2-963}}
== External links ==
{{DEFAULTSORT:Bloch wave - MoM method}}
[[Category:Physical optics]]
[[Category:Fourier analysis]]

Latest revision as of 15:20, 15 November 2014

He hangs " up ". The first person to call him in two days is a telemarketer. He grips his aluminum cane so hard he can think the calluses bite into his palms. The damned thing. He shouldn't even be on it anymore, but he is not doing his . No way in Hell should he have come back from a ten-day vacation with Two diabetes Decompression Sickness. lousy 35-foot dance.

An outdoor aviary for that birds; doable ! look in Craig list or EBay and find used aviaries, or build one your self ugg news with sturdy chicken range. The birds can need to be outside in the sun, and safe. Take extra care and place the aviary within a shaded placed and protected area, to don't expose your birds to the elements.

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Go for prime quality. cheap boots look, well, inexpensive. They can make your entire ensemble look cheap too. As i don't advocate throwing your hard away on trends, sometimes spending around 200 dollars more makes sense, if you're getting great quality in return and will wear the clothing over and above again.

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