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'''Equation-free modeling''' is a method for [[multiscale computation]] and [[computer-aided analysis]]. It is designed for a class of complicated systems in which one observes evolution at a macroscopic, coarse scale of interest, while accurate models are only given at a finely detailed, microscopic, level of description. The framework empowers one to perform macroscopic computational tasks (over large space-time scales) using only appropriately initialized microscopic simulation on short time and small length scales. The methodology eliminates the derivation of explicit macroscopic [[evolution equation]]s when these equations conceptually exist but are not available in closed form; hence the term equation-free.<ref>{{citation| last1=Kevrekidis |first1=I.G. |last2=Samaey |first2=G. |year=2009 |title=Equation-free multiscale computation: algorithms and applications |journal=Annual Review in Physical Chemistry |volume=60 |pages=321–344 |doi=10.1146/annurev.physchem.59.032607.093610 }}</ref>
It is important that you know the genuineness of the job advertisements. Its primary function is to keep us alive and it does this by driving one to avoid pain and seek pleasure. In the event you beloved this article and also you want to acquire more [ details] about [] generously check out the page. 32) Computer porn: In one of the office segments, you can use some PCs to watch some SFW porn. Third, you can learn to face your inner demons on your own. In &ldquo;The Brain Science behind Pornography Addiction and the Effects of Addiction on Families and Communities", Judith Reisman, presents certain findings. Scream had given the horror genre the shot in the arm it needed, and suddenly there was a resurgence. A person thing to bear in mind even though, you may have to offer with failure immediately after you get started. <br> <br> The Internet is an egalitarian medium where people are judged by the consistency and quality of their contributions rather than by the content or bombast of their claims. Only people who have the password can close the program. Discover model kit creation, read a book, select up painting, consume more time with your family, establish a collection &ndash; anything. Clarence was barefoot and made his way up the Gulf Coast, wading and swimming for more than sixty miles. If normal DVD porn flicks are already costly, expect that Porn Blu-ray ones are significantly and obviously more expensive. Via these platforms, the narcissist finds an eager audience and a sense of empowerment and immunity, aided and abetted by his anonymity. Sure you need to put some effort but remind yourself that it is much easier to quit if you know how to break porn addiction than if you don't. <br>  <br> By knowing how it works, why you keep falling back into it and how you can evade it, it will make things that much simpler. Understanding, knowledge and acceptance will be your bludgeon and the encouragement of your pal and family will be probably tend to be your protection. Consequently, pedophiles react badly to any perceived rejection by their victims. The punks used hair colourings and asymmetric hair styles of the 80s with great impact. It would take you to a museum where you could find different relics and collections and of course, there are glimpses of the London City Sightseeing buses. Blake Cousins, creator of Third Phase of Moon believes it could be an alien mothership. As some would assert, if it is from Sony, it surely is good. <br>  <br> With this type of investigation you can take your husbands email address and trace it back to a number of inappropriate web site services. Some of these would include occasions where parents believe their teen may be sending and receiving inappropriate emails or pictures, when employers believe an employee is abusing time spent on the business computer, and when infidelity is suspected to be occurring in a relationship or marriage. This past summer I took him to see a movie in a theatre, and when a trailer was shown for the. The first question to ask yourself is &ldquo;Could it be possible that I have an addiction. Spammers look hard to find servers that they can trick into allowing them to send messages, or find means to access the servers from a trusted location, application, or system they have hacked. If the wrong things keep getting dumped in, your mental environment can get so polluted that your life is going to have problems. Across the bay was a community of people known as the colony, these were family members of inmates locked up in Alcatraz.  <br> <br> ini file that will install unwanted software as soon as Windows opens it. To respond to these questions let's go back approximately 40 years. Simple to play, and fun for groups or couples, there are many different activities to choose from, but here are a few tried and true games that have been providing fun times for years. Some of the software out there is only suitable with specific world wide web browsers like: Net Explorer or Firefox. There is much to be said about most porn addiction therapist but it in the end, it really comes down to you and you should look deep into any program before joining it. His discovery has given us a much-increased understanding of addiction. Not surprisingly, Porn Hd DVD title need to come from reliable and hugely reliable porn studio.  <br> <br> The only way to know for sure is to let your domain expire. Worldwide shipping and great service  contributed to. Beating yourself for everything is kinda like beating a dead horse; you're not going anywhere with this. This tool is great for extending the file of older machines, but remember that when it comes to magnetic hard drives, you're fighting a losing battle against time. Being proactive and consistent is key if you combine it with learning how to stop porn addiction. Starting from porn artists to budding stars of porn industry Hustler TV is your ultimate destination for those who want most of adult TV. A Proxy is effectively just a setting change you can do in your browser that will rout your internet traffic through another location (a proxy) where the content or site is not blocked.  <br> <br> 2) They can not stop no matter how many times the claim to quit. Now we are beginning to get a clearer glimpse of the challenging nature of addictions. Accurate stats date back to 2003, not quite 8 years ago. To them, children are the reification of innocence, genuineness, trust, and faithfulness - qualities that the pedophile wishes to nostalgically recapture. That being said, it just makes everything that much harder and most people keep doing this without even noticing it. For the thousands of messages sent, they may get one response, or clicks on a link. Disconnecting yourself from the real world and dwelling the world of porn only is a definite sign of a very bad porn addiction that needs addressing like now.
In a wide range of chemical, physical and biological systems, coherent macroscopic behavior emerges from interactions between microscopic entities themselves (molecules, cells, grains, animals in a population, agents) and with their environment. Sometimes, remarkably, a coarse-scale differential equation model (such as the [[Navier-Stokes equations]] for fluid flow, or a [[reaction-diffusion system]]) can accurately describe macroscopic behavior. Such macroscale modeling makes use of general principles of conservation (atoms, particles, mass, momentum, energy), and closed into a well-posed system through phenomenological [[constitutive equations]] or [[equations of state]]. However, one increasingly encounters [[complex systems]] that only have known microscopic, fine scale, models. In such cases, although we observe the emergence of coarse-scale, macroscopic behavior, modeling it through explicit closure relations may be impossible or impractical. [[Non-Newtonian fluid]] flow, [[chemotaxis]], [[porous media]] transport, [[epidemiology]], brain modeling and neuronal systems are some typical examples.  Equation-free modeling aims to use such microscale models to predict coarse macroscale emergent phenomena.
Performing coarse-scale computational tasks directly with fine-scale models is often infeasible: direct simulation over the full space-time domain of interest is often computationally prohibitive. Moreover, modeling tasks, such as numerical bifurcation analysis, are often impossible to perform on the fine-scale model directly: a coarse-scale steady state may not imply a steady state for the fine-scale system, since individual molecules or particles do not stop moving when the gas density or pressure become stationary. Equation-free modeling circumvents such problems by using short bursts of appropriately initialized fine-scale simulation.<ref>{{citation |author=Kevrekidis, I.G. et al. |year=2003 |title=Equation-free, coarse-grained multiscale computation: enabling microscopic simulators to perform system-level tasks |journal=Comm. Math. Sciences |volume=1 |issue=4 |pages=715–762 |mr=2041455 }}</ref>
==The coarse time-stepper==
Dynamic problems invoke the coarse time-stepper.  In essence, short bursts of computational experiments with the fine-scale simulator estimate local time derivatives. Given an initial condition for the coarse variables <math>U(t_k)</math> at time <math>t_k</math>, the coarse time-stepper involves four steps:
* Lifting, creates microscale initial conditions <math>u(t_k)</math>, consistent with the macrostate <math>U(t_k)</math>;
* Simulation, uses the microscale simulator to compute the microscale state <math>u(t)</math> at over a short interval <math>t_k\leq t \leq t_k+\delta t</math>;
* Restriction, obtains the macrostate <math>U(t_k+\delta t)</math> from the fine-scale state <math>u(t)</math>;
* the Time-step, extrapolation of macrostate <math>U</math> from <math>t_k</math> to <math>t_{k+1}=t_k+\Delta t</math> predicts the state a macrotime in the future.
Multiple time steps simulates the system into the macro-future.
If the microscale model is stochastic, then an ensemble of microscale simulations may be needed to obtain sufficiently good extrapolation in the time step.  Such a coarse time-stepper may be used in many algorithms of traditional continuum numerical analysis, such as numerical bifurcation analysis, optimization, control, and even accelerated coarse-scale simulation.
Traditionally, algebraic formulae determine time derivatives of the coarse model. In our approach, the macroscale derivative is estimated by the inner microscale simulator, in effect performing a closure on demand.  A reason for the name ''equation-free'' is by analogy with matrix-free numerical linear algebra;<ref>C. T. Kelley. ''Iterative Methods for linear and nonlinear equations'', SIAM, Philadelphia, 1995.</ref> the name emphasizes that macro-level equations are never constructed explicitly in closed form.
The restriction operator often follows directly from the specific choice of the macroscale variables. For example, when the microscale model evolves an ensemble of many particles, the restriction typically computes the first few moments of the particle distribution (the density, momentum, and energy).
The lifting operator is usually much more involved. For example, consider a particle model: we need to define a mapping from a few low order moments of the particle distribution to initial conditions for each particle. The assumption that a relation exists that closes in these low order, coarse, moments, implies that the detailed microscale configurations are functionals of the moments (sometimes referred to as slaving <ref>H. Haken. Slaving principle revisited. ''Physica D'', 97:95--103, 1996.</ref>). We assume this relationship is established/emerges on time scales that are fast compared to the overall system evolution (see [[slow manifold]] theory and applications <ref>A. J. Roberts. Effectively model dynamics, deterministic and stochastic, across multiple space and time scales. In J. G. Hartnett and P. C. Abbott, editors, ''Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics: 10th International Symposium'', volume 1246, pages 75--87. AIP, 2010.</ref>).  Unfortunately, the closure (slaving relations) are algebraically unknown (as otherwise the coarse evolution law would be known).
Initializing the unknown microscale modes randomly introduces a lifting error: we rely on the separation of macro and micro time scales to ensure a quick relaxation to functionals of the coarse macrostates (healing). A preparatory step may be required, possibly involving microscale simulations constrained to keep the macrostates fixed.<ref>J. P. Ryckaert, G. Ciccotti, and H. Berendsen. Numerical integration of the Cartesian equation of motion of a system with constraints: molecular dynamics of N-alkanes. ''J. Comp. Phys.'', 23:237, 1977.</ref> When the system has a unique fixed point for the unknown microscale details conditioned upon the coarse macrostates, a constrained runs algorithm may perform this preparatory step using only the microscale time-stepper.<ref>C. W. Gear, T. J.  Kaper, I. G. Kevrekidis, and A. Zagaris. Projecting to a Slow Manifold: Singularly Perturbed Systems and Legacy Codes. ''SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems'' 4(3):711--732, 2005.</ref>
===An illustrative example===
A toy problem illustrates the basic concepts. For example, consider the [[differential equation]] system for two variables <math>(U(t),u(t))</math>:
:<math>\frac{dU}{dt}=-U-u+2\,,\quad \frac{du}{dt}=100(U^3-u).</math>
Capital <math>U</math> denotes the presumed macroscale variable, and lowercase <math>u</math> the microscale variable. This classification means that we assume a coarse model of the form <math>dU/dt=G(U)</math> exists, although we do not necessarily know what it is.  Arbitrarily define the lifting from any given macrosate <math>U</math> as <math>(U,u)=(U,0.5)</math>. A simulation using this lifting and the coarse time-stepper is shown in the figure.
[[File:EquationFreeProjectiveIntegration.png|400px|thumb|Equation-free coarse time-stepper applied to the illustrative example differential equation system using <math>\delta t=0.1</math> and <math>U(0)=−1</math>.]]
The solution of the differential equation rapidly moves to the [[slow manifold]]  <math>u\approx U^3</math> for any initial data. The coarse time-stepper solution would agree better with the full solution when the 100 factor is increased. The graph shows the lifted solution (blue solid line) <math>(U,u)</math>. At times <math>t=n\delta t</math>, the solution is restricted and then lifted again, which here is simply setting <math>u(n\delta t)=0.5</math>. The slow manifold is shown as a  red line. The right plot shows the time derivative of the restricted solution as a function of time (blue curve), as well as the time derivative <math>dU/dt</math> (the coarse time derivative), as observed from a full simulation (red curve).
===On application to concrete multiscale problems===
The equation-free approach has been applied to many examples. They examples illustrate the various ways to construct and assemble the algorithmic building blocks. Numerical analysis establishes the accuracy and efficiency of this approach. Additional numerical analysis  on other methods of this type has also been done.<ref>W. E and B. Engquist (2003). The heterogeneous multiscale methods ''Comm. Math. Sciences'' 1(1):87--132.</ref>
Applying the equation-free paradigm to a real problem requires considerable care, especially defining the lifting and restriction operators, and the appropriate outer solver.
* The first challenge is to identify the macroscale observables. They need to be complete enough so that the unknown microscale variables can be reliably reconstructed (lifted). Physical arguments often the identify the macroscale observablesAlmost always one invokes densities, but there are some surprisingly simple examples where correlation functions are essential macroscale variables.<ref>W. R. Young, A. J. Roberts, and G. Stuhne. Reproductive pair correlations and the clustering of organisms. Nature, 412:328--331, 2001.</ref> If not resorting to physical arguments, then modern data-mining or manifold learning techniques, such as Isomap or diffusion maps, may obtain the macroscale variables from microscale simulation.<ref>R. R. Coifman et al. (2005). Geometric diffusions as a tool for harmonic analysis and structure definition of data: Diffusion maps Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102(21):7426--7431.</ref>
* There should be a clear separation between the time-scales of the macroscale observables and the time-scales of the remaining microscale modes quasi-equilibrate given any macrostate.
* Knowing the macroscale observables might not be sufficient. One strategy to obtain such information is the baby-bathwater scheme which uses only appropriately initialized simulations.<ref>J. Li, P. G. Kevrekidis, C. W. Gear and I. G. Kevrekidis (2003). Deciding the nature of the coarse equation through microscopic simulations: the baby-bathwater scheme ''SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation'' 1(3):391--407.</ref>
==Coarse bifurcation analysis==
The recursive projection method<ref>G.M. Schroff and H.B. Keller (1993). Stabilization of unstable procedures: the recursive projection method <em>SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis</em> 30: 1099-1120.</ref> enables the computation of [[bifurcation diagram]]s using legacy simulation code. It also empowers the coarse time-stepper to perform equation-free bifurcation computations.  Consider the coarse time stepper in its effective form
:<math>\vec U^{n+1}=\vec S(\vec U^n,\lambda; \delta t),</math>
which includes explicit dependence upon one or more parameters <math>\lambda</math>Bifurcation analysis computes [[List of types of equilibrium|equilibria]] or [[periodic orbit]]s, their stability and dependence upon parameter <math>\lambda</math>.
Compute a coarse equilibrium as a [[fixed point (mathematics)|fixed point]] of the coarse time stepper
:<math>\vec U-\vec S(\vec U,\lambda; \delta t)=\vec 0.</math>
In the equation-free context, the recursive projection method is the outer solver of this equation, and the coarse time-stepper enables this method to be performed using fine scale dynamics.  
Additionally, for problems where the macroscale has continuous symmetries, one can use a template based approach <ref>C. Rowley and J. Marsden (2000). Reconstruction equations and the Karhunen-Loeve expansion for systems with symmetry <em>Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena</em> 142: 1-19.</ref> to compute coarse [[self-similiar]] or [[travelling wave]] solutions as fixed points of a coarse time-stepper that also encodes appropriate rescaling and/or shifting of space-time and/or solution.
For example, self-similar diffusion solutions may be found as the [[probability density function]] of detailed [[molecular dynamics]].<ref>L. Chen, P. Debenedetti, C.W. Gear, and I.G. Kevrekidis (2004). From molecular dynamics to coarse self-similar solutions: a simple example using equation-free computation <em>Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics</em> 120: 215-223.</ref>
An alternative to the recursive projection method is to use Newton--Krylov methods.<ref>C.T. Kelley (1995). <em>Iterative Methods for linear and nonlinear equations</em> SIAM, Philadelphia.</ref>
==Coarse projective integration==
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==Patch dynamics==
===Boundary conditions===
==Open problems and future directions==
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==External links==
*{{Scholarpedia | title=Equation-free modeling | urlname=Equation-free_modeling |curator=Yannis Kevrekidis }}
[[Category:Algorithms and data structures]]

Latest revision as of 17:20, 27 December 2014

It is important that you know the genuineness of the job advertisements. Its primary function is to keep us alive and it does this by driving one to avoid pain and seek pleasure. In the event you beloved this article and also you want to acquire more details about generously check out the page. 32) Computer porn: In one of the office segments, you can use some PCs to watch some SFW porn. Third, you can learn to face your inner demons on your own. In “The Brain Science behind Pornography Addiction and the Effects of Addiction on Families and Communities", Judith Reisman, presents certain findings. Scream had given the horror genre the shot in the arm it needed, and suddenly there was a resurgence. A person thing to bear in mind even though, you may have to offer with failure immediately after you get started.

The Internet is an egalitarian medium where people are judged by the consistency and quality of their contributions rather than by the content or bombast of their claims. Only people who have the password can close the program. Discover model kit creation, read a book, select up painting, consume more time with your family, establish a collection – anything. Clarence was barefoot and made his way up the Gulf Coast, wading and swimming for more than sixty miles. If normal DVD porn flicks are already costly, expect that Porn Blu-ray ones are significantly and obviously more expensive. Via these platforms, the narcissist finds an eager audience and a sense of empowerment and immunity, aided and abetted by his anonymity. Sure you need to put some effort but remind yourself that it is much easier to quit if you know how to break porn addiction than if you don't.

By knowing how it works, why you keep falling back into it and how you can evade it, it will make things that much simpler. Understanding, knowledge and acceptance will be your bludgeon and the encouragement of your pal and family will be probably tend to be your protection. Consequently, pedophiles react badly to any perceived rejection by their victims. The punks used hair colourings and asymmetric hair styles of the 80s with great impact. It would take you to a museum where you could find different relics and collections and of course, there are glimpses of the London City Sightseeing buses. Blake Cousins, creator of Third Phase of Moon believes it could be an alien mothership. As some would assert, if it is from Sony, it surely is good.

With this type of investigation you can take your husbands email address and trace it back to a number of inappropriate web site services. Some of these would include occasions where parents believe their teen may be sending and receiving inappropriate emails or pictures, when employers believe an employee is abusing time spent on the business computer, and when infidelity is suspected to be occurring in a relationship or marriage. This past summer I took him to see a movie in a theatre, and when a trailer was shown for the. The first question to ask yourself is “Could it be possible that I have an addiction. Spammers look hard to find servers that they can trick into allowing them to send messages, or find means to access the servers from a trusted location, application, or system they have hacked. If the wrong things keep getting dumped in, your mental environment can get so polluted that your life is going to have problems. Across the bay was a community of people known as the colony, these were family members of inmates locked up in Alcatraz.

ini file that will install unwanted software as soon as Windows opens it. To respond to these questions let's go back approximately 40 years. Simple to play, and fun for groups or couples, there are many different activities to choose from, but here are a few tried and true games that have been providing fun times for years. Some of the software out there is only suitable with specific world wide web browsers like: Net Explorer or Firefox. There is much to be said about most porn addiction therapist but it in the end, it really comes down to you and you should look deep into any program before joining it. His discovery has given us a much-increased understanding of addiction. Not surprisingly, Porn Hd DVD title need to come from reliable and hugely reliable porn studio.

The only way to know for sure is to let your domain expire. Worldwide shipping and great service contributed to. Beating yourself for everything is kinda like beating a dead horse; you're not going anywhere with this. This tool is great for extending the file of older machines, but remember that when it comes to magnetic hard drives, you're fighting a losing battle against time. Being proactive and consistent is key if you combine it with learning how to stop porn addiction. Starting from porn artists to budding stars of porn industry Hustler TV is your ultimate destination for those who want most of adult TV. A Proxy is effectively just a setting change you can do in your browser that will rout your internet traffic through another location (a proxy) where the content or site is not blocked.

2) They can not stop no matter how many times the claim to quit. Now we are beginning to get a clearer glimpse of the challenging nature of addictions. Accurate stats date back to 2003, not quite 8 years ago. To them, children are the reification of innocence, genuineness, trust, and faithfulness - qualities that the pedophile wishes to nostalgically recapture. That being said, it just makes everything that much harder and most people keep doing this without even noticing it. For the thousands of messages sent, they may get one response, or clicks on a link. Disconnecting yourself from the real world and dwelling the world of porn only is a definite sign of a very bad porn addiction that needs addressing like now.