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A carry-skip adder (also known as a carry-bypass adder) is an adder implementation that improves on the delay of a ripple-carry adder.

The two addends are split in blocks of n bits. The output carry of each block is dependent on the input carry only if, for each of the n bits in the block, at least one addend has a 1 bit (see the definition of carry propagation at Carry-lookahead adder). The output carry Couti+n1, for the block corresponding to bits i to i+n-1 is obtained from a multiplexer, wired as follows:

This greatly reduces the latency of the adder through its critical path, since the carry bit for each block can now "skip" over blocks with a group propagate signal set to logic 1 (as opposed to a long ripple-carry chain, which would require the carry to ripple through each bit in the adder).

Implementation overview

Breaking this down into more specific terms, in order to build a 4-bit carry-bypass adder, 6 full adders would be needed. The input buses would be a 4-bit A and a 4-bit B, with a carry-in (CIN) signal. The output would be a 4-bit bus X and a carry-out signal (COUT).

The first two full adders would add the first two bits together. The carry-out signal from the second full adder (C1)would drive the select signal for three 2 to 1 multiplexers. The second set of 2 full adders would add the last two bits assuming C1 is a logical 0. And the final set of full adders would assume that C1 is a logical 1.

The multiplexers then control which output signal is used for COUT, X2 and X3.


   module Cba_4(A, B, X, CIN, COUT);
   	input [3:0]A, B;
   	input CIN;
   	output [3:0]X;
   	output COUT;
   	reg [3:0]X;
   	reg [2:0]base;
   	reg [2:0]ifzero;
   	reg [2:0]ifone;
   	reg COUT;
   	always @(A or B or CIN)
   		base = A[1:0] + B[1:0] + {1'b0, CIN};
   		ifzero = A[3:2] + B[3:2];
   		ifone = A[3:2] + B[3:2] + 2'b01;
   			X = {ifone[1:0], base[1:0]};
   			COUT = ifone[2];
   			X = {ifzero[1:0], base[1:0]};
   			COUT = ifzero[2];
