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Magnetic Resonance Therapy Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the gold standard in modern diagnostic imaging. In many examinations using it, doctors found that patients often mentioned an obvious reduction in pain following the scan sequences. We looked at this phenomenon jointly with doctors, scientists and technicians. The result was that we developed the world’s first therapeutic devices based on nuclear magnetic resonance. Operating principle We humans consist of about 67 per cent water. The technology of therapeutic nuclear magnetic resonance utilizes the properties of hydrogen atoms in the human body. The nucleus of each individual hydrogen atom contains a proton as well as a neutron. Since protons have a structure like magnets and rotate permanently around their own axis in a magnetic field at a certain speed (known as the Larmor frequency), protons can be made to resonate. Cell types have specific resonance properties. There are differences between bone, skin and cartilage cells, for example. If a combination of static magnetic field, a sweep field and a radio wave perpendicular to this is applied from without, the hydrogen nuclei align with the static magnetic field and absorb the externally radiated energy until they flip over up to 180 degrees. The frequency of the radio wave corresponds to the Larmor frequency. This mechanism of action functions only when the rotation of the hydrogen nuclei and that of the incoming radio wave have the same frequency (resonance between transmitter and receiver).

After the radiation ceases, the hydrogen nuclei strive to regain their equilibrium or initial state and release the absorbed energy (relaxation). MBST®-NuclearMagneticResonanceTherapy enables degenerated cells to absorb and release energy again. The cell regenerates and cell metabolism is stimulated.

The origin of therapeutic nuclear magnetic resonance From the technical point of view, MBST®- NuclearMagneticResonanceTherapy is derived from magnetic resonance imaging. Both systems work with the physical phenomenon of the nuclear magnetic resonance of hydrogen protons and the different relaxation times of the various types of tissue. MBST® systems used a field strength of roughly 0.4 millitesla. A report from Würzburg University confirms that even magnetic spin fields in the millitesla range can have a therapeutic action.1

To utilize our systems therapeutically, research and development went on for many years. In close collaboration with the Nuclear Physics Institute of Giessen University, the first step was to measure the different relaxation times of the atomic nuclei. Specific tissue cell parameters were then developed in the Medical and Molecular Biology Laboratory of Aachen College, which form the basis for today’s tissue-specific treatment chip cards.

Diseases of the large and small joints of the limb, the spine and intervertebral discs • All typs of osteoarthritis • Prophylactic application on joints with fractures • Damages to the intervertebral discs that are non obligatory to surgery Deseases and injuries of the bone • Accelerated regeneration after implantation of hip or knee prostesis • Consolidation of loosed arthroplasties • Fractures of all kinds • Osteochondrosis dissecans • Metabolic or circulatory disorder of the bone • Pseudarthrosis • Calcaneal spur (fasziitis plantaris) • Whole body treatment in osteoporosis • Regeneration of ligament structures Sport- and accidental injuries, degenerative diseases of tendons and connective tissue • Achillodynie • Sprained ligaments • Golfers ellbow (Epicondylitis humeri ulnaris) • Tennis ellbow (Epicondylitis humeri radialis) • Lesion of the acetabulum of the hip and shoulder (lesion of the labrum) • Calcific tendinitis of the shoulder (Tendinosis calcarea) • Enthesiopathia of the long biceps tendon • Regeneration of articular cartilage after: cartialge damage, cartilage cell transplantation, cartilage trimming and smoothening • Nerve damage after surgery • Patella apex syndrom • Regeneration of micro fractures • Whiplash injury • de Quervain’s tendinitis • Stabilisation and Regeneration of ligaments and tendons Indications in the dental region • Osteoarthrosis of the temporomandibular joint • Rebuilding of the jaw bone • Loosening of the teeths Contraindications • Cancer in the treatment area • Leukaemia • HIV • Active rheumatoid arthritis • Bacterial infection in the treatment area • Patients with implanted pacemakers, defibrillators and general, electrical, implanted devices such as insulin pumps, cochlear implants (hearing aids), pain pumps, etc., should consult their doctor • Pregnancy • No metal in the vicinity of the applicator (ProMobil)

The therapy is used predominantly by practitioners for the complementary treatment of painful degenerate or pathological modifications to the musculoskeletal system. Magnetic Resonance therapy is carried out internationally in clinical practices and rehabilitation facilities. It is also supported by research establishments, e.g. the Ludwig-Boltzmann Institute in Saalfelden, Austria. The therapy can be considered under the alternative medicine as it is not approved by conventional medicine. The field generated is approximately 10,000 weaker than a diagnostic MRI, and at this strength is similar to household magnets,[1] standard modern MRI machines being around 1.5 Tesla. Critics have already remarked that magnet therapy in the form of wrist bands, orthotic insoles etc. have been regarded for some time as therapy of dubious clinical value, and "more likely to empty the wallet, than relieve the symptoms." source?

Functional Principle

(→ main article: nuclear magnetic resonance), (→ for detailed information see : nuclear spin, magnetic resonance imaging)

Exposing nuclei to a magnetic field causes them to arrange themselves in relation to the field. They spin around their own axis (precession) and the speed is given by the Larmor frequence . After the nuclei have been aligned along the field they are be exposed to a radio magnetic pulse. If the precession frequence is the same as the frequence of the applied radio wave, the nuclei will absorb energy from the radio waves. Hence, nuclear magnetic resonance is the selective absorption of specific frequences of radio waves by atomic nuclei in a magnetic field. The spin vectors will then start to move in phase and fall back in equilibrium as soon as the radio wave is switched off. The absorbed energy will be transmitted as radiation. This process gives information about the molecular structure of the material and is applied in medicine to obtain images by observing the magnetic moments of hydrogen nuclei in the body (magnetic resonance imaging).[2]

Given that hydrogen nuclei respond differently in various biological tissue structures, it is aimed by practitioners of the method to take advantage of this process in magnetic resonance therapy.[3] The technical specific feature of the method is that the physical technique of 'adiabatic fast passage' is used to generate the magnetic resonant spin activation.[4][5]

The condition of 'adiabatic fast passage' is given by:

Whereby is the magnetic excitation within the high frequency range and is the rate of change of the magnetic excitation of the main field caused by the sweep field; is the gyromagnetic constant.

This condition assures that magnetic resonance is created despite small-or inhomogeneous magnetic fields. The principle is patent-registered (e.g. U.S. Patent 7,524,276; EU-Patent EP 1 089 792 B1) and approved for medical devices in agreement with 93/42/EWG.


Several in vivo, in vitro and animal model studies were performed.[3] Observed data were presented at medical congresses and represented in publications. Based on first qualitative evidence that magnetic resonance might regenerate cartilage tissue,[6] a number of further studies were conducted.

Studies have shown that NMR may have therapeutic effects on osteoarthritis. The treatment of patients with osteoarthritis of the hand or finger joints resulted in an improvement in the physical function of the hand.[7] There is also evidence that functionality and rehabilitation success is improved for patients with chronic lower back pain.[8] Further evidence for the effectiveness of magnetic resonance therapy was given by in vitro studies on chondrocytes, osteoblasts, fibroblasts, and the extracellular matrix. It was demonstrated, that the method caused a proliferation of the chondrocytes as well as of the osteoblasts.[9] Further, experiments using the technology with fibroblast cultures revealed a significant change in protein synthesis.[10] In addition, crosslinking of collagen and the extracellular matrix was affected.


Supporters of the therapy claim a broad indication spectrum in nonconservative orthopedics. It is intended as a complementary therapeutic method to support the range of service of orthopedics and accident surgery. The therapy is used for the treatment of osteoarthritis, in particular osteoarthritis of joints and for the treatment of sprained ligaments, tendon extension and sports injuries. Moreover, the therapy is applied for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis as well as disorder of metabolisms in the area of bones.

There are various studies available. The most recent. 2013:Multicenter data from over 4,500 patients with degenerative rheumatic diseases confirm the sustained effect of nuclear magnetic resonance therapy. Published in: Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 26 (2013) 93-104

Method: In a 10-year period, 1-year protocols of treatment with nuclear magnetic resonance therpay (NMRT) of over 4,500 patients were collected to recod the results of the therapy. This study reflects the results in patients with the following degenerative rheumatic diseases: osteoarthritis of the knee (n=2,770), osteoarthritis of the hip (n=673), osteoarthritis of the ankle (n=420) and chronic low back pain (n-655). Data were obtained at time 0,6-8 weeks and 6 and 12 months after the treatment with NMRT. Pain intensity and functional impairment were analyzed using a visual analogue scale (VAS), Lequesne index, Oswestry questionnaire and Mazur score.

Conclusion: The data over a treatment period of 10 years show clearly that nuclear magnetic resonance therapy in degenerative rheuatic diseases can produce sustained improvements in pain and disability as a result of functional deficits in everyday activities.

Limitations: Importantly, this study had no placebo group.


  • Malcolm H. Lewitt: Spin Dynamics. Wiley & Sons, Chichester 2001, ISBN 0-471-48922-0.
  • Ray Freeman: “A Handbook of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Longman 1988
  • The one Stop - Knee Shop; A complete guide to knee fitness, prevention and health maintenance strategies, and medical and surgical care options; Hg. Jack E. Jensen, M.D. FACSM, Houston, USA 2007, S. 84-85.


  2. Loeffler W, Oppelt A (1981). Eur J Radiol. Nov;1(4):338-44. Physical principles of NMR tomography PMID 7346283
  3. 3.0 3.1 D. Krpan (2011) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy. The new possible of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis treatment. Balneoclimatologia . Volume 35 Broj 3
  4. E. Kupce (2001) Applications of adiabatic pulses in biomolecular nuclear magnetic resonance. Methods Enzymol. 338:82-111 PMID 11460562
  5. A. Abragam (1961). The Principles of Nuclear Magnetism. International series of monographs on physics 32. Oxford University Press.
  6. Froböse I, Eckey U, Reiser M, Glaser C, Englmeier F, Assheuer J, Breitgraf G (2000) Evaluation of the effectiveness of three-dimensional pulsating electromagnetic fields in respect to the regeneration of cartilage structures. Orthopedic Practice 36: 510-15.
  7. W. Kullich, M. Außerwinkler (2008). Functional improvement in finger joint osteoarthritis with therapeutic use of nuclear magnetic resonance. Orthopedic Practice. S. 287-290 poster
  8. W. Kullich, H. Schwann, J. Walcher, K. Machreich (2006). The effect of MBST with complex 3-dimensional electromagnetic nuclear resonance fields on patients with low back pain. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 19:79-87 abstract
  9. Temiz-Artmann A, Linder P, Kayser, Digel I, Artmann GM, Lücker P (2005). NMR in vitro effects on proliferation, apoptosis, and viability of human chondrocytes and osteoblasts. Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol 27:391-4 PMID 16179956
  10. I. Digel , E. Kuruglan, Pt. Linder, P. Kayser, D. Porst, G. J. Braem, K. Zerlin, G. M. Artmann, A. Temiz Artmann (2007). Decrease in extracellular collagen crosslinking after NMR magnetic field application in skin fibroblasts. Med Biol Eng Comput. Jan;45(1):91-7 PMID 7203317