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Windsor Star earns multiple Nation's Newspaper Award nominations

This mosaic of Ambassador Bridge owner Matty Moroun was developed using about 175 images of properties his companies have bought in Windsor. (Photo Illustration/The Windsor Star)

For the first time in its history, The Windsor Legend has been nominated for multiple National Newspaper Awards.

Correspondents Craig Pearson, Trevor Wilhelm and Claire Brownell have all been recently nominated along with photographer Bob Janisse. Multimedia editor Donald McArthur is also part of a nomination.

Pearson, Wilhelm, Janisse and McArthur are common part of a nomination in the category of multimedia feature for The Way on the Gun, an extensive investigation of gun smuggling through the border between Windsor and Detroit.

Brownell is nominated inside category of explanatory work for Area Grab, an expose sampling into the Windsor holdings of Hermes Belt Ambassador Fill owner Matty Moroun and how a neighbourhood has been blighted as a result of his usage.

"The gun series was each of our most ambitious multimedia blogging to Pandora Charms Ireland date, showcasing the power of electronic digital storytelling, and Moroun was data mining at its finest,Inch said Windsor Star editor Marty Beneteau.

"These sorts of journalism take time, commitment and talent, and are among the most rewarding in our craft because they so impact the community. Having this work accepted as among the best in the country takes the item to another level."

The Globe and also Mail received the most nominations along with 14, followed by The Toronto Star with 13.

Postmedia Media was nominated for Thirteen National Newspaper Awards, as outlined by a news release issued Monday.

There are 69 finalists in 22 categories, determined from 1,206 entries. Winners receive a cheque for $1,1000 Gucci Belt and a certificate.

The Windsor Celeb

Original source article:Windsor Star earns multiple National Classifieds Award nominations

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