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In [[mathematics]] and [[computer programming]], '''exponentiating by squaring''' is a general method for fast computation of large [[positive integer]] powers of a [[number]], or, more generally of an element of a [[ring (mathematics)|ring]], like a [[polynomial]] or a [[square matrix]]. Some variants are commonly referred to as '''square-and-multiply''' algorithms or '''binary exponentiation'''. These can be of quite general use, for example in [[modular arithmetic]] or powering of matrices.
This method is also used for exponentiation in [[group (mathematics)|groups]]. For groups for which [[Abelian group#Notation|additive notation]] is commonly used, like [[elliptic curve]]s used in [[cryptography]], this method is also referred to as '''double-and-add'''.

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==Basic method==
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The method is based on the observation that, for a positive integer ''n'', we have
:<math> x^n=    
                x \, ( x^{2})^{\frac{n - 1}{2}}, & \mbox{if } n \mbox{ is odd} \\
                (x^{2})^{\frac{n}{2}} , & \mbox{if } n \mbox{ is even}.

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This may be easily implemented into the following [[recursion|recursive algorithm]]:
'''Function''' <u>exp-by-squaring</u>(''x'',''n'')
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      '''if''' ''n''<0 '''then return''' <u>exp-by-squaring</u>(1/''x'', -''n'');
      '''else if''' ''n''=0 '''then return''' 1;
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      '''else if''' ''n''=1 '''then return''' ''x'';
      '''else if''' ''n'' is even '''then return''' <u>exp-by-squaring</u>(''x''<sup>2</sup>, ''n''/2);
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      '''else if''' ''n'' is odd '''then return''' ''x'' * <u>exp-by-squaring</u>(''x''<sup>2</sup>, (''n''-1)/2).
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A brief analysis shows that such an algorithm uses O(log<sub>2</sub>''n'') squarings and O(log<sub>2</sub>''n'') multiplications. For n > about 4 this is computationally more efficient than naively multiplying the base with itself repeatedly.

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==2<sup>k</sup>-ary method==
This algorithm calculates the value of x<sup>n</sup> after expanding the exponent in base  2<sup>k</sup>. It was first proposed by [[Brauer]] in 1939. In the algorithm below we make use of the following function f(0) = (k,0) and f(m) = (s,u) where m = u·2<sup>s</sup>
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with ''u'' odd.
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;Input: An element x of G, a parameter k > 0, a non-negative integer {{math|1=''n'' = (''n''<sub>''l''−1</sub>, ''n''<sub>''l''−2</sub>, ..., ''n''<sub>0</sub>)<sub>2<sup>''k''</sup></sub>}} and the precomputed values <math style="vertical-align:baseline;">x^3, x^5, ... , x^{2^k-1}</math>.
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;Output: The element x<sup>n</sup> in ''G''
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  1. y := 1; i := l-1
  2. '''while''' i>=0 do
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  3.    (s,u) := f(n<sub>i</sub>)
  4.    '''for''' j:=1 '''to''' k-s '''do'''
  <li>[http://aq2sw.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1951222&fromuid=134585 http://aq2sw.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1951222&fromuid=134585]</li>
  5.        y := y<sup>2</sup>
  6.    y := y*x<sup>u</sup>
  7.    '''for''' j:=1 '''to''' s '''do'''
  8.        y := y<sup>2</sup>
  9.    i := i-1
10. '''return''' y
For optimal efficiency, ''k'' should be the smallest integer satisfying <ref name="frey">Cohen, H., Frey, G. (editors): Handbook of elliptic and hyperelliptic curve cryptography. Discrete Math.Appl., Chapman & Hall/CRC (2006)</ref>
:<math>\lg(n) < \frac{k(k+1) \cdot 2^{2k}}{2^{k+1} - k - 2} + 1.</math>
==Sliding window method==
This method is an efficient variant of the 2<sup>k</sup>-ary method. For example, to calculate the exponent 398 which has binary expansion (110 001 110)<sub>2</sub>, we take a window of length 3 using the 2<sup>k</sup>-ary method algorithm we calculate 1,x<sup>3</sup>,x<sup>6</sup>,x<sup>12</sup>,x<sup>24</sup>,x<sup>48</sup>,x<sup>49</sup>,x<sup>98</sup>,x<sup>99</sup>,x<sup>198</sup>,x<sup>199</sup>,x<sup>398</sup>.
But, we can also compute 1,x<sup>3</sup>,x<sup>6</sup>,x<sup>12</sup>,x<sup>24</sup>,x<sup>48</sup>,x<sup>96</sup>,x<sup>192</sup>,x<sup>199</sup>,
x<sup>398</sup> which saves one multiplication and amounts to evaluating (110 001 110)n<sub>2</sub>
Here is the general algorithm:
;Input:An element ''x'' of ''G'',a non negative integer {{math|1=''n''=(''n''<sub>l</sub>,''n''<sub>l-1</sub>,...,''n''<sub>0</sub>)<sub>2</sub>}}, a parameter k>0 and the pre-computed values <math style="vertical-align:baseline;">x^3, x^5, ... ,x^{2^k-1}</math>.
;Output: The element ''x<sup>n</sup>'' &isin; ''G''
1.  y := 1; i := l-1
2.  '''while''' i > -1 '''do'''
3.      '''if''' n<sub>i</sub>=0 '''then''' y:=y<sup>2</sup>' i:=i-1
4.      '''else'''
5.         s:=max{i-k+1,0}
6.          '''while''' n<sub>s</sub>=0 '''do''' s:=s+1 <ref>In this line, the loop finds the longest string of length less than or equal to 'k' which ends in a non zero value. And not all odd powers of 2 up to <math style="vertical-align:baseline;">x^{2^k-1}</math> need be computed and only those specifically involved in the computation need be considered.</ref>
7.         '''for''' h:=1 '''to''' i-s+1 '''do''' y:=y<sup>2</sup>
8.         u:=(n<sub>i</sub>,n<sub>i-1</sub>,....,n<sub>s</sub>)<sub>2</sub>
9.          y:=y*x<sup>u</sup>
10.        i:=s-1
11. '''return''' y
==Montgomery's ladder technique==
Many algorithms for exponentiation do not provide defence against [[side-channel attack]]s. Namely, an attacker observing the sequence of squarings and multiplications can (partially) recover the exponent involved in the computation. This is a problem if the exponent should remain secret, as with many [[Public-key cryptography|public-key cryptosystems]]. A technique called [[Peter Montgomery (mathematician)|Montgomery's]] Ladder<ref name="ladder">Montgomery, P. L. "Speeding the Pollard and Elliptic Curve Methods of Factorization." Math. Comput. 48, 243-264, 1987.</ref> addresses this concern.
Given the [[binary expansion]] of a positive, non-zero integer n=(n<sub>k-1</sub>...n<sub>0</sub>)<sub>2</sub> with n<sub>k-1</sub>=1 we can compute x<sup>n</sup> as follows:
x<sub>1</sub>=x; x<sub>2</sub>=x<sup>2</sup>
for i=k-2 to 0 do
  If n<sub>i</sub>=0 then
    x<sub>2</sub>=x<sub>1</sub>*x<sub>2</sub>; x<sub>1</sub>=x<sub>1</sub><sup>2</sup>
    x<sub>1</sub>=x<sub>1</sub>*x<sub>2</sub>; x<sub>2</sub>=x<sub>2</sub><sup>2</sup>
return x<sub>1</sub>
The algorithm performs a fixed sequence of operations ([[up to]] log n): a multiplication and squaring takes place for each bit in the exponent, regardless of the bit's specific value.
==Fixed base exponent==
There are several methods which can be employed to calculate x<sup>n</sup> when the base is fixed and the exponent varies. As one can see, [[precomputation]]s play a key role in these algorithms.
===Yao's method===
Yao's method is orthogonal to the 2<sup>k</sup>-ary method where the exponent is expanded in radix b=2<sup>k</sup> and the computation is as performed in the algorithm above. Let "n", "n<sub>i</sub>", "b", and "b<sub>i</sub>" be integers.
Let the exponent "n" be written as
:<math> n = \sum_{i=0}^{w-1} n_ib_i</math> where <math> 0 \leqslant n_i < h</math> for all <math>i \in [0,w-1] </math>
Let x<sub>i</sub> = x<sup>b<sub>i</sub></sup>. Then the algorithm uses the equality
:<math> x^n = \prod_{i=0}^{w-1} {x_i}^{n_i} = \prod_{j=1}^{h-1}{\bigg[\prod_{n_i=j} x_i\bigg]}^j </math>
Given the element 'x' of G, and the exponent 'n' written in the above form, along with the pre computed values x<sup>b<sub>0</sub></sup>....x<sup>b<sub>w-1</sub></sup> the element x<sup>n</sup> is calculated using the algorithm below
{{verify source|date=April 2013}}
#y=1,u=1 and j=h-1
#while j > 0 do
# for i=0 to w-1 do
##if n<sub>i</sub>=j then u=u*x<sup>b<sub>i</sub></sup>
# y=y*u
# j=j-1
# return y
If we set h=2<sup>k</sup> and b<sub>i</sub> = h<sup>i</sup> then the n<sub>i</sub> 's are simply the digits of n in base h. Yao's method collects in u first those x<sub>i</sub> which appear to the highest power h-1; in the next round those with power h-2 are collected in u as well etc. The variable y is multiplied h-1 times with the initial u, h-2 times with the next highest powers etc.
The algorithm uses w+h-2 multiplications and w+1 elements must be stored to compute x<sup>n</sup> (see <ref name=frey />).
===Euclidean method===
The Euclidean method was first introduced in ''Efficient exponentiation using precomputation and vector addition chains'' by P.D Rooij.
This method for computing <math>x^n</math> in group {{math|'''G'''}}, where <math>n</math> is a natural integer, whose algorithm is given below, is using the following equality recursively:
: <math>{x_0}^{n_0} \cdot {x_1}^{n_1} = {\left( x_0 \cdot {x_1}^{q} \right)}^{n_0} \cdot {x_1}^{n_1 \mod {n_0}}</math>, where <math>q = \left\lfloor {n_1} / {n_0} \right\rfloor</math>
: (in other words an Euclidian division of the exponent {{math|''n''<sub>1</sub>}} by {{math|''n''<sub>0</sub>}} is used to return a quotient {{mvar|q}} and a rest <math>n_0</math>).
Given the base element <math>x</math> in group {{math|'''G'''}}, and the exponent <math>n</math> written as in Yao's method, the element <math>x^n</math> is calculated using <math>l</math> precomputed values <math>x^{b_0}, ..., x^{b_{l_i}}</math> and then the algorithm below.
    '''Begin loop''' 
        Find <math>M \in \left[ 0, l - 1 \right]</math>, such that <math>\forall i \in \left[ 0, l - 1 \right], {n_M} \ge {n_i}</math>;
        Find <math>N \in \left( \left[ 0, l - 1 \right] - M \right)</math>, such that <math>\forall i \in \left( \left[ 0, l - 1 \right] - M \right), {n_N} \ge {n_i}</math>;
        '''Break loop''' if <math>{n_N} = 0</math>;
        '''Let''' <math>q = \left\lfloor {n_M} / {n_N} \right\rfloor</math>, and then '''let''' <math>{n_N} = \left( {n_M} \mod {n_N} \right)</math>;
        Compute recursively <math>{x_M}^q</math>, and then '''let''' <math>{x_N} = {x_N} \cdot {x_M}^q</math>;
    '''End loop''';
    '''Return''' <math>x^n = {x_M}^{n_M}</math>.
The algorithm first finds the largest value amongst the {{math|''n''<sub>''i''</sub>}} and then the supremum within the set of {{math|{{(}} ''n''<sub>''i''</sub> \ ''i'' ≠ ''M'' {{)}}}}.
Then it raises {{math|''x''<sub>''M''</sub>}} to the power {{mvar|q}}, multiplies this value with {{math|''x''<sub>''N''</sub>}}, and then assigns {{math|''x''<sub>''N''</sub>}} the result of this computation and {{math|''n''<sub>''M''</sub>}} the value {{math|''n''<sub>''M''</sub>}} modulo {{math|''n''<sub>''N''</sub>}}.
==Further applications==
The same idea allows fast computation of large [[Modular exponentiation|exponents modulo]] a number. Especially in [[cryptography]], it is useful to compute powers in a [[Ring (mathematics)|ring]] of [[modular arithmetic|integers modulo ''q'']]. It can also be used to compute integer powers in a [[group (mathematics)|group]], using the rule
:Power(''x'', −''n'') = (Power(''x'', ''n''))<sup>−1</sup>.
The method works in every [[semigroup]] and is often used to compute powers of [[matrix (math)|matrices]],
For example, the evaluation of
:13789<sup>722341</sup> (mod 2345)
would take a very long time and lots of storage space if the naïve method were used: compute 13789<sup>722341</sup> then take the [[remainder]] when divided by 2345. Even using a more effective method will take a long time: square 13789, take the remainder when divided by 2345, multiply the [[result]] by 13789, and so on. This will take 722340 modular multiplications.  
Applying above ''exp-by-squaring'' algorithm, with "*" interpreted as ''x''*''y'' = ''xy'' mod 2345 (that is a multiplication followed by a division with remainder) leads to only 27 multiplications and divisions of integers which may all be stored in a single machine word.
==Example implementations==
===Computation by powers of 2===
This is a non-recursive implementation of the above algorithm in [[Ruby (programming language)|Ruby]].
In most [[static typing|statically typed]] languages, <tt>result=1</tt> must be replaced with code assigning an [[identity matrix]] of the same size as <tt>x</tt> to <tt>result</tt> to get a matrix exponentiating algorithm. In Ruby, thanks to coercion, <tt>result</tt> is automatically upgraded to the appropriate type, so this function works with matrices as well as with integers and floats.  Note that n=n-1 is redundant when n=n/2 implicitly rounds towards zero, as lower level languages would do.
n[0] is the rightmost bit of the binary representation of n, so if it is 1, the number is odd, if it is zero, the number is even.
<source lang="ruby">
def power(x,n)
  result = 1
  while n.nonzero?
    if n[0].nonzero?
      result *= x
      n -= 1
    x *= x
    n /= 2
  return result
====Runtime example: compute 3<sup>10</sup>====
parameter x =  3
parameter n = 10
result := 1
'''Iteration 1'''
  n = 10 -&gt; n is even
  x := x<sup>2</sup> = 3<sup>2</sup> = 9
  n := n / 2 = 5
'''Iteration 2'''
  n = 5 -&gt; n is odd
      -&gt; result := result * x = 1 * x = 1 * 3<sup>2</sup> = 9
          n := n - 1 = 4
  x := x<sup>2</sup> = 9<sup>2</sup> = 3<sup>4</sup> = 81
  n := n / 2 = 2
'''Iteration 3'''
  n = 2 -&gt; n is even
  x := x<sup>2</sup> = 81<sup>2</sup> = 3<sup>8</sup> = 6561
  n := n / 2 = 1
'''Iteration 4'''
  n = 1 -&gt; n is odd
      -&gt; result := result * x = 3<sup>2</sup> * 3<sup>8</sup> = 3<sup>10</sup> = 9 * 6561 = 59049
          n := n - 1 = 0
return result
====Runtime example: compute 3<sup>10</sup>====
result := 3
bin := "1010"
'''Iteration for digit 2:'''
  result := result<sup>2</sup> = 3<sup>2</sup> = 9
   1'''0'''10<sub>bin</sub> - Digit equals "0"
'''Iteration for digit 3:'''
  result := result<sup>2</sup> = (3<sup>2</sup>)<sup>2</sup> = 3<sup>4</sup>  = 81
  10'''1'''0<sub>bin</sub> - Digit equals "1" --&gt;&nbsp;result := result*3 = (3<sup>2</sup>)<sup>2</sup>*3 = 3<sup>5</sup>  = 243
'''Iteration for digit 4:'''
  result := result<sup>2</sup> = ((3<sup>2</sup>)<sup>2</sup>*3)<sup>2</sup> = 3<sup>10</sup>  = 59049
  101'''0'''<sub>bin</sub> - Digit equals "0"
return result
JavaScript-Demonstration: http://home.mnet-online.de/wzwz.de/temp/ebs/en.htm
===Calculation of products of powers===
Exponentiation by squaring may also be used to calculate the product of 2 or more powers.
If the underlying group or semigroup is [[commutative]] then it is often possible to reduce the
number of multiplication by computing the product simultaneously.
The formula a<sup>7</sup>×b<sup>5</sup> may be calculated within 3 steps:
:((a)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>a)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>a   (four multiplications for calculating a<sup>7</sup>)
:((b)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup></span>)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>b    (three multiplications for calculating b<sup>5</sup>)
: (a<sup>7</sup>)<span style="color:red;">×</span>(b<sup>5</sup>) (one multiplication to calculate the product of the two)
so one gets eight multiplications in total.
A faster solution is to calculate both powers simultaneously:
:((a<span style="color:red;">×</span>b)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>a)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>a<span style="color:red;">×</span>b
which needs only 6 multiplications in total. Note that a×b is calculated twice, the result could be stored after the first calculation which reduces the count of multiplication to 5.
Example with numbers:
Calculating the powers simultaneously instead of calculating them separately always reduces the
count of multiplications if at least two of the exponents are greater than 1.
====Using transformation====
The example above a<sup>7</sup>×b<sup>5</sup> may also be calculated with only 5
multiplications if the expression is transformed before calculation:
a<sup>7</sup>×b<sup>5</sup> = a<sup>2</sup>×(ab)<sup>5</sup> with ab := a×b
<dd>ab := a<span style="color:red;">×</span>b (one multiplication)</dd>
<dd>a<sup>2</sup>×(ab)<sup>5</sup> = ((ab)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>a)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>ab (four multiplications)</dd>
Generalization of transformation shows the following scheme:<br>
For calculating a<sup>A</sup>×b<sup>B</sup>×...×m<sup>M</sup>×n<sup>N</sup><br>
1st: define ab := a×b, abc = ab×c, ...<br>
2nd: calculate the transformed expression a<sup>A−B</sup>×ab<sup>B−C</sup>×...×abc..m<sup>M−N</sup>×abc..mn<sup>N</sup>
Transformation before calculation often reduces the count of multiplications
but in some cases it also increases the count (see the last one of the examples below),
so it may be a good idea to check the count of multiplications before using the transformed expression for calculation.
For the following expressions the count of multiplications is shown for calculating each power separately,
calculating them simultaneously without transformation and calculating them simultaneously after transformation.
Example: a<sup>7</sup>×b<sup>5</sup>×c<sup>3</sup><br>
separate: [((a)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>a)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>a] <span style="color:red;">×</span> [((b)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup></span>)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>b] <span style="color:red;">×</span> [(c)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>c] ( '''11''' multiplications )<br>
simultaneous: ((a<span style="color:red;">×</span>b)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>a<span style="color:red;">×</span>c)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>a<span style="color:red;">×</span>b<span style="color:red;">×</span>c ( '''8''' multiplications )<br>
transformation: a := 2 &nbsp; ab := a<span style="color:red;">×</span>b &nbsp; abc := ab<span style="color:red;">×</span>c ( 2 multiplications )<br>
calculation after that: (a<span style="color:red;">×</span>ab<span style="color:red;">×</span>abc)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>abc ( 4 multiplications ⇒ '''6''' in total )
Example: a<sup>5</sup>×b<sup>5</sup>×c<sup>3</sup><br>
separate: [((a)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup></span>)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>a] <span style="color:red;">×</span> [((b)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup></span>)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>b] <span style="color:red;">×</span> [(c)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>c] ( '''10''' multiplications )<br>
simultaneous: ((a<span style="color:red;">×</span>b)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>c)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>a<span style="color:red;">×</span>b<span style="color:red;">×</span>c ( '''7''' multiplications )<br>
transformation: a := 2 &nbsp; ab := a<span style="color:red;">×</span>b &nbsp; abc := ab<span style="color:red;">×</span>c ( 2 multiplications )<br>
calculation after that: (ab<span style="color:red;">×</span>abc)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>abc ( 3 multiplications ⇒ '''5''' in total )
Example: a<sup>7</sup>×b<sup>4</sup>×c<sup>1</sup><br>
separate: [((a)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>a)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>a] <span style="color:red;">×</span> [((b)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup></span>)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup></span>] <span style="color:red;">×</span> [c] ( '''8''' multiplications )<br>
simultaneous: ((a<span style="color:red;">×</span>b)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>a)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>a<span style="color:red;">×</span>c ( '''6''' multiplications )<br>
transformation: a := 2 &nbsp; ab := a<span style="color:red;">×</span>b &nbsp; abc := ab<span style="color:red;">×</span>c ( 2 multiplications )<br>
calculation after that: (a<span style="color:red;">×</span>ab)<span style="color:red;"><sup>2</sup>×</span>a<span style="color:red;">×</span>ab<span style="color:red;">×</span>abc ( 5 multiplications ⇒ '''7''' in total )
==Signed-digit recoding==
In certain computations it may be more efficient to allow negative coefficients and hence use the inverse of the base, provided inversion in G is ' fast' or has been precomputed. For example, when computing x<sup>2<sup>k</sup>−1</sup> the binary method requires k−1 multiplications and k−1 squarings . However one could perform k squarings to get  x<sup>2<sup>k</sup></sup> and then multiply by x<sup>−1</sup> to obtain x<sup>2<sup>k</sup>−1</sup>.
To this end we define the [[signed-digit representation]] of an integer <math>n</math> in radix <math>b</math> as
:<math>n=\sum_{i=0}^{l-1}n_ib^i \text{  with  } |n_i|<b</math>
'Signed Binary Representation' corresponds to the particular choice <math>b=2</math> and <math>n_i \in \{-1,0,1\}</math>. It is denoted by <math>(n_{l-1}\dots n_0)_s</math>. There are several methods for computing this representation. The representation is not unique, for example take <math>n=478</math>. Two distinct signed-binary representations are given by <math>(10\bar 1 1100\bar 1 10)_s</math> and <math>(100\bar 1 1000\bar 1 0)_s</math>, where <math>\bar 1</math> is used to denote <math>-1</math>. Since the binary method computes a multiplication for every non-zero entry in the base 2 representation of <math>n</math>, we are interested in finding the signed-binary representation with the smallest number of non-zero entries, that is, the one with ''minimal'' [[Hamming weight]]. One method of doing this is to compute the representation in [[non-adjacent form]], or NAF for short, which is one that satisfies <math>n_in_{i+1}=0\text{ for all }i\geqslant 0</math> and denoted by <math>(n_{l-1}\dots n_0)_{\text{NAF}}</math>. For example the NAF representation of 478 is equal to <math>(1000\bar 1 000\bar 1 0)_{\text{NAF}}</math>. This representation always has minimal Hamming weight. A simple algorithm to compute the NAF representation of a given integer <math>n=(n_ln_{l-1}\dots n_0)_2</math> with <math>n_l=n_{l-1}=0</math> is the following:
#for <math>i=0</math> to <math>l-1</math> do
#return <math>(n_{l-1}'\dots n_0')_{\text{NAF}}</math>
Another algorithm by Koyama and Tsuruoka does not require the condition that <math>n_i=n_{i+1}=0</math>; it still minimizes the Hamming weight.
==Alternatives and generalizations==
{{main|Addition-chain exponentiation}}
Exponentiation by squaring can be viewed as a suboptimal [[addition-chain exponentiation]] algorithm: it computes the exponent via an [[addition chain]] consisting of repeated exponent doublings (squarings) and/or incrementing exponents by ''one'' (multiplying by ''x'') only.  More generally, if one allows ''any'' previously computed exponents to be summed (by multiplying those powers of ''x''), one can sometimes perform the exponentiation using fewer multiplications (but typically using more memory).  The smallest power where this occurs is for ''n''=15:
:<math>a^{15} = x \times (x \times [x \times x^2]^2)^2  \!</math>  (squaring, 6 multiplies)
:<math>a^{15} = x^3 \times ([x^3]^2)^2 \!</math> (optimal addition chain, 5 multiplies if ''x''<sup>3</sup> is re-used)
In general, finding the ''optimal'' addition chain for a given exponent is a hard problem, for which no efficient algorithms are known, so optimal chains are typically only used for small exponents (e.g. in [[compiler]]s where the chains for small powers have been pre-tabulated).  However, there are a number of [[heuristic]] algorithms that, while not being optimal, have fewer multiplications than exponentiation by squaring at the cost of additional bookkeeping work and memory usage.  Regardless, the number of multiplications never grows more slowly than [[Big-O notation|&Theta;]](log ''n''), so these algorithms only improve asymptotically upon exponentiation by squaring by a constant factor at best.
==See also==
*[[Modular exponentiation]]
*[[Vectorial addition chain]]
*[[Montgomery reduction]]
*[[Non-adjacent form]]
*[[Addition chain]]
[[Category:Computer arithmetic algorithms]]
[[Category:Computer arithmetic]]

Revision as of 09:58, 22 January 2014

In mathematics and computer programming, exponentiating by squaring is a general method for fast computation of large positive integer powers of a number, or, more generally of an element of a ring, like a polynomial or a square matrix. Some variants are commonly referred to as square-and-multiply algorithms or binary exponentiation. These can be of quite general use, for example in modular arithmetic or powering of matrices. This method is also used for exponentiation in groups. For groups for which additive notation is commonly used, like elliptic curves used in cryptography, this method is also referred to as double-and-add.

Basic method

The method is based on the observation that, for a positive integer n, we have

This may be easily implemented into the following recursive algorithm:

Function exp-by-squaring(x,n)
     if n<0 then return exp-by-squaring(1/x, -n);
     else if n=0 then return 1;
     else if n=1 then return x;
     else if n is even then return exp-by-squaring(x2, n/2);
     else if n is odd then return x * exp-by-squaring(x2, (n-1)/2).

A brief analysis shows that such an algorithm uses O(log2n) squarings and O(log2n) multiplications. For n > about 4 this is computationally more efficient than naively multiplying the base with itself repeatedly.

2k-ary method

This algorithm calculates the value of xn after expanding the exponent in base 2k. It was first proposed by Brauer in 1939. In the algorithm below we make use of the following function f(0) = (k,0) and f(m) = (s,u) where m = u·2s with u odd.


An element x of G, a parameter k > 0, a non-negative integer Buying, selling and renting HDB and personal residential properties in Singapore are simple and transparent transactions. Although you are not required to engage a real property salesperson (generally often known as a "public listed property developers In singapore agent") to complete these property transactions, chances are you'll think about partaking one if you are not accustomed to the processes concerned.

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If you're looking for a real estate or Singapore property agent online, you merely need to belief your instinct. It is because you don't know which agent is sweet and which agent will not be. Carry out research on a number of brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you find yourself certain that a selected agent is dependable and trustworthy, you'll be able to choose to utilize his partnerise find you a house in Singapore. More often than not, a property agent is considered to be good if she or he places the contact data on his web site. This is able to imply that the agent does not thoughts you calling them and asking them any questions regarding properties in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them of their office after taking an appointment.

Another method by way of which you could find out whether the agent is sweet is by checking the feedback, of the shoppers, on the website. There are various individuals would publish their comments on the web site of the Singapore property agent. You can take a look at these feedback and the see whether it will be clever to hire that specific Singapore property agent. You may even get in contact with the developer immediately. Many Singapore property brokers know the developers and you may confirm the goodwill of the agent by asking the developer. and the precomputed values .
The element xn in G
 1. y := 1; i := l-1
 2. while i>=0 do
 3.    (s,u) := f(ni)
 4.    for j:=1 to k-s do
 5.        y := y2 
 6.    y := y*xu
 7.    for j:=1 to s do
 8.        y := y2
 9.    i := i-1
10. return y

For optimal efficiency, k should be the smallest integer satisfying [1]

Sliding window method

This method is an efficient variant of the 2k-ary method. For example, to calculate the exponent 398 which has binary expansion (110 001 110)2, we take a window of length 3 using the 2k-ary method algorithm we calculate 1,x3,x6,x12,x24,x48,x49,x98,x99,x198,x199,x398. But, we can also compute 1,x3,x6,x12,x24,x48,x96,x192,x199, x398 which saves one multiplication and amounts to evaluating (110 001 110)n2

Here is the general algorithm:


An element x of G,a non negative integer Buying, selling and renting HDB and personal residential properties in Singapore are simple and transparent transactions. Although you are not required to engage a real property salesperson (generally often known as a "public listed property developers In singapore agent") to complete these property transactions, chances are you'll think about partaking one if you are not accustomed to the processes concerned.

Professional agents are readily available once you need to discover an condominium for hire in singapore In some cases, landlords will take into account you more favourably in case your agent comes to them than for those who tried to method them by yourself. You need to be careful, nevertheless, as you resolve in your agent. Ensure that the agent you are contemplating working with is registered with the IEA – Institute of Estate Brokers. Whereas it might sound a hassle to you, will probably be worth it in the end. The IEA works by an ordinary algorithm and regulations, so you'll protect yourself in opposition to probably going with a rogue agent who prices you more than they should for his or her service in finding you an residence for lease in singapore.

There isn't any deal too small. Property agents who are keen to find time for any deal even if the commission is small are the ones you want on your aspect. Additionally they present humbleness and might relate with the typical Singaporean higher. Relentlessly pursuing any deal, calling prospects even without being prompted. Even if they get rejected a hundred times, they still come again for more. These are the property brokers who will find consumers what they need eventually, and who would be the most successful in what they do. 4. Honesty and Integrity

This feature is suitable for you who need to get the tax deductions out of your PIC scheme to your property agency firm. It's endorsed that you visit the correct site for filling this tax return software. This utility must be submitted at the very least yearly to report your whole tax and tax return that you're going to receive in the current accounting 12 months. There may be an official website for this tax filling procedure. Filling this tax return software shouldn't be a tough thing to do for all business homeowners in Singapore.

A wholly owned subsidiary of SLP Worldwide, SLP Realty houses 900 associates to service SLP's fast rising portfolio of residential tasks. Real estate is a human-centric trade. Apart from offering comprehensive coaching applications for our associates, SLP Realty puts equal emphasis on creating human capabilities and creating sturdy teamwork throughout all ranges of our organisational hierarchy. Worldwide Presence At SLP International, our staff of execs is pushed to make sure our shoppers meet their enterprise and investment targets. Under is an inventory of some notable shoppers from completely different industries and markets, who've entrusted their real estate must the expertise of SLP Worldwide.

If you're looking for a real estate or Singapore property agent online, you merely need to belief your instinct. It is because you don't know which agent is sweet and which agent will not be. Carry out research on a number of brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you find yourself certain that a selected agent is dependable and trustworthy, you'll be able to choose to utilize his partnerise find you a house in Singapore. More often than not, a property agent is considered to be good if she or he places the contact data on his web site. This is able to imply that the agent does not thoughts you calling them and asking them any questions regarding properties in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them of their office after taking an appointment.

Another method by way of which you could find out whether the agent is sweet is by checking the feedback, of the shoppers, on the website. There are various individuals would publish their comments on the web site of the Singapore property agent. You can take a look at these feedback and the see whether it will be clever to hire that specific Singapore property agent. You may even get in contact with the developer immediately. Many Singapore property brokers know the developers and you may confirm the goodwill of the agent by asking the developer., a parameter k>0 and the pre-computed values .
The element xnG


1.  y := 1; i := l-1
2.  while i > -1 do
3.      if ni=0 then y:=y2' i:=i-1
4.      else
5.          s:=max{i-k+1,0}
6.          while ns=0 do s:=s+1 [2]
7.          for h:=1 to i-s+1 do y:=y2
8.          u:=(ni,ni-1,....,ns)2
9.          y:=y*xu
10.         i:=s-1
11. return y

Montgomery's ladder technique

Many algorithms for exponentiation do not provide defence against side-channel attacks. Namely, an attacker observing the sequence of squarings and multiplications can (partially) recover the exponent involved in the computation. This is a problem if the exponent should remain secret, as with many public-key cryptosystems. A technique called Montgomery's Ladder[3] addresses this concern.

Given the binary expansion of a positive, non-zero integer n=(nk-1...n0)2 with nk-1=1 we can compute xn as follows:

x1=x; x2=x2
for i=k-2 to 0 do
  If ni=0 then
    x2=x1*x2; x1=x12
    x1=x1*x2; x2=x22
return x1

The algorithm performs a fixed sequence of operations (up to log n): a multiplication and squaring takes place for each bit in the exponent, regardless of the bit's specific value.

Fixed base exponent

There are several methods which can be employed to calculate xn when the base is fixed and the exponent varies. As one can see, precomputations play a key role in these algorithms.

Yao's method

Yao's method is orthogonal to the 2k-ary method where the exponent is expanded in radix b=2k and the computation is as performed in the algorithm above. Let "n", "ni", "b", and "bi" be integers.

Let the exponent "n" be written as

where for all

Let xi = xbi. Then the algorithm uses the equality

Given the element 'x' of G, and the exponent 'n' written in the above form, along with the pre computed values xb0....xbw-1 the element xn is calculated using the algorithm below Template:Verify source

  1. y=1,u=1 and j=h-1
  2. while j > 0 do
  3. for i=0 to w-1 do
    1. if ni=j then u=u*xbi
  4. y=y*u
  5. j=j-1
  6. return y

If we set h=2k and bi = hi then the ni 's are simply the digits of n in base h. Yao's method collects in u first those xi which appear to the highest power h-1; in the next round those with power h-2 are collected in u as well etc. The variable y is multiplied h-1 times with the initial u, h-2 times with the next highest powers etc. The algorithm uses w+h-2 multiplications and w+1 elements must be stored to compute xn (see [1]).

Euclidean method

The Euclidean method was first introduced in Efficient exponentiation using precomputation and vector addition chains by P.D Rooij.

This method for computing in group Buying, selling and renting HDB and personal residential properties in Singapore are simple and transparent transactions. Although you are not required to engage a real property salesperson (generally often known as a "public listed property developers In singapore agent") to complete these property transactions, chances are you'll think about partaking one if you are not accustomed to the processes concerned.

Professional agents are readily available once you need to discover an condominium for hire in singapore In some cases, landlords will take into account you more favourably in case your agent comes to them than for those who tried to method them by yourself. You need to be careful, nevertheless, as you resolve in your agent. Ensure that the agent you are contemplating working with is registered with the IEA – Institute of Estate Brokers. Whereas it might sound a hassle to you, will probably be worth it in the end. The IEA works by an ordinary algorithm and regulations, so you'll protect yourself in opposition to probably going with a rogue agent who prices you more than they should for his or her service in finding you an residence for lease in singapore.

There isn't any deal too small. Property agents who are keen to find time for any deal even if the commission is small are the ones you want on your aspect. Additionally they present humbleness and might relate with the typical Singaporean higher. Relentlessly pursuing any deal, calling prospects even without being prompted. Even if they get rejected a hundred times, they still come again for more. These are the property brokers who will find consumers what they need eventually, and who would be the most successful in what they do. 4. Honesty and Integrity

This feature is suitable for you who need to get the tax deductions out of your PIC scheme to your property agency firm. It's endorsed that you visit the correct site for filling this tax return software. This utility must be submitted at the very least yearly to report your whole tax and tax return that you're going to receive in the current accounting 12 months. There may be an official website for this tax filling procedure. Filling this tax return software shouldn't be a tough thing to do for all business homeowners in Singapore.

A wholly owned subsidiary of SLP Worldwide, SLP Realty houses 900 associates to service SLP's fast rising portfolio of residential tasks. Real estate is a human-centric trade. Apart from offering comprehensive coaching applications for our associates, SLP Realty puts equal emphasis on creating human capabilities and creating sturdy teamwork throughout all ranges of our organisational hierarchy. Worldwide Presence At SLP International, our staff of execs is pushed to make sure our shoppers meet their enterprise and investment targets. Under is an inventory of some notable shoppers from completely different industries and markets, who've entrusted their real estate must the expertise of SLP Worldwide.

If you're looking for a real estate or Singapore property agent online, you merely need to belief your instinct. It is because you don't know which agent is sweet and which agent will not be. Carry out research on a number of brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you find yourself certain that a selected agent is dependable and trustworthy, you'll be able to choose to utilize his partnerise find you a house in Singapore. More often than not, a property agent is considered to be good if she or he places the contact data on his web site. This is able to imply that the agent does not thoughts you calling them and asking them any questions regarding properties in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them of their office after taking an appointment.

Another method by way of which you could find out whether the agent is sweet is by checking the feedback, of the shoppers, on the website. There are various individuals would publish their comments on the web site of the Singapore property agent. You can take a look at these feedback and the see whether it will be clever to hire that specific Singapore property agent. You may even get in contact with the developer immediately. Many Singapore property brokers know the developers and you may confirm the goodwill of the agent by asking the developer., where is a natural integer, whose algorithm is given below, is using the following equality recursively:

, where
(in other words an Euclidian division of the exponent Buying, selling and renting HDB and personal residential properties in Singapore are simple and transparent transactions. Although you are not required to engage a real property salesperson (generally often known as a "public listed property developers In singapore agent") to complete these property transactions, chances are you'll think about partaking one if you are not accustomed to the processes concerned.

Professional agents are readily available once you need to discover an condominium for hire in singapore In some cases, landlords will take into account you more favourably in case your agent comes to them than for those who tried to method them by yourself. You need to be careful, nevertheless, as you resolve in your agent. Ensure that the agent you are contemplating working with is registered with the IEA – Institute of Estate Brokers. Whereas it might sound a hassle to you, will probably be worth it in the end. The IEA works by an ordinary algorithm and regulations, so you'll protect yourself in opposition to probably going with a rogue agent who prices you more than they should for his or her service in finding you an residence for lease in singapore.

There isn't any deal too small. Property agents who are keen to find time for any deal even if the commission is small are the ones you want on your aspect. Additionally they present humbleness and might relate with the typical Singaporean higher. Relentlessly pursuing any deal, calling prospects even without being prompted. Even if they get rejected a hundred times, they still come again for more. These are the property brokers who will find consumers what they need eventually, and who would be the most successful in what they do. 4. Honesty and Integrity

This feature is suitable for you who need to get the tax deductions out of your PIC scheme to your property agency firm. It's endorsed that you visit the correct site for filling this tax return software. This utility must be submitted at the very least yearly to report your whole tax and tax return that you're going to receive in the current accounting 12 months. There may be an official website for this tax filling procedure. Filling this tax return software shouldn't be a tough thing to do for all business homeowners in Singapore.

A wholly owned subsidiary of SLP Worldwide, SLP Realty houses 900 associates to service SLP's fast rising portfolio of residential tasks. Real estate is a human-centric trade. Apart from offering comprehensive coaching applications for our associates, SLP Realty puts equal emphasis on creating human capabilities and creating sturdy teamwork throughout all ranges of our organisational hierarchy. Worldwide Presence At SLP International, our staff of execs is pushed to make sure our shoppers meet their enterprise and investment targets. Under is an inventory of some notable shoppers from completely different industries and markets, who've entrusted their real estate must the expertise of SLP Worldwide.

If you're looking for a real estate or Singapore property agent online, you merely need to belief your instinct. It is because you don't know which agent is sweet and which agent will not be. Carry out research on a number of brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you find yourself certain that a selected agent is dependable and trustworthy, you'll be able to choose to utilize his partnerise find you a house in Singapore. More often than not, a property agent is considered to be good if she or he places the contact data on his web site. This is able to imply that the agent does not thoughts you calling them and asking them any questions regarding properties in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them of their office after taking an appointment.

Another method by way of which you could find out whether the agent is sweet is by checking the feedback, of the shoppers, on the website. There are various individuals would publish their comments on the web site of the Singapore property agent. You can take a look at these feedback and the see whether it will be clever to hire that specific Singapore property agent. You may even get in contact with the developer immediately. Many Singapore property brokers know the developers and you may confirm the goodwill of the agent by asking the developer. by Buying, selling and renting HDB and personal residential properties in Singapore are simple and transparent transactions. Although you are not required to engage a real property salesperson (generally often known as a "public listed property developers In singapore agent") to complete these property transactions, chances are you'll think about partaking one if you are not accustomed to the processes concerned.

Professional agents are readily available once you need to discover an condominium for hire in singapore In some cases, landlords will take into account you more favourably in case your agent comes to them than for those who tried to method them by yourself. You need to be careful, nevertheless, as you resolve in your agent. Ensure that the agent you are contemplating working with is registered with the IEA – Institute of Estate Brokers. Whereas it might sound a hassle to you, will probably be worth it in the end. The IEA works by an ordinary algorithm and regulations, so you'll protect yourself in opposition to probably going with a rogue agent who prices you more than they should for his or her service in finding you an residence for lease in singapore.

There isn't any deal too small. Property agents who are keen to find time for any deal even if the commission is small are the ones you want on your aspect. Additionally they present humbleness and might relate with the typical Singaporean higher. Relentlessly pursuing any deal, calling prospects even without being prompted. Even if they get rejected a hundred times, they still come again for more. These are the property brokers who will find consumers what they need eventually, and who would be the most successful in what they do. 4. Honesty and Integrity

This feature is suitable for you who need to get the tax deductions out of your PIC scheme to your property agency firm. It's endorsed that you visit the correct site for filling this tax return software. This utility must be submitted at the very least yearly to report your whole tax and tax return that you're going to receive in the current accounting 12 months. There may be an official website for this tax filling procedure. Filling this tax return software shouldn't be a tough thing to do for all business homeowners in Singapore.

A wholly owned subsidiary of SLP Worldwide, SLP Realty houses 900 associates to service SLP's fast rising portfolio of residential tasks. Real estate is a human-centric trade. Apart from offering comprehensive coaching applications for our associates, SLP Realty puts equal emphasis on creating human capabilities and creating sturdy teamwork throughout all ranges of our organisational hierarchy. Worldwide Presence At SLP International, our staff of execs is pushed to make sure our shoppers meet their enterprise and investment targets. Under is an inventory of some notable shoppers from completely different industries and markets, who've entrusted their real estate must the expertise of SLP Worldwide.

If you're looking for a real estate or Singapore property agent online, you merely need to belief your instinct. It is because you don't know which agent is sweet and which agent will not be. Carry out research on a number of brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you find yourself certain that a selected agent is dependable and trustworthy, you'll be able to choose to utilize his partnerise find you a house in Singapore. More often than not, a property agent is considered to be good if she or he places the contact data on his web site. This is able to imply that the agent does not thoughts you calling them and asking them any questions regarding properties in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them of their office after taking an appointment.

Another method by way of which you could find out whether the agent is sweet is by checking the feedback, of the shoppers, on the website. There are various individuals would publish their comments on the web site of the Singapore property agent. You can take a look at these feedback and the see whether it will be clever to hire that specific Singapore property agent. You may even get in contact with the developer immediately. Many Singapore property brokers know the developers and you may confirm the goodwill of the agent by asking the developer. is used to return a quotient Template:Mvar and a rest ).

Given the base element in group Buying, selling and renting HDB and personal residential properties in Singapore are simple and transparent transactions. Although you are not required to engage a real property salesperson (generally often known as a "public listed property developers In singapore agent") to complete these property transactions, chances are you'll think about partaking one if you are not accustomed to the processes concerned.

Professional agents are readily available once you need to discover an condominium for hire in singapore In some cases, landlords will take into account you more favourably in case your agent comes to them than for those who tried to method them by yourself. You need to be careful, nevertheless, as you resolve in your agent. Ensure that the agent you are contemplating working with is registered with the IEA – Institute of Estate Brokers. Whereas it might sound a hassle to you, will probably be worth it in the end. The IEA works by an ordinary algorithm and regulations, so you'll protect yourself in opposition to probably going with a rogue agent who prices you more than they should for his or her service in finding you an residence for lease in singapore.

There isn't any deal too small. Property agents who are keen to find time for any deal even if the commission is small are the ones you want on your aspect. Additionally they present humbleness and might relate with the typical Singaporean higher. Relentlessly pursuing any deal, calling prospects even without being prompted. Even if they get rejected a hundred times, they still come again for more. These are the property brokers who will find consumers what they need eventually, and who would be the most successful in what they do. 4. Honesty and Integrity

This feature is suitable for you who need to get the tax deductions out of your PIC scheme to your property agency firm. It's endorsed that you visit the correct site for filling this tax return software. This utility must be submitted at the very least yearly to report your whole tax and tax return that you're going to receive in the current accounting 12 months. There may be an official website for this tax filling procedure. Filling this tax return software shouldn't be a tough thing to do for all business homeowners in Singapore.

A wholly owned subsidiary of SLP Worldwide, SLP Realty houses 900 associates to service SLP's fast rising portfolio of residential tasks. Real estate is a human-centric trade. Apart from offering comprehensive coaching applications for our associates, SLP Realty puts equal emphasis on creating human capabilities and creating sturdy teamwork throughout all ranges of our organisational hierarchy. Worldwide Presence At SLP International, our staff of execs is pushed to make sure our shoppers meet their enterprise and investment targets. Under is an inventory of some notable shoppers from completely different industries and markets, who've entrusted their real estate must the expertise of SLP Worldwide.

If you're looking for a real estate or Singapore property agent online, you merely need to belief your instinct. It is because you don't know which agent is sweet and which agent will not be. Carry out research on a number of brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you find yourself certain that a selected agent is dependable and trustworthy, you'll be able to choose to utilize his partnerise find you a house in Singapore. More often than not, a property agent is considered to be good if she or he places the contact data on his web site. This is able to imply that the agent does not thoughts you calling them and asking them any questions regarding properties in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them of their office after taking an appointment.

Another method by way of which you could find out whether the agent is sweet is by checking the feedback, of the shoppers, on the website. There are various individuals would publish their comments on the web site of the Singapore property agent. You can take a look at these feedback and the see whether it will be clever to hire that specific Singapore property agent. You may even get in contact with the developer immediately. Many Singapore property brokers know the developers and you may confirm the goodwill of the agent by asking the developer., and the exponent written as in Yao's method, the element is calculated using precomputed values and then the algorithm below.

    Begin loop   
        Find , such that ;
        Find , such that ;
        Break loop if ;
        Let , and then let ;
        Compute recursively , and then let ;
    End loop;
    Return .

The algorithm first finds the largest value amongst the Buying, selling and renting HDB and personal residential properties in Singapore are simple and transparent transactions. Although you are not required to engage a real property salesperson (generally often known as a "public listed property developers In singapore agent") to complete these property transactions, chances are you'll think about partaking one if you are not accustomed to the processes concerned.

Professional agents are readily available once you need to discover an condominium for hire in singapore In some cases, landlords will take into account you more favourably in case your agent comes to them than for those who tried to method them by yourself. You need to be careful, nevertheless, as you resolve in your agent. Ensure that the agent you are contemplating working with is registered with the IEA – Institute of Estate Brokers. Whereas it might sound a hassle to you, will probably be worth it in the end. The IEA works by an ordinary algorithm and regulations, so you'll protect yourself in opposition to probably going with a rogue agent who prices you more than they should for his or her service in finding you an residence for lease in singapore.

There isn't any deal too small. Property agents who are keen to find time for any deal even if the commission is small are the ones you want on your aspect. Additionally they present humbleness and might relate with the typical Singaporean higher. Relentlessly pursuing any deal, calling prospects even without being prompted. Even if they get rejected a hundred times, they still come again for more. These are the property brokers who will find consumers what they need eventually, and who would be the most successful in what they do. 4. Honesty and Integrity

This feature is suitable for you who need to get the tax deductions out of your PIC scheme to your property agency firm. It's endorsed that you visit the correct site for filling this tax return software. This utility must be submitted at the very least yearly to report your whole tax and tax return that you're going to receive in the current accounting 12 months. There may be an official website for this tax filling procedure. Filling this tax return software shouldn't be a tough thing to do for all business homeowners in Singapore.

A wholly owned subsidiary of SLP Worldwide, SLP Realty houses 900 associates to service SLP's fast rising portfolio of residential tasks. Real estate is a human-centric trade. Apart from offering comprehensive coaching applications for our associates, SLP Realty puts equal emphasis on creating human capabilities and creating sturdy teamwork throughout all ranges of our organisational hierarchy. Worldwide Presence At SLP International, our staff of execs is pushed to make sure our shoppers meet their enterprise and investment targets. Under is an inventory of some notable shoppers from completely different industries and markets, who've entrusted their real estate must the expertise of SLP Worldwide.

If you're looking for a real estate or Singapore property agent online, you merely need to belief your instinct. It is because you don't know which agent is sweet and which agent will not be. Carry out research on a number of brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you find yourself certain that a selected agent is dependable and trustworthy, you'll be able to choose to utilize his partnerise find you a house in Singapore. More often than not, a property agent is considered to be good if she or he places the contact data on his web site. This is able to imply that the agent does not thoughts you calling them and asking them any questions regarding properties in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them of their office after taking an appointment.

Another method by way of which you could find out whether the agent is sweet is by checking the feedback, of the shoppers, on the website. There are various individuals would publish their comments on the web site of the Singapore property agent. You can take a look at these feedback and the see whether it will be clever to hire that specific Singapore property agent. You may even get in contact with the developer immediately. Many Singapore property brokers know the developers and you may confirm the goodwill of the agent by asking the developer. and then the supremum within the set of Buying, selling and renting HDB and personal residential properties in Singapore are simple and transparent transactions. Although you are not required to engage a real property salesperson (generally often known as a "public listed property developers In singapore agent") to complete these property transactions, chances are you'll think about partaking one if you are not accustomed to the processes concerned.

Professional agents are readily available once you need to discover an condominium for hire in singapore In some cases, landlords will take into account you more favourably in case your agent comes to them than for those who tried to method them by yourself. You need to be careful, nevertheless, as you resolve in your agent. Ensure that the agent you are contemplating working with is registered with the IEA – Institute of Estate Brokers. Whereas it might sound a hassle to you, will probably be worth it in the end. The IEA works by an ordinary algorithm and regulations, so you'll protect yourself in opposition to probably going with a rogue agent who prices you more than they should for his or her service in finding you an residence for lease in singapore.

There isn't any deal too small. Property agents who are keen to find time for any deal even if the commission is small are the ones you want on your aspect. Additionally they present humbleness and might relate with the typical Singaporean higher. Relentlessly pursuing any deal, calling prospects even without being prompted. Even if they get rejected a hundred times, they still come again for more. These are the property brokers who will find consumers what they need eventually, and who would be the most successful in what they do. 4. Honesty and Integrity

This feature is suitable for you who need to get the tax deductions out of your PIC scheme to your property agency firm. It's endorsed that you visit the correct site for filling this tax return software. This utility must be submitted at the very least yearly to report your whole tax and tax return that you're going to receive in the current accounting 12 months. There may be an official website for this tax filling procedure. Filling this tax return software shouldn't be a tough thing to do for all business homeowners in Singapore.

A wholly owned subsidiary of SLP Worldwide, SLP Realty houses 900 associates to service SLP's fast rising portfolio of residential tasks. Real estate is a human-centric trade. Apart from offering comprehensive coaching applications for our associates, SLP Realty puts equal emphasis on creating human capabilities and creating sturdy teamwork throughout all ranges of our organisational hierarchy. Worldwide Presence At SLP International, our staff of execs is pushed to make sure our shoppers meet their enterprise and investment targets. Under is an inventory of some notable shoppers from completely different industries and markets, who've entrusted their real estate must the expertise of SLP Worldwide.

If you're looking for a real estate or Singapore property agent online, you merely need to belief your instinct. It is because you don't know which agent is sweet and which agent will not be. Carry out research on a number of brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you find yourself certain that a selected agent is dependable and trustworthy, you'll be able to choose to utilize his partnerise find you a house in Singapore. More often than not, a property agent is considered to be good if she or he places the contact data on his web site. This is able to imply that the agent does not thoughts you calling them and asking them any questions regarding properties in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them of their office after taking an appointment.

Another method by way of which you could find out whether the agent is sweet is by checking the feedback, of the shoppers, on the website. There are various individuals would publish their comments on the web site of the Singapore property agent. You can take a look at these feedback and the see whether it will be clever to hire that specific Singapore property agent. You may even get in contact with the developer immediately. Many Singapore property brokers know the developers and you may confirm the goodwill of the agent by asking the developer.. Then it raises Buying, selling and renting HDB and personal residential properties in Singapore are simple and transparent transactions. Although you are not required to engage a real property salesperson (generally often known as a "public listed property developers In singapore agent") to complete these property transactions, chances are you'll think about partaking one if you are not accustomed to the processes concerned.

Professional agents are readily available once you need to discover an condominium for hire in singapore In some cases, landlords will take into account you more favourably in case your agent comes to them than for those who tried to method them by yourself. You need to be careful, nevertheless, as you resolve in your agent. Ensure that the agent you are contemplating working with is registered with the IEA – Institute of Estate Brokers. Whereas it might sound a hassle to you, will probably be worth it in the end. The IEA works by an ordinary algorithm and regulations, so you'll protect yourself in opposition to probably going with a rogue agent who prices you more than they should for his or her service in finding you an residence for lease in singapore.

There isn't any deal too small. Property agents who are keen to find time for any deal even if the commission is small are the ones you want on your aspect. Additionally they present humbleness and might relate with the typical Singaporean higher. Relentlessly pursuing any deal, calling prospects even without being prompted. Even if they get rejected a hundred times, they still come again for more. These are the property brokers who will find consumers what they need eventually, and who would be the most successful in what they do. 4. Honesty and Integrity

This feature is suitable for you who need to get the tax deductions out of your PIC scheme to your property agency firm. It's endorsed that you visit the correct site for filling this tax return software. This utility must be submitted at the very least yearly to report your whole tax and tax return that you're going to receive in the current accounting 12 months. There may be an official website for this tax filling procedure. Filling this tax return software shouldn't be a tough thing to do for all business homeowners in Singapore.

A wholly owned subsidiary of SLP Worldwide, SLP Realty houses 900 associates to service SLP's fast rising portfolio of residential tasks. Real estate is a human-centric trade. Apart from offering comprehensive coaching applications for our associates, SLP Realty puts equal emphasis on creating human capabilities and creating sturdy teamwork throughout all ranges of our organisational hierarchy. Worldwide Presence At SLP International, our staff of execs is pushed to make sure our shoppers meet their enterprise and investment targets. Under is an inventory of some notable shoppers from completely different industries and markets, who've entrusted their real estate must the expertise of SLP Worldwide.

If you're looking for a real estate or Singapore property agent online, you merely need to belief your instinct. It is because you don't know which agent is sweet and which agent will not be. Carry out research on a number of brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you find yourself certain that a selected agent is dependable and trustworthy, you'll be able to choose to utilize his partnerise find you a house in Singapore. More often than not, a property agent is considered to be good if she or he places the contact data on his web site. This is able to imply that the agent does not thoughts you calling them and asking them any questions regarding properties in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them of their office after taking an appointment.

Another method by way of which you could find out whether the agent is sweet is by checking the feedback, of the shoppers, on the website. There are various individuals would publish their comments on the web site of the Singapore property agent. You can take a look at these feedback and the see whether it will be clever to hire that specific Singapore property agent. You may even get in contact with the developer immediately. Many Singapore property brokers know the developers and you may confirm the goodwill of the agent by asking the developer. to the power Template:Mvar, multiplies this value with Buying, selling and renting HDB and personal residential properties in Singapore are simple and transparent transactions. Although you are not required to engage a real property salesperson (generally often known as a "public listed property developers In singapore agent") to complete these property transactions, chances are you'll think about partaking one if you are not accustomed to the processes concerned.

Professional agents are readily available once you need to discover an condominium for hire in singapore In some cases, landlords will take into account you more favourably in case your agent comes to them than for those who tried to method them by yourself. You need to be careful, nevertheless, as you resolve in your agent. Ensure that the agent you are contemplating working with is registered with the IEA – Institute of Estate Brokers. Whereas it might sound a hassle to you, will probably be worth it in the end. The IEA works by an ordinary algorithm and regulations, so you'll protect yourself in opposition to probably going with a rogue agent who prices you more than they should for his or her service in finding you an residence for lease in singapore.

There isn't any deal too small. Property agents who are keen to find time for any deal even if the commission is small are the ones you want on your aspect. Additionally they present humbleness and might relate with the typical Singaporean higher. Relentlessly pursuing any deal, calling prospects even without being prompted. Even if they get rejected a hundred times, they still come again for more. These are the property brokers who will find consumers what they need eventually, and who would be the most successful in what they do. 4. Honesty and Integrity

This feature is suitable for you who need to get the tax deductions out of your PIC scheme to your property agency firm. It's endorsed that you visit the correct site for filling this tax return software. This utility must be submitted at the very least yearly to report your whole tax and tax return that you're going to receive in the current accounting 12 months. There may be an official website for this tax filling procedure. Filling this tax return software shouldn't be a tough thing to do for all business homeowners in Singapore.

A wholly owned subsidiary of SLP Worldwide, SLP Realty houses 900 associates to service SLP's fast rising portfolio of residential tasks. Real estate is a human-centric trade. Apart from offering comprehensive coaching applications for our associates, SLP Realty puts equal emphasis on creating human capabilities and creating sturdy teamwork throughout all ranges of our organisational hierarchy. Worldwide Presence At SLP International, our staff of execs is pushed to make sure our shoppers meet their enterprise and investment targets. Under is an inventory of some notable shoppers from completely different industries and markets, who've entrusted their real estate must the expertise of SLP Worldwide.

If you're looking for a real estate or Singapore property agent online, you merely need to belief your instinct. It is because you don't know which agent is sweet and which agent will not be. Carry out research on a number of brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you find yourself certain that a selected agent is dependable and trustworthy, you'll be able to choose to utilize his partnerise find you a house in Singapore. More often than not, a property agent is considered to be good if she or he places the contact data on his web site. This is able to imply that the agent does not thoughts you calling them and asking them any questions regarding properties in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them of their office after taking an appointment.

Another method by way of which you could find out whether the agent is sweet is by checking the feedback, of the shoppers, on the website. There are various individuals would publish their comments on the web site of the Singapore property agent. You can take a look at these feedback and the see whether it will be clever to hire that specific Singapore property agent. You may even get in contact with the developer immediately. Many Singapore property brokers know the developers and you may confirm the goodwill of the agent by asking the developer., and then assigns Buying, selling and renting HDB and personal residential properties in Singapore are simple and transparent transactions. Although you are not required to engage a real property salesperson (generally often known as a "public listed property developers In singapore agent") to complete these property transactions, chances are you'll think about partaking one if you are not accustomed to the processes concerned.

Professional agents are readily available once you need to discover an condominium for hire in singapore In some cases, landlords will take into account you more favourably in case your agent comes to them than for those who tried to method them by yourself. You need to be careful, nevertheless, as you resolve in your agent. Ensure that the agent you are contemplating working with is registered with the IEA – Institute of Estate Brokers. Whereas it might sound a hassle to you, will probably be worth it in the end. The IEA works by an ordinary algorithm and regulations, so you'll protect yourself in opposition to probably going with a rogue agent who prices you more than they should for his or her service in finding you an residence for lease in singapore.

There isn't any deal too small. Property agents who are keen to find time for any deal even if the commission is small are the ones you want on your aspect. Additionally they present humbleness and might relate with the typical Singaporean higher. Relentlessly pursuing any deal, calling prospects even without being prompted. Even if they get rejected a hundred times, they still come again for more. These are the property brokers who will find consumers what they need eventually, and who would be the most successful in what they do. 4. Honesty and Integrity

This feature is suitable for you who need to get the tax deductions out of your PIC scheme to your property agency firm. It's endorsed that you visit the correct site for filling this tax return software. This utility must be submitted at the very least yearly to report your whole tax and tax return that you're going to receive in the current accounting 12 months. There may be an official website for this tax filling procedure. Filling this tax return software shouldn't be a tough thing to do for all business homeowners in Singapore.

A wholly owned subsidiary of SLP Worldwide, SLP Realty houses 900 associates to service SLP's fast rising portfolio of residential tasks. Real estate is a human-centric trade. Apart from offering comprehensive coaching applications for our associates, SLP Realty puts equal emphasis on creating human capabilities and creating sturdy teamwork throughout all ranges of our organisational hierarchy. Worldwide Presence At SLP International, our staff of execs is pushed to make sure our shoppers meet their enterprise and investment targets. Under is an inventory of some notable shoppers from completely different industries and markets, who've entrusted their real estate must the expertise of SLP Worldwide.

If you're looking for a real estate or Singapore property agent online, you merely need to belief your instinct. It is because you don't know which agent is sweet and which agent will not be. Carry out research on a number of brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you find yourself certain that a selected agent is dependable and trustworthy, you'll be able to choose to utilize his partnerise find you a house in Singapore. More often than not, a property agent is considered to be good if she or he places the contact data on his web site. This is able to imply that the agent does not thoughts you calling them and asking them any questions regarding properties in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them of their office after taking an appointment.

Another method by way of which you could find out whether the agent is sweet is by checking the feedback, of the shoppers, on the website. There are various individuals would publish their comments on the web site of the Singapore property agent. You can take a look at these feedback and the see whether it will be clever to hire that specific Singapore property agent. You may even get in contact with the developer immediately. Many Singapore property brokers know the developers and you may confirm the goodwill of the agent by asking the developer. the result of this computation and Buying, selling and renting HDB and personal residential properties in Singapore are simple and transparent transactions. Although you are not required to engage a real property salesperson (generally often known as a "public listed property developers In singapore agent") to complete these property transactions, chances are you'll think about partaking one if you are not accustomed to the processes concerned.

Professional agents are readily available once you need to discover an condominium for hire in singapore In some cases, landlords will take into account you more favourably in case your agent comes to them than for those who tried to method them by yourself. You need to be careful, nevertheless, as you resolve in your agent. Ensure that the agent you are contemplating working with is registered with the IEA – Institute of Estate Brokers. Whereas it might sound a hassle to you, will probably be worth it in the end. The IEA works by an ordinary algorithm and regulations, so you'll protect yourself in opposition to probably going with a rogue agent who prices you more than they should for his or her service in finding you an residence for lease in singapore.

There isn't any deal too small. Property agents who are keen to find time for any deal even if the commission is small are the ones you want on your aspect. Additionally they present humbleness and might relate with the typical Singaporean higher. Relentlessly pursuing any deal, calling prospects even without being prompted. Even if they get rejected a hundred times, they still come again for more. These are the property brokers who will find consumers what they need eventually, and who would be the most successful in what they do. 4. Honesty and Integrity

This feature is suitable for you who need to get the tax deductions out of your PIC scheme to your property agency firm. It's endorsed that you visit the correct site for filling this tax return software. This utility must be submitted at the very least yearly to report your whole tax and tax return that you're going to receive in the current accounting 12 months. There may be an official website for this tax filling procedure. Filling this tax return software shouldn't be a tough thing to do for all business homeowners in Singapore.

A wholly owned subsidiary of SLP Worldwide, SLP Realty houses 900 associates to service SLP's fast rising portfolio of residential tasks. Real estate is a human-centric trade. Apart from offering comprehensive coaching applications for our associates, SLP Realty puts equal emphasis on creating human capabilities and creating sturdy teamwork throughout all ranges of our organisational hierarchy. Worldwide Presence At SLP International, our staff of execs is pushed to make sure our shoppers meet their enterprise and investment targets. Under is an inventory of some notable shoppers from completely different industries and markets, who've entrusted their real estate must the expertise of SLP Worldwide.

If you're looking for a real estate or Singapore property agent online, you merely need to belief your instinct. It is because you don't know which agent is sweet and which agent will not be. Carry out research on a number of brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you find yourself certain that a selected agent is dependable and trustworthy, you'll be able to choose to utilize his partnerise find you a house in Singapore. More often than not, a property agent is considered to be good if she or he places the contact data on his web site. This is able to imply that the agent does not thoughts you calling them and asking them any questions regarding properties in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them of their office after taking an appointment.

Another method by way of which you could find out whether the agent is sweet is by checking the feedback, of the shoppers, on the website. There are various individuals would publish their comments on the web site of the Singapore property agent. You can take a look at these feedback and the see whether it will be clever to hire that specific Singapore property agent. You may even get in contact with the developer immediately. Many Singapore property brokers know the developers and you may confirm the goodwill of the agent by asking the developer. the value Buying, selling and renting HDB and personal residential properties in Singapore are simple and transparent transactions. Although you are not required to engage a real property salesperson (generally often known as a "public listed property developers In singapore agent") to complete these property transactions, chances are you'll think about partaking one if you are not accustomed to the processes concerned.

Professional agents are readily available once you need to discover an condominium for hire in singapore In some cases, landlords will take into account you more favourably in case your agent comes to them than for those who tried to method them by yourself. You need to be careful, nevertheless, as you resolve in your agent. Ensure that the agent you are contemplating working with is registered with the IEA – Institute of Estate Brokers. Whereas it might sound a hassle to you, will probably be worth it in the end. The IEA works by an ordinary algorithm and regulations, so you'll protect yourself in opposition to probably going with a rogue agent who prices you more than they should for his or her service in finding you an residence for lease in singapore.

There isn't any deal too small. Property agents who are keen to find time for any deal even if the commission is small are the ones you want on your aspect. Additionally they present humbleness and might relate with the typical Singaporean higher. Relentlessly pursuing any deal, calling prospects even without being prompted. Even if they get rejected a hundred times, they still come again for more. These are the property brokers who will find consumers what they need eventually, and who would be the most successful in what they do. 4. Honesty and Integrity

This feature is suitable for you who need to get the tax deductions out of your PIC scheme to your property agency firm. It's endorsed that you visit the correct site for filling this tax return software. This utility must be submitted at the very least yearly to report your whole tax and tax return that you're going to receive in the current accounting 12 months. There may be an official website for this tax filling procedure. Filling this tax return software shouldn't be a tough thing to do for all business homeowners in Singapore.

A wholly owned subsidiary of SLP Worldwide, SLP Realty houses 900 associates to service SLP's fast rising portfolio of residential tasks. Real estate is a human-centric trade. Apart from offering comprehensive coaching applications for our associates, SLP Realty puts equal emphasis on creating human capabilities and creating sturdy teamwork throughout all ranges of our organisational hierarchy. Worldwide Presence At SLP International, our staff of execs is pushed to make sure our shoppers meet their enterprise and investment targets. Under is an inventory of some notable shoppers from completely different industries and markets, who've entrusted their real estate must the expertise of SLP Worldwide.

If you're looking for a real estate or Singapore property agent online, you merely need to belief your instinct. It is because you don't know which agent is sweet and which agent will not be. Carry out research on a number of brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you find yourself certain that a selected agent is dependable and trustworthy, you'll be able to choose to utilize his partnerise find you a house in Singapore. More often than not, a property agent is considered to be good if she or he places the contact data on his web site. This is able to imply that the agent does not thoughts you calling them and asking them any questions regarding properties in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them of their office after taking an appointment.

Another method by way of which you could find out whether the agent is sweet is by checking the feedback, of the shoppers, on the website. There are various individuals would publish their comments on the web site of the Singapore property agent. You can take a look at these feedback and the see whether it will be clever to hire that specific Singapore property agent. You may even get in contact with the developer immediately. Many Singapore property brokers know the developers and you may confirm the goodwill of the agent by asking the developer. modulo Buying, selling and renting HDB and personal residential properties in Singapore are simple and transparent transactions. Although you are not required to engage a real property salesperson (generally often known as a "public listed property developers In singapore agent") to complete these property transactions, chances are you'll think about partaking one if you are not accustomed to the processes concerned.

Professional agents are readily available once you need to discover an condominium for hire in singapore In some cases, landlords will take into account you more favourably in case your agent comes to them than for those who tried to method them by yourself. You need to be careful, nevertheless, as you resolve in your agent. Ensure that the agent you are contemplating working with is registered with the IEA – Institute of Estate Brokers. Whereas it might sound a hassle to you, will probably be worth it in the end. The IEA works by an ordinary algorithm and regulations, so you'll protect yourself in opposition to probably going with a rogue agent who prices you more than they should for his or her service in finding you an residence for lease in singapore.

There isn't any deal too small. Property agents who are keen to find time for any deal even if the commission is small are the ones you want on your aspect. Additionally they present humbleness and might relate with the typical Singaporean higher. Relentlessly pursuing any deal, calling prospects even without being prompted. Even if they get rejected a hundred times, they still come again for more. These are the property brokers who will find consumers what they need eventually, and who would be the most successful in what they do. 4. Honesty and Integrity

This feature is suitable for you who need to get the tax deductions out of your PIC scheme to your property agency firm. It's endorsed that you visit the correct site for filling this tax return software. This utility must be submitted at the very least yearly to report your whole tax and tax return that you're going to receive in the current accounting 12 months. There may be an official website for this tax filling procedure. Filling this tax return software shouldn't be a tough thing to do for all business homeowners in Singapore.

A wholly owned subsidiary of SLP Worldwide, SLP Realty houses 900 associates to service SLP's fast rising portfolio of residential tasks. Real estate is a human-centric trade. Apart from offering comprehensive coaching applications for our associates, SLP Realty puts equal emphasis on creating human capabilities and creating sturdy teamwork throughout all ranges of our organisational hierarchy. Worldwide Presence At SLP International, our staff of execs is pushed to make sure our shoppers meet their enterprise and investment targets. Under is an inventory of some notable shoppers from completely different industries and markets, who've entrusted their real estate must the expertise of SLP Worldwide.

If you're looking for a real estate or Singapore property agent online, you merely need to belief your instinct. It is because you don't know which agent is sweet and which agent will not be. Carry out research on a number of brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you find yourself certain that a selected agent is dependable and trustworthy, you'll be able to choose to utilize his partnerise find you a house in Singapore. More often than not, a property agent is considered to be good if she or he places the contact data on his web site. This is able to imply that the agent does not thoughts you calling them and asking them any questions regarding properties in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them of their office after taking an appointment.

Another method by way of which you could find out whether the agent is sweet is by checking the feedback, of the shoppers, on the website. There are various individuals would publish their comments on the web site of the Singapore property agent. You can take a look at these feedback and the see whether it will be clever to hire that specific Singapore property agent. You may even get in contact with the developer immediately. Many Singapore property brokers know the developers and you may confirm the goodwill of the agent by asking the developer..

Further applications

The same idea allows fast computation of large exponents modulo a number. Especially in cryptography, it is useful to compute powers in a ring of integers modulo q. It can also be used to compute integer powers in a group, using the rule

Power(x, −n) = (Power(x, n))−1.

The method works in every semigroup and is often used to compute powers of matrices,

For example, the evaluation of

13789722341 (mod 2345)

would take a very long time and lots of storage space if the naïve method were used: compute 13789722341 then take the remainder when divided by 2345. Even using a more effective method will take a long time: square 13789, take the remainder when divided by 2345, multiply the result by 13789, and so on. This will take 722340 modular multiplications.

Applying above exp-by-squaring algorithm, with "*" interpreted as x*y = xy mod 2345 (that is a multiplication followed by a division with remainder) leads to only 27 multiplications and divisions of integers which may all be stored in a single machine word.

Example implementations

Computation by powers of 2

This is a non-recursive implementation of the above algorithm in Ruby.

In most statically typed languages, result=1 must be replaced with code assigning an identity matrix of the same size as x to result to get a matrix exponentiating algorithm. In Ruby, thanks to coercion, result is automatically upgraded to the appropriate type, so this function works with matrices as well as with integers and floats. Note that n=n-1 is redundant when n=n/2 implicitly rounds towards zero, as lower level languages would do. n[0] is the rightmost bit of the binary representation of n, so if it is 1, the number is odd, if it is zero, the number is even.

def power(x,n)
  result = 1
  while n.nonzero?
    if n[0].nonzero?
      result *= x
      n -= 1
    x *= x
    n /= 2
  return result

Runtime example: compute 310

parameter x =  3
parameter n = 10
result := 1

Iteration 1
  n = 10 -> n is even
  x := x2 = 32 = 9
  n := n / 2 = 5

Iteration 2
  n = 5 -> n is odd
      -> result := result * x = 1 * x = 1 * 32 = 9
         n := n - 1 = 4
  x := x2 = 92 = 34 = 81
  n := n / 2 = 2

Iteration 3
  n = 2 -> n is even
  x := x2 = 812 = 38 = 6561
  n := n / 2 = 1

Iteration 4
  n = 1 -> n is odd
      -> result := result * x = 32 * 38 = 310 = 9 * 6561 = 59049
         n := n - 1 = 0

return result

Runtime example: compute 310

result := 3
bin := "1010"

Iteration for digit 2:
  result := result2 = 32 = 9
  1010bin - Digit equals "0"

Iteration for digit 3:
  result := result2 = (32)2 = 34  = 81
  1010bin - Digit equals "1" --> result := result*3 = (32)2*3 = 35  = 243

Iteration for digit 4:
  result := result2 = ((32)2*3)2 = 310  = 59049
  1010bin - Digit equals "0"

return result

JavaScript-Demonstration: http://home.mnet-online.de/wzwz.de/temp/ebs/en.htm

Calculation of products of powers

Exponentiation by squaring may also be used to calculate the product of 2 or more powers. If the underlying group or semigroup is commutative then it is often possible to reduce the number of multiplication by computing the product simultaneously.


The formula a7×b5 may be calculated within 3 steps:

((a)2×a)2×a (four multiplications for calculating a7)
((b)2)2×b (three multiplications for calculating b5)
(a7)×(b5) (one multiplication to calculate the product of the two)

so one gets eight multiplications in total.

A faster solution is to calculate both powers simultaneously:


which needs only 6 multiplications in total. Note that a×b is calculated twice, the result could be stored after the first calculation which reduces the count of multiplication to 5.

Example with numbers:

27×35 = ((2×3)2×2)2×2×3 = (62×2)2×6 = 722×6 = 31,104

Calculating the powers simultaneously instead of calculating them separately always reduces the count of multiplications if at least two of the exponents are greater than 1.

Using transformation

The example above a7×b5 may also be calculated with only 5 multiplications if the expression is transformed before calculation:

a7×b5 = a2×(ab)5 with ab := a×b

ab := a×b (one multiplication)
a2×(ab)5 = ((ab)2×a)2×ab (four multiplications)

Generalization of transformation shows the following scheme:
For calculating aA×bB×...×mM×nN
1st: define ab := a×b, abc = ab×c, ...
2nd: calculate the transformed expression aA−B×abB−C×...×abc..mM−N×abc..mnN

Transformation before calculation often reduces the count of multiplications but in some cases it also increases the count (see the last one of the examples below), so it may be a good idea to check the count of multiplications before using the transformed expression for calculation.


For the following expressions the count of multiplications is shown for calculating each power separately, calculating them simultaneously without transformation and calculating them simultaneously after transformation.

Example: a7×b5×c3
separate: [((a)2×a)2×a] × [((b)2)2×b] × [(c)2×c] ( 11 multiplications )
simultaneous: ((a×b)2×a×c)2×a×b×c ( 8 multiplications )
transformation: a := 2   ab := a×b   abc := ab×c ( 2 multiplications )
calculation after that: (a×ab×abc)2×abc ( 4 multiplications ⇒ 6 in total )

Example: a5×b5×c3
separate: [((a)2)2×a] × [((b)2)2×b] × [(c)2×c] ( 10 multiplications )
simultaneous: ((a×b)2×c)2×a×b×c ( 7 multiplications )
transformation: a := 2   ab := a×b   abc := ab×c ( 2 multiplications )
calculation after that: (ab×abc)2×abc ( 3 multiplications ⇒ 5 in total )

Example: a7×b4×c1
separate: [((a)2×a)2×a] × [((b)2)2] × [c] ( 8 multiplications )
simultaneous: ((a×b)2×a)2×a×c ( 6 multiplications )
transformation: a := 2   ab := a×b   abc := ab×c ( 2 multiplications )
calculation after that: (a×ab)2×a×ab×abc ( 5 multiplications ⇒ 7 in total )

Signed-digit recoding

In certain computations it may be more efficient to allow negative coefficients and hence use the inverse of the base, provided inversion in G is ' fast' or has been precomputed. For example, when computing x2k−1 the binary method requires k−1 multiplications and k−1 squarings . However one could perform k squarings to get x2k and then multiply by x−1 to obtain x2k−1.

To this end we define the signed-digit representation of an integer in radix as

'Signed Binary Representation' corresponds to the particular choice and . It is denoted by . There are several methods for computing this representation. The representation is not unique, for example take . Two distinct signed-binary representations are given by and , where is used to denote . Since the binary method computes a multiplication for every non-zero entry in the base 2 representation of , we are interested in finding the signed-binary representation with the smallest number of non-zero entries, that is, the one with minimal Hamming weight. One method of doing this is to compute the representation in non-adjacent form, or NAF for short, which is one that satisfies and denoted by . For example the NAF representation of 478 is equal to . This representation always has minimal Hamming weight. A simple algorithm to compute the NAF representation of a given integer with is the following:

  1. for to do
  2. return

Another algorithm by Koyama and Tsuruoka does not require the condition that ; it still minimizes the Hamming weight.

Alternatives and generalizations

Mining Engineer (Excluding Oil ) Truman from Alma, loves to spend time knotting, largest property developers in singapore developers in singapore and stamp collecting. Recently had a family visit to Urnes Stave Church. Exponentiation by squaring can be viewed as a suboptimal addition-chain exponentiation algorithm: it computes the exponent via an addition chain consisting of repeated exponent doublings (squarings) and/or incrementing exponents by one (multiplying by x) only. More generally, if one allows any previously computed exponents to be summed (by multiplying those powers of x), one can sometimes perform the exponentiation using fewer multiplications (but typically using more memory). The smallest power where this occurs is for n=15:

(squaring, 6 multiplies)
(optimal addition chain, 5 multiplies if x3 is re-used)

In general, finding the optimal addition chain for a given exponent is a hard problem, for which no efficient algorithms are known, so optimal chains are typically only used for small exponents (e.g. in compilers where the chains for small powers have been pre-tabulated). However, there are a number of heuristic algorithms that, while not being optimal, have fewer multiplications than exponentiation by squaring at the cost of additional bookkeeping work and memory usage. Regardless, the number of multiplications never grows more slowly than Θ(log n), so these algorithms only improve asymptotically upon exponentiation by squaring by a constant factor at best.

See also


43 year old Petroleum Engineer Harry from Deep River, usually spends time with hobbies and interests like renting movies, property developers in singapore new condominium and vehicle racing. Constantly enjoys going to destinations like Camino Real de Tierra Adentro.

  1. 1.0 1.1 Cohen, H., Frey, G. (editors): Handbook of elliptic and hyperelliptic curve cryptography. Discrete Math.Appl., Chapman & Hall/CRC (2006)
  2. In this line, the loop finds the longest string of length less than or equal to 'k' which ends in a non zero value. And not all odd powers of 2 up to need be computed and only those specifically involved in the computation need be considered.
  3. Montgomery, P. L. "Speeding the Pollard and Elliptic Curve Methods of Factorization." Math. Comput. 48, 243-264, 1987.