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{{unsolved|computer science|Is '''L''' {{=}} '''NL''' ?}}
In [[computational complexity theory]], '''NL''' (Nondeterministic Logarithmic-space) is the [[complexity class]] containing [[decision problem]]s which can be solved by a [[nondeterministic Turing machine]] using a [[logarithm]]ic amount of [[memory space]].

Ken aveva da poco ritirato dalla Exxon Mobil, la sua ultima posizione essendo a Houston, in Texas. Molte ore e molta cura e attenzione sono stati spesi progettare e costruire una casa da sogno in Austin, Texas. Ha descritto questa come una delle esperienze più memorabili della sua vita. Quando Martin Luther King fu assassinato, p. <br><br>Grazie ai treni convenienti persone piace andare lì per richiamare i ricordi nei vecchi giorni, camminando qua e là, la contrattazione con le vecchie donne con piccoli cestini da vendere. Se un fortunato può essere in grado di acquistare piante preziose raccolte nel prossimo montagna direttamente.. <br><br>È possibile presentare due pareri contrastanti, se volete, ma lasciare fuori le frasi in cui un ricercatore sta discutendo con un altro. Quindi, in questa sezione, è possibile presnt ritiene che il momento migliore per andare è in una giornata evento organizzato, e anche l'opinione che questo è il momento peggiore. <br><br>Blu e bianco sono stati i due colori più popolari per le luci di Natale nel corso degli anni. Filamenti singoli di colore delle luci sono più popolari, ma le luci di colore misti sono ancora disponibili per chi cerca qualcosa di diverso. Penso che dovrebbe essere una festa federale. Dovremmo tutti avere il giorno libero perché lei solo che bene. <br><br>Facebook e altri siti di social networking come MySpace, Linkedin, Xing, i profili di Wikipedia e molto altro. Tutto questo ricco contenuto profilo multimediale è tirato da un ampio elenco di internazionali così come le fonti regionali, il tutto per consentire di trovare persone in tempo reale. <br><br>Da usare. Avrebbe tracciare una linea nel mezzo di un pezzo di carta ed elencare tutti i lati positivi di andare avanti, e poi si sarebbe elencare qualsiasi negativi.. I giocatori potrebbero cambiare apparecchiature dopo l'inizio della manifestazione, possibilmente indossando il putt vincente con un club forse non indicato sul sondaggio. Recensione wordai. <br><br>Sappiamo che non passerà molto tempo prima che i rivenditori stanno progettando visualizza le vacanze del prossimo anno. Per essere sicuri di non diventare solo un'altra tappa sulla mappa in cui i consumatori rallentano per guardare, poi a piedi, pensare a modi per fornire un invito intrigante che rende i consumatori vogliono entrare nel negozio.. [ Air Max Ltd 2 Uomo] <br><br>In realtà, la [ Nike Blazer Vintage] signora Blair ha parlato a sostegno del diritto delle donne musulmane di [ Cintura Hermes Costo] indossare la loro copertura capelli tradizionale, che lascia il viso scoperto. [ Nike Air Max Uomo Prezzo] Noi accettiamo che la signora Blair ha fatto alcun commento sul Burkha e le sue opinioni sulle coperture viso non erano cambiati.<ul>
'''NL''' is a generalization of '''[[L (complexity)|L]]''', the class for logspace problems on a [[deterministic Turing machine]]. Since any deterministic Turing machine is also a [[nondeterministic Turing machine]], we have that '''L''' is contained in '''NL'''.

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'''NL''' can be formally defined in terms of the computational resource [[nondeterministic space]] (or NSPACE) as '''NL''' = '''NSPACE'''(log ''n'').

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Important results in complexity theory allow us to relate this complexity class with other classes, telling us about the relative power of the resources involved. Results in the field of [[algorithm]]s, on the other hand, tell us which problems can be solved with this resource.   Unfortunately, like much of complexity theory, many important questions about '''NL''' are still [[open problem|open]] (see [[Unsolved problems in computer science]]).

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Occasionally '''NL''' is referred to as '''RL''' due to its [[#Probabilistic definition|probabilistic definition]] below; however, this name is more frequently used to refer to [[RL (complexity)|randomized logarithmic space]], which is not known to equal '''NL'''.

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==NL-complete problems==

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Several problems are known to be '''[[NL-complete]]''' under [[log-space reduction]]s, including [[ST-connectivity]] and [[2-satisfiability]].  [[ST-connectivity]] asks for nodes ''S'' and ''T'' in a [[directed graph]] whether ''T'' is [[reachability|reachable]] from ''S''. [[2-satisfiability]] asks, given a formula of which each clause is the [[disjunction]] of two literals, if there is a variable assignment that makes the formula true. An example instance, where <math> \neg </math> indicates ''not'', might be:

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:<math>(x_1 \vee \neg x_3) \wedge (\neg x_2 \vee x_3) \wedge (\neg x_1 \vee \neg x_2)</math>

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It is known that '''NL''' is contained in '''[[P (complexity)|P]]''', since there is a [[polynomial-time algorithm]] for [[2-satisfiability]], but it is not known whether '''NL''' = '''P''' or whether '''L''' = '''NL'''. It is known that '''NL''' = '''co-NL''', where '''co-NL''' is the class of languages whose [[complement (complexity)|complement]]s are in '''NL'''. This result was independently discovered by  [[Neil Immerman]] and [[Róbert Szelepcsényi]] in 1987 ([[Immerman-Szelepcsényi Theorem]]), who received the 1995 [[Gödel Prize]] for this work.

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In [[circuit complexity]], '''NL''' can be placed within the '''[[NC (complexity)|NC]]''' hierarchy.  In Papadimitriou 1994, Theorem 16.1, we have:
:<math>\mathbf{NC}_1 \subseteq \mathbf{L} \subseteq \mathbf{NL} \subseteq \mathbf{NC}_2.</math>
More precisely, '''NL''' is contained in [[AC (complexity)|AC<sup>1</sup>]]. It is known that '''NL''' is equal to '''[[ZPL (complexity)|ZPL]]''', the class of problems solvable by randomized algorithms in logarithmic space and unbounded time, with no error. It is not, however, known or believed to be equal to '''[[RLP (complexity)|RLP]]''' or '''[[ZPLP (complexity)|ZPLP]]''', the polynomial-time restrictions of '''RL''' and '''ZPL''' which some authors refer to as '''RL''' and '''ZPL'''.
We can relate '''NL''' to deterministic space using [[Savitch's theorem]], which tells us that any nondeterministic algorithm can be simulated by a deterministic machine in at most quadratically more space. From Savitch's theorem, we have directly that:
:<math>\mathbf{NL \subseteq SPACE}(\log^2 n) \ \ \ \  \text{equivalently, } \mathbf{NL \subseteq L}^2.</math>  
This was the strongest deterministic-space inclusion known {{as of|1994|lc=on}} (Papadimitriou 1994 Problem 16.4.10, "Symmetric space").  Since larger space classes are not affected by quadratic increases, the nondeterministic and deterministic classes are known to be equal, so that for example we have '''[[PSPACE]]''' = '''[[NPSPACE]]'''.
==Probabilistic definition==
Suppose ''C'' is the [[complexity class]] of problems solvable in logarithmithic space with [[probabilistic Turing machine]]s that never accept incorrectly but are allowed to reject incorrectly less than 1/3 of the time; this is called ''one-sided error''. The constant 1/3 is arbitrary; any ''x'' with 0 ≤ ''x'' < 1/2 would suffice.
It turns out that ''C'' = '''NL'''. Notice that ''C'', unlike its deterministic counterpart '''[[L (complexity)|L]]''', is not limited to polynomial time, because although it has a polynomial number of configurations it can use randomness to escape an infinite loop. If we do limit it to polynomial time, we get the class '''[[RL (complexity)|RL]]''', which is contained in but not known or believed to equal '''NL'''.
There is a simple algorithm which establishes that ''C'' = '''NL'''. Clearly ''C'' is contained in '''NL''', since:
* If the string is not in the language, both reject along all computation paths.
* If the string is in the language, an '''NL''' algorithm accepts along at least one computation path and a ''C'' algorithm accepts along at least two-thirds of its computation paths.
To show that '''NL''' is contained in ''C'', we simply take an '''NL''' algorithm and choose a random computation path of length ''n'', and do this 2<sup>''n''</sup> times. Because no computation path exceeds length ''n'', and because there are 2<sup>n</sup> computation paths in all, we have a good chance of hitting the accepting one (bounded below by a constant).
The only problem is that we don't have room in log space for a binary counter that goes up to 2<sup>''n''</sup>. To get around this we replace it with a ''randomized'' counter, which simply flips ''n'' coins and stops and rejects if they all land on heads. Since this event has probability 2<sup>-n</sup>, we [[expected value|expect]] to take 2<sup>''n''</sup> steps on average before stopping. It only needs to keep a running total of the number of heads in a row it sees, which it can count in log space.  
Because of the [[Immerman–Szelepcsényi theorem]], according to which NL is closed under complements, the one-sided error in these probabilistic computations can be replaced by zero-sided error. That is, these problems can be solved by probabilistic Turing machines that use logarithmic space and never make errors. The corresponding complexity class that also requires the machine to use only polynomial time is called [[ZPLP (complexity)|ZPLP]].
Thus, when we only look at space alone, it seems that randomization and nondeterminism are equally powerful.
==Descriptive complexity==
There is a simple logical characterization of '''NL''': it contains precisely those languages expressible in [[first-order logic]] with an added [[transitive closure]] operator.
* {{CZoo|NL|N#nl}}
* {{cite book|last=Papadimitriou | first = C. | title= Computational Complexity | publisher = Addison-Wesley | year = 1994
    | isbn = 0-201-53082-1 | chapter = Chapter 16: Logarithmic Space}}
* {{cite book|author = [[Michael Sipser]] | year = 1997 | title = Introduction to the Theory of Computation | publisher = PWS Publishing | isbn = 0-534-94728-X | chapter= Sections 8.4&ndash;8.6: The Classes L and NL, NL-completeness, NL equals coNL | pages=294&ndash;302 }}
* [ Introduction to Complexity Theory: Lecture 7]. Oded Goldreich. Proposition 6.1. Our ''C'' is what Goldreich calls badRSPACE(log n).
{{DEFAULTSORT:Nl (Complexity)}}
[[Category:Complexity classes]]

Revision as of 07:13, 18 November 2013

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Here is my homepage ... new launch ec In computational complexity theory, NL (Nondeterministic Logarithmic-space) is the complexity class containing decision problems which can be solved by a nondeterministic Turing machine using a logarithmic amount of memory space.

NL is a generalization of L, the class for logspace problems on a deterministic Turing machine. Since any deterministic Turing machine is also a nondeterministic Turing machine, we have that L is contained in NL.

NL can be formally defined in terms of the computational resource nondeterministic space (or NSPACE) as NL = NSPACE(log n).

Important results in complexity theory allow us to relate this complexity class with other classes, telling us about the relative power of the resources involved. Results in the field of algorithms, on the other hand, tell us which problems can be solved with this resource. Unfortunately, like much of complexity theory, many important questions about NL are still open (see Unsolved problems in computer science).

Occasionally NL is referred to as RL due to its probabilistic definition below; however, this name is more frequently used to refer to randomized logarithmic space, which is not known to equal NL.

NL-complete problems

Several problems are known to be NL-complete under log-space reductions, including ST-connectivity and 2-satisfiability. ST-connectivity asks for nodes S and T in a directed graph whether T is reachable from S. 2-satisfiability asks, given a formula of which each clause is the disjunction of two literals, if there is a variable assignment that makes the formula true. An example instance, where ¬ indicates not, might be:



It is known that NL is contained in P, since there is a polynomial-time algorithm for 2-satisfiability, but it is not known whether NL = P or whether L = NL. It is known that NL = co-NL, where co-NL is the class of languages whose complements are in NL. This result was independently discovered by Neil Immerman and Róbert Szelepcsényi in 1987 (Immerman-Szelepcsényi Theorem), who received the 1995 Gödel Prize for this work.

In circuit complexity, NL can be placed within the NC hierarchy. In Papadimitriou 1994, Theorem 16.1, we have:


More precisely, NL is contained in AC1. It is known that NL is equal to ZPL, the class of problems solvable by randomized algorithms in logarithmic space and unbounded time, with no error. It is not, however, known or believed to be equal to RLP or ZPLP, the polynomial-time restrictions of RL and ZPL which some authors refer to as RL and ZPL.

We can relate NL to deterministic space using Savitch's theorem, which tells us that any nondeterministic algorithm can be simulated by a deterministic machine in at most quadratically more space. From Savitch's theorem, we have directly that:

NLSPACE(log2n)equivalently, NLL2.

This was the strongest deterministic-space inclusion known Template:As of (Papadimitriou 1994 Problem 16.4.10, "Symmetric space"). Since larger space classes are not affected by quadratic increases, the nondeterministic and deterministic classes are known to be equal, so that for example we have PSPACE = NPSPACE.

Probabilistic definition

Suppose C is the complexity class of problems solvable in logarithmithic space with probabilistic Turing machines that never accept incorrectly but are allowed to reject incorrectly less than 1/3 of the time; this is called one-sided error. The constant 1/3 is arbitrary; any x with 0 ≤ x < 1/2 would suffice.

It turns out that C = NL. Notice that C, unlike its deterministic counterpart L, is not limited to polynomial time, because although it has a polynomial number of configurations it can use randomness to escape an infinite loop. If we do limit it to polynomial time, we get the class RL, which is contained in but not known or believed to equal NL.

There is a simple algorithm which establishes that C = NL. Clearly C is contained in NL, since:

  • If the string is not in the language, both reject along all computation paths.
  • If the string is in the language, an NL algorithm accepts along at least one computation path and a C algorithm accepts along at least two-thirds of its computation paths.

To show that NL is contained in C, we simply take an NL algorithm and choose a random computation path of length n, and do this 2n times. Because no computation path exceeds length n, and because there are 2n computation paths in all, we have a good chance of hitting the accepting one (bounded below by a constant).

The only problem is that we don't have room in log space for a binary counter that goes up to 2n. To get around this we replace it with a randomized counter, which simply flips n coins and stops and rejects if they all land on heads. Since this event has probability 2-n, we expect to take 2n steps on average before stopping. It only needs to keep a running total of the number of heads in a row it sees, which it can count in log space.

Because of the Immerman–Szelepcsényi theorem, according to which NL is closed under complements, the one-sided error in these probabilistic computations can be replaced by zero-sided error. That is, these problems can be solved by probabilistic Turing machines that use logarithmic space and never make errors. The corresponding complexity class that also requires the machine to use only polynomial time is called ZPLP.

Thus, when we only look at space alone, it seems that randomization and nondeterminism are equally powerful.

Descriptive complexity

There is a simple logical characterization of NL: it contains precisely those languages expressible in first-order logic with an added transitive closure operator.


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