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In [[mathematics]], '''planar algebras''' first appeared in the work of [[Vaughan Jones]] on the [[standard invariant]] of a [[II-1 subfactor|II<sub>1</sub> subfactor]] []. They also provide an appropriate algebraic framework for many [[knot invariants]] (in particular the [[Jones polynomial]]), and have been used in describing the properties of [[Khovanov homology]] with respect to [[tangle (mathematics)|tangle]] composition [] [].

Prática odontológica de Siegelman não é típico, ele é especialista em pessoas que têm fobias dentárias extremas. Ele disse que as fobias podem ser resultado de uma infinidade de coisas, inclusive [ Oculos De Sol Ray Ban Clubmaster] tendo uma experiência traumática anterior no dentista (talvez um anesthetization anterior não foi feito corretamente), sensação de extremo desconforto ao ter um procedimento odontológico feito (talvez a pessoa tem dificuldade respirando ao ter o trabalho feito), e ter um acidente onde talvez uma pessoa precisou levar pontos dentro ou perto da boca, imprimindo naquele momento assustador na memória.<br><br>Muitos moradores Newtown eram provavelmente desconhecem a existência fundação até Adam Lanza atirou em seu caminho através da escola 14 de dezembro de 2012, matando 20 alunos da primeira série e seis educadores antes de cometer suicídio. A organização tem sido baseada em Newtown por 20 anos, localizado em [ Lojas Ralph Lauren Rio De Janeiro] um edifício de estilo colonial branco ao longo de uma estrada principal para [ Oculos Ray Ban Aviator] a cidade, mas apenas suas iniciais e endereço de rua aparecem em um sinal afixado na frente.<br><br>NOVA DELI: A UPA tem atraído a hierarquia e desta vez de forma muito clara. O secretariado do gabinete colocou o ministro da Defesa AK Antony no primeiro slot após o primeiro-ministro Manmohan Singh, relegando ministro da Agricultura, Sharad Pawar para a terceira posição. A nova hierarquia foi delineado através das comissões de gabinete que foram reconstituídos após o turno de Pranab Mukherjee para Rashtrapati Bhavan e conseqüentes mudanças nos ministérios da casa e das finanças.<br><br>Justamente, os valedictories foram jorrando. Este era um batedor, afinal de contas, que marcou mais de 35.000 execuções de primeira classe em uma média de 53, e se juntou ao grupo de elite de aqueles que fizeram mais de 100 centenas de primeira classe. Devido ao impacto de um jogo internacional expandiu teve sobre aparições em cricket doméstico, ele poderia muito bem ser o último membro do clube. Em todos os níveis, exceto o topo, ele fez rebatidas parecer fácil. Ele era um bom jogador.<br><br>'Nós também temos cobertura em caso de uma lesão de Brad Haddin [Tim Paine] ou qualquer um dos batedores [Callum Ferguson] por isso não é visto não haver [ Oculo Oakley] pressa em tomar a decisão. O júri nacional irá tomar uma decisão medida que nos aproximamos das fases posteriores do torneio para que possamos escolher um jogador substituto, que na nossa opinião vai nos dar a melhor chance de sucesso na Copa do Mundo '.<br><br>2. Quando você diz que Mussolini reconheceu Keynes, e segui-lo com uma citação, isso implica que é a citação de Mussolini. Mas ele não falou de Keynes, ao meu conhecimento. Na verdade, é a opinião pessoal de John Barnes, conforme publicado em seu livro 1929 'aspectos universais do fascismo', e do livro supostamente tem selo governamental de Mussolini. Confundir isto com uma atribuição, no entanto, ou é intelectualmente desonesto ou preguiçoso.
Given a label set <math>I</math> with an [[Involution (mathematics)|involution]], and a fixed set of words <math>W</math> in the elements of the label set, a planar algebra consists of a collection of modules <math>V_\omega</math>, one for each element <math>\omega</math> in <math>W</math>, together with an action of the operad of tangles labelled by <math>I</math>.

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In more detail, given a list of words <math>w_1, w_2, \ldots, w_k</math>, and a single word <math>w_0</math>, we define a ''tangle'' from <math>(w_1, w_2, \dots, w_k)</math> to <math>w_0</math> to be a disk ''D'' in the plane, with points around its circumference labelled in order by the letters of <math>w_0</math>, with <math>k</math> internal disks removed, indexed 1 through ''k'', with the ''i''-th internal disk having points around its circumference labelled in order by the letters of <math>w_i</math>, and finally, with a collection of oriented non-intersecting curves lying in the remaining portion of the disk, with each component being labelled by an element of the label set, such that the set of end points of these curves coincide exactly with the labelled points on the internal and external circumferences, and at the initial points of the curves, the label on the curves coincides with the label on the circumference, while at the final points, the label on the curve coincides with the involute of the label on the circumference.

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While this sounds complicated, an illustrated example does wonders! <!-- provide an illustration! -->

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Such tangles can be composed. <!-- explain this! --> With this notion of composition, the collection of tangles with labels in <math>I</math> and boundaries labelled by <math>W</math> forms an operad.

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This operad acts on the modules <math>V_\omega</math> as follows. For each tangle <math>T</math> from <math>(w_1, w_2, \ldots, w_k)</math> to <math>w_0</math>, we need a module homomorphism <math>Z_T : V_{w_1} \otimes V_{w_2} \otimes \cdots \otimes V_{w_k} \longrightarrow V_{w_0}</math>. Further, for a composition of tangles, we must get the corresponding composition of module homomorphisms.

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The [[Temperley–Lieb algebra]]s can be retrofitted as a planar algebra.
Fix an element <math>\delta \in R</math> in the ground ring. Take a one element label set, and allow words of even length. (Thus the words correspond exactly to nonnegative even integers.) For each even integer <math>2n</math>, let <math>V_{2n}</math> be the free module generated by (isotopy classes of) diagrams consisting of ''n'' non-intersecting arcs drawn in a disk, with the endpoints of the arcs lying on the boundary of the disk. The action of tangles is simply by gluing the appropriate disks into the tangle, removing any closed arcs, replacing each with a factor of <math>\delta</math>.
We can generalise this to allow more complicated label and word sets (including for example, the planar algebra version of the [[Fuss–Catalan algebra]]s). For each label <math>i \in I</math>, fix <math>\delta_i \in R</math> in the ground ring. For a word <math>\omega \in W</math>, the module <math>V_\omega</math> is generated by (again, isotopy classes) of diagrams consisting on non-intersecting arcs drawn in a disk, labelled by elements of <math>I</math> with endpoints on the boundary of disk, such that the induced labels on these points, when read in order, give <math>\omega</math>. The action of tangles is defined as before, with closed arcs labelled by <math>i</math> being replaced by a factor of <math>\delta_i</math>.
The (oriented) tangle planar algebra is a planar algebra with a two element label set, the nontrivial involution on it, and balanced even length words. It is generated, as a planar algebra, by the diagrams of the positive and negative crossings in [[knot theory]], living in ''V''<sub>++&minus;&minus;</sub>. [[Knot polynomial]]s satisfying skein relations can be succinctly described as quotient maps from this planar algebra, which are rank 1 on <math>V_\emptyset</math>.
The planar algebras used in describing [[II-1 subfactor|II<sub>1</sub> subfactors]] have a two element label set, with the nontrivial involution, and the allowed words are the finite-length alternating words in these two elements. The labels on the tangles are typically illustrated by shading alternately the regions between the strands; the two types of strands are then distinguished by either having a shaded region on their right or on their left.
[[Category:Knot theory]]
[[Category:Diagram algebras]]

Revision as of 12:25, 27 September 2013

In mathematics, planar algebras first appeared in the work of Vaughan Jones on the standard invariant of a II1 subfactor [1]. They also provide an appropriate algebraic framework for many knot invariants (in particular the Jones polynomial), and have been used in describing the properties of Khovanov homology with respect to tangle composition [2] [3].

Given a label set with an involution, and a fixed set of words in the elements of the label set, a planar algebra consists of a collection of modules , one for each element in , together with an action of the operad of tangles labelled by .


In more detail, given a list of words , and a single word , we define a tangle from to to be a disk D in the plane, with points around its circumference labelled in order by the letters of , with internal disks removed, indexed 1 through k, with the i-th internal disk having points around its circumference labelled in order by the letters of , and finally, with a collection of oriented non-intersecting curves lying in the remaining portion of the disk, with each component being labelled by an element of the label set, such that the set of end points of these curves coincide exactly with the labelled points on the internal and external circumferences, and at the initial points of the curves, the label on the curves coincides with the label on the circumference, while at the final points, the label on the curve coincides with the involute of the label on the circumference.

While this sounds complicated, an illustrated example does wonders!

Such tangles can be composed. With this notion of composition, the collection of tangles with labels in and boundaries labelled by forms an operad.

This operad acts on the modules as follows. For each tangle from to , we need a module homomorphism . Further, for a composition of tangles, we must get the corresponding composition of module homomorphisms.



The Temperley–Lieb algebras can be retrofitted as a planar algebra.

Fix an element in the ground ring. Take a one element label set, and allow words of even length. (Thus the words correspond exactly to nonnegative even integers.) For each even integer , let be the free module generated by (isotopy classes of) diagrams consisting of n non-intersecting arcs drawn in a disk, with the endpoints of the arcs lying on the boundary of the disk. The action of tangles is simply by gluing the appropriate disks into the tangle, removing any closed arcs, replacing each with a factor of .

We can generalise this to allow more complicated label and word sets (including for example, the planar algebra version of the Fuss–Catalan algebras). For each label , fix in the ground ring. For a word , the module is generated by (again, isotopy classes) of diagrams consisting on non-intersecting arcs drawn in a disk, labelled by elements of with endpoints on the boundary of disk, such that the induced labels on these points, when read in order, give . The action of tangles is defined as before, with closed arcs labelled by being replaced by a factor of .


The (oriented) tangle planar algebra is a planar algebra with a two element label set, the nontrivial involution on it, and balanced even length words. It is generated, as a planar algebra, by the diagrams of the positive and negative crossings in knot theory, living in V++−−. Knot polynomials satisfying skein relations can be succinctly described as quotient maps from this planar algebra, which are rank 1 on .


The planar algebras used in describing II1 subfactors have a two element label set, with the nontrivial involution, and the allowed words are the finite-length alternating words in these two elements. The labels on the tangles are typically illustrated by shading alternately the regions between the strands; the two types of strands are then distinguished by either having a shaded region on their right or on their left.