Thermodynamics of nanostructures

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A hidden Markov random field is a generalization of a hidden Markov model. Instead of having an underlying Markov chain, hidden Markov random fields have an underlying Markov random field.

Suppose that we observe a random variable Yi, where iS. Hidden Markov random fields assume that the probabilistic nature of Yi is determined by the unobservable Markov random field Xi, iS. That is, given the neighbors Ni of Xi, Xi is independent of all other Xj (Markov property). The main difference with a hidden Markov model is that neighborhood is not defined in 1 dimension but within a network, i.e. Xi is allowed to have more than the two neighbors that it would have in a Markov chain. The model is formulated in such a way that given Xi, Yi are independent (conditional independence of the observable variables given the Markov random field).

See also


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