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In [[mathematics]], the '''Plancherel theorem for spherical functions''' is an important result in the [[group representation|representation theory]] of [[semisimple Lie group]]s, due in its final form to [[Harish-Chandra]]. It is a natural generalisation in [[non-commutative harmonic analysis]] of the [[Plancherel formula]] and [[Fourier inversion formula]] in the representation theory of the group of real numbers in classical [[harmonic analysis]] and has a similarly close interconnection with the theory of [[differential equation]]s.
It is the special case for [[zonal spherical function]]s of the general [[Plancherel theorem]] for semisimple Lie groups, also proved by Harish-Chandra. The Plancherel theorem gives the [[Spectral theory|eigenfunction expansion]] of radial functions for the [[Laplacian operator]] on the associated [[symmetric space]] ''X''; it also gives the [[direct integral|direct integral decomposition]] into [[irreducible representation]]s of the [[regular representation]] on L<sup>2</sup>(''X''). In the case of
[[hyperbolic space]], these expansions were known from [[Spectral theory of ordinary differential equations#Application to the hypergeometric equation|prior results]] of Mehler, [[Weyl]] and [[Vladimir Fock|Fock]].
The main reference for almost all this material is the encyclopedic text of {{harvtxt|Helgason|1984}}.
The first versions of an abstract Plancherel formula for the Fourier transform on a [[unimodular]] [[locally compact group]] ''G'' were due to Segal and Mautner.<ref>{{harvnb|Helgason|1984|pp=492–493}}, historical notes on the Plancherel theorem for spherical functions</ref> At around the same time, Harish-Chandra<ref>{{harvnb|Harish-Chandra|1951}}</ref><ref>{{harvnb|Harish-Chandra|1952}}</ref> and Gelfand & Naimark<ref>{{harvnb|Gelfand|Naimark|1948}}</ref><ref>{{harvnb|Guillemin|Sternberg|1977}}</ref> derived an explicit formula for [[SL(2,R)]] and complex [[semisimple Lie group]]s, so in particular the [[Lorentz group]]s. A simpler abstract formula was derived by Mautner for a "topological" symmetric space ''G''/''K'' corresponding to a [[maximal compact subgroup]] ''K''. [[Roger Godement|Godement]] gave a more concrete and satisfactory form for [[positive definite function on a group|positive definite]] [[zonal spherical function|spherical functions]], a class of [[special function]]s on ''G''/''K''. Since when ''G'' is a [[semisimple Lie group]] these spherical functions φ<sub>λ</sub> were naturally labelled by a parameter λ in the quotient of a [[Euclidean space]] by the action of a [[finite reflection group]], it became a central problem to determine explicitly the [[Plancherel measure]] in terms of this parametrization. Generalizing the ideas of [[Hermann Weyl]] from the [[spectral theory of ordinary differential equations]], Harish-Chandra<ref name="HarishChandra1958">{{harvnb|Harish-Chandra|1958a}}</ref><ref name="HarishChandra1958a">{{harvnb|Harish-Chandra|1958b}}</ref> introduced his celebrated '''c-function''' ''c''(λ) to describe the asymptotic behaviour of the spherical functions φ<sub>λ</sub> and proposed ''c''(λ)<sup>−2</sup> ''d''λ as the Plancherel measure. He verified this formula for the special cases when ''G'' is complex or [[Iwasawa decomposition|real rank]] one, thus in particular covering the case when ''G''/''K'' is a [[hyperbolic space]]. The general case was reduced to two conjectures about the properties of the c-function and the so-called spherical Fourier transform. Explicit formulas for the c-function were later obtained for a large class of classical semisimple Lie groups by Bhanu-Murthy. In turn these formulas prompted Gindikin and Karpelevič to derive a product formula<ref>{{harvnb|Gindikin|Karpelevič|1962}}</ref> for the c-function, reducing the computation to Harish-Chandra's formula for the rank 1 case. Their work finally enabled Harish-Chandra to complete his proof of the Plancherel theorem for spherical functions in 1966.<ref>{{harvnb|Harish-Chandra|1966}}, section 21</ref>
In many special cases, for example for complex semisimple group or the Lorentz groups, there are simple methods to develop the theory directly. Certain subgroups of these groups can be treated by techniques generalising the well-known "[[method of descent]]" due to [[Jacques Hadamard]]. In particular {{harvtxt|Flensted-Jensen|1978}} gave a general method for deducing properties of the spherical transform for a real semisimple group from that of its complexification.
One of the principal applications and motivations for the spherical transform was [[Selberg's trace formula]]. The classical [[Poisson summation formula]] combines the Fourier inversion formula on a vector group with summation over a cocompact lattice. In Selberg's analogue of this formula, the vector group is replaced by ''G''/''K'', the Fourier transform by the spherical transform and the lattice by a cocompact (or cofinite) discrete subgroup. The original paper of {{harvtxt|Selberg|1956}} implicitly invokes the spherical transform; it was {{harvtxt|Godement|1957}} who brought the transform to the fore, giving in particular an elementary treatment for SL(2,'''R''') along the lines sketched by Selberg.
==Spherical functions==
{{main|Zonal spherical function}}
Let ''G'' be a [[semisimple Lie algebra|semisimple]] [[Lie group]] and ''K'' a [[maximal compact subgroup]] of ''G''. The [[Hecke algebra]]
''C''<sub>c</sub>(''K'' \''G''/''K''), consisting of compactly supported ''K''-biinvariant continuous functions on ''G'', acts by convolution on the [[Hilbert space]] ''H''=''L''<sup>2</sup>(''G'' / ''K''). Because ''G'' / ''K'' is a [[symmetric space]], this *-algebra is [[commutative]]. The closure of its (the Hecke algebra's) image in the operator norm is a non-unital commutative [[C* algebra]] <math>\mathfrak{A}</math>, so by the [[Gelfand isomorphism]] can be identified with the continuous functions vanishing at infinity on its [[spectrum]] ''X''.<ref>The spectrum coincides with that of the commutative Banach *-algebra of integrable ''K''-biinvariant functions on ''G'' under convolution, a dense *-subalgebra of <math>\mathfrak{A}</math>.</ref> Points in the spectrum are given by continuous *-homomorphisms of <math>\mathfrak{A}</math> into '''C''', i.e. [[Gelfand isomorphism|characters]] of <math>\mathfrak{A}</math>.
If ''S''' denotes the [[commutant]] of a set of operators ''S'' on ''H'', then <math>\mathfrak{A}^\prime</math> can be identified with the commutant of the [[regular representation]] of ''G'' on ''H''. Now <math>\mathfrak{A}</math> leaves invariant the subspace ''H''<sub>0</sub> of ''K''-invariant vectors in ''H''. Moreover the [[abelian von Neumann algebra]] it generates on ''H''<sub>0</sub> is maximal Abelian. By [[spectral theory]], there is an essentially unique<ref>The [[Equivalence (measure theory)|measure class]] of μ in the sense of the [[Radon–Nikodym theorem]] is unique.</ref> [[measure]] μ on the [[locally compact]] space ''X'' and a unitary transformation ''U'' between ''H''<sub>0</sub> and ''L''<sup>2</sup>(''X'', μ) which carries the operators in <math>\mathfrak{A}</math> onto the corresponding [[multiplication operator]]s.
The transformation ''U'' is called the '''spherical Fourier transform''' or sometimes just the '''spherical transform''' and μ is called the '''[[Plancherel measure]]'''. The Hilbert space ''H''<sub>0</sub> can be identified with ''L''<sup>2</sup>(''K''\''G''/''K''), the space of ''K''-biinvariant square integrable functions on ''G''.
The characters χ<sub>λ</sub> of <math>\mathfrak{A}</math> (i.e. the points of ''X'') can be described by [[positive definite function on a group|positive definite]] [[zonal spherical function|spherical functions]] φ<sub>λ</sub> on ''G'', via the formula
:<math> \chi_\lambda(\pi(f)) = \int_G f(g)\cdot \varphi_\lambda(g) \, dg.</math>
for ''f'' in ''C''<sub>c</sub>(''K''\''G''/''K''), where π(''f'') denotes the convolution operator in <math>\mathfrak{A}</math> and the integral is with respect to [[Haar measure]] on ''G''.
The spherical functions φ<sub>λ</sub> on ''G'' are given by [[Zonal spherical function#Harish-Chandra's formula|Harish-Chandra's formula]]:
:{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"
|<math>\varphi_\lambda(g) = \int_K \lambda^\prime(gk)^{-1}\, dk. </math>
In this formula:
* the integral is with respect to Haar measure on ''K'';
* λ is an element of ''A''* =Hom(''A'','''T''') where ''A'' is the Abelian vector subgroup in the [[Iwasawa decomposition]] ''G'' =''KAN'' of ''G'';
* λ' is defined on ''G'' by first extending λ to a [[character (mathematics)|character]] of the [[solvable group|solvable subgroup]] ''AN'', using the group homomorphism onto ''A'', and then setting
::<math>\lambda^\prime(kx) = \Delta_{AN}(x)^{1/2} \lambda(x)</math>
:for ''k'' in ''K'' and ''x'' in ''AN'', where Δ<sub>''AN''</sub> is the [[Haar measure#The modular function|modular function]] of ''AN''.
* Two different characters λ<sub>1</sub> and λ<sub>2</sub> give the same spherical function if and only if λ<sub>1</sub> = λ<sub>2</sub>·''s'', where ''s'' is in the [[Weyl group]] of ''A''
::<math> W=N_K(A)/C_K(A),</math>
:the quotient of the [[normaliser]] of ''A'' in ''K'' by its [[centraliser]], a [[finite reflection group]].
It follows that
* '''''X'' can be identified with the quotient space ''A''*/''W'''''.
==Spherical principal series==
{{see also|Principal series representation}}
The spherical function φ<sub>λ</sub> can be identified with the matrix coefficient of the '''spherical principal series''' of ''G''. If ''M'' is the [[centralizer]] of ''A'' in ''K'', this is defined as the unitary representation π<sub>λ</sub> of ''G'' [[induced representation|induced]] by the character of ''B'' = ''MAN'' given by the composition of the homomorphism of ''MAN'' onto ''A'' and the character λ.
The induced representation is defined on functions ''f'' on ''G'' with
:<math> f(gb)=\Delta(b)^{1/2} \lambda(b) f(g)</math>
for ''b'' in ''B'' by
:<math> \|f\|^2 = \int_K |f(k)|^2 \, dk < \infty.</math>
The functions ''f'' can be identified with functions in L<sup>2</sup>(''K'' / ''M'') and
:<math> \chi_\lambda(g)=(\pi(g)1,1).</math>
As {{harvtxt|Kostant|1969}} proved, the representations of the spherical principal series are irreducible and two representations π<sub>λ</sub> and
π<sub>μ</sub> are unitarily equivalent if and only if μ = σ(λ) for some σ in the Weyl group of ''A''.
==Example: SL(2,C)==
The group ''G'' = SL(2,'''C''') acts transitively on the [[quaternion]]ic upper half space
:<math>\mathfrak{H}^3=\{x+y i + t j|t>0\}</math>
by [[Möbius transformation]]s. The complex matrix
:<math>g=\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c& d \end{pmatrix}</math>
acts as
:<math>g(w)=(aw+b)(cw +d)^{-1}.\ </math>
The stabiliser of the point '''j''' is the maximal compact subgroup ''K'' = SU(2), so that <math>\mathfrak{H}^3</math> = ''G'' / ''K''.
It carries the ''G''-invariant [[Riemannian metric]]
:<math> ds^2 =r^{-2}(dx^2 + dy^2 + dr^2)\ </math>
with associated volume element
:<math> dV= r^{-3}\, dx\,dy\,dr</math>
and [[Laplacian operator]]
:<math> \Delta = -r^2(\partial_x^2 + \partial_y^2 + \partial_r^2) + r\partial_r.</math>
Every point in <math>\mathfrak{H}^3</math> can be written as ''k''(''e''<sup>''t''</sup>'''j''') with ''k'' in SU(2) and ''t'' determined up to a sign.
The Laplacian has the following form on functions invariant under SU(2), regarded as functions of the real parameter ''t'':
:<math> \Delta= - \partial_t^2 - 2 \coth t \partial_t.</math>
The integral of an SU(2)-invariant function is given by
:<math>\int f \, dV= \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(t) \, \sinh^2 t \, dt.</math>
Identifying the square integrable SU(2)-invariant functions with L<sup>2</sup>('''R''') by the unitary transformation ''Uf''(''t'') = ''f''(''t'') sinh ''t'', Δ is transformed into the operator
:<math>U^*\Delta U = -{d^2\over dt^2} + 1.</math>
By the [[Plancherel theorem]] and [[Fourier inversion formula]] for '''R''', any SU(2)-invariant function ''f'' can be expressed in terms of the spherical functions
:<math>\Phi_\lambda(t)={\sin \lambda t\over \lambda \sinh t},</math>
by the spherical transform
:<math>\tilde{f}(\lambda)=\int f \Phi_{-\lambda} \, dV</math>
and the spherical inversion formula
:<math>f(x)=\int \tilde{f}(\lambda)\Phi_\lambda(x) \lambda^2 \,d\lambda.</math>
Taking <math>f= f_2^*\star f_1</math> with ''f''<sub>''i''</sub> in C<sub>c</sub>(''G'' / ''K'') and <math> f^*(g)=\overline{f(g^{-1})}</math>, and evaluating at ''i'' yields the ''Plancherel formula''
:<math> \int_G f_1\overline{f_2} \, dg = \int \tilde{f}_1(\lambda) \overline{\tilde{f}_2(\lambda)}\, \lambda^2 \, d\lambda.</math>
For biinvariant functions this establishes the '''Plancherel theorem for spherical functions''': the map
:<math> U:f\mapsto \tilde{f},\,\, L^2(K\backslash G/K) \rightarrow L^2({\Bbb R}, \lambda^2\,d\lambda)</math>
is unitary and sends the convolution operator defined by <math> f\in</math> L<sup>1</sup>(''K'' \ ''G'' / ''K'') into the multiplication operator defined by <math>\tilde{f}</math>.
The spherical function Φ<sub>λ</sub> is an [[eigenfunction]] of the Laplacian:
:<math>\displaystyle{\Delta \Phi_\lambda= (\lambda^2 + 1) \Phi_\lambda.}</math>
[[Schwartz function]]s on '''R''' are the spherical transforms of functions ''f'' belonging to the Harish-Chandra Schwartz space
:<math> {\mathcal S} =\{f| \sup_t |(1+t^2)^N(I+\Delta)^M f(t)\sinh(t)|<\infty\}.</math>
By the [[Paley-Wiener theorem]], the spherical transforms of smooth SU(2)-invariant functions of [[compact support]] are precisely
functions on '''R''' which are restrictions of [[holomorphic function]]s on '''C''' satisfying an exponential growth condition
:<math>|F(\lambda)|\le C e^{ R \cdot |{\rm Im}\,\lambda|}.</math>
As a function on ''G'', Φ<sub>λ</sub> is the matrix coefficient of the spherical principal series defined on L<sup>2</sup>('''C'''), where '''C''' is identified with the boundary of <math>\mathfrak{H}^3</math>. The representation is given by the formula
:<math>\pi_\lambda(g^{-1})\xi(z)=|cz + d|^{-2-i\lambda} \xi(g(z)).</math>
The function
:<math>\xi_0(z)=\pi^{-1} (1+|z|^2)^{-2}</math>
is fixed by SU(2) and
The representations π<sub>λ</sub> are irreducible and unitarily equivalent only when the sign of λ is changed.
The map ''W'' of <math> L^2({\mathfrak H}^3)</math> onto L<sup>2</sup>([0,∞) x'''C''') (with measure λ<sup>2</sup> ''d''λ on the first factor) given by
:<math> Wf(\lambda,z)= \int_{G/K} f(g) \pi_\lambda(g)\xi_0(z) \, dg</math>
is unitary and gives the decomposition of <math> L^2({\mathfrak H}^3)</math> as a [[direct integral]] of the spherical principal series.
==Example: SL(2,R)==
The group ''G'' = SL(2,'''R''') acts transitively on the Poincaré upper half plane
:<math>\mathfrak{H}^2=\{x+r i|r>0\}</math>
by [[Möbius transformation]]s. The complex matrix
:<math>g=\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c& d \end{pmatrix}</math>
acts as
:<math>g(w)=(aw+b)(cw +d)^{-1}.</math>
The stabiliser of the point '''i''' is the maximal compact subgroup ''K'' = SO(2), so that <math>\mathfrak{H}^2</math> = ''G'' / ''K''.
It carries the ''G''-invariant [[Riemannian metric]]
:<math> ds^2 =r^{-2}(dx^2 + dr^2)</math>
with associated area element
:<math> dA= r^{-2}\, dx\,dr</math>
and [[Laplacian operator]]
:<math> \Delta = -r^2(\partial_x^2 + \partial_r^2).</math>
Every point in <math>\mathfrak{H}^3</math> can be written as ''k''( ''e''<sup>''t''</sup> '''i''' ) with ''k'' in SO(2) and ''t'' determined up to a sign. The Laplacian has the following form on functions invariant under SO(2), regarded as functions of the real parameter ''t'':
:<math> \Delta= - \partial_t^2 - \coth t \partial_t.</math>
The integral of an SO(2)-invariant function is given by
:<math>\int f \, dA= \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(t) \, |\sinh t| \, dt.</math>
There are several methods for deriving the corresponding eigenfunction expansion for this ordinary differential equation including:
# the classical [[spectral theory of ordinary differential equations]] applied to the [[Spectral theory of ordinary differential equations#Application to the hypergeometric equation|hypergeometric equation]] (Mehler, Weyl, Fock);
# variants of Hadamard's method of descent, realising 2-dimensional hyperbolic space as the quotient of 3-dimensional hyperbolic space by the free action of a 1-parameter subgroup of SL(2,'''C''');
# Abel's integral equation, following Selberg and Godement;
# orbital integrals (Harish-Chandra, Gelfand & Naimark).
The second and third technique will be described below, with two different methods of descent: the classical one due Hadamard, familiar from treatments of the heat equation<ref>{{harvnb|Davies|1990}}</ref> and the wave equation<ref>{{harvnb|Lax|Phillips|1976}}</ref> on hyperbolic space; and Flensted-Jensen's method on the hyperboloid.
===Hadamard's method of descent===
If ''f''(''x'',''r'') is a function on <math>\mathfrak{H}^2</math> and
:<math>M_1f(x,y,r)=r^{1/2}\cdot f(x,r)</math>
:<math> \Delta_3 M_1 f= M_1(\Delta_2 + {3\over 4})f,</math>
where Δ<sub>''n''</sub> is the Laplacian on <math>{\mathfrak H}^n</math>.
Since the action of SL(2,'''C''') commutes with Δ<sub>3</sub>, the operator
''M''<sub>0</sub> on S0(2)-invariant functions obtained by averaging ''M''<sub>1</sub>''f'' by the action of SU(2)
also satisfies
:<math> \Delta_3 M_0= M_0(\Delta_2 + {3\over 4}).</math>
The adjoint operator ''M''<sub>1</sub>* defined by
:<math> M_1^* F(x,r)=r^{1/2} \int_{-\infty}^\infty F(x,y,r)\, dy</math>
:<math> \int_{\mathfrak{H}^3} (M_1f)\cdot F \,dV = \int_{\mathfrak{H}^2} f\cdot (M_1^*F) \,dA.</math>
The adjoint ''M''<sub>0</sub>*, defined by averaging ''M''*''f'' over SO(2), satisfies
:<math> \int_{\mathfrak{H}^3} (M_0f)\cdot F \,dV = \int_{\mathfrak{H}^2} f\cdot (M_0^*F) \,dA</math>
for SU(2)-invariant functions ''F'' and SO(2)-invariant functions ''f''. It follows that
:<math> M_i^* \Delta_3= (\Delta_2 + {3\over 4})M_i^*.</math>
The function
:<math> \displaystyle{f_\lambda= M_1^* \Phi_\lambda} </math>
is SO(2)-invariant and satisfies
:<math>\Delta_2 f_\lambda= (\lambda^2 +{1\over 4})f_\lambda.</math>
On the other hand
:<math>b(\lambda)=f_\lambda(i)=\int {\sin \lambda t \over \lambda \sinh t} \, dt= {\pi\over \lambda} \tanh{\pi\lambda\over 2},</math>
since the integral can be computed by integrating <math> e^{i\lambda t} /\sinh t</math> around the rectangular
indented contour with vertices at ±''R'' and ±''R'' + πi. Thus the eigenfunction
:<math>\displaystyle{\phi_\lambda=b(\lambda)^{-1} M_1\Phi_\lambda}</math>
satisfies the normalisation condition φ<sub>λ</sub>(''i'') = 1. There can only be
one such solution either because the [[Wronskian]] of the ordinary differential equation
must vanish or by expanding as a power series in sinh ''r''.<ref>{{harvnb|Helgason|1984|page=38}}</ref>
It follows that
:<math> \varphi_\lambda(e^t i)={1\over 2\pi}\int_0^{2\pi} (\cosh t - \sinh t \cos \theta)^{-1-i\lambda} \, d\theta.</math>
Similarly it follows that
:<math> \displaystyle{\Phi_\lambda = M_1 \phi_\lambda.}</math>
If the spherical transform of an SO(2)-invariant function on <math>\mathfrak{H}^2</math> is defined by
:<math>\tilde{f}(\lambda)=\int f \varphi_{-\lambda} \,dA,</math>
:<math> {(M_1^* F)}^\sim(\lambda) = \tilde{F}(\lambda).</math>
Taking ''f''=''M''<sub>1</sub>*''F'', the SL(2,'''C''') inversion formula for ''F'' immediately yields
:<math>f(x)=\int_{-\infty}^\infty \varphi_\lambda(x) \tilde{f}(\lambda)\,{\lambda \pi\over 2} \tanh({\pi\lambda\over 2})\, d\lambda,</math>
the spherical inversion formula for SO(2)-invariant functions on <math>\mathfrak{H}^2</math>.
As for SL(2,'''C'''), this immediately implies the Plancherel formula for ''f''<sub>i</sub> in C<sub>c</sub>(SL(2,'''R''') / SO(2)):
:<math>\int_{\mathfrak{H}^2} f_1\overline{f_2} \,dA = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \tilde{f}_1 \overline{\tilde{f}_2}
\,{\lambda \pi\over 2} \tanh({\pi\lambda\over 2})\, d\lambda.</math>
The spherical function φ<sub>λ</sub> is an [[eigenfunction]] of the Laplacian:
:<math>\displaystyle{\Delta_2 \varphi_\lambda= (\lambda^2 + {1\over 4}) \varphi_\lambda.}</math>
[[Schwartz function]]s on '''R''' are the spherical transforms of functions ''f'' belonging to the Harish-Chandra Schwartz space
:<math> {\mathcal S} =\{f| \sup_t |(1+t^2)^N(I+\Delta)^M f(t)\varphi_0(t)|<\infty\}.</math>
The spherical transforms of smooth SO(2)-invariant functions of [[compact support]] are precisely
functions on '''R''' which are restrictions of [[holomorphic function]]s on '''C''' satisfying an exponential growth condition
:<math>|F(\lambda)|\le C e^{ R \cdot |{\rm Im}\,\lambda|}.</math>
Both these results can be deduced by descent from the corresponding results for SL(2,'''C'''),<ref name="FlenstedJensen1978">{{harvnb|Flensted-Jensen|1978}}</ref>
by verifying directly that the spherical transform satisfies the given growth conditions<ref>{{harvnb|Anker|1991}}</ref><ref>{{harvnb|Jorgenson|Lang|2001}}</ref> and then using the relation <math> {(M_1^* F)}^\sim = \tilde{F}</math>.
As a function on ''G'', φ<sub>λ</sub> is the matrix coefficient of the spherical principal series defined on L<sup>2</sup>('''R'''), where '''R''' is identified with the boundary of <math>\mathfrak{H}^2</math>. The representation is given by the formula
:<math>\pi_\lambda(g^{-1})\xi(x)=|cx + d|^{-1-i\lambda} \xi(g(x)).</math>
The function
:<math>\xi_0(x)=\pi^{-1} (1+|x|^2)^{-1}</math>
is fixed by S0(2) and
The representations π<sub>λ</sub> are irreducible and unitarily equivalent only when the sign of λ is changed.
The map ''W'' of <math> L^2({\mathfrak H}^2)</math> onto L<sup>2</sup>([0,∞) x'''R'''), with measure
:<math> {\pi\lambda/2}\cdot \tanh(\pi\lambda/2) d\lambda</math>
on the first factor, is given by the formula
:<math> Wf(\lambda,x)= \int_{G/K} f(g) \pi_\lambda(g)\xi_0(x) \, dg</math>
is unitary and gives the decomposition of <math> L^2({\mathfrak H}^2)</math> as a [[direct integral]] of the spherical principal series.
===Flensted&ndash;Jensen's method of descent===
Hadamard's method of descent relied on functions invariant under the action of 1-parameter subgroup of translations in the ''y'' parameter in
<math>\mathfrak{H}^3</math>. Flensted&ndash;Jensen's method uses the centraliser of SO(2) in SL(2,'''C''') which splits as a direct product of SO(2)
and the 1-parameter subgroup ''K''<sub>1</sub> of matrices
:<math>g_t=\begin{pmatrix} \cosh t & i\sinh t \\ -i\sinh t& \cosh t\end{pmatrix}.</math>
The symmetric space SL(2,'''C''')/SU(2) can be identified with the space '''H'''<sup>3</sup> of positive 2&times;2 matrices ''A'' with determinant 1
:<math>A=\begin{pmatrix} a+b & x+iy \\ x-iy & a -b\end{pmatrix}</math>
with the group action given by
:<math>g\cdot A = gAg^*. \, </math>
:<math> g_t\cdot A=\begin{pmatrix} a \cosh 2t +y \sinh 2t +b & x+i(y\cosh 2t + a\sinh 2t) \\ x-i(y\cosh 2t + a\sinh 2t) & a\cosh 2t +y \sinh 2t -b\end{pmatrix}.</math>
So on the [[hyperboloid]] <math>a^2=1+b^2 +x^2 +y^2 </math>, ''g''<sub>''t''</sub> only changes the coordinates ''y'' and ''a''. Similarly the action of SO(2) acts by rotation on the coordinates (''b'',''x'') leaving ''a'' and ''y'' unchanged. The space '''H'''<sup>2</sup> of real-valued positive matrices ''A'' with ''y'' = 0 can be identified with the orbit of the identity matrix under SL(2,'''R'''). Taking coordinates (''b'',''x'',''y'') in '''H'''<sup>3</sup> and (''b'',''x'') on '''H'''<sup>2</sup> the volume and area elements are given by
:<math>dV =(1+r^2)^{-1/2} \,db\, dx\, dy,\,\,\, dA= (1+r^2)^{-1/2} \,db\, dx,</math>
where ''r''<sup>2</sup> equals ''b''<sup>2</sup> + ''x''<sup>2</sup> + ''y''<sup>2</sup> or ''b''<sup>2</sup> + ''x''<sup>2</sup>,
so that ''r'' is related to hyperbolic distance from the origin by <math> r =\sinh t</math>.
The [[Laplacian operator]]s are given by the formula
:<math>\Delta_n=-L_n - R_n^2 -(n-1)R_n, \, </math>
:<math>L_2=\partial_b^2 +\partial_x^2, \,\,\, R_2=b\partial_b + x\partial_x</math>
:<math>L_3=\partial_b^2 +\partial_x^2 +\partial_y^2,\,\, \, R_3=b\partial_b + x\partial_x + y\partial_y. \, </math>
For an SU(2)-invariant function ''F'' on '''H'''<sup>3</sup> and an SO(2)-invariant function on '''H'''<sup>2</sup>, regarded as
functions of ''r'' or ''t'',
:<math>\int_{H^3} F \,dV =4\pi \int_{-\infty}^\infty F(t) \sinh^2 t \, dt,\,\,\, \int_{H^2} f \,dV =2\pi\int_{-\infty}^\infty f(t) \sinh t \, dt.</math>
If ''f''(''b'',''x'') is a function on '''H'''<sup>2</sup>, ''Ef'' is defined by
:<math>Ef(b,x,y)=f(b,x). \, </math>
:<math>\Delta_3 Ef = E(\Delta_2 - R_2)f. \, </math>
If ''f'' is SO(2)-invariant, then, regarding ''f'' as a function of ''r'' or ''t'',
:<math> (-\Delta_2 +R_2)f= \partial_t^2 f + \coth t \partial _t f + r\partial_r f =\partial_t^2 f + (\coth t + \tanh t)\partial_t f.</math>
On the other hand
:<math>\partial_t^2 + (\coth t + \tanh t)\partial_t =\partial_t^2 + 2 \coth(2t) \partial_t.</math>
Thus, setting ''Sf''(''t'') = ''f''(2''t''),
:<math>\displaystyle{(\Delta_2 -R_2)Sf=4S\Delta_2f},</math>
leading to the fundamental ''descent relation'' of Flensted-Jensen for ''M''<sub>0</sub> = ''ES'':
:<math>\displaystyle{\Delta_3 M_0 f=4M_0\Delta_2 f.}</math>
The same relation holds with ''M''<sub>0</sub> by ''M'', where ''Mf'' is obtained by averaging ''M''<sub>0</sub>''f'' over SU(2).
The extension ''Ef'' is constant in the ''y'' variable and therefore invariant under the transformations ''g''<sub>''s''</sub>. On the other hand for
''F'' a suitable function on '''H'''<sup>3</sup>, the function ''QF'' defined by
:<math> QF = \int_{K_1}F\circ g_s \, ds</math>
is independent of the ''y'' variable. A straightforward change of variables shows that
:<math> \int_{H^3}F \, dV = \int_{H^2} (1+b^2 +x^2)^{1/2} QF \, dA.</math>
Since ''K''<sub>1</sub> commutes with SO(2), ''QF'' is SO(2)--invariant if ''F'' is, in particular if ''F'' is SU(2)-invariant. In this case ''QF'' is a function of ''r'' or ''t'', so that ''M''*''F'' can be defined by
:<math> M^*F(t)=QF(t/2).</math>
The integral formula above then yields
:<math>\int_{H^3} F \, dV = \int_{H^2} M^*F \, dA</math>
and hence, since for ''f'' SO(2)-invariant,
:<math>M^*((Mf)\cdot F) =f \cdot (M^*F),</math>
the following adjoint formula:
:<math>\int_{H^3} (Mf)\cdot F \, dV =\int_{H^2} f\cdot (M*F)\, dV.</math>
As a consequence
Thus, as in the case of Hadamard's method of descent.
:<math>M^*\Phi_{2\lambda} =b(\lambda) \varphi_\lambda</math>
:<math>\displaystyle{b(\lambda)=M^*\Phi_{2\lambda}(0)=\pi \tanh \pi \lambda}</math>
It follows that
:<math> {(M^* F)}^\sim(\lambda) = \tilde{F}(2\lambda).</math>
Taking ''f''=''M''*''F'', the SL(2,'''C''') inversion formula for ''F'' then immediately yields
:<math>f(x)=\int_{-\infty}^\infty \varphi_\lambda(x) \tilde{f}(\lambda)\,{\lambda \pi\over 2} \tanh({\pi\lambda\over 2})\, d\lambda,</math>
===Abel's integral equation===
The spherical function φ<sub>λ</sub> is given by
:<math>\varphi_\lambda(g)=\int_K \alpha^\prime(kg) \, dk,</math>
so that
:<math> \tilde{f}(\lambda)=\int_S f(s) \alpha^\prime(s)\, ds,</math>
:<math>\tilde{f}(\lambda)=\int_{-\infty}^\infty \int_0^\infty f((a^2 + a^{-2} +b^2)/2)a^{-i\lambda/2} \, da\,db,</math>
so that defining ''F'' by
:<math>F(u)=\int_{-\infty}^\infty f(u +{t^2\over 2}) \, dt,</math>
the spherical transform can be written
:<math>\tilde{f}(\lambda)=\int_0^\infty F({a^2+a^{-2}\over 2}) a^{-i\lambda}\, da= \int_0^\infty F(\cosh t)e^{-it\lambda} \, dt.</math>
The relation between ''F'' and ''f'' is classically inverted by the [[Abel integral equation]]:
:<math>f(x)={-1\over 2\pi}\int_{-\infty}^\infty F^\prime(x +{t^2\over 2})\, dt.</math>
In fact<ref>{{harvnb|Helgason|1984|page=41}}</ref>
:<math>\int_{-\infty}^\infty F^\prime(x+{t^2\over 2})\, dt = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \int_{-\infty}^\infty f^\prime(x +{t^2 + u^2\over 2}) \, dt\,du
={2\pi} \int_0^\infty f^\prime(x+{r^2\over 2}) r\, dr= 2\pi f(x).</math>
The relation between ''F'' and <math>\tilde{f}</math> is inverted by the [[Fourier inversion formula]]:
:<math>F(\cosh t)={2\over \pi} \int_0^\infty\tilde{f}(i\lambda)\cos(\lambda t) \, d\lambda.</math>
:<math>f(i)={1\over 2\pi^2} \int_0^\infty \tilde{f}(\lambda) \lambda\, d\lambda \int_{-\infty}^\infty {\sin \lambda t/2\over \sinh t} \cosh {t\over 2} \, dt ={1\over 2\pi^2} \int_{-\infty}^\infty \tilde{f}(\lambda) {\lambda\pi\over 2} \tanh({\pi\lambda\over 2})\, d\lambda.</math>
This gives the spherical inversion for the point ''i''. Now for fixed ''g'' in SL(2,'''R''') define<ref>{{harvnb|Helgason|1984|page=46}}</ref>
:<math>f_1(w)=\int_K f(gkw) \, dk,</math>
another rotation invariant function on <math>\mathfrak{H}^2</math> with ''f''<sub>1</sub>(i)=''f''(''g''(''i'')). On the other hand for biinvariant functions ''f'',
:<math>\pi_\lambda(f)\xi_0 =\tilde{f}(\lambda) \xi_0</math>
so that
:<math> \tilde{f}_1(\lambda)=\tilde{f}(\lambda)\cdot \varphi_\lambda(w),</math>
where ''w'' = ''g''(''i''). Combining this with the above inversion formula for ''f''<sub>1</sub> yields the general spherical inversion formula:
:<math> f(w) ={1\over \pi^2} \int_0^\infty \tilde{f}(\lambda) \varphi_\lambda(w) {\lambda\pi\over 2} \tanh({\pi\lambda\over 2})\, d\lambda.</math>
==Other special cases==
All complex semisimple Lie groups or the [[Lorentz group]]s SO<sup>0</sup>(''N'',1) with ''N'' odd can be treated directly by reduction to the usual Fourier transform.<ref name="FlenstedJensen1978" /><ref>{{harvnb|Takakhashi|1963}}</ref> The remaining real Lorentz groups can be deduced by Flensted-Jensen's method of descent, as can other semisimple Lie groups of real rank one.<ref>{{harvnb|Loeb|1979}}</ref> Flensted-Jensen's method of descent also applies to the treatment of real semisimple Lie groups for which the Lie algebras are [[real form (Lie theory)#Normal real form|normal real forms]] of complex semisimple Lie algebras.<ref name="FlenstedJensen1978" /> The special case of SL(N,'''R''') is treated in detail in {{harvtxt|Jorgenson|Lang|2001}}; this group is also the normal real form of SL(N,'''C''').
The approach of {{harvtxt|Flensted-Jensen|1978}} applies to a wide class of real semisimple Lie groups of arbitrary real rank and yields the explicit product form of the Plancherel measure on <math>\mathfrak{a}</math>* without using Harish-Chandra's expansion of the spherical functions φ<sub>λ</sub>
in terms of his c-function, discussed below. Although less general, it gives a simpler approach to the Plancherel theorem for this class of groups.
===Complex semisimple Lie groups===
If ''G'' is a complex semisimple Lie group, it is the [[complexification]] of its maximal compact subgroup ''U'', a compact semisimple Lie group. If <math>{\mathfrak
g}</math> and <math>\mathfrak{u}</math> are their Lie algebras, then
:<math> \mathfrak{g} = \mathfrak{u} \oplus i\mathfrak{u}.</math>
Let ''T'' be a [[maximal torus]] in ''U'' with Lie algebra <math>\mathfrak{t}</math>. Then setting
:<math>A= \exp i \mathfrak{t}, \,\, P= \exp i \mathfrak{u},</math>
there is the [[Cartan decomposition]]:
:<math>G=P\cdot U = UAU.</math>
The finite-dimensional irreducible representations π<sub>λ</sub> of ''U'' are indexed by certain λ in <math>\mathfrak{t}^*</math>.<ref>These are indexed by highest weights shifted by half the sum of the positive roots.</ref> The corresponding character formula and dimension formula of [[Hermann Weyl]] give explicit formulas for
:<math>\chi_\lambda(e^X)={\rm Tr}\, \pi_\lambda(e^X), (X\in \mathfrak{t})),\,\,\, d(\lambda)={\rm dim}\, \pi_\lambda.</math>
These formulas, initially defined on <math>\mathfrak{t}^*\times \mathfrak{t}</math> and <math>\mathfrak{t}^*</math>, extend holomorphic to their
complexifications. Moreover
:<math>\chi_\lambda(e^X)={\sum_{\sigma \in W} {\rm sign}(\sigma) e^{i\lambda(\sigma X)}\over \delta(e^X)},</math>
where ''W'' is the [[Weyl group]] <math> W =N_U(T)/T</math> and δ(''e''<sup>''X''</sup>) is given by a product formula (Weyl's denominator formula) which extends holomorphically to the complexification of
<math>\mathfrak{t}</math>. There is a similar product formula for ''d''(λ), a polynomial in λ.
On the complex group ''G'', the integral of a ''U''-biinvariant function ''F'' can be evaluated as
:<math>\int_G F(g) \, dg = {1\over |W|} \int_{\mathfrak{a}} F(e^X)\, |\delta(e^X)|^2 \, dX.</math>
where <math>\mathfrak{a}=i\mathfrak{t}</math>.
The spherical functions of ''G'' are labelled by λ in <math>\mathfrak{a}=i\mathfrak{t}^*</math> and given by the Harish-Chandra-Berezin formula<ref>{{harvnb|Helgason|1984|pages=423–433}}</ref>
:<math> \Phi_\lambda(e^X) = {\chi_\lambda(e^X)\over d(\lambda)}.</math>
They are the matrix coefficients of the irreducible spherical principal series of ''G'' induced from the character of the [[Borel subgroup]] of ''G'' corresponding to λ; these representations are irreducible and can all be realized on L<sup>2</sup>(''U'' / ''T'').
The spherical transform of a ''U''-biinvariant function ''F'' is given by
:<math> \tilde{F}(\lambda)=\int_G F(g) \Phi_{-\lambda}(g)\, dg</math>
and the spherical inversion formula by
:<math> F(g) ={1\over |W|}\int_{{\mathfrak a}^*} \tilde{F}(\lambda)\Phi_\lambda(g) |d(\lambda)|^2 \, d\,\lambda=
\int_{{\mathfrak a}^*_+} \tilde{F}(\lambda)\Phi_\lambda(g) |d(\lambda)|^2 \, d\,\lambda,</math>
where <math>{\mathfrak a}^*_+</math> is a [[Weyl chamber]]. In fact the result follows from the [[Fourier inversion formula]] on <math>\mathfrak{a}</math> since<ref>{{harvnb|Flensted-Jensen|1978|page=115}}</ref>
:<math>d(\lambda)\delta(e^X)\Phi_\lambda(e^X)=\sum_{\sigma\in W} {\rm sign}(\sigma) e^{i\lambda(X)},</math>
so that <math>\displaystyle\overline{d(\lambda)}\tilde{F}(\lambda)</math> is just the [[Fourier transform]] of <math>\displaystyle F(e^X)\delta(e^X)</math>.
Note that the [[symmetric space]] ''G'' / ''U'' has as ''compact dual''<ref>{{harvnb|Helgason|1978}}</ref> the compact symmetric space ''U'' x ''U'' / ''U'', where ''U'' is the diagonal subgroup. The spherical functions for the latter space, which can be identified with ''U'' itself, are the
normalized characters χ<sub>λ</sub>/''d''(λ) indexed by lattice points in the interior of <math>{\mathfrak a}^*_+</math> and the role of ''A'' is played by ''T''. The spherical transform of ''f'' of a [[class function]] on ''U'' is given by
:<math> \tilde{f}(\lambda)=\int_U f(u){\overline{\chi_\lambda(u)}\over d(\lambda)} \,du</math>
and the spherical inversion formula now follows from the theory of [[Fourier series]] on ''T'':
:<math> f(u)=\sum_{\lambda} \tilde{f}(\lambda) {\chi_\lambda(u)\over d(\lambda)} d(\lambda)^2.</math>
There is an evident duality between these formulas and those for the non-compact dual.<ref>The spherical inversion formula for ''U'' is equivalent to the statement that the functions <math>\chi_\lambda d(\lambda)^{-1/2}</math> form an [[orthonormal basis]] for the class functions.</ref>
===Real semisimple Lie groups===
Let ''G''<sub>0</sub> be a [[Real form (Lie theory)#Normal real form|normal real form]] of the complex semisimple Lie group ''G'', the fixed points of an involution σ, conjugate linear on the Lie algebra of ''G''. Let τ be a Cartan involution of ''G''<sub>0</sub> extended to an involution of ''G'', complex linear on its Lie algebra, chosen to commute with σ. The fixed point subgroup of τσ is a compact real form ''U'' of ''G'', intersecting ''G''<sub>0</sub> in a maximal compact subgroup ''K''<sub>0</sub>. The fixed point subgroup of τ is ''K'', the complexification of ''K''<sub>0</sub>. Let ''G''<sub>0</sub>= ''K''<sub>0</sub>·''P''<sub>0</sub> be the corresponding Cartan decomposition of ''G''<sub>0</sub> and let ''A'' be a maximal Abelian subgroup of ''P''<sub>0</sub>. {{harvtxt|Flensted-Jensen|1978}} proved that
:<math>\displaystyle G= KA_+U,</math>
where ''A''<sub>+</sub> is the image of the closure of a Weyl chamber in <math>\mathfrak{a}</math> under the exponential map.
:<math> K\backslash G/U = A_+.</math>
:<math> K_0\backslash G_0/K_0 = A_+</math>
it follows that there is a canonical identification between ''K'' \ ''G'' / ''U'', ''K''<sub>0</sub> \ ''G''<sub>0</sub> /''K''<sub>0</sub> and ''A''<sub>+</sub>. Thus ''K''<sub>0</sub>-biinvariant functions on ''G''<sub>0</sub> can be identified with functions on ''A''<sub>+</sub> as can
functions on ''G'' that are left invariant under ''K'' and right invariant under ''U''. Let ''f'' be a function in
<math>C^\infty_c(K_0\backslash G_0 /K_0)</math> and define ''Mf'' in
<math>C^\infty_c(U\backslash G /U)</math> by
:<math> \displaystyle Mf(a)=\int_U f(ua^2) \,du.</math>
Here a third Cartan decomposition of ''G'' = ''UAU'' has been used to identify ''U'' \ ''G'' / ''U'' with ''A''<sub>+</sub>.
Let Δ be the Laplacian on ''G''<sub>0</sub>/''K''<sub>0</sub> and let Δ<sub>c</sub> be the Laplacian on ''G''/''U''. Then
:<math> \displaystyle 4M\Delta = \Delta_c M.</math>
For ''F'' in <math>C^\infty_c(U\backslash G /U)</math>, define ''M''*''F'' in <math>C^\infty_c(K_0\backslash G_0 /K_0)</math> by
:<math>\displaystyle M^*F(a^2)=\int_K F(ga) \, dg.</math>
Then ''M'' and ''M''* satisfy the duality relations
:<math> \displaystyle \int_{G/U} (Mf) \cdot F = \int_{G_0/K_0} f\cdot (M^*F).</math>
In particular
:<math> \displaystyle M^*\Delta_c= 4\Delta M^*.</math>
There is a similar compatibility for other operators in the center of the [[universal enveloping algebra]] of ''G''<sub>0</sub>. It follows from
the eigenfunction characterisation of spherical functions that <math> M^*\Phi_{2\lambda}</math> is proportional to φ<sub>λ</sub> on ''G''<sub>0</sub>, the constant of proportionality being given by
:<math> b(\lambda)=M^*\Phi_{2\lambda}(1)=\int_K \Phi_{2\lambda}(k)\, dk. </math>
Moreover in this case<ref>{{harvnb|Flensted-Jensen|page=133}}</ref>
:<math>\displaystyle (M^* F)^\sim(\lambda)= \tilde{F}(2\lambda).</math>
If ''f'' = ''M''*''F'', then the spherical inversion formula for ''F'' on ''G'' implies that for ''f'' on ''G''<sub>0</sub>:<ref>{{harvnb|Flensted-Jensen|1978|page=133}}</ref><ref>{{harvnb|Helgason|1984|page=490–491}}</ref>
:<math> f(g)= \int_{\mathfrak{a}^*_+} \tilde{f}(\lambda) \varphi_\lambda(g) \,\, 2^{{\rm dim}\, A}\cdot |b(\lambda)|\cdot |d(2\lambda)|^2 \,d\lambda, </math>
:<math>f(g)= M^*F(g)= \int_{\mathfrak{a}_+^*} \tilde{F}(2\lambda) M^*\Phi_{2\lambda}(g) 2^{{\rm dim}\, A} |d(2\lambda)|^2 \, d\lambda
= \int_{\mathfrak{a}_+^*} \tilde{f}(\lambda) \varphi_\lambda(g) \,\,b(\lambda) 2^{{\rm dim}\, A} |d(2\lambda)|^2 \, d\lambda.
The direct calculation of the integral for ''b''(λ), generalising the computation of {{harvtxt|Godement|1957}} for SL(2,'''R'''), was left as an open problem by {{harvtxt|Flensted-Jensen|1978}}.<ref>''b''(λ) can be written as integral over ''A''<sub>0</sub> where ''K'' = ''K''<sub>0</sub> ''A''<sub>0</sub> ''K''<sub>0</sub> is the Cartan decomposition of ''K''. The integral then becomes an alternating sum of multidimensional Godement-type integrals, whose combinatorics is governed by that of the [[Zonal spherical function#Cartan–Helgason theorem|Cartan-Helgason theorem]] for ''U''/''K''<sub>0</sub>. An equivalent computation that arises in the theory of the [[Radon transform]] has been discussed by {{harvtxt|Beerends|1987}}, {{harvtxt|Stade|1999}} and {{harvtxt|Gindikin|2008}}.</ref> An explicit product formula for ''b''(λ) was known from the prior determination of the Plancherel measure by
{{harvtxt|Harish-Chandra|1966}}, giving<ref>{{harvnb|Helgason|1984}}</ref><ref>{{harvnb|Beerends|1987|page=4–5}}</ref>
:<math> b(\lambda) =C\cdot d(2\lambda)^{-1}\cdot \prod_{\alpha>0} \tanh {\pi(\alpha,\lambda)\over (\alpha,\alpha)},</math>
where α ranges over the positive roots of the [[root system]] in <math>\mathfrak{a}</math> and ''C'' is a normalising constant, given as a quotient of products of [[Gamma function]]s.
==Harish-Chandra's Plancherel theorem==
Let ''G'' be a noncompact connected real semisimple Lie group with finite center. Let <math>\mathfrak{g}</math> denote its Lie algebra. Let ''K'' be a maximal compact subgroup
given as the subgroup of fixed points of a Cartan involution σ. Let <math>\mathfrak{g}_{\pm}</math> be the ±1 eigenspaces of σ in <math>\mathfrak{g}</math>, so that <math>\mathfrak{k}=\mathfrak{g}_+</math> is the Lie algebra of ''K'' and <math>\mathfrak{p}=\mathfrak{g}_-</math> give the Cartan decomposition
:<math>\mathfrak{g}=\mathfrak{k}+\mathfrak{p},\,\, G=\exp \mathfrak{p}\cdot K.</math>
Let <math>\mathfrak {a}</math> be a maximal Abelian subalgebra of <math>\mathfrak{p}</math> and for α in <math>\mathfrak {a}^*</math> let
:<math>\mathfrak{g}_\alpha=\{X\in \mathfrak{g}: [H,X]=\alpha(H)X\,\,(H\in \mathfrak{a})\}.</math>
If α ≠ 0 and <math>\mathfrak{g}_\alpha\ne (0)</math>, then α is called a ''restricted root'' and
''m''<sub>α</sub> = dim <math>\mathfrak{g}_\alpha</math> is called its ''multiplicity''. Let ''A'' = exp <math>\mathfrak {a}</math>, so
that ''G'' = ''KAK''.The restriction of the [[Killing form]] defines an inner product on <math>\mathfrak{p}</math> and hence <math>\mathfrak{a}</math>, which allows <math>\mathfrak{a}^*</math> to be identified with <math>\mathfrak{a}</math>. With respect to this inner product, the restricted roots Σ give a [[root system]]. Its [[Weyl group]] can be identified with
<math>W=N_K(A)/C_K(A)</math>. A choice of positive roots defines a Weyl chamber <math>\mathfrak{a}_+^*</math>. The ''reduced root system'' Σ<sub>0</sub> consists of roots α such that α/2 is not a root.
Defining the spherical functions φ<sub> λ</sub> as above for λ in <math>\mathfrak {a}^*</math>, the spherical transform of ''f'' in C<sub>c</sub><sup>∞</sup>(''K'' \ ''G'' / ''K'') is defined by
:<math>\tilde{f}(\lambda)=\int_G f(g) \varphi_{-\lambda}(g)\, dg.</math>
The '''spherical inversion formula''' states that
:<math>f(g)=\int_{\mathfrak{a}^*_+} \tilde{f}(\lambda) \varphi_\lambda(g)\, |c(\lambda)|^{-2}\, d\lambda,</math>
where '''Harish-Chandra's c-function''' '''c'''(λ) is defined by<ref>{{harvnb|Helgason|year=1984|page=447}}</ref>
:<math>c(\lambda)=c_0\cdot\prod_{\alpha\in \Sigma_0^+} {2^{-i(\lambda,\alpha_0)}
\Gamma({1\over 2}[{1\over 2} m_\alpha + 1 +i(\lambda,\alpha_0)])
\Gamma({1\over 2}[{1\over 2} m_{\alpha} + m_{2\alpha} +i(\lambda,\alpha_0)])}</math>
with <math>\alpha_0=(\alpha,\alpha)^{-1} \alpha</math> and the constant ''c''<sub>0</sub> chosen so that '''c'''(–''i''ρ) = 1 where
:<math> \rho={1\over 2} \sum_{\alpha\in \Sigma^+} m_\alpha \alpha.</math>
The '''Plancherel theorem for spherical functions''' states that the map
:<math>W:f\mapsto \tilde{f},\,\,\,\ L^2(K\backslash G /K) \rightarrow L^2(\mathfrak{a}_+^*, |c(\lambda)|^{-2}\, d\lambda)</math>
is unitary and transforms convolution by <math> f\in L^1(K\backslash G/K)</math> into
multiplication by <math>\tilde{f}</math>.
==Harish-Chandra's spherical function expansion==
Since ''G'' = ''KAK'', functions on ''G''/''K'' that are invariant under ''K'' can be identified with functions on ''A'', and hence <math>\mathfrak a</math>, that are invariant under the Weyl group ''W''. In particular since the Laplacian Δ on ''G''/''K'' commutes with the action of ''G'', it defines a second order differential operator ''L'' on <math>\mathfrak a</math>, invariant under ''W'', called the ''radial part of the Laplacian''. In general
if ''X'' is in <math>\mathfrak{a}</math>, it defines a first order differential operator (or vector field) by
:<math>Xf(y)={d\over dt} f(y+tX)|_{t=0}.</math>
''L'' can be expressed in terms of these operators by the formula<ref>{{harvnb|Helgason|1984|page=267}}</ref>
:<math>\displaystyle L=\Delta_{\mathfrak{a}} -\sum_{\alpha>0} m_\alpha \, \coth \alpha \, A_\alpha,</math>
where ''A''<sub>α</sub> in <math>\mathfrak{a}</math> is defined by
:<math>\displaystyle (A_\alpha,X)=\alpha(X)</math>
:<math>\Delta_{\mathfrak{a}}=-\sum X_i^2</math>
is the Laplacian on <math>\mathfrak{a}</math>, corresponding to any choice of orthonormal basis (''X''<sub>''i''</sub>).
:<math>L=L_0 -\sum_{\alpha>0} m_\alpha\, (\coth \alpha -1) A_\alpha,</math>
:<math>L_0=\Delta_{\mathfrak{a}} - \sum_{\alpha>0} A_\alpha,</math>
so that ''L'' can be regarded as a perturbation of the constant-coefficient operator ''L''<sub>0</sub>.
Now the spherical function φ<sub>λ</sub> is an eigenfunction of the Laplacian:
:<math>\Delta\varphi_\lambda=(\|\lambda\|^2 + \|\rho\|^2)\varphi_\lambda</math>
and therefore of ''L'', when viewed as a ''W''-invariant function on <math>\mathfrak{a}</math>.
Since ''e''<sup>''i''λ–ρ</sup> and its transforms under ''W'' are eigenfunctions of ''L''<sub>0</sub> with the same eigenvalue,
it is natural look for a formula for φ<sub>λ</sub> in terms of a perturbation series
:<math>f_\lambda=e^{i\lambda -\rho}\sum_{\mu\in \Lambda} a_\mu(\lambda) e^{-\mu},</math>
with Λ the cone of all non-negative integer combinations of positive roots, and the transforms of ''f''<sub>λ</sub> under ''W''. The expansion
:<math>\displaystyle \coth x-1 =2 \sum_{m>0} e^{-2mx},</math>
leads to a recursive formula for the coefficients ''a''<sub>μ</sub>(λ). In particular they are uniquely determined and the
series and its derivatives converges absolutely on <math>\mathfrak{a}_+</math>, a [[fundamental domain]] for ''W''. Remarkably
it turns out that ''f''<sub>λ</sub> is also an eigenfunction of the other ''G''-invariant differential operators on ''G''/''K'', each of
which induces a ''W''-invariant differential operator on <math>\mathfrak{a}</math>.  
It follows that φ<sub>λ</sub> can be expressed in terms as a linear combination of ''f''<sub>λ</sub> and its transforms under ''W'':<ref>{{harvnb|Helgason|1984|page=430}}</ref>
:<math>\varphi_\lambda=\sum_{s\in W} c(s\lambda) f_{s\lambda}.</math>
Here '''c'''(λ) is '''Harish-Chandra's c-function'''. It describes the asymptotic behaviour of φ<sub>λ</sub> in <math>\mathfrak{a}_+</math>,
:<math>\varphi_\lambda(e^tX) \sim c(\lambda) e^{(i\lambda -\rho)Xt}</math>
for ''X'' in <math>\mathfrak{a}_+</math> and ''t''>0 large.
Harish-Chandra obtained a second integral formula for φ<sub>λ</sub> and hence '''c'''(λ) using the [[Bruhat decomposition]] of ''G'':<ref>{{harvnb|Helgason|1978|page=403}}</ref>
:<math>G = \bigcup_{s\in W} B s B,</math>
where ''B'' = ''MAN'' and the union is disjoint. Taking the [[Coxeter element]] ''s''<sub>0</sub> of ''W'', the unique element mapping <math>\mathfrak{a}_+</math> onto <math>-\mathfrak{a}_+</math>, it follows that σ(''N'') has a dense open orbit ''G''/''B''=''K''/''M''
whose complement is a union of cells of strictly smaller dimension and therefore has measure zero. It follows that the integral formula
for φ<sub>λ</sub> initially defined over ''K''/''M''
:<math>\varphi_\lambda(g) = \int_{K/M} \lambda^\prime(gk)^{-1}\, dk.</math>
can be transferred to σ(''N''):<ref>{{harvnb|Helgason|1984|page=436}}</ref>
:<math>\varphi_\lambda(e^X)=e^{i\lambda -\rho} \int_{\sigma(N)} {\overline{\lambda^\prime(n)} \over \lambda^\prime(e^Xne^{-X})} \, dn,</math>
for ''X'' in <math>\mathfrak{a}</math>.
:<math>\lim_{t\rightarrow \infty} e^{tX}ne^{-tX}= 1</math>
for ''X'' in <math>\mathfrak{a}_+</math>, the asymptotic behaviour of φ<sub>λ</sub> can be read off from this integral, leading to the formula:<ref>{{harvnb|Halgason|1984|page=447}}</ref>
:<math> c(\lambda)=\int_{\sigma(N)} \overline{\lambda^\prime(n)}\, dn.</math>
==Harish-Chandra's c-function==
{{main|Harish-Chandra's c-function}}
The many roles of Harish-Chandra's '''c'''-function in [[non-commutative harmonic analysis]] are surveyed in {{harvtxt|Helgason|2000}}. Although it was originally introduced by Harish-Chandra in the asymptotic expansions of spherical functions, discussed above, it was also soon understood to be intimately related to intertwining operators between induced representations, first studied in this context by {{harvtxt|Bruhat|1957}}. These operators exhibit the unitary equivalence between π<sub>λ</sub> and π<sub>''s''λ</sub> for ''s'' in the Weyl group and a '''c'''-function '''c'''<sub>''s''</sub>(λ) can be attached to each such operator: namely the value at ''1'' of the intertwining operator applied to ξ<sub>0</sub>, the constant function 1, in L<sup>2</sup>(''K''/''M'').<ref>{{harvnb|Knapp|2001}}, Chapter VII</ref> Equivalently, since ξ<sub>0</sub> is up to scalar multiplication the unique vector fixed by ''K'', it is an eigenvector of the intertwining operator with eigenvalue '''c'''<sub>''s''</sub>(λ).
These operators all act on the same space L<sup>2</sup>(''K''/''M''), which can be identified with the representation induced from
the 1-dimensional representation defined by λ on ''MAN''. Once ''A'' has been chosen, the compact subgroup ''M'' is uniquely determined as the centraliser of ''A'' in ''K''. The nilpotent subgroup ''N'', however, depends on a choice of a Weyl chamber in <math>\mathfrak{a}^*</math>, the various choices being permuted by the Weyl group ''W'' = ''M'' ' / ''M'', where ''M'' ' is the normaliser of ''A'' in ''K''. The '''standard intertwining operator''' corresponding to (''s'', λ) is defined on the induced representation by<ref>{{harvnb|Knapp|2001|page=177}}</ref>
:<math> \displaystyle A(s,\lambda)F(k)=\int_{\sigma(N)\cap s^{-1}Ns} F(ksn)\, dn,</math>
where σ is the Cartan involution. It satisfies the intertwining relation
:<math>\displaystyle A(s,\lambda)\pi_\lambda(g) =\pi_{s\lambda}(g) A(s,\lambda).</math>
The key property of the intertwining operators and their integrals is the multiplicative cocycle property<ref>{{harvnb|Knapp|2001|page=182}}</ref>
:<math> \displaystyle A(s_1s_2,\lambda)=A(s_1,s_2\lambda)A(s_2,\lambda),</math>
for the length function on the Weyl group associated with the choice of Weyl chamber. For ''s'' in ''W'', this is the number of chambers
crossed by the straight line segment between ''X'' and ''sX'' for any point ''X'' in the interior of the chamber. The unique element of greatest length
''s''<sub>0</sub>, namely the number of positive restricted roots, is the unique element that carries the Weyl chamber <math>\mathfrak{a}_+^*</math> onto <math>-\mathfrak{a}_+^*</math>. By Harish-Chandra's integral formula, it corresponds to Harish-Chandra's '''c'''-function:
:<math> c(\lambda)=c_{s_0}(\lambda).</math>
The '''c'''-functions are in general defined by the equation
:<math> \displaystyle A(s,\lambda)\xi_0 =c_s(\lambda)\xi_0,</math>
where ξ<sub>0</sub> is the constant function 1 in L<sup>2</sup>(''K''/''M''). The cocycle property of the intertwining operators implies a similar multiplicative property for the '''c'''-functions:
:<math> c_{s_1s_2}(\lambda) =c_{s_1}(s_2 \lambda)c_{s_2}(\lambda)</math>
This reduces the computation of '''c'''<sub>''s''</sub> to the case when ''s'' = ''s''<sub>α</sub>, the reflection in a (simple) root α, the so-called
"rank-one reduction" of {{harvtxt|Gindikin|Karpelevič|1962}}. In fact the integral involves only the closed connected subgroup ''G''<sup>α</sup> corresponding to the Lie subalgebra generated by <math>\mathfrak{g}_{\pm \alpha}</math> where α lies in Σ<sub>0</sub><sup>+</sup>.<ref>{{harvnb|Helgason|1978|page=407}}</ref> Then ''G''<sup>α</sup> is a real semisimple Lie group with real rank one, i.e. dim ''A''<sup>α</sup> = 1,
and '''c'''<sub>''s''</sub> is just the Harish-Chandra '''c'''-function of ''G''<sup>α</sup>. In this case the '''c'''-function can be computed directly by various means:
*by noting that φ<sub>λ</sub> can be expressed in terms of the [[hypergeometric function]] for which the asymptotic expansion is known from the classical formulas of [[Carl Friedrich Gauss|Gauss]] for the [[Hypergeometric differential equation#Connection coefficients|connection coefficients]];<ref name="HarishChandra1958" /><ref>{{harvnb|Helagson|1984|page=484}}</ref>
*by directly computing the integral, which can be expressed as an integral in two variables and hence a product of two [[beta function]]s.<ref>{{harvnb|Helgason|1978|page=414}}</ref><ref>{{harvnb|Helgason|1984|page=437}}</ref>
This yields the following formula:
:<math>c_{s_\alpha}(\lambda)=c_0{2^{-i(\lambda,\alpha_0)}\Gamma(i(\lambda,\alpha_0))\over\Gamma({1\over 2} ({1\over 2}m_\alpha + 1+ i(\lambda,\alpha_0)) \Gamma({1\over 2} ({1\over 2}m_\alpha + m_{2\alpha} + i(\lambda,\alpha_0))},</math>
:<math>c_0=2^{m_\alpha/2 + m_{2\alpha}}\Gamma({1\over 2} (m_\alpha+m_{2\alpha} +1)).</math>
The general [[Gindikin–Karpelevich formula]] for '''c'''(λ) is an immediate consequence of this formula and the multiplicative properties of '''c'''<sub>''s''</sub>(λ).
==Paley–Wiener theorem==
The Paley-Wiener theorem generalizes the [[Paley-Wiener theorem|classical Paley-Wiener theorem]] by characterizing the spherical transforms of smooth ''K''-bivariant functions of compact support on ''G''. It is a necessary and sufficient condition that the spherical transform be ''W''-invariant and that there is an ''R'' > 0 such that for each ''N'' there is an estimate
:<math>|\tilde{f}(\lambda)|\le C_N (1+|\lambda|)^{-N} e^{R|{\rm Im}\, \lambda|}.</math>
In this case ''f'' is supported in the closed ball of radius ''R'' about the origin in ''G''/''K''.
This was proved by Helgason and Gangolli ({{harvtxt|Helgason|1970}} pg. 37).
The theorem was later proved by {{harvtxt|Flensted-Jensen|1986}} independently of the spherical inversion theorem, using a modification of his method of reduction to the complex case.<ref>The second statement on supports follows from Flensted-Jensen's proof by using the explicit methods associated with
[[Kostant polynomial]]s instead of the results of Mustapha Rais.</ref>
==Rosenberg's proof of inversion formula==
{{harvtxt|Rosenberg|1977}} noticed that the Paley-Wiener theorem and the spherical inversion theorem could be proved simultaneously, by a trick which
considerably simplified previous proofs.
The first step of his proof consists in showing directly that the inverse transform, defined using Harish-Chandra's '''c'''-function, defines a function supported in the closed ball of radius ''R'' about the origin if the Paley-Wiener estimate is satisfied. This follows
because the integrand defining the inverse transform extends to a meromorphic function on the [[complexification]] of <math>\mathfrak{a}^*</math>; the integral can be shifted to <math>\mathfrak{a}^* + i\mu t</math> for μ in <math>\mathfrak{a}^*_+</math> and ''t'' > 0. Using Harish-Chandra's expansion
of φ<sub>λ</sub> and the formulas for '''c'''(λ) in terms of [[Gamma function]]s, the integral can be bounded for ''t'' large and hence can be shown to vanish outside the closed ball of radius ''R'' about the origin.<ref>{{harvnb|Helgason|1984|pages=452–453}}</ref>
This part of the Paley-Wiener theorem shows that
:<math>\displaystyle T(f)=\int_{\mathfrak{a}_+^*} \tilde{f}(\lambda) |c(\lambda)|^{-2} \, d\lambda</math>
defines a distribution on ''G''/''K'' with support at the origin ''o''. A further estimate for the integral shows that it is in fact given by a measure and that therefore there is a constant ''C'' such that
:<math> \displaystyle T(f)=Cf(o).</math>
By applying this result to
:<math>f_1(g)=\int_K f(x^{-1}kg)\, dk,</math>
it follows that
:<math> Cf=\int_{\mathfrak{a}_+^*} \tilde{f}(\lambda) \varphi_\lambda |c(\lambda)|^{-2} \, d\lambda.</math>
A further scaling argument allows the inequality ''C'' = ''1'' to be deduced from the Plancherel theorem and Paley-Wiener theorem on <math>\mathfrak{a}</math>.<ref>{{harvnb|Rosenberg|1977}}</ref><ref>{{harvnb|Helgason|1984|page=588–589}}</ref>
==Schwartz functions==
The Harish-Chandra Schwartz space can be defined as<ref>{{harvnb|Anker|1991|page=347}}</ref>
:<math>\mathcal{S}(K\backslash G/K)=\{f\in C^\infty(G/K)^K:\sup_{x} |(1+d(x,o))^m (\Delta + I)^n f(x)|<\infty\}.</math>
Under the spherical transform it is mapped onto <math>\mathcal{S}(\mathfrak{a}^*)^W</math>, the space of ''W''-invariant
[[Schwartz function]]s on <math>\mathfrak{a}^*</math>.
The original proof of Harish-Chandra was a long argument by induction.<ref name="HarishChandra1958" /><ref name="HarishChandra1958a" /><ref>{{harvnb|Helgason|1984|page=489}}</ref> {{harvtxt|Anker|1991}} found a short and simple proof, allowing the result to be deduced directly from versions of the Paley-Wiener and spherical inversion formula. He proved that the spherical transform of a Harish-Chandra Schwartz function is a classical Schwartz function. His key observation was then to show that the inverse transform was continuous on the Paley-Wiener space endowed with classical Schwartz space [[seminorm]]s, using classical estimates.
*{{citation|last=Anker|first=Jean-Philippe|title=The spherical Fourier transform of rapidly decreasing functions. A simple proof of a characterization due to Harish-Chandra, Helgason, Trombi, and Varadarajan|journal=J. Funct. Anal.|volume= 96|year=1991|pages= 331–349|doi=10.1016/0022-1236(91)90065-D|issue=2}}
*{{citation|last=Beerends|first= R. J.|title=The Fourier transform of Harish-Chandra's c-function and inversion of the Abel transform|
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*{{Citation|first=Semen G.|last=Gindikin|coauthors=Fridrikh I. Karpelevich|title=Мера Планшереля для римановых симметрических пространств неположительной кривизны|trans_title=Plancherel measure for symmetric Riemannian spaces of non-positive curvature|year=1962|volume=145|journal=Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR|pages=252–255|mr=150239 |postscript=.}}
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*{{Citation |authorlink=Harish-Chandra |title=Spherical Functions on a Semisimple Lie Group II | publisher=The Johns Hopkins University Press | year=1958b | journal=[[American Journal of Mathematics]] | volume=80 | issue=3 | pages=553–613 | doi=10.2307/2372772 |author1=Harish-Chandra |jstor=2372772}}
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[[Category:Representation theory of Lie groups]]
[[Category:Theorems in harmonic analysis]]
[[Category:Theorems in functional analysis]]

Latest revision as of 13:48, 11 March 2013

In mathematics, the Plancherel theorem for spherical functions is an important result in the representation theory of semisimple Lie groups, due in its final form to Harish-Chandra. It is a natural generalisation in non-commutative harmonic analysis of the Plancherel formula and Fourier inversion formula in the representation theory of the group of real numbers in classical harmonic analysis and has a similarly close interconnection with the theory of differential equations. It is the special case for zonal spherical functions of the general Plancherel theorem for semisimple Lie groups, also proved by Harish-Chandra. The Plancherel theorem gives the eigenfunction expansion of radial functions for the Laplacian operator on the associated symmetric space X; it also gives the direct integral decomposition into irreducible representations of the regular representation on L2(X). In the case of hyperbolic space, these expansions were known from prior results of Mehler, Weyl and Fock.

The main reference for almost all this material is the encyclopedic text of Template:Harvtxt.


The first versions of an abstract Plancherel formula for the Fourier transform on a unimodular locally compact group G were due to Segal and Mautner.[1] At around the same time, Harish-Chandra[2][3] and Gelfand & Naimark[4][5] derived an explicit formula for SL(2,R) and complex semisimple Lie groups, so in particular the Lorentz groups. A simpler abstract formula was derived by Mautner for a "topological" symmetric space G/K corresponding to a maximal compact subgroup K. Godement gave a more concrete and satisfactory form for positive definite spherical functions, a class of special functions on G/K. Since when G is a semisimple Lie group these spherical functions φλ were naturally labelled by a parameter λ in the quotient of a Euclidean space by the action of a finite reflection group, it became a central problem to determine explicitly the Plancherel measure in terms of this parametrization. Generalizing the ideas of Hermann Weyl from the spectral theory of ordinary differential equations, Harish-Chandra[6][7] introduced his celebrated c-function c(λ) to describe the asymptotic behaviour of the spherical functions φλ and proposed c(λ)−2 dλ as the Plancherel measure. He verified this formula for the special cases when G is complex or real rank one, thus in particular covering the case when G/K is a hyperbolic space. The general case was reduced to two conjectures about the properties of the c-function and the so-called spherical Fourier transform. Explicit formulas for the c-function were later obtained for a large class of classical semisimple Lie groups by Bhanu-Murthy. In turn these formulas prompted Gindikin and Karpelevič to derive a product formula[8] for the c-function, reducing the computation to Harish-Chandra's formula for the rank 1 case. Their work finally enabled Harish-Chandra to complete his proof of the Plancherel theorem for spherical functions in 1966.[9]

In many special cases, for example for complex semisimple group or the Lorentz groups, there are simple methods to develop the theory directly. Certain subgroups of these groups can be treated by techniques generalising the well-known "method of descent" due to Jacques Hadamard. In particular Template:Harvtxt gave a general method for deducing properties of the spherical transform for a real semisimple group from that of its complexification.

One of the principal applications and motivations for the spherical transform was Selberg's trace formula. The classical Poisson summation formula combines the Fourier inversion formula on a vector group with summation over a cocompact lattice. In Selberg's analogue of this formula, the vector group is replaced by G/K, the Fourier transform by the spherical transform and the lattice by a cocompact (or cofinite) discrete subgroup. The original paper of Template:Harvtxt implicitly invokes the spherical transform; it was Template:Harvtxt who brought the transform to the fore, giving in particular an elementary treatment for SL(2,R) along the lines sketched by Selberg.

Spherical functions

Mining Engineer (Excluding Oil ) Truman from Alma, loves to spend time knotting, largest property developers in singapore developers in singapore and stamp collecting. Recently had a family visit to Urnes Stave Church. Let G be a semisimple Lie group and K a maximal compact subgroup of G. The Hecke algebra Cc(K \G/K), consisting of compactly supported K-biinvariant continuous functions on G, acts by convolution on the Hilbert space H=L2(G / K). Because G / K is a symmetric space, this *-algebra is commutative. The closure of its (the Hecke algebra's) image in the operator norm is a non-unital commutative C* algebra A, so by the Gelfand isomorphism can be identified with the continuous functions vanishing at infinity on its spectrum X.[10] Points in the spectrum are given by continuous *-homomorphisms of A into C, i.e. characters of A.

If S' denotes the commutant of a set of operators S on H, then A can be identified with the commutant of the regular representation of G on H. Now A leaves invariant the subspace H0 of K-invariant vectors in H. Moreover the abelian von Neumann algebra it generates on H0 is maximal Abelian. By spectral theory, there is an essentially unique[11] measure μ on the locally compact space X and a unitary transformation U between H0 and L2(X, μ) which carries the operators in A onto the corresponding multiplication operators.

The transformation U is called the spherical Fourier transform or sometimes just the spherical transform and μ is called the Plancherel measure. The Hilbert space H0 can be identified with L2(K\G/K), the space of K-biinvariant square integrable functions on G.

The characters χλ of A (i.e. the points of X) can be described by positive definite spherical functions φλ on G, via the formula


for f in Cc(K\G/K), where π(f) denotes the convolution operator in A and the integral is with respect to Haar measure on G.

The spherical functions φλ on G are given by Harish-Chandra's formula:


In this formula:

  • the integral is with respect to Haar measure on K;
  • λ is an element of A* =Hom(A,T) where A is the Abelian vector subgroup in the Iwasawa decomposition G =KAN of G;
  • λ' is defined on G by first extending λ to a character of the solvable subgroup AN, using the group homomorphism onto A, and then setting
for k in K and x in AN, where ΔAN is the modular function of AN.
  • Two different characters λ1 and λ2 give the same spherical function if and only if λ1 = λ2·s, where s is in the Weyl group of A
the quotient of the normaliser of A in K by its centraliser, a finite reflection group.

It follows that

  • X can be identified with the quotient space A*/W.

Spherical principal series

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for b in B by




The functions f can be identified with functions in L2(K / M) and


As Template:Harvtxt proved, the representations of the spherical principal series are irreducible and two representations πλ and πμ are unitarily equivalent if and only if μ = σ(λ) for some σ in the Weyl group of A.

Example: SL(2,C)

The group G = SL(2,C) acts transitively on the quaternionic upper half space


by Möbius transformations. The complex matrix


acts as


The stabiliser of the point j is the maximal compact subgroup K = SU(2), so that H3 = G / K. It carries the G-invariant Riemannian metric


with associated volume element


and Laplacian operator


Every point in H3 can be written as k(etj) with k in SU(2) and t determined up to a sign. The Laplacian has the following form on functions invariant under SU(2), regarded as functions of the real parameter t:


The integral of an SU(2)-invariant function is given by


Identifying the square integrable SU(2)-invariant functions with L2(R) by the unitary transformation Uf(t) = f(t) sinh t, Δ is transformed into the operator


By the Plancherel theorem and Fourier inversion formula for R, any SU(2)-invariant function f can be expressed in terms of the spherical functions


by the spherical transform


and the spherical inversion formula


Taking f=f2*f1 with fi in Cc(G / K) and f*(g)=f(g1), and evaluating at i yields the Plancherel formula


For biinvariant functions this establishes the Plancherel theorem for spherical functions: the map


is unitary and sends the convolution operator defined by f L1(K \ G / K) into the multiplication operator defined by f~.

The spherical function Φλ is an eigenfunction of the Laplacian:


Schwartz functions on R are the spherical transforms of functions f belonging to the Harish-Chandra Schwartz space


By the Paley-Wiener theorem, the spherical transforms of smooth SU(2)-invariant functions of compact support are precisely functions on R which are restrictions of holomorphic functions on C satisfying an exponential growth condition


As a function on G, Φλ is the matrix coefficient of the spherical principal series defined on L2(C), where C is identified with the boundary of H3. The representation is given by the formula


The function


is fixed by SU(2) and


The representations πλ are irreducible and unitarily equivalent only when the sign of λ is changed. The map W of L2(H3) onto L2([0,∞) xC) (with measure λ2 dλ on the first factor) given by


is unitary and gives the decomposition of L2(H3) as a direct integral of the spherical principal series.

Example: SL(2,R)

The group G = SL(2,R) acts transitively on the Poincaré upper half plane


by Möbius transformations. The complex matrix


acts as


The stabiliser of the point i is the maximal compact subgroup K = SO(2), so that H2 = G / K. It carries the G-invariant Riemannian metric


with associated area element


and Laplacian operator


Every point in H3 can be written as k( et i ) with k in SO(2) and t determined up to a sign. The Laplacian has the following form on functions invariant under SO(2), regarded as functions of the real parameter t:


The integral of an SO(2)-invariant function is given by


There are several methods for deriving the corresponding eigenfunction expansion for this ordinary differential equation including:

  1. the classical spectral theory of ordinary differential equations applied to the hypergeometric equation (Mehler, Weyl, Fock);
  2. variants of Hadamard's method of descent, realising 2-dimensional hyperbolic space as the quotient of 3-dimensional hyperbolic space by the free action of a 1-parameter subgroup of SL(2,C);
  3. Abel's integral equation, following Selberg and Godement;
  4. orbital integrals (Harish-Chandra, Gelfand & Naimark).

The second and third technique will be described below, with two different methods of descent: the classical one due Hadamard, familiar from treatments of the heat equation[12] and the wave equation[13] on hyperbolic space; and Flensted-Jensen's method on the hyperboloid.

Hadamard's method of descent

If f(x,r) is a function on H2 and




where Δn is the Laplacian on Hn.

Since the action of SL(2,C) commutes with Δ3, the operator M0 on S0(2)-invariant functions obtained by averaging M1f by the action of SU(2) also satisfies


The adjoint operator M1* defined by




The adjoint M0*, defined by averaging M*f over SO(2), satisfies


for SU(2)-invariant functions F and SO(2)-invariant functions f. It follows that


The function


is SO(2)-invariant and satisfies


On the other hand


since the integral can be computed by integrating eiλt/sinht around the rectangular indented contour with vertices at ±R and ±R + πi. Thus the eigenfunction


satisfies the normalisation condition φλ(i) = 1. There can only be one such solution either because the Wronskian of the ordinary differential equation must vanish or by expanding as a power series in sinh r.[14] It follows that


Similarly it follows that


If the spherical transform of an SO(2)-invariant function on H2 is defined by




Taking f=M1*F, the SL(2,C) inversion formula for F immediately yields


the spherical inversion formula for SO(2)-invariant functions on H2.

As for SL(2,C), this immediately implies the Plancherel formula for fi in Cc(SL(2,R) / SO(2)):


The spherical function φλ is an eigenfunction of the Laplacian:


Schwartz functions on R are the spherical transforms of functions f belonging to the Harish-Chandra Schwartz space


The spherical transforms of smooth SO(2)-invariant functions of compact support are precisely functions on R which are restrictions of holomorphic functions on C satisfying an exponential growth condition


Both these results can be deduced by descent from the corresponding results for SL(2,C),[15] by verifying directly that the spherical transform satisfies the given growth conditions[16][17] and then using the relation (M1*F)=F~.

As a function on G, φλ is the matrix coefficient of the spherical principal series defined on L2(R), where R is identified with the boundary of H2. The representation is given by the formula


The function


is fixed by S0(2) and


The representations πλ are irreducible and unitarily equivalent only when the sign of λ is changed. The map W of L2(H2) onto L2([0,∞) xR), with measure


on the first factor, is given by the formula


is unitary and gives the decomposition of L2(H2) as a direct integral of the spherical principal series.

Flensted–Jensen's method of descent

Hadamard's method of descent relied on functions invariant under the action of 1-parameter subgroup of translations in the y parameter in H3. Flensted–Jensen's method uses the centraliser of SO(2) in SL(2,C) which splits as a direct product of SO(2) and the 1-parameter subgroup K1 of matrices


The symmetric space SL(2,C)/SU(2) can be identified with the space H3 of positive 2×2 matrices A with determinant 1


with the group action given by




So on the hyperboloid a2=1+b2+x2+y2, gt only changes the coordinates y and a. Similarly the action of SO(2) acts by rotation on the coordinates (b,x) leaving a and y unchanged. The space H2 of real-valued positive matrices A with y = 0 can be identified with the orbit of the identity matrix under SL(2,R). Taking coordinates (b,x,y) in H3 and (b,x) on H2 the volume and area elements are given by


where r2 equals b2 + x2 + y2 or b2 + x2, so that r is related to hyperbolic distance from the origin by r=sinht.

The Laplacian operators are given by the formula






For an SU(2)-invariant function F on H3 and an SO(2)-invariant function on H2, regarded as functions of r or t,


If f(b,x) is a function on H2, Ef is defined by




If f is SO(2)-invariant, then, regarding f as a function of r or t,


On the other hand


Thus, setting Sf(t) = f(2t),


leading to the fundamental descent relation of Flensted-Jensen for M0 = ES:


The same relation holds with M0 by M, where Mf is obtained by averaging M0f over SU(2).

The extension Ef is constant in the y variable and therefore invariant under the transformations gs. On the other hand for F a suitable function on H3, the function QF defined by


is independent of the y variable. A straightforward change of variables shows that


Since K1 commutes with SO(2), QF is SO(2)--invariant if F is, in particular if F is SU(2)-invariant. In this case QF is a function of r or t, so that M*F can be defined by


The integral formula above then yields


and hence, since for f SO(2)-invariant,


the following adjoint formula:


As a consequence


Thus, as in the case of Hadamard's method of descent.






It follows that


Taking f=M*F, the SL(2,C) inversion formula for F then immediately yields


Abel's integral equation

The spherical function φλ is given by


so that




so that defining F by


the spherical transform can be written


The relation between F and f is classically inverted by the Abel integral equation:


In fact[18]


The relation between F and f~ is inverted by the Fourier inversion formula:




This gives the spherical inversion for the point i. Now for fixed g in SL(2,R) define[19]


another rotation invariant function on H2 with f1(i)=f(g(i)). On the other hand for biinvariant functions f,


so that


where w = g(i). Combining this with the above inversion formula for f1 yields the general spherical inversion formula:


Other special cases

All complex semisimple Lie groups or the Lorentz groups SO0(N,1) with N odd can be treated directly by reduction to the usual Fourier transform.[15][20] The remaining real Lorentz groups can be deduced by Flensted-Jensen's method of descent, as can other semisimple Lie groups of real rank one.[21] Flensted-Jensen's method of descent also applies to the treatment of real semisimple Lie groups for which the Lie algebras are normal real forms of complex semisimple Lie algebras.[15] The special case of SL(N,R) is treated in detail in Template:Harvtxt; this group is also the normal real form of SL(N,C).

The approach of Template:Harvtxt applies to a wide class of real semisimple Lie groups of arbitrary real rank and yields the explicit product form of the Plancherel measure on a* without using Harish-Chandra's expansion of the spherical functions φλ in terms of his c-function, discussed below. Although less general, it gives a simpler approach to the Plancherel theorem for this class of groups.

Complex semisimple Lie groups

If G is a complex semisimple Lie group, it is the complexification of its maximal compact subgroup U, a compact semisimple Lie group. If g and u are their Lie algebras, then


Let T be a maximal torus in U with Lie algebra t. Then setting


there is the Cartan decomposition:


The finite-dimensional irreducible representations πλ of U are indexed by certain λ in t*.[22] The corresponding character formula and dimension formula of Hermann Weyl give explicit formulas for


These formulas, initially defined on t*×t and t*, extend holomorphic to their complexifications. Moreover


where W is the Weyl group W=NU(T)/T and δ(eX) is given by a product formula (Weyl's denominator formula) which extends holomorphically to the complexification of t. There is a similar product formula for d(λ), a polynomial in λ.

On the complex group G, the integral of a U-biinvariant function F can be evaluated as


where a=it.

The spherical functions of G are labelled by λ in a=it* and given by the Harish-Chandra-Berezin formula[23]


They are the matrix coefficients of the irreducible spherical principal series of G induced from the character of the Borel subgroup of G corresponding to λ; these representations are irreducible and can all be realized on L2(U / T).

The spherical transform of a U-biinvariant function F is given by


and the spherical inversion formula by


where a+* is a Weyl chamber. In fact the result follows from the Fourier inversion formula on a since[24]


so that d(λ)F~(λ) is just the Fourier transform of F(eX)δ(eX).

Note that the symmetric space G / U has as compact dual[25] the compact symmetric space U x U / U, where U is the diagonal subgroup. The spherical functions for the latter space, which can be identified with U itself, are the normalized characters χλ/d(λ) indexed by lattice points in the interior of a+* and the role of A is played by T. The spherical transform of f of a class function on U is given by


and the spherical inversion formula now follows from the theory of Fourier series on T:


There is an evident duality between these formulas and those for the non-compact dual.[26]

Real semisimple Lie groups

Let G0 be a normal real form of the complex semisimple Lie group G, the fixed points of an involution σ, conjugate linear on the Lie algebra of G. Let τ be a Cartan involution of G0 extended to an involution of G, complex linear on its Lie algebra, chosen to commute with σ. The fixed point subgroup of τσ is a compact real form U of G, intersecting G0 in a maximal compact subgroup K0. The fixed point subgroup of τ is K, the complexification of K0. Let G0= K0·P0 be the corresponding Cartan decomposition of G0 and let A be a maximal Abelian subgroup of P0. Template:Harvtxt proved that


where A+ is the image of the closure of a Weyl chamber in a under the exponential map. Moreover




it follows that there is a canonical identification between K \ G / U, K0 \ G0 /K0 and A+. Thus K0-biinvariant functions on G0 can be identified with functions on A+ as can functions on G that are left invariant under K and right invariant under U. Let f be a function in Cc(K0G0/K0) and define Mf in Cc(UG/U) by


Here a third Cartan decomposition of G = UAU has been used to identify U \ G / U with A+.

Let Δ be the Laplacian on G0/K0 and let Δc be the Laplacian on G/U. Then


For F in Cc(UG/U), define M*F in Cc(K0G0/K0) by


Then M and M* satisfy the duality relations


In particular


There is a similar compatibility for other operators in the center of the universal enveloping algebra of G0. It follows from the eigenfunction characterisation of spherical functions that M*Φ2λ is proportional to φλ on G0, the constant of proportionality being given by


Moreover in this case[27]


If f = M*F, then the spherical inversion formula for F on G implies that for f on G0:[28][29]




The direct calculation of the integral for b(λ), generalising the computation of Template:Harvtxt for SL(2,R), was left as an open problem by Template:Harvtxt.[30] An explicit product formula for b(λ) was known from the prior determination of the Plancherel measure by Template:Harvtxt, giving[31][32]


where α ranges over the positive roots of the root system in a and C is a normalising constant, given as a quotient of products of Gamma functions.

Harish-Chandra's Plancherel theorem

Let G be a noncompact connected real semisimple Lie group with finite center. Let g denote its Lie algebra. Let K be a maximal compact subgroup given as the subgroup of fixed points of a Cartan involution σ. Let g± be the ±1 eigenspaces of σ in g, so that k=g+ is the Lie algebra of K and p=g give the Cartan decomposition


Let a be a maximal Abelian subalgebra of p and for α in a* let


If α ≠ 0 and gα(0), then α is called a restricted root and mα = dim gα is called its multiplicity. Let A = exp a, so that G = KAK.The restriction of the Killing form defines an inner product on p and hence a, which allows a* to be identified with a. With respect to this inner product, the restricted roots Σ give a root system. Its Weyl group can be identified with W=NK(A)/CK(A). A choice of positive roots defines a Weyl chamber a+*. The reduced root system Σ0 consists of roots α such that α/2 is not a root.

Defining the spherical functions φ λ as above for λ in a*, the spherical transform of f in Cc(K \ G / K) is defined by


The spherical inversion formula states that


where Harish-Chandra's c-function c(λ) is defined by[33]


with α0=(α,α)1α and the constant c0 chosen so that c(–iρ) = 1 where


The Plancherel theorem for spherical functions states that the map


is unitary and transforms convolution by fL1(KG/K) into multiplication by f~.

Harish-Chandra's spherical function expansion

Since G = KAK, functions on G/K that are invariant under K can be identified with functions on A, and hence a, that are invariant under the Weyl group W. In particular since the Laplacian Δ on G/K commutes with the action of G, it defines a second order differential operator L on a, invariant under W, called the radial part of the Laplacian. In general if X is in a, it defines a first order differential operator (or vector field) by


L can be expressed in terms of these operators by the formula[34]


where Aα in a is defined by




is the Laplacian on a, corresponding to any choice of orthonormal basis (Xi).





so that L can be regarded as a perturbation of the constant-coefficient operator L0.

Now the spherical function φλ is an eigenfunction of the Laplacian:


and therefore of L, when viewed as a W-invariant function on a.

Since eiλ–ρ and its transforms under W are eigenfunctions of L0 with the same eigenvalue, it is natural look for a formula for φλ in terms of a perturbation series


with Λ the cone of all non-negative integer combinations of positive roots, and the transforms of fλ under W. The expansion


leads to a recursive formula for the coefficients aμ(λ). In particular they are uniquely determined and the series and its derivatives converges absolutely on a+, a fundamental domain for W. Remarkably it turns out that fλ is also an eigenfunction of the other G-invariant differential operators on G/K, each of which induces a W-invariant differential operator on a.

It follows that φλ can be expressed in terms as a linear combination of fλ and its transforms under W:[35]


Here c(λ) is Harish-Chandra's c-function. It describes the asymptotic behaviour of φλ in a+, since[36]


for X in a+ and t>0 large.

Harish-Chandra obtained a second integral formula for φλ and hence c(λ) using the Bruhat decomposition of G:[37]


where B = MAN and the union is disjoint. Taking the Coxeter element s0 of W, the unique element mapping a+ onto a+, it follows that σ(N) has a dense open orbit G/B=K/M whose complement is a union of cells of strictly smaller dimension and therefore has measure zero. It follows that the integral formula for φλ initially defined over K/M


can be transferred to σ(N):[38]


for X in a.



for X in a+, the asymptotic behaviour of φλ can be read off from this integral, leading to the formula:[39]


Harish-Chandra's c-function

Mining Engineer (Excluding Oil ) Truman from Alma, loves to spend time knotting, largest property developers in singapore developers in singapore and stamp collecting. Recently had a family visit to Urnes Stave Church.

The many roles of Harish-Chandra's c-function in non-commutative harmonic analysis are surveyed in Template:Harvtxt. Although it was originally introduced by Harish-Chandra in the asymptotic expansions of spherical functions, discussed above, it was also soon understood to be intimately related to intertwining operators between induced representations, first studied in this context by Template:Harvtxt. These operators exhibit the unitary equivalence between πλ and πsλ for s in the Weyl group and a c-function cs(λ) can be attached to each such operator: namely the value at 1 of the intertwining operator applied to ξ0, the constant function 1, in L2(K/M).[40] Equivalently, since ξ0 is up to scalar multiplication the unique vector fixed by K, it is an eigenvector of the intertwining operator with eigenvalue cs(λ). These operators all act on the same space L2(K/M), which can be identified with the representation induced from the 1-dimensional representation defined by λ on MAN. Once A has been chosen, the compact subgroup M is uniquely determined as the centraliser of A in K. The nilpotent subgroup N, however, depends on a choice of a Weyl chamber in a*, the various choices being permuted by the Weyl group W = M ' / M, where M ' is the normaliser of A in K. The standard intertwining operator corresponding to (s, λ) is defined on the induced representation by[41]


where σ is the Cartan involution. It satisfies the intertwining relation


The key property of the intertwining operators and their integrals is the multiplicative cocycle property[42]




for the length function on the Weyl group associated with the choice of Weyl chamber. For s in W, this is the number of chambers crossed by the straight line segment between X and sX for any point X in the interior of the chamber. The unique element of greatest length s0, namely the number of positive restricted roots, is the unique element that carries the Weyl chamber a+* onto a+*. By Harish-Chandra's integral formula, it corresponds to Harish-Chandra's c-function:


The c-functions are in general defined by the equation


where ξ0 is the constant function 1 in L2(K/M). The cocycle property of the intertwining operators implies a similar multiplicative property for the c-functions:




This reduces the computation of cs to the case when s = sα, the reflection in a (simple) root α, the so-called "rank-one reduction" of Template:Harvtxt. In fact the integral involves only the closed connected subgroup Gα corresponding to the Lie subalgebra generated by g±α where α lies in Σ0+.[43] Then Gα is a real semisimple Lie group with real rank one, i.e. dim Aα = 1, and cs is just the Harish-Chandra c-function of Gα. In this case the c-function can be computed directly by various means:

  • by directly computing the integral, which can be expressed as an integral in two variables and hence a product of two beta functions.[45][46]

This yields the following formula:




The general Gindikin–Karpelevich formula for c(λ) is an immediate consequence of this formula and the multiplicative properties of cs(λ).

Paley–Wiener theorem

The Paley-Wiener theorem generalizes the classical Paley-Wiener theorem by characterizing the spherical transforms of smooth K-bivariant functions of compact support on G. It is a necessary and sufficient condition that the spherical transform be W-invariant and that there is an R > 0 such that for each N there is an estimate


In this case f is supported in the closed ball of radius R about the origin in G/K.

This was proved by Helgason and Gangolli (Template:Harvtxt pg. 37).

The theorem was later proved by Template:Harvtxt independently of the spherical inversion theorem, using a modification of his method of reduction to the complex case.[47]

Rosenberg's proof of inversion formula

Template:Harvtxt noticed that the Paley-Wiener theorem and the spherical inversion theorem could be proved simultaneously, by a trick which considerably simplified previous proofs.

The first step of his proof consists in showing directly that the inverse transform, defined using Harish-Chandra's c-function, defines a function supported in the closed ball of radius R about the origin if the Paley-Wiener estimate is satisfied. This follows because the integrand defining the inverse transform extends to a meromorphic function on the complexification of a*; the integral can be shifted to a*+iμt for μ in a+* and t > 0. Using Harish-Chandra's expansion of φλ and the formulas for c(λ) in terms of Gamma functions, the integral can be bounded for t large and hence can be shown to vanish outside the closed ball of radius R about the origin.[48]

This part of the Paley-Wiener theorem shows that


defines a distribution on G/K with support at the origin o. A further estimate for the integral shows that it is in fact given by a measure and that therefore there is a constant C such that


By applying this result to


it follows that


A further scaling argument allows the inequality C = 1 to be deduced from the Plancherel theorem and Paley-Wiener theorem on a.[49][50]

Schwartz functions

The Harish-Chandra Schwartz space can be defined as[51]


Under the spherical transform it is mapped onto 𝒮(a*)W, the space of W-invariant Schwartz functions on a*.

The original proof of Harish-Chandra was a long argument by induction.[6][7][52] Template:Harvtxt found a short and simple proof, allowing the result to be deduced directly from versions of the Paley-Wiener and spherical inversion formula. He proved that the spherical transform of a Harish-Chandra Schwartz function is a classical Schwartz function. His key observation was then to show that the inverse transform was continuous on the Paley-Wiener space endowed with classical Schwartz space seminorms, using classical estimates.


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    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

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    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010, Appendix to Chapter VI, The Plancherel Formula for Complex Semisimple Lie Groups.
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010, section 21.
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010 (a general introduction for physicists)
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  • Many property agents need to declare for the PIC grant in Singapore. However, not all of them know find out how to do the correct process for getting this PIC scheme from the IRAS. There are a number of steps that you need to do before your software can be approved.

    Naturally, you will have to pay a safety deposit and that is usually one month rent for annually of the settlement. That is the place your good religion deposit will likely be taken into account and will kind part or all of your security deposit. Anticipate to have a proportionate amount deducted out of your deposit if something is discovered to be damaged if you move out. It's best to you'll want to test the inventory drawn up by the owner, which can detail all objects in the property and their condition. If you happen to fail to notice any harm not already mentioned within the inventory before transferring in, you danger having to pay for it yourself.

    In case you are in search of an actual estate or Singapore property agent on-line, you simply should belief your intuition. It's because you do not know which agent is nice and which agent will not be. Carry out research on several brokers by looking out the internet. As soon as if you end up positive that a selected agent is dependable and reliable, you can choose to utilize his partnerise in finding you a home in Singapore. Most of the time, a property agent is taken into account to be good if he or she locations the contact data on his website. This may mean that the agent does not mind you calling them and asking them any questions relating to new properties in singapore in Singapore. After chatting with them you too can see them in their office after taking an appointment.

    Have handed an trade examination i.e Widespread Examination for House Brokers (CEHA) or Actual Property Agency (REA) examination, or equal; Exclusive brokers are extra keen to share listing information thus making certain the widest doable coverage inside the real estate community via Multiple Listings and Networking. Accepting a severe provide is simpler since your agent is totally conscious of all advertising activity related with your property. This reduces your having to check with a number of agents for some other offers. Price control is easily achieved. Paint work in good restore-discuss with your Property Marketing consultant if main works are still to be done. Softening in residential property prices proceed, led by 2.8 per cent decline within the index for Remainder of Central Region

    Once you place down the one per cent choice price to carry down a non-public property, it's important to accept its situation as it is whenever you move in – faulty air-con, choked rest room and all. Get round this by asking your agent to incorporate a ultimate inspection clause within the possibility-to-buy letter. HDB flat patrons routinely take pleasure in this security net. "There's a ultimate inspection of the property two days before the completion of all HDB transactions. If the air-con is defective, you can request the seller to repair it," says Kelvin.

    15.6.1 As the agent is an intermediary, generally, as soon as the principal and third party are introduced right into a contractual relationship, the agent drops out of the image, subject to any problems with remuneration or indemnification that he could have against the principal, and extra exceptionally, against the third occasion. Generally, agents are entitled to be indemnified for all liabilities reasonably incurred within the execution of the brokers´ authority.

    To achieve the very best outcomes, you must be always updated on market situations, including past transaction information and reliable projections. You could review and examine comparable homes that are currently available in the market, especially these which have been sold or not bought up to now six months. You'll be able to see a pattern of such report by clicking here It's essential to defend yourself in opposition to unscrupulous patrons. They are often very skilled in using highly unethical and manipulative techniques to try and lure you into a lure. That you must also protect your self, your loved ones, and personal belongings as you'll be serving many strangers in your home. Sign a listing itemizing of all of the objects provided by the proprietor, together with their situation. HSR Prime Recruiter 2010
  1. Template:Harvnb, historical notes on the Plancherel theorem for spherical functions
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  9. Template:Harvnb, section 21
  10. The spectrum coincides with that of the commutative Banach *-algebra of integrable K-biinvariant functions on G under convolution, a dense *-subalgebra of A.
  11. The measure class of μ in the sense of the Radon–Nikodym theorem is unique.
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  22. These are indexed by highest weights shifted by half the sum of the positive roots.
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  26. The spherical inversion formula for U is equivalent to the statement that the functions χλd(λ)1/2 form an orthonormal basis for the class functions.
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  30. b(λ) can be written as integral over A0 where K = K0 A0 K0 is the Cartan decomposition of K. The integral then becomes an alternating sum of multidimensional Godement-type integrals, whose combinatorics is governed by that of the Cartan-Helgason theorem for U/K0. An equivalent computation that arises in the theory of the Radon transform has been discussed by Template:Harvtxt, Template:Harvtxt and Template:Harvtxt.
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  40. Template:Harvnb, Chapter VII
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  47. The second statement on supports follows from Flensted-Jensen's proof by using the explicit methods associated with Kostant polynomials instead of the results of Mustapha Rais.
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