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== Oakley Italia  creato ai sensi della legge EPA del 1994 ==
In [[topology]] and related branches of [[mathematics]], a [[topological space]] is called '''locally compact''' if, roughly speaking, each small portion of the space looks like a small portion of a [[compact space]].

Per più di mezzo secolo, il professor Hawking, 71, ha manipolato con alcuni dei più grandi interrogativi della scienza, mentre alle prese con una malattia invalidante che ha lasciato lui quasi completamente paralizzato. Ha sofferto di malattie del motoneurone dall'età di 21 anni, quando lui si aspettava di vivere non più di un paio di anni, ma le due donne salvato la vita in diverse occasioni. Jane lo sollevò dalla depressione profonda quando gli fu diagnosticata con la condizione neurologica debilitante, fornendo la speranza di una vita e la futura famiglia, mentre Elaine venne in suo soccorso più di una volta con le sue abilità di esperto di cura, egli scrive.. <br><br>Vedo molti progetti sulle questioni legate alla bioetica e genomica. Supponiamo che uno studente si [ Oakley Italia] sta occupando la domanda: 'È etico usare le cellule staminali embrionali umane a fini di ricerca?' Dopo alcune ricerche iniziali, posso chattare con loro su come intendono porre la sezione di ricerca del loro progetto. Quali saranno i titoli per le varie sezioni in background scientifico, questioni etiche, controversie religiose, implicazioni politiche, e così via?. <br><br>L'ente committente stabilito per la tutela dell'ambiente in Ghana è l'EPA; creato ai sensi della legge EPA del 1994, (legge 490). Direzione politica EPA si articola dal Regolamento di valutazione ambientale del 1999 (LI 1652). Marful Sau (2009) sostiene, giustamente, che queste due legislazioni autorizzano l'EPA di gestire, controllare e monitorare il rispetto delle normative ambientali da parte delle industrie specifiche. <br><br>Una donna ha perso 3 chili in tre giorni e la seconda donna ha perso 5 chili in tre giorni. Un [ Hollister Roma] team di scienziati francesi ha fatto anche uno studio sulla zafferano e perdita di peso e hanno scoperto che zafferano è diminuito sostanzialmente la voglia di uno spuntino tra i pasti o compulsivamente mangiare troppo. [ Pandora Anelli] Nello studio francese del gruppo l'assunzione di integratori di zafferano ha anche riferito una maggiore attenzione e di energia.. <br><br>Suoi oppositori sottolineano che le manifestazioni pacifiche in gran parte sono diventati violenti solo in reazione alle aggressioni della polizia, e che le proteste sono solo illegali dopo che il governo ha messo fuori legge assembramenti di più di cinque [ Beats Cuffie] persone l'anno scorso. Al Wefaq sostiene di aver organizzato molte delle proteste, anche se lo sceicco Salman suggerito che potrebbe scalare di nuovo se è stato fatto progressi significativi. 'Siamo pronti, se il regime, piuttosto che abusare di persone e opprimendo gli sciiti ogni notte, è pronto a cambiare.
==Formal definition==
Let ''X'' be a [[topological space]]. Most commonly ''X'' is called ''locally compact'', if every point of ''X'' has a compact [[neighbourhood (topology)|neighbourhood]].

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There are other common definitions: They are all '''equivalent if ''X'' is a [[Hausdorff space]]''' (or preregular). But they are '''not equivalent''' in general:
:1. every point of ''X'' has a compact [[neighbourhood (topology)|neighbourhood]].
:2. every point of ''X'' has a [[closed set|closed]] compact neighbourhood.
:2′. every point of ''X'' has a [[relatively compact]] neighbourhood.
:2″. every point of ''X'' has a [[local base]] of [[relatively compact]] neighbourhoods.
:3. every point of ''X'' has a [[local base]] of compact neighbourhoods.

Con i fumetti di supereroi, si può dire la data dalla qualità della stampa. Così le storie shouldn si affidano troppo sulle tendenze del periodo. Ma tutto ciò che è in continua evoluzione o modificate ora un giorno. Alcuni rivenditori hanno detto naturalmente Jeff Paolo è grande e davvero li ha aiutati. <br><br>La casa del ragazzo è stato distrutto. Sembrava, in un primo momento, come se il cane era morto, ma il controllo degli animali ha trovato il cane sepolto sotto i detriti. The Reader riunisce questi testi su per diversi motivi. In primo [ Nike Free 5.0] luogo per rinfrescare la memoria al pubblico dell'evento stesso e come è stata rappresentata da ristampa e l'annotazione scritta punto di riferimento fromacross anni. <br><br>I dati da Lei forniti viene catturato e processato per nostro conto dalla nostra casa madre, Inc. Agora Agora Inc. Come tecnico saavy come mi piace pensare a me stesso come ho avuto tanti problemi con i miei pc nel corso degli anni. Se si utilizza un PC viene fuori lavorando scavare fossati tutto il giorno sotto il sole cocente, con il mio nuovo Mac è come appendere fuori al centro benessere.. <br><br>I social network e le comunità sono diventati un modo popolare per la gestione dei contenuti, creare buzz, e il traffico verso un sito web. Il titolo sarebbe quindi un collegamento ipertestuale indietro l'articolo originale. Come si è visto, ho una grande, forte il cuore di tutti questi anni di esercizio e non mi va giù ancora. Ma ho letteralmente avuto modo di vedere il mio cuore, su uno schermo, durante un ecocardiogramma. <br><br>Mentre di solito è meglio fare cambiamenti nella dieta gradualmente, lo zucchero ha la capacità unica di ispirare voglie che utilizzano il gasolio erogato ogni volta che si dà a loro. L'unico modo per rompere il ciclo è quello di smettere di alimentare il fuoco. [ Occhiali Da Vista Oakley] <br><br>Puoi riflettori vostri colleghi di lavoro, chiedendo premi porta per loro. Info prodotti elettronici sono il premio porta più [ Prada Scarpe Uomo] facile da premio, come è don deve spedire un pacchetto fisico al vincitore. [ Hogan Spaccio] Mentre combatte per salvare lei, scopre il leader del gruppo estremista sta progettando un attacco terroristico devastante. (2013) i sospetti di un vulcanologo che un lungo vulcano spento sta per scoppiare rivelarsi vero, spingendolo a correre contro il tempo per salvare la comunità in piedi a suo modo e scontrarsi con i funzionari del governo locale di pesatura sue predizioni contro la perdita di entrate del turismo . <br><br>Dà sia l'artista e il pieno controllo del consumatore. Grande piccolo sito. La formattazione / disposizione avrebbe potuto essere migliorato, rendendo per un'esperienza di lettura più facile. Ma per 70P. Metadati, middleware, un formato di scambio che rende elaborazione di documenti ed elaborazione dati una stessa, che il cuore di esso. Anche se il video sottolinea che XML facilita lo scambio automatico dei dati, e parla di etichettare come insegnare la macchina, i metadati non viene mai citato per nome..
Logical relations among the conditions:
*Conditions (2), (2′), (2″) are equivalent.
*Neither of conditions (2), (3) implies the other.
*Each condition implies (1).
*Compactness implies conditions (1) and (2), but not (3).

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Condition (1) is probably the most commonly used definition, since it is the least restrictive and the others are equivalent to it when ''X'' is a [[Hausdorff space|Hausdorff]]. This equivalence is a consequence of the facts that compact subsets of Hausdorff spaces are closed, and closed subsets of compact spaces are compact.

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Authors such as Munkres and Kelley use the first definition. Willard uses the third. In Steen and Seebach, a space which satisfies (1) is said to be ''locally compact'', while a space satisfying (2) is said to be ''strongly locally compact''.

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In almost all applications, locally compact spaces are also Hausdorff, and this article is thus primarily concerned with locally compact Hausdorff (LCH) spaces.

Per un po 'l'anno scorso, si era parlato timoroso tra i proprietari di negozi che ciò che era accaduto nel quartiere newyorchese di Nolita una profonda trasformazione da etnica raffreddare chic, con un atteggiamento competitivo prevalente potrebbe accadere qui. Ma in generale un cameratismo sorprendente esiste tra i mercanti. <br><br>Brigantia è il progetto che sto intraprendere con l'eccezionale Melissa Trender. Ha pubblicato alcune opere d'arte per esso sul suo Tumblr così andare a controllare che se siete interessati! Attualmente sto conficcato nella scrittura numero 3 di una previsione di 6 [ Michael Kors Roma] questione arco, e ho dato note per tutti e 6 i problemi, così che [ Nike Air Max 90] è buono. <br><br>Avete sentito la storia della USS Liberty? Questo è il video incorporato secondo. Testo 1 ° Video: Israele ha dichiarato colpevole di genocidio, l'elefante nucleare nella regione, e gli "eserciti" reclutati per il medico Wikipedia. Lucy sembra di capire quello che David non può: che per vivere dove vive lei deve tollerare abbrutimento e l'umiliazione e semplicemente andare avanti. «Forse questo è ciò che devo imparare ad accettare," dice suo padre. <br><br>E così nella mia moralità è sbagliato. Inoltre inefficiente e inefficace. Un accordo con private equity Silver Lake Partners si crede di essere imminente. Microsoft, il cui sistema operativo Windows poteri computer Dell, potrebbe contribuire in 2 miliardi di dollari di patrimonio netto al contratto. <br><br>E Bipolar Support Alliance Morristown Area (DBSA Morristown). Essi si riferiscono alle persone di più di una dozzina depressionSome persone con disturbo bipolare soffrono anche di ADD. IN: SITE crea arte pubblica e inoltre sostiene livello locale e nazionale per le politiche che promuovano l'inclusione di arte pubblica temporanea e fornisce informazioni in modo artisti e le organizzazioni possono portare avanti progetti. Il Corridoio sta sponsorizzando un secondo ciclo d'arte in questa posizione che sarà installato nel giugno del 2011. <br><br>Per usufruire di questi servizi, non c'è bisogno di cercare troppo lontano. La maggior parte del Carlisle casa dello studente ha siti che sono informativi e che è possibile prenotare il vostro alloggio per studenti a Carlisle online. Grazie molte per la ricetta. Avevo voglia di alcune ricette con rabarbaro. <br><br>Dovete anche considerare tutti i posti di lavoro avremmo dovuto aggiungendo in questi ultimi cinque anni, invece di cercare di recuperare i posti di lavoro che sono stati persi. Dipartimento del Lavoro, il [ Oakley Holbrook] costo di estendere i benefici federali fino al 2014 sarebbe di circa [ Scarpe Air Jordan] 25 miliardi dollari.
'''Warning: Allen Hatcher uses another definition!''' On page 62 of his ''Algebraic Topology'', he explains that if he says locally [something] then he means that every open neighbourhood of any point contains a [something] type of neighbourhood for the point. Thus, for Hatcher, locally compact has a stronger meaning. Interestingly, this stronger definition allows for us to omit the Hausdorff condition in many situations. For example, all of Hatcher's locally compact spaces have the property that the functor: <math>(-)\times X</math> has the right adjoint :<math>(-)^X</math>.

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By definition of a local base, this property is identical to
:3'. for every point ''x'' of ''X'' the compact neighbourhoods of ''x'' form a [[local base]].
and therefore equivalent to (3).

1 ago 2013: vi dà il benvenuto Clint Taylor al nostro team di vendita parti esterne. Come un esperto di prodotti ferroviari di auto e servizio al cliente, Clint è un'aggiunta eccellente per Stahl Peterbilt. Clint servirà la zona North Central Alberta ed è entusiasta di aiutarvi con tutte le vostre camion e rimorchi parti ha bisogno.. [ Michael Kors Milano] <br><br>Invio di canzoni d'amore romantico o romantico-mail o parlare al telefono tutta la notte e sussurrare paroline dolci l'un l'altro al telefono è tutti i segni di chi innamorarsi. Invio un l'altro piccoli regali o fiori e prendendo grandi dolori nel fare in modo i doni sarebbero [ Occhiali Ray Ban] sciogliere il cuore [ Scarpe Timberland] amante. Ti ritrovi a sorridere quando si pensa di loro o sentire la loro voce. <br><br>L'atto stabilisce le regole per la partecipazione e l'ammissibilità del programma. Una volta che una famiglia rurale qualifica che sarebbe la fine della miseria dial-up. Tale famiglia otterrebbe connessione internet via satellite ad uno sconto maggiore. <br><br>Un corpo tirato dalle acque al largo dell'India Point Park in Rhode Island è stato identificato come lo studente Brown University erroneamente collegati da investigatori dilettanti su un sito di social media a Boston bombings.After il 15 aprile bombardamenti della maratona di Boston, i gruppi ispirati alle crowdsourcing foto rilasciate dal FBI di un sospetto segnalato erroneamente tramite Reddit, un sito web di social news, che la persona in un berretto da baseball somigliava fortemente mancante student.At un punto, il nome di Tripathi atterrato sulla lista top trend su Twitter. 'Gli ultimi diciotto ore hanno generato attenzione tremenda e dolorosa sulle piattaforme di social media Facebook, Twitter e Reddit, così come dalla televisione multimediali indagini collegano Sunil ai video stills rilasciate dal FBI ieri pomeriggio ', ha dichiarato Akhil Tripathi, il padre di Sunil, in una dichiarazione famiglia lo scorso settimana, WPVI TVOn Lunedi, Reddit direttore generale Erik Martin si è scusato per la 'speculazione pericolosa' che 'spirale in conseguenze molto negative per le feste innocenti.' In un post sul blog, ha espressamente chiesto scusa alla famiglia Tripathi 'per il dolore che hanno dovuto sopportare. '' Lo staff Reddit e milioni di persone su Reddit tutto il mondo profondamente si rammaricano che è successo ', ha detto.' Abbiamo tutti bisogno di guardare a quello che è [ Hogan Saldi] successo e fare in modo che in futuro noi facciamo tutto il possibile per aiutare e non ostacolare le situazioni di crisi ', posto s 'Martin added.Martin è stato scritto prima che il corpo dello studente era found.Tripathi cresciuto a Radnor, in Pennsylvania, fuori Philadelphia, e studiava filosofia, l'università ha detto in un comunicato.
== Examples and counterexamples ==
=== Compact Hausdorff spaces ===
Every compact Hausdorff space is also locally compact, and many examples of compact spaces may be found in the article [[compact space]].
Here we mention only:
* the [[unit interval]] [0,1];
* any closed [[topological manifold]];
* the [[Cantor set]];
* the [[Hilbert cube]].
=== Locally compact Hausdorff spaces that are not compact ===
*The [[Euclidean space]]s '''R'''<sup><var>n</var></sup> (and in particular the [[real line]] '''R''') are locally compact as a consequence of the [[Heine–Borel theorem]].
*[[Topological manifold]]s share the local properties of Euclidean spaces and are therefore also all locally compact. This even includes [[paracompact|nonparacompact]] manifolds such as the [[long line (topology)|long line]].
*All [[discrete space]]s are locally compact and Hausdorff (they are just the [[0 (number)|zero]]-dimensional manifolds). These are compact only if they are finite.
*All [[open subset|open]] or [[closed subset]]s of a locally compact Hausdorff space are locally compact in the [[subspace topology]]. This provides several examples of locally compact subsets of Euclidean spaces, such as the [[unit disc]] (either the open or closed version).
*The space '''Q'''<sub>''p''</sub> of [[p-adic number|''p''-adic numbers]] is locally compact, because it is [[homeomorphic]] to the [[Cantor set]] minus one point. Thus locally compact spaces are as useful in [[p-adic analysis|''p''-adic analysis]] as in classical [[mathematical analysis|analysis]].
=== Hausdorff spaces that are not locally compact ===
As mentioned in the following section, no Hausdorff space can possibly be locally compact if it is not also a [[Tychonoff space]]; there are some examples of Hausdorff spaces that are not Tychonoff spaces in that article.
But there are also examples of Tychonoff spaces that fail to be locally compact, such as:
* the space '''Q''' of [[rational number]]s (endowed with the topology from '''R'''), since its compact [[subset]]s all have empty [[interior (topology)|interior]] and therefore are not neighborhoods;
* the subspace {(0,0)} [[union (set theory)|union]] {(''x'',''y'') : ''x'' > 0} of '''R'''<sup>2</sup>, since the origin does not have a compact neighborhood;
* the [[lower limit topology]] or [[upper limit topology]] on the set '''R''' of real numbers (useful in the study of [[one-sided limit]]s);
* any [[T0 space|T<sub>0</sub>]], hence Hausdorff, [[topological vector space]] that is [[Infinity|infinite]]-[[dimension]]al, such as an infinite-dimensional [[Hilbert space]].
The first two examples show that a subset of a locally compact space need not be locally compact, which contrasts with the open and closed subsets in the previous section.
The last example contrasts with the Euclidean spaces in the previous section; to be more specific, a Hausdorff topological vector space is locally compact if and only if it is finite-dimensional (in which case it is a Euclidean space).
This example also contrasts with the [[Hilbert cube]] as an example of a compact space; there is no contradiction because the cube cannot be a neighbourhood of any point in Hilbert space.
===Non-Hausdorff examples===
* The [[one-point compactification]] of the [[rational number]]s '''Q''' is compact and therefore locally compact in senses (1) and (2) but it is not locally compact in sense (3).
* The [[particular point topology]] on any infinite set is locally compact in sense (3) but not in sense (2), because it has no nonempty closed compact subspaces containing the particular point. The same holds for the real line with the upper topology.
== Properties ==
Every locally compact [[preregular space]] is, in fact, [[completely regular space|completely regular]]. It follows that every locally compact Hausdorff space is a [[Tychonoff space]]. Since straight regularity is a more familiar condition than either preregularity (which is usually weaker) or complete regularity (which is usually stronger), locally compact preregular spaces are normally referred to in the mathematical literature as ''locally compact regular spaces''. Similarly locally compact Tychonoff spaces are usually just referred to as ''locally compact Hausdorff spaces''.
Every locally compact Hausdorff space is a [[Baire space]].
That is, the conclusion of the [[Baire category theorem]] holds: the [[interior (topology)|interior]] of every [[union (set theory)|union]] of [[countable|countably many]] [[nowhere dense]] [[subset]]s is [[empty set|empty]].
A [[topological subspace|subspace]] ''X'' of a locally compact Hausdorff space ''Y'' is locally compact [[if and only if]] ''X'' can be written as the [[complement (set theory)|set-theoretic difference]] of two [[closed set|closed]] [[subset]]s of ''Y''.
As a corollary, a [[dense (topology)|dense]] subspace ''X'' of a locally compact Hausdorff space ''Y'' is locally compact if and only if ''X'' is an [[open subset]] of ''Y''.
Furthermore, if a subspace ''X'' of ''any'' Hausdorff space ''Y'' is locally compact, then ''X'' still must be the difference of two closed subsets of ''Y'', although the [[converse (logic)|converse]] needn't hold in this case.
[[Quotient space]]s of locally compact Hausdorff spaces are [[compactly generated space|compactly generated]].
Conversely, every compactly generated Hausdorff space is a quotient of some locally compact Hausdorff space.
For locally compact spaces [[local uniform convergence]] is the same as [[compact convergence]].
=== The point at infinity ===
Since every locally compact Hausdorff space ''X'' is Tychonoff, it can be [[embedding (topology)|embedded]] in a compact Hausdorff space b(''X'') using the [[Stone–Čech compactification]].
But in fact, there is a simpler method available in the locally compact case; the [[one-point compactification]] will embed ''X'' in a compact Hausdorff space a(''X'') with just one extra point.
(The one-point compactification can be applied to other spaces, but a(''X'') will be Hausdorff [[if and only if]] ''X'' is locally compact and Hausdorff.)
The locally compact Hausdorff spaces can thus be characterised as the [[open subset]]s of compact Hausdorff spaces.
Intuitively, the extra point in a(''X'') can be thought of as a '''point at infinity'''.
The point at infinity should be thought of as lying outside every compact subset of ''X''.
Many intuitive notions about tendency towards infinity can be formulated in locally compact Hausdorff spaces using this idea.
For example, a [[continuous function (topology)|continuous]] [[real number|real]] or [[complex number|complex]] valued [[function (mathematics)|function]] ''f'' with [[domain (function)|domain]] ''X'' is said to ''[[vanish at infinity]]'' if, given any [[positive number]] ''e'', there is a compact subset ''K'' of ''X'' such that |''f''(''x'')| < ''e'' whenever the [[Point (geometry)|point]] ''x'' lies outside of ''K''. This definition makes sense for any topological space ''X''. If ''X'' is locally compact and Hausdorff, such functions are precisely those extendable to a continuous function ''g'' on its one-point compactification a(''X'') = ''X'' ∪ {∞} where ''g''(∞) = 0.
The set C<sub>0</sub>(''X'') of all continuous complex-valued functions that vanish at infinity is a [[C-star algebra|C* algebra]]. In fact, every [[commutative]] C* algebra is [[isomorphic]] to C<sub>0</sub>(''X'') for some [[unique]] ([[up to]] [[homeomorphism]]) locally compact Hausdorff space ''X''. More precisely, the [[category theory|categories]] of locally compact Hausdorff spaces and of commutative C* algebras are [[duality (category theory)|dual]]; this is shown using the [[Gelfand representation]]. Forming the one-point compactification a(''X'') of ''X'' corresponds under this duality to adjoining an [[identity element]] to C<sub>0</sub>(''X'').
=== Locally compact groups ===
The notion of local compactness is important in the study of [[topological group]]s mainly because every Hausdorff [[locally compact group]] ''G'' carries natural [[measure theory|measures]] called the [[Haar measure]]s which allow one to [[integral|integrate]] [[measurable function]]s defined on ''G''.
The [[Lebesgue measure]] on the [[real line]] '''R''' is a special case of this.
The [[Pontryagin dual]] of a [[topological abelian group]] ''A'' is locally compact [[if and only if]] ''A'' is locally compact.
More precisely, Pontryagin duality defines a self-[[duality (category theory)|duality]] of the [[category theory|category]] of locally compact abelian groups.
The study of locally compact abelian groups is the foundation of [[harmonic analysis]], a field that has since spread to non-abelian locally compact groups.
*{{cite book |last = Kelley |first = John | title = General Topology |year= 1975 | publisher = Springer | isbn = 0-387-90125-6}}
*{{cite book | last = Munkres | first = James | year = 1999 | title = Topology | edition = 2nd | publisher = Prentice Hall | isbn = 0-13-181629-2}}
*{{Cite book | last1=Steen | first1=Lynn Arthur | author1-link=Lynn Arthur Steen | last2=Seebach | first2=J. Arthur Jr. | author2-link=J. Arthur Seebach, Jr. | title=[[Counterexamples in Topology]] | origyear=1978 | publisher=[[Springer-Verlag]] | location=Berlin, New York | edition=[[Dover Publications|Dover]] reprint of 1978 | isbn=978-0-486-68735-3 | mr=507446  | year=1995 | postscript=<!--None-->}}
*{{cite book | last = Willard | first = Stephen | title = General Topology | publisher = Addison-Wesley | year = 1970 | isbn = 0-486-43479-6 (Dover edition)}}
[[Category:Compactness (mathematics)]]
[[Category:General topology]]
[[Category:Properties of topological spaces]]

Revision as of 05:56, 13 January 2014

In topology and related branches of mathematics, a topological space is called locally compact if, roughly speaking, each small portion of the space looks like a small portion of a compact space.

Formal definition

Let X be a topological space. Most commonly X is called locally compact, if every point of X has a compact neighbourhood.

There are other common definitions: They are all equivalent if X is a Hausdorff space (or preregular). But they are not equivalent in general:

1. every point of X has a compact neighbourhood.
2. every point of X has a closed compact neighbourhood.
2′. every point of X has a relatively compact neighbourhood.
2″. every point of X has a local base of relatively compact neighbourhoods.
3. every point of X has a local base of compact neighbourhoods.

Logical relations among the conditions:

  • Conditions (2), (2′), (2″) are equivalent.
  • Neither of conditions (2), (3) implies the other.
  • Each condition implies (1).
  • Compactness implies conditions (1) and (2), but not (3).

Condition (1) is probably the most commonly used definition, since it is the least restrictive and the others are equivalent to it when X is a Hausdorff. This equivalence is a consequence of the facts that compact subsets of Hausdorff spaces are closed, and closed subsets of compact spaces are compact.

Authors such as Munkres and Kelley use the first definition. Willard uses the third. In Steen and Seebach, a space which satisfies (1) is said to be locally compact, while a space satisfying (2) is said to be strongly locally compact.

In almost all applications, locally compact spaces are also Hausdorff, and this article is thus primarily concerned with locally compact Hausdorff (LCH) spaces.

Warning: Allen Hatcher uses another definition! On page 62 of his Algebraic Topology, he explains that if he says locally [something] then he means that every open neighbourhood of any point contains a [something] type of neighbourhood for the point. Thus, for Hatcher, locally compact has a stronger meaning. Interestingly, this stronger definition allows for us to omit the Hausdorff condition in many situations. For example, all of Hatcher's locally compact spaces have the property that the functor: has the right adjoint :.

By definition of a local base, this property is identical to

3'. for every point x of X the compact neighbourhoods of x form a local base.

and therefore equivalent to (3).

Examples and counterexamples

Compact Hausdorff spaces

Every compact Hausdorff space is also locally compact, and many examples of compact spaces may be found in the article compact space. Here we mention only:

Locally compact Hausdorff spaces that are not compact

Hausdorff spaces that are not locally compact

As mentioned in the following section, no Hausdorff space can possibly be locally compact if it is not also a Tychonoff space; there are some examples of Hausdorff spaces that are not Tychonoff spaces in that article. But there are also examples of Tychonoff spaces that fail to be locally compact, such as:

The first two examples show that a subset of a locally compact space need not be locally compact, which contrasts with the open and closed subsets in the previous section. The last example contrasts with the Euclidean spaces in the previous section; to be more specific, a Hausdorff topological vector space is locally compact if and only if it is finite-dimensional (in which case it is a Euclidean space). This example also contrasts with the Hilbert cube as an example of a compact space; there is no contradiction because the cube cannot be a neighbourhood of any point in Hilbert space.

Non-Hausdorff examples

  • The one-point compactification of the rational numbers Q is compact and therefore locally compact in senses (1) and (2) but it is not locally compact in sense (3).
  • The particular point topology on any infinite set is locally compact in sense (3) but not in sense (2), because it has no nonempty closed compact subspaces containing the particular point. The same holds for the real line with the upper topology.


Every locally compact preregular space is, in fact, completely regular. It follows that every locally compact Hausdorff space is a Tychonoff space. Since straight regularity is a more familiar condition than either preregularity (which is usually weaker) or complete regularity (which is usually stronger), locally compact preregular spaces are normally referred to in the mathematical literature as locally compact regular spaces. Similarly locally compact Tychonoff spaces are usually just referred to as locally compact Hausdorff spaces.

Every locally compact Hausdorff space is a Baire space. That is, the conclusion of the Baire category theorem holds: the interior of every union of countably many nowhere dense subsets is empty.

A subspace X of a locally compact Hausdorff space Y is locally compact if and only if X can be written as the set-theoretic difference of two closed subsets of Y. As a corollary, a dense subspace X of a locally compact Hausdorff space Y is locally compact if and only if X is an open subset of Y. Furthermore, if a subspace X of any Hausdorff space Y is locally compact, then X still must be the difference of two closed subsets of Y, although the converse needn't hold in this case.

Quotient spaces of locally compact Hausdorff spaces are compactly generated. Conversely, every compactly generated Hausdorff space is a quotient of some locally compact Hausdorff space.

For locally compact spaces local uniform convergence is the same as compact convergence.

The point at infinity

Since every locally compact Hausdorff space X is Tychonoff, it can be embedded in a compact Hausdorff space b(X) using the Stone–Čech compactification. But in fact, there is a simpler method available in the locally compact case; the one-point compactification will embed X in a compact Hausdorff space a(X) with just one extra point. (The one-point compactification can be applied to other spaces, but a(X) will be Hausdorff if and only if X is locally compact and Hausdorff.) The locally compact Hausdorff spaces can thus be characterised as the open subsets of compact Hausdorff spaces.

Intuitively, the extra point in a(X) can be thought of as a point at infinity. The point at infinity should be thought of as lying outside every compact subset of X. Many intuitive notions about tendency towards infinity can be formulated in locally compact Hausdorff spaces using this idea. For example, a continuous real or complex valued function f with domain X is said to vanish at infinity if, given any positive number e, there is a compact subset K of X such that |f(x)| < e whenever the point x lies outside of K. This definition makes sense for any topological space X. If X is locally compact and Hausdorff, such functions are precisely those extendable to a continuous function g on its one-point compactification a(X) = X ∪ {∞} where g(∞) = 0.

The set C0(X) of all continuous complex-valued functions that vanish at infinity is a C* algebra. In fact, every commutative C* algebra is isomorphic to C0(X) for some unique (up to homeomorphism) locally compact Hausdorff space X. More precisely, the categories of locally compact Hausdorff spaces and of commutative C* algebras are dual; this is shown using the Gelfand representation. Forming the one-point compactification a(X) of X corresponds under this duality to adjoining an identity element to C0(X).

Locally compact groups

The notion of local compactness is important in the study of topological groups mainly because every Hausdorff locally compact group G carries natural measures called the Haar measures which allow one to integrate measurable functions defined on G. The Lebesgue measure on the real line R is a special case of this.

The Pontryagin dual of a topological abelian group A is locally compact if and only if A is locally compact. More precisely, Pontryagin duality defines a self-duality of the category of locally compact abelian groups. The study of locally compact abelian groups is the foundation of harmonic analysis, a field that has since spread to non-abelian locally compact groups.


  • 20 year-old Real Estate Agent Rusty from Saint-Paul, has hobbies and interests which includes monopoly, property developers in singapore and poker. Will soon undertake a contiki trip that may include going to the Lower Valley of the Omo.

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  • 20 year-old Real Estate Agent Rusty from Saint-Paul, has hobbies and interests which includes monopoly, property developers in singapore and poker. Will soon undertake a contiki trip that may include going to the Lower Valley of the Omo.

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  • 20 year-old Real Estate Agent Rusty from Saint-Paul, has hobbies and interests which includes monopoly, property developers in singapore and poker. Will soon undertake a contiki trip that may include going to the Lower Valley of the Omo.

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  • 20 year-old Real Estate Agent Rusty from Saint-Paul, has hobbies and interests which includes monopoly, property developers in singapore and poker. Will soon undertake a contiki trip that may include going to the Lower Valley of the Omo.

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