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== Oakley Occhiali Luongo è 1 5 2 con 4 ==
In the various branches of [[mathematics]] that fall under the heading of [[abstract algebra]], the '''kernel''' of a [[homomorphism]] measures the degree to which the homomorphism fails to be [[injective function|injective]].<ref>{{cite book | last1=Dummit | first1=David S. | last2=Foote | first2=Richard M. | title=Abstract Algebra | publisher=[[John Wiley & Sons]] | year=2004 | edition=3rd | isbn=0-471-43334-9}}</ref><ref>{{cite book | last=Lang | first=Serge | authorlink=Serge Lang | title=Algebra | publisher=[[Springer Science+Business Media|Springer]] | series=[[Graduate Texts in Mathematics]] | year=2002 | isbn=0-387-95385-X}}</ref> An important special case is the [[kernel (linear algebra)|kernel of a linear map]]. The [[kernel (matrix)|kernel of a matrix]], also called the ''null space'', is the kernel of the linear map defined by the matrix.

Io personalmente penso che sia fuori ad un grande inizio e che ha un grande potenziale. 'Il potenziale non sarà visto nelle prime settimane. Brad Keselowski, il campione di Coppa difesa, ha detto in gennaio che realisticamente dovrebbe prendere 18 mesi prima di poter stabilire se la vettura può correre bene.. <br><br>Spammy Backlinking: Cosa pinguino è in gran parte rivolge isaggressive, campagne backlinking su larga scala e altri sofisticati sistemi di manipolazione SERP di grandi cappellai neri. Penguin è stato istituito dopo JCPenny imbarazzato Google da solo aumentando con una massiccia campagna di backlink falso, ma ho non catturato da Google, ma da una vergogna molto pubblico nel NYT. Questi collegamenti don aiuto, ma credo che don male neanche. <br><br>Per qualche motivo il mio cattivo karma non pregiudica le squadre sotto le fila dei campionati professionali; Sono stato testimone di UC e Xavier vincente torneo conferenze e Torneo NCAA cerchio giochi. Ho scritto circa i Bearcats battere Duke nel Belk Bowl dello [ Oakley Occhiali] scorso anno. Squadra di hockey di Miami ha vinto una partita di postseason con me in giro l'anno scorso. <br><br>Abbiamo una buona squadra come qui adesso. Noi sappiamo che siamo meglio di questo. [ Nike Store] E 'stato progettato per ottenere un posizionamento più elevato. Comunemente siti web scoperto di avere redirector auto saranno penalizzati per questa attività. [ Hollister Milano] Tuttavia i motori di ricerca non sono impostati in modo che possano rilevare automaticamente la maggior parte delle tecniche di reindirizzamento. <br><br>Luongo è 1 5 2 con 4,09 gol contro la media [ Prada Gucci Uomo] nelle ultime 10 partite contro Anaheim. I Canucks iniziano una homestand sei partita Giovedi sera contro San Jose. I Ducks iniziano un viaggio di quattro game Martedì alla Florida.. Come molti altri giochi di Arkham, Blackgate è di supercriminali presa in consegna una prigione, e Batman andando a colpire loro. Si tratta di un prequel, così Batman dovrebbe essere meno fiduciosi nella sua posizione, ma nel gioco timeline si riflette solo nel fatto che egli non conosce Catwoman. Lei interpreta il ruolo di Oracle per qualche ragione, lo guida da obiettivo a obiettivo, nella sua ricerca di fermare tutti i cattivi e recuperare l'attrezzatura di attraversamento che aveva precedentemente nascosta in casse di tutto il carcere (di nuovo, per qualche motivo).. <br><br>L'allenatore dei Rangers NHL multato John Tortorella 20.000 dollari per maledire, commissario NHL Gary Bettman ha detto Martedì sulla stazione radio di New York WFAN non, a quanto pare, per chiamare Sidney Crosby e Evgeni Malkin 'stelle' piagnistei o implicitamente in discussione l'integrità dei funzionari. 'E 'un professionista. Egli sa meglio di così.'.
The definition of kernel takes various forms in various contexts. But in all of them, the kernel of a homomorphism is trivial (in a sense relevant to that context) if and only if the homomorphism is [[injective function|injective]]. The [[fundamental theorem on homomorphisms]] (or [[first isomorphism theorem]]) is a theorem, again taking various forms, that applies to the [[quotient algebra]] defined by the kernel.

== Scarpe Timberland  Forse ==
In this article, we first survey kernels for some important types of [[algebraic structure]]s; then we give general definitions from [[universal algebra]] for generic algebraic structures.

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==Survey of examples==
=== Linear maps ===
{{Main|Kernel (linear algebra)}}
Let ''V'' and ''W'' be [[vector space]]s (or more generally [[module (mathematics)|modules]]) and let ''T'' be a [[linear map]] from ''V'' to ''W''. If '''0'''<sub>''W''</sub> is the [[zero vector]] of ''W'', then the kernel of ''T'' is the [[preimage]] of the [[zero space|zero subspace]] {'''0'''<sub>''W''</sub>}; that is, the [[subset]] of ''V'' consisting of all those elements of ''V'' that are mapped by ''T'' to the element '''0'''<sub>''W''</sub>. The kernel is usually denoted as "ker ''T''", or some variation thereof:
:<math> \operatorname{ker} T := \{\mathbf{v} \in V : T\mathbf{v} = \mathbf{0}_{W}\}\text{.} </math>
Since a linear map preserves zero vectors, the zero vector '''0'''<sub>''V''</sub> of ''V'' must belong to the kernel. The transformation ''T'' is injective if and only if its kernel is reduced to the zero subspace.
The kernel ker ''T'' is always a [[linear subspace]] of ''V''. Thus, it makes sense to speak of the [[quotient space (linear algebra)|quotient space]] ''V''/(ker ''T''). The first isomorphism theorem for vector spaces states that this quotient space is [[natural isomorphism|naturally isomorphic]] to the [[image (function)|image]] of ''T'' (which is a subspace of ''W''). As a consequence, the [[dimension (linear algebra)|dimension]] of ''V'' equals the dimension of the kernel plus the dimension of the image.
If ''V'' and ''W'' are [[finite-dimensional vector space|finite-dimensional]] and [[basis (linear algebra)|bases]] have been chosen, then ''T'' can be described by a [[matrix (mathematics)|matrix]] ''M'', and the kernel can be computed by solving the homogeneous [[system of linear equations]] ''M'''''v''' = '''0'''. In this case, the kernel of ''T'' may be identified to the [[kernel (matrix)|kernel of the matrix]] ''M'', also called "null space" of ''M''. The dimension of the null space, called the nullity of ''M'', is given by the number of columns of ''M'' minus the [[rank (matrix theory)|rank]] of ''M'', as a consequence of the [[rank-nullity theorem]].
Solving [[homogeneous differential equation]]s often amounts to computing the kernel of certain [[differential operator]]s.
For instance, in order to find all twice-[[differentiable function]]s ''f'' from the [[real line]] to itself such that
: ''x'' ''f''′′(''x'') + 3''f''′(''x'') = ''f''(''x''),
let ''V'' be the space of all twice differentiable functions, let ''W'' be the space of all functions, and define a linear operator ''T'' from ''V'' to ''W'' by
: (''Tf'')(''x'') = ''x'' ''f''′′(''x'') + 3''f''′(''x'') − ''f''(''x'')
for ''f'' in ''V'' and ''x'' an arbitrary [[real number]].
Then all solutions to the differential equation are in ker ''T''.
One can define kernels for [[homomorphism]]s between [[module (mathematics)|module]]s over a [[ring (mathematics)|ring]] in an analogous manner. This includes kernels for homomorphisms between [[abelian group]]s as a special case. This example captures the essence of kernels in general [[abelian categories]]; see [[Kernel (category theory)]].
===Group homomorphisms===
Let ''G'' and ''H'' be [[group (mathematics)|group]]s and let ''f'' be a [[group homomorphism]] from ''G'' to ''H''.
If ''e''<sub>''H''</sub> is the [[identity element]] of ''H'', then the ''kernel'' of ''f'' is the preimage of the singleton set {''e''<sub>''H''</sub>}; that is, the subset of ''G'' consisting of all those elements of ''G'' that are mapped by ''f'' to the element ''e''<sub>''H''</sub>.
The kernel is usually denoted "ker ''f''" (or a variation).
In symbols:
: <math> \operatorname{ker} f := \{g \in G : f(g) = e_{H}\}\mbox{.}</math>
Since a group homomorphism preserves identity elements, the identity element ''e''<sub>''G''</sub> of ''G'' must belong to the kernel.
The homomorphism ''f'' is injective if and only if its kernel is only the singleton set {''e''<sub>''G''</sub>}.
It turns out that ker ''f'' is not only a [[subgroup]] of ''G'' but in fact a [[normal subgroup]].
Thus, it makes sense to speak of the [[quotient group]] ''G''/(ker ''f'').
The first isomorphism theorem for groups states that this quotient group is [[natural isomorphism|naturally isomorphic]] to the [[image (function)|image]] of ''f'' (which is a subgroup of ''H'').
In the special case of [[abelian group]]s, this works in exactly the same way as in the previous section.
===Ring homomorphisms===
Let ''R'' and ''S'' be [[ring (mathematics)|ring]]s (assumed [[unital algebra|unital]]) and let ''f'' be a [[ring homomorphism]] from ''R'' to ''S''.
If 0<sub>''S''</sub> is the [[zero element]] of ''S'', then the ''kernel'' of ''f'' is its kernel as linear map over the integers, or, equivalently, as additive groups. It is the preimage of the [[zero ideal]] {0<sub>''S''</sub>}, which is, the subset of ''R'' consisting of all those elements of ''R'' that are mapped by ''f'' to the element 0<sub>''S''</sub>.
The kernel is usually denoted "ker ''f''" (or a variation).
In symbols:
: <math> \operatorname{ker} f := \{r \in R : f(r) = 0_{S}\}\mbox{.} \! </math>
Since a ring homomorphism preserves zero elements, the zero element 0<sub>''R''</sub> of ''R'' must belong to the kernel.
The homomorphism ''f'' is injective if and only if its kernel is only the singleton set {0<sub>''R''</sub>}.
It turns out that, although ker ''f'' is generally not a [[subring]] of ''R'' since it may not contain  the multiplicative identity if ''S'' is not the [[null ring]] (although the kernel is a subring for nonunital rings). Nevertheless it is a two-sided [[ideal (ring theory)|ideal]] of ''R''.
Thus, it makes sense to speak of the [[quotient ring]] ''R''/(ker ''f'').
The first isomorphism theorem for rings states that this quotient ring is [[natural isomorphism|naturally isomorphic]] to the [[image (function)|image]] of ''f'' (which is a subring of ''S''). (note that rings need not be unital for the kernel definition).
To some extent, this can be thought of as a special case of the situation for modules, since these are all [[bimodule]]s over a ring ''R'':
* ''R'' itself;
* any two-sided ideal of ''R'' (such as ker ''f'');
* any quotient ring of ''R'' (such as ''R''/(ker ''f'')); and
* the [[codomain]] of any ring homomorphism whose domain is ''R'' (such as ''S'', the codomain of ''f'').
However, the isomorphism theorem gives a stronger result, because ring isomorphisms preserve multiplication while module isomorphisms (even between rings) in general do not.
This example captures the essence of kernels in general [[Mal'cev algebra]]s.
===Monoid homomorphisms===
Let ''M'' and ''N'' be [[monoid (algebra)|monoid]]s and let ''f'' be a [[monoid homomorphism]] from ''M'' to ''N''.
Then the ''kernel'' of ''f'' is the subset of the [[direct product]] ''M'' &times; ''M'' consisting of all those [[ordered pair]]s of elements of ''M'' whose components are both mapped by ''f'' to the same element in ''N''.
The kernel is usually denoted "ker ''f''" (or a variation).
In symbols:
: <math> \operatorname{ker} f := \{(m,m') \in M \times M : f(m) = f(m')\}\mbox{.} \! </math>
Since ''f'' is a [[function (mathematics)|function]], the elements of the form (''m'',''m'') must belong to the kernel.
The homomorphism ''f'' is injective if and only if its kernel is only the [[Equality (mathematics)|diagonal set]] {(m,m) : ''m'' in ''M''}.
It turns out that ker ''f'' is an [[equivalence relation]] on ''M'', and in fact a [[congruence relation]].
Thus, it makes sense to speak of the [[quotient monoid]] ''M''/(ker ''f'').
The first isomorphism theorem for monoids states that this quotient monoid is [[natural isomorphism|naturally isomorphic]] to the [[image (function)|image]] of ''f'' (which is a [[submonoid]] of ''N''),(for the congruence relation).
This is very different in flavour from the above examples.
In particular, the preimage of the identity element of ''N'' is ''not'' enough to determine the kernel of ''f''.
This is because monoids are not Mal'cev algebras.
==Universal algebra==
All the above cases may be unified and generalized in [[universal algebra]].
===General case===
Let ''A'' and ''B'' be [[algebraic structure]]s of a given type and let ''f'' be a [[homomorphism]] of that type from ''A'' to ''B''.
Then the ''kernel'' of ''f'' is the subset of the [[direct product]] ''A'' &times; ''A'' consisting of all those [[ordered pair]]s of elements of ''A'' whose components are both mapped by ''f'' to the same element in ''B''.
The kernel is usually denoted "ker ''f''" (or a variation).
In symbols:
: <math> \operatorname{ker} f := \{(a,a') \in A \times A : f(a) = f(a')\}\mbox{.} \! </math>
Since ''f'' is a [[function (mathematics)|function]], the elements of the form (''a'',''a'') must belong to the kernel.
The homomorphism ''f'' is injective if and only if its kernel is only the diagonal set {(a,a) : ''a'' in ''A''}.
It turns out that ker ''f'' is an [[equivalence relation]] on ''A'', and in fact a [[congruence relation]].
Thus, it makes sense to speak of the [[quotient algebra]] ''A''/(ker ''f'').
The first isomorphism theorem in general universal algebra states that this quotient algebra is [[natural isomorphism|naturally isomorphic]] to the [[image (function)|image]] of ''f'' (which is a [[subalgebra]] of ''B'').
Note that the definition of kernel here (as in the monoid example) doesn't depend on the algebraic structure; it is a purely [[Set (mathematics)|set]]-theoretic concept.
For more on this general concept, outside of abstract algebra, see [[kernel of a function]].
===Mal'cev algebras===
{{Main|Malcev algebra}}
In the case of Mal'cev algebras, this construction can be simplified. Every Mal'cev algebra has a special [[neutral element]] (the [[null vector]] in the case of [[vector space]]s, the [[identity element]] in the case of [[commutative group]]s, and the [[zero element]] in the case of [[ring (mathematics)|ring]]s or [[module (mathematics)|module]]s). The characteristic feature of a Mal'cev algebra is that we can recover the entire equivalence relation ker ''f'' from the [[equivalence class]] of the neutral element.
To be specific, let ''A'' and ''B'' be Mal'cev algebraic structures of a given type and let ''f'' be a homomorphism of that type from ''A'' to ''B''. If ''e''<sub>''B''</sub> is the neutral element of ''B'', then the ''kernel'' of ''f'' is the [[preimage]] of the [[singleton set]] {''e''<sub>''B''</sub>}; that is, the [[subset]] of ''A'' consisting of all those elements of ''A'' that are mapped by ''f'' to the element ''e''<sub>''B''</sub>.
The kernel is usually denoted "ker ''f''" (or a variation). In symbols:
: <math> \mathop{\mathrm{ker}} f := \{a \in A : f(a) = e_{B}\}\mbox{.} \! </math>
Since a Mal'cev algebra homomorphism preserves neutral elements, the identity element ''e''<sub>''A''</sub> of ''A'' must belong to the kernel. The homomorphism ''f'' is injective if and only if its kernel is only the singleton set {''e''<sub>''A''</sub>}.
The notion of [[ideal (ring theory)|ideal]] generalises to any Mal'cev algebra (as [[linear subspace]] in the case of vector spaces, [[normal subgroup]] in the case of groups, two-sided ideals in the case of rings, and [[submodule]] in the case of [[module (algebra)|module]]s).
It turns out that ker ''f'' is not [[subalgebra]] of ''A'', but it is an ideal.
Then it makes sense to speak of the [[quotient algebra]] ''G''/(ker ''f'').
The first isomorphism theorem for Mal'cev algebras states that this quotient algebra is naturally isomorphic to the image of ''f'' (which is a subalgebra of ''B'').
The connection between this and the congruence relation is for more general types of algebras is as follows.
First, the kernel-as-an-ideal is the equivalence class of the neutral element ''e''<sub>''A''</sub> under the kernel-as-a-congruence. For the converse direction, we need the notion of [[quotient]] in the Mal'cev algebra (which is [[division (mathematics)|division]] on either side for groups and [[subtraction]] for vector spaces, modules, and rings).
Using this, elements ''a'' and ''b'' of ''A'' are equivalent under the kernel-as-a-congruence if and only if their quotient ''a''/''b'' is an element of the kernel-as-an-ideal.
==Algebras with nonalgebraic structure==
Sometimes algebras are equipped with a nonalgebraic structure in addition to their algebraic operations.
For example, one may consider [[topological group]]s or [[topological vector space]]s, with are equipped with a [[topology (structure)|topology]].
In this case, we would expect the homomorphism ''f'' to preserve this additional structure; in the topological examples, we would want ''f'' to be a [[continuous map]].
The process may run into a snag with the quotient algebras, which may not be well-behaved.
In the topological examples, we can avoid problems by requiring that topological algebraic structures be [[Hausdorff space|Hausdorff]] (as is usually done); then the kernel (however it is constructed) will be a [[closed set]] and the [[quotient space (topology)|quotient space]] will work fine (and also be Hausdorff).
==Kernels in category theory==
The notion of ''kernel'' in [[category theory]] is a generalisation of the kernels of abelian algebras; see [[Kernel (category theory)]].
The categorical generalisation of the kernel as a congruence relation is the ''[[kernel pair]]''.
(There is also the notion of [[difference kernel]], or binary [[equalizer (mathematics)|equaliser]].)
{{DEFAULTSORT:Kernel (Algebra)}}
[[Category:Isomorphism theorems]]
[[Category:Linear algebra]]

Revision as of 21:54, 20 October 2013

In the various branches of mathematics that fall under the heading of abstract algebra, the kernel of a homomorphism measures the degree to which the homomorphism fails to be injective.[1][2] An important special case is the kernel of a linear map. The kernel of a matrix, also called the null space, is the kernel of the linear map defined by the matrix.

The definition of kernel takes various forms in various contexts. But in all of them, the kernel of a homomorphism is trivial (in a sense relevant to that context) if and only if the homomorphism is injective. The fundamental theorem on homomorphisms (or first isomorphism theorem) is a theorem, again taking various forms, that applies to the quotient algebra defined by the kernel.

In this article, we first survey kernels for some important types of algebraic structures; then we give general definitions from universal algebra for generic algebraic structures.

Survey of examples

Linear maps

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Let V and W be vector spaces (or more generally modules) and let T be a linear map from V to W. If 0W is the zero vector of W, then the kernel of T is the preimage of the zero subspace {0W}; that is, the subset of V consisting of all those elements of V that are mapped by T to the element 0W. The kernel is usually denoted as "ker T", or some variation thereof:


Since a linear map preserves zero vectors, the zero vector 0V of V must belong to the kernel. The transformation T is injective if and only if its kernel is reduced to the zero subspace.

The kernel ker T is always a linear subspace of V. Thus, it makes sense to speak of the quotient space V/(ker T). The first isomorphism theorem for vector spaces states that this quotient space is naturally isomorphic to the image of T (which is a subspace of W). As a consequence, the dimension of V equals the dimension of the kernel plus the dimension of the image.

If V and W are finite-dimensional and bases have been chosen, then T can be described by a matrix M, and the kernel can be computed by solving the homogeneous system of linear equations Mv = 0. In this case, the kernel of T may be identified to the kernel of the matrix M, also called "null space" of M. The dimension of the null space, called the nullity of M, is given by the number of columns of M minus the rank of M, as a consequence of the rank-nullity theorem.

Solving homogeneous differential equations often amounts to computing the kernel of certain differential operators. For instance, in order to find all twice-differentiable functions f from the real line to itself such that

x f′′(x) + 3f′(x) = f(x),

let V be the space of all twice differentiable functions, let W be the space of all functions, and define a linear operator T from V to W by

(Tf)(x) = x f′′(x) + 3f′(x) − f(x)

for f in V and x an arbitrary real number. Then all solutions to the differential equation are in ker T.

One can define kernels for homomorphisms between modules over a ring in an analogous manner. This includes kernels for homomorphisms between abelian groups as a special case. This example captures the essence of kernels in general abelian categories; see Kernel (category theory).

Group homomorphisms

Let G and H be groups and let f be a group homomorphism from G to H. If eH is the identity element of H, then the kernel of f is the preimage of the singleton set {eH}; that is, the subset of G consisting of all those elements of G that are mapped by f to the element eH. The kernel is usually denoted "ker f" (or a variation). In symbols:


Since a group homomorphism preserves identity elements, the identity element eG of G must belong to the kernel. The homomorphism f is injective if and only if its kernel is only the singleton set {eG}.

It turns out that ker f is not only a subgroup of G but in fact a normal subgroup. Thus, it makes sense to speak of the quotient group G/(ker f). The first isomorphism theorem for groups states that this quotient group is naturally isomorphic to the image of f (which is a subgroup of H).

In the special case of abelian groups, this works in exactly the same way as in the previous section.

Ring homomorphisms

Let R and S be rings (assumed unital) and let f be a ring homomorphism from R to S. If 0S is the zero element of S, then the kernel of f is its kernel as linear map over the integers, or, equivalently, as additive groups. It is the preimage of the zero ideal {0S}, which is, the subset of R consisting of all those elements of R that are mapped by f to the element 0S. The kernel is usually denoted "ker f" (or a variation). In symbols:


Since a ring homomorphism preserves zero elements, the zero element 0R of R must belong to the kernel. The homomorphism f is injective if and only if its kernel is only the singleton set {0R}.

It turns out that, although ker f is generally not a subring of R since it may not contain the multiplicative identity if S is not the null ring (although the kernel is a subring for nonunital rings). Nevertheless it is a two-sided ideal of R. Thus, it makes sense to speak of the quotient ring R/(ker f). The first isomorphism theorem for rings states that this quotient ring is naturally isomorphic to the image of f (which is a subring of S). (note that rings need not be unital for the kernel definition).

To some extent, this can be thought of as a special case of the situation for modules, since these are all bimodules over a ring R:

  • R itself;
  • any two-sided ideal of R (such as ker f);
  • any quotient ring of R (such as R/(ker f)); and
  • the codomain of any ring homomorphism whose domain is R (such as S, the codomain of f).

However, the isomorphism theorem gives a stronger result, because ring isomorphisms preserve multiplication while module isomorphisms (even between rings) in general do not.

This example captures the essence of kernels in general Mal'cev algebras.

Monoid homomorphisms

Let M and N be monoids and let f be a monoid homomorphism from M to N. Then the kernel of f is the subset of the direct product M × M consisting of all those ordered pairs of elements of M whose components are both mapped by f to the same element in N. The kernel is usually denoted "ker f" (or a variation). In symbols:


Since f is a function, the elements of the form (m,m) must belong to the kernel. The homomorphism f is injective if and only if its kernel is only the diagonal set {(m,m) : m in M}.

It turns out that ker f is an equivalence relation on M, and in fact a congruence relation. Thus, it makes sense to speak of the quotient monoid M/(ker f). The first isomorphism theorem for monoids states that this quotient monoid is naturally isomorphic to the image of f (which is a submonoid of N),(for the congruence relation).

This is very different in flavour from the above examples. In particular, the preimage of the identity element of N is not enough to determine the kernel of f. This is because monoids are not Mal'cev algebras.

Universal algebra

All the above cases may be unified and generalized in universal algebra.

General case

Let A and B be algebraic structures of a given type and let f be a homomorphism of that type from A to B. Then the kernel of f is the subset of the direct product A × A consisting of all those ordered pairs of elements of A whose components are both mapped by f to the same element in B. The kernel is usually denoted "ker f" (or a variation). In symbols:


Since f is a function, the elements of the form (a,a) must belong to the kernel.

The homomorphism f is injective if and only if its kernel is only the diagonal set {(a,a) : a in A}.

It turns out that ker f is an equivalence relation on A, and in fact a congruence relation. Thus, it makes sense to speak of the quotient algebra A/(ker f). The first isomorphism theorem in general universal algebra states that this quotient algebra is naturally isomorphic to the image of f (which is a subalgebra of B).

Note that the definition of kernel here (as in the monoid example) doesn't depend on the algebraic structure; it is a purely set-theoretic concept. For more on this general concept, outside of abstract algebra, see kernel of a function.

Mal'cev algebras

Mining Engineer (Excluding Oil ) Truman from Alma, loves to spend time knotting, largest property developers in singapore developers in singapore and stamp collecting. Recently had a family visit to Urnes Stave Church. In the case of Mal'cev algebras, this construction can be simplified. Every Mal'cev algebra has a special neutral element (the null vector in the case of vector spaces, the identity element in the case of commutative groups, and the zero element in the case of rings or modules). The characteristic feature of a Mal'cev algebra is that we can recover the entire equivalence relation ker f from the equivalence class of the neutral element.

To be specific, let A and B be Mal'cev algebraic structures of a given type and let f be a homomorphism of that type from A to B. If eB is the neutral element of B, then the kernel of f is the preimage of the singleton set {eB}; that is, the subset of A consisting of all those elements of A that are mapped by f to the element eB. The kernel is usually denoted "ker f" (or a variation). In symbols:


Since a Mal'cev algebra homomorphism preserves neutral elements, the identity element eA of A must belong to the kernel. The homomorphism f is injective if and only if its kernel is only the singleton set {eA}.

The notion of ideal generalises to any Mal'cev algebra (as linear subspace in the case of vector spaces, normal subgroup in the case of groups, two-sided ideals in the case of rings, and submodule in the case of modules). It turns out that ker f is not subalgebra of A, but it is an ideal. Then it makes sense to speak of the quotient algebra G/(ker f). The first isomorphism theorem for Mal'cev algebras states that this quotient algebra is naturally isomorphic to the image of f (which is a subalgebra of B).

The connection between this and the congruence relation is for more general types of algebras is as follows. First, the kernel-as-an-ideal is the equivalence class of the neutral element eA under the kernel-as-a-congruence. For the converse direction, we need the notion of quotient in the Mal'cev algebra (which is division on either side for groups and subtraction for vector spaces, modules, and rings). Using this, elements a and b of A are equivalent under the kernel-as-a-congruence if and only if their quotient a/b is an element of the kernel-as-an-ideal.

Algebras with nonalgebraic structure

Sometimes algebras are equipped with a nonalgebraic structure in addition to their algebraic operations. For example, one may consider topological groups or topological vector spaces, with are equipped with a topology. In this case, we would expect the homomorphism f to preserve this additional structure; in the topological examples, we would want f to be a continuous map. The process may run into a snag with the quotient algebras, which may not be well-behaved. In the topological examples, we can avoid problems by requiring that topological algebraic structures be Hausdorff (as is usually done); then the kernel (however it is constructed) will be a closed set and the quotient space will work fine (and also be Hausdorff).

Kernels in category theory

The notion of kernel in category theory is a generalisation of the kernels of abelian algebras; see Kernel (category theory). The categorical generalisation of the kernel as a congruence relation is the kernel pair. (There is also the notion of difference kernel, or binary equaliser.)


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